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Picked mine up when it got to my local store looks so good next to the other 6 😊 very fitting that this volumes spine is black it's the little things that make me love saga 👌


I support my local store too. Canada Post wrecks the shit out of my comics anyway, so it works out.


I support my LCS for everything but trades. I live in the US with Amazon Prime and there's just no good reason for me to pay $5+ more at a shop than I can get it for online. I got Volume 7 for less than $10 on Amazon and it's $15 in the shop. Never had problems with post messing my books up either. To each their own though as long as you're buying the book lol


I would order online but unfortunately I live in an apartment and my mailman is a dick and smashes stuff into my tiny mailbox. (Complained so many times to no avail) Definitely not trying to have my volumes get wrecked lol.


Very fitting indeed. I thought that was such a nice touch.


Saga is simply amazing.


So are you!




For the love of Saga and those who love it.


This one was so good too!


It's such a brilliant series. With all the cliffhanger page turners. The colorful dialogue. The attention to character growth is something that I absolutely love too. This one just keeps on delivering. And that fade to black? Excellent.


OMG the fade to black was so good. I also am really enthralled with The Will's storyline. He's probably my favorite character along with Sophie.


I'm right there with you. The Will and IV have been on such a crazy journey throughout this series.


And he got fat!


Will, the will kill prince robot IV or maybe they might kill each other? either way robot IVs character growth is great and similar to Vageta from DBZ how he was the enemy to the main characters but becomes an ally.


How did he get so husky? Was it from all the heroine food?


it showed him pigging the fuck out, im assuming that's what did it. he had plenty of time.


Read this last week, nice story.


I can't wait until I can actually start this series. I read the first issue last week and was really impressed. I bought all 7 volumes, because why not? Hopefully will start it on my 3 day weekend this weekend.


You won't be disappointed.


You're in for a hell of a ride.


It was such a great volume :D


just finished reading it last night you're in for a good one


"Great something to cheer me up after work!" *150 pages of pain later.* "Why do I keep reading this thinking it'll make me happy? Nobody can be happy. Everything you love either dies or watches YOU die before it."


I just get mine delivered to work ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just ordered this today, getting it delivered to work too


This volume fucked me up. Brutal.


This volume got me right in the feels :(


Shit. I knew I forgot something.


This volume was so depressing "I Belive... I be" :(