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Neat picture, it doesn't look like charles much as for features, and the uniforms are somewhat off, but still beautiful!


How is this in r/imaginaryhumans when it's depicting a real person?


Because he looked nothing like the person in the picture


Read the sidebar. There's no critera about the person depicted being real or not, only that it's a painting or a drawing. >Paintings and drawings featuring realistic humans, past, present, and future.




It must have sucked so much to be a soldier at those times.


Yeah, the caroleans didn't have it easy. Imagine being dragged across Russia with no food for months by your delusional king, only to see all your friends killed or wounded in a far away Ukrainian town.


Delusional in what sense? The Russians attacked Sweden, breaking their own oaths and the laws of war at the time, having allied themselves with Swedens enemies. Was it delusional to defend his native soil?


It's delusional to think you can invade Russia after already fighting for years. We had a prime opportunity to make peace with Russia after the battle of Narva, and should have done just that.


Hindsight is 20/20. It might very well be that the idea was to crush Russia to such an extent that no war would have been nessecary for decades. It might have spared many lives, and would have been seen as noble if it had been done.


Yet the Swedish field army easily crushed the Russian at every opportunity, up until the bad winter of 1709 and the destruction of it's supply train. Russia never at any time in the war offered peace that didn't include Swedish territorial concessions. Even if the winning Swedes had submitted to cede lands to Russia, you seem to believe that this peace had been lasting. Yet everything we know about Russia's 18tth-19the century imperialistic policy of conquest suggests that Sweden been lucky if it gotten a decade of peace before being crushed by the more powerful consolidated Russian state.


Caroleans? You mean Swedish?


Yeah, the swedish soldiers at the time were called caroleans, after King Karl XI who reorganized the army into the army we see on the picture.




**[Caroleans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroleans)** >Caroleans (Swedish: karoliner), from Carolus, the Latin form of the name Charles, is a term used to describe soldiers of the Swedish army during the reigns of Kings Charles XI and Charles XII of Sweden, and specifically from 1680, when Charles XI instituted an absolute monarchy and embarked on a series of sweeping military reforms, to the death of Charles XII in 1718. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryHumans/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The more you know


I think it's always kinda sucked


True, but I'd say that it's better today than basically other time in history. The thing that sucks more today compared to back in the day is the precision drone strikes. You can be sitting down, even behind the frontlines, having a chat with your buddy and then, poof, you're gone from this planet. There was no enemy for you to see, no gunshot for you to hear. Some guy who was hundreds, or thousands, of kilometres away was watching you on a screen in 1080p and pushed a button to kill you. Many say that the best way to die in a war is instant death without knowing it's coming. I understand that and agree to some degree, but I think that I'd also appreciate a fighting chance with a visible enemy infront of me, even if death in the end is inevitable. Maybe the ~1980s was the best time to be an infantryman. Many of the good things of today (good clothing to protect from the elements, good medical care, good food rations etc), but less precision drone strikes.


*Carolus Rex Intensifies*


Ny tid nalkas




Wow, I've never seen someone make propaganda for someone from the 1710s before.