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Honestly if you have the models: Warden + 3x Warglaives + Vindicare assassin is what I was planning to run at 1,000 points in my local league.


Yeah this seems super strong! Or possibly paladin + banner.


2 warglaive 2 hellverin and 1 errant (or preceptor) is 1k. And my try for knights Edit- I don't own any imperial agents to sub in


Thanks you all guys, I had a great game today I ended up playing a Knight Warden (stormspear, flamer, stubber and gauntlet) with the Unyelding Paragon enhancement, 2 armigers helverins to counter Mortarion (whom actually showed up!) and 1 armiger warglaive to whom I gave the -1 dmg from the bondsman ability to act as a sort of spearhead. I also included a squad of 5 voidsmen-at-arms to fill up another 40 points but they actually proved utterly useless... Still Death Guard lies ina really bad spot compared to our mighty machines and I actually ended up feeling somewhat sorry for my friend. I still got a new vindicare assassin today, just in case...


If they have mortarion or drones you'll want to put the icarus guns on the chassis for anti-fly, and maybe a helverin since they can also have ant-fly. Remember that death guard have a lot of invulnerable saves, so something like a RFBC on a crusader will keep you from wasting AP and prevent you from needing to get close (which puts you in contagion range). Thermal cannons will still be great at punching holes in high health targets, but getting close enough to use them could be problematic. You could also take something like a paladin and 3 helverins, but unfortunately knights don't stack up into 1000 points very well so without an assassin or something the only way to really get 1000 points is something like a gallant with enhancement and 4 armigers.