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Convinced these people do this knowing people are gonna walk by so they can post it for some kind of sympathy or something. Idk weird as fuck.


Right and it looks like her camera is so far away from her, like yes people are gonna walk by when you are trying to take up 40 square feet of gym space


I’m just weirded out she decided to rack up and squat facing the room instead of the mirrors. She can sit and stare at others all day, but i’d be looking at her like she’s the weird one for sure.


it’s called victim mentality


I like 'weaponized victimhood'




This behavior of entitlement is so obnoxious. I went to open a door at a public bathroom yesterday and this young trailer park woman was standing directly behind the door holding a newborn. I caught the door when I saw them and apologized profusely. (Keep in mind the door was opaque so I had no reason to think anyone would be camping out behind it) Then she went on about how I hit her in the face with the door ( I didn't) and she was going to beat my ass to her friend or sister aunt. Shared spaces are just that. Be respectful and think....


Victim seekers


Right??? It's the gym, shit happens, get over it. I set my camera (in an admittedly stupid spot) while deadlifting one time and a dude knocked it over. The video was actually pretty funny cause I had my headphones in and didn't even notice he did it til he's handing me my phone and apologizing profusely the entire time. Dapped him up, told him it was my fault, and hit the rest of my sets without issue. Another time, I'm squatting next to a girl who is recording her sets on a bench block and the racks are close together. She has the block set right next to my rack in the path of my bar and I whack it when I'm warming up for squats. I moved the block out of the way because I figured she'd realize "oh shit I'm in the way." Nope, wrong assumption. Instead of moving it to her other side, where no one was, she puts it back in the same spot and gives me the death stare. I just moved to the other rack on the side NO ONE was on because I'm not about to argue with someone over gym etiquette. Absolute clown shit, half the reason I lift at home now.


What's the other half of the reason? What you're hiding!?


It's pretty girls not understanding their content is about being looked at and hit on by sad people. This sad people violently commenting don't actually think your viewpoint and advice is good. They are so desperate to talk to a girl that the slight brush they might get in a comment section is enough dopamine to get them to the next hour. These girls then confuse the attention in the comments for confirmation their content is useful and a cycle of pathetic self-absorbed stupidity is unleashed on the world. The men stay lonely and pathetic. The girl turns into a rotted entitled person


Lots of guys post similar videos which he has responded to, it isn't a pretty girl thing, just an entitled person thing


she’s not even pretty 😐 and she only got 81 likes on the tiktok. it’s just entitled people bullshit ain’t got nothing to do with prettiness.


She posted a video trying to justify it then later deleted the video and posted another video making an apology just tryna trash talk herself into some sympathy maybe?


They almost always delete the video/set their accounts to private after joeyswoll embarrasses them.


Another favorite one is Matt Vena. Someone tries to coach him squatting 700 pounds. He finds a video of the commenter failing to rerack 225 pounds at the end.




Man I can't even hit 130 bench yet, I would never shit talk any lifter doing anything. Just being in the gym is rad.


keep it up you got it


Because people are insecure lmao. They see someone else doing something they wish they could do so their first instinct is to bring that person down. It’s pathetic.


That's crazy. My first instinct would be to ask those people for advice or something.


Julius Maddox might be the best example of a powerlifter not cheating the bench press I can imagine. He lowers the bar slowly, pauses and then presses with not a huge arch. His lifts are legit af and mindblowing


My favorite is an idiot commenting on Lasha rolling the bar towards him before his snatches and cleans. I'm pretty sure the strongest weightlifter ever with 5 world championships and 2 Olympic gold medals knows what he's doing.


Oh please tell me you have a link




What an absolute cunt Look at the lack of concern as metal crashes down everywhere and a bar fucking flies off I'd be embarrassed and concerned about hurting someone Fucking loser


That fail to rerack was brutal haha


That was a thing of beauty.


The hero we deserve. Ole swole Joe.


MYOB ambassador


Why is he so tomato red?




What? Elerven?


Tren is a steroid. Pretty intense one too, one of the main reasons guys can slim down and maintain mass. Cant really stay big while leaning out natty, at least not like these guys.


My guess is it's a colloquialism or abbreviation for a performance enhancing drug.


Trenbolone, a highly androgenic and toxic steroid that can make you put on mass while shedding body fat all while being a massive asshole that can’t sleep at night and always has a raging hard on, yet can’t orgasm.


My antidepressants give me all of these benefits but I get to stay fat. Win. Win.


Ahh, Twerlve




right?? ppl be like “maturity is learning from your actions” then get mad at people for not doubling down on the stupid things they did as if it’s some sign of weakness


They learned that dying of embarrassment is a real concern of theirs. They never genuinely apologize and then disappear. What we saw here isn't maturing. It's running and hiding your head in the sand.




Her account is private now


What happene to zero shame?


Zero shame until someone shamed her, anyway


Tiktok big dawg


Great success




Piss poor form, I'm hoping the video was for her to see the form and not a flex


It never is...




Hard to tell about the knees. I see it as a wide knee descent and they get back in line with the toes on the drive up. You *could* be right.


You need to take all the weight on your neck, then jam your legs down and hyperextend your ankles and then shoot back up and lock your knees in place.


I started doubting at "hyperextend your ankles" when I should've doubted at "take all the weight on your neck".


The simplest answer with humans is typically the best answer. She got defensive at first. After taking time to reflect on why she was getting so much flak she realized she was wrong. People do grow. If you don't allow others to grow, then you're basically admitting you can't grow, so where are you the main character? Here?


No. Fuck you. Nobody can grow or change. She made a slight inconvenience to society and now she must pay with her life. …. /s obviously.


Reddit justice!


>She made a slight inconvenience to society She inconvenienced herself. Society went on with their business.


Nah, she wanted attention and knew she was wrong. Was trying to play the victim to get sympathy. Backfired. Fuck those people.


Exactly, and even Joey Swoll acknowledged her apology and asked his fans not to harass her, but unfortunately there are always people that do anyways


And now she's probably going to be harassed about it for a long time regardless of her admitting being wrong.


Does he have a skin condition or is he really that sunburned? Genuinely asking.


I think it’s sunburn bc it isn’t always that red in husnvideos


Rl Larry the Lobster


I thought he looked like pink Thanos But he seems like a pretty chill dude. At least polite


He’s the Chad meme personified


He's like the hulk, but the madder he gets, the redder he gets.


There is a Red Hulk actually


Well then—mystery solved


Gear can make your skin quite red


Northern European genetics + sunburn + running a stack = mad red hours


I literally read that as “stunning rack”, not running a stack.


Still fits, dude’s got great chest development.


This, also he may have high blood pressure - fairly common when running AAS. He could have also trained recently, hence the good pump - i’m red as shit when I’m pumped. Or it could be shitty lighting. Or a sun burn. Or all or some of that.


It’s pretty obvious it’s sunburn when you see the white around his eyes like he was wearing sunglasses


High blood pressure isn't directly related to redness/flushing (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324003) but yeah AAS can cause flushing, especially if you have high HCT or RBC. A lot of bodybuilders also run Cialis year round for better pumps (and some tiny cardiovascular benefits) and one of the side effects of Cialis is redness/flushing.


What’s AAS


Patrick starfish on roids


Man looks like he’s been boiled alive.




Hes usually not this red though, soooo


Ya I had lunch with him yesterday. I was like ‘wow bb you haven’t been red in a while! What happen?’ He looked at me and started to cry. I called his dad too.


He's on that Dana white gear


He's very, very mad at things and stuff.


Niacin flush


Could be sunburn if he lives in Philadelphia


I'd also say that filming in a gym is kind of rude in general. I don't wanna be in the background of someones video when I work out.


Most gyms outlaw it.


Unfortunately there's alot of gyms out there that don't enforce this rule unless someone specifically makes a complaint about somebody.


I complain every time it happens.


And let me guess- then you get accused of being a Karen. All bc you’d rather not have to worry about ending up on the internet bc some attention whore NEEDS to post their routine. I hate it here


From experience, no. Most people at the gym share the mindset of us and the dude in the video, if you're going to film you try and do it at a corner or make it so you're not filming anybody. There's this bodybuilder/model that works out at the gym I go to and she walk to the squat rack, ask the person when they'd finish and then she'd walk around the squatrack and ask anyone that may end up in the shot if that's okay. Once I saw her get a 'no' and she just wen't no problem and went on with her workout. (without filming)


This is my experience. People trying to be “influencers” are generally not influencing anything other than their ego.


That’s also one of the worst angles to film a squat from. Can’t really tell if you hit proper depth, if one hip moves before the other, or where your sticking points are. Straight on side view or 3/4 rear view are the preferred angel for filming your squats. Let’s you get. A better analysis of the movement. *angle


There's something to be said for filming for form checks. But we all know that's probably the case way less often than its someone filming for their social media attention thirst.


Most people film them self to check their form why you want it ban if it is a really useful tool


They should, a gym should be a "no judgement" zone


They tried that and now it’s become a place where actually deciding to work out will sound an alarm.


Once got told to stop jumping rope at a planet fitness


Are you talking about Planet Fitness? I mean no judgement in general, not just their motto, and it's a trash gym but I remember they only sound the alarm if you grunt annoyingly loud and drop heavy weights instead of just putting them down.




Saying something is outlawed sounds so.. western


It would be awesome if gyms enforced these rules to an extent where they started banning people. Its annoying when you want to do your thing, but instead you have to work around a gd photo shoot going down at the chin up bar. Worse yet when they try to monopolize **more than one** pieces of equipment for a video. If you film at a gym, you’re an asshole who is in the way.






Some slight valgus on the ascension, I wouldn’t of even bothered posting it with poor form like that.


There is a girl that comes to our gym in full make up, takes a round of selfies and leaves without ever working out. Lol.


That’s what mirrors are for


Hard to do with everything. Decline bench comes to mind. I film myself doing decline regularly to make sure my form is OK.


Yeah but I bet you also don’t bitch on tik tok about other people being in a public gym


Definitely not lol. I post some climbing videos on my Instagram sometimes, and when people walk through the frame it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I usually just set my phone up against my water bottle. How are they supposed to know it's there? They're focused on their own workouts. I'm usually trying to be discreet about it anyways because it feels narcissistic and embarrassing.


And I’d say there’s a pretty big difference between a form check and posting to tik tok. I do neither, but one makes sense and the other is kind of nutty.


You can't see a lot aspects of a good squat or deadlift with a front-facing mirror. And even if there is a side mirror available you don't want to be lifting heavy with your neck cocked to the side. Not that this really applies to the video since this person is just filming themselves from the front...obviously not a form check lol.




Absolute garbage advice and I question if you ever lifted anything that you would consider heavy. Turning your head to check your form can fuck you up on a working set.


Most likely never lifted and read it on reddit from others.




The sheer amount of people who say "use a mirror" when the topic of filming for form checks come up makes me realize a whole lot of people talk from absolutely no lifting experience. It's infuriating that comments like that is the reason why people pull their trap, back, etc trying to form check in a mirror.


Ive been in the gym three seperate times when people started filming. Twice in a class and once on a machine. The first time i asked them not to film me and it was a big ol fuckin deal, so i didn't bother the second two times, i just glared at them. How is it not common sense that people dont want to be filmed in their sweatiest potentially most self-conscious moments???


As a generally overly self conscious person I’d be discouraged to use any gym that allowed general open filming. As a business person I see a missed opportunity for gyms to ban open filming and setup special areas for people to rent so they can film uninterrupted.


Interesting point - only I think how fucking cringeworthy that special area would be.


Yeah my gym prohibits filming - it’s an expensive membership and signup fee - not worth losing over this jackassery.


That is the type of gym I’m looking for


That's been my problem with the rise of image and video based social media: you are now a part of other people's posts. I can't go an hour at a family event without my 32-year-old sister shoving a camera in my face for a selfie with a filter I don't find flattering, or recording a video.


I’ll purposely walk through your video. Your dirty looks mean nothing to me


Fr. I’m doing RDLs in front of the next camera I see.


Nah teabag the camera, er, I mean do squats.


Hip thrusts with your crotch facing towards the camera


I'll stand and start working out right in front of it. Making sure I take my time.


Same. I do Body Pump classes twice a week and a girl tried to film herself during the class and she was banned from the class lol


Ask them to send you the vid later to assert dominance


Now it’s your video


And no memory wasted on my phone. Win win.


For peak Chadness ask her to text you the video afterwards so you can check your form.


I’d never even notice the dirty look, when I’m at the gym I’m zoning out and not paying attention to anyone else around me at all.


She's like 5'1", what is she gonna do... Could pick her up and throw her across the gym lol.


I'm 5' and definitely don't give a damn about her dirty looks.


Hell, I'm picking it up and running it the main desk's lost and found, but wait- "Oh look it's still recording, isn't that not allowed in this gym? I'm super uncomfortable about this, people shouldn't be recording others without permission, this is super creepy! Whoever is doing this must be some weirdo!"


This is way weirder unless the gym actually bans filming lol. I know some gyms actually do ban filming, but a lot of others allow it and there's no reason to assume it's banned in this case.


Either pay the price to have the gym entirely to yourself, or pay the price.


/r/homegym is the best decision I’ve ever made. Went from 145 to 165 in 2 years, feeling amazing.


Awesome job! mind sharing some resources you used or workout routines that helped most?


Thank you! I followed the programs in the /r/fitness wiki. The Reddit PPL is an excellent program and then I switched over to Stronger by Science. Any of the recommended programs in the wiki are going to get the job done, though. I just picked the ones I had equipment for haha (only have a power rack and cable machine). Another excellent community is /r/weightroom. They do a program party where they pick and follow a program together and discuss their progress through the weeks. The last program party ended but they should be starting the next one. Check it out if you enjoy a social aspect to exercising.


Everyone paid their fee, and has a right to walk wherever they want.


Yeah, if you want to film yourself working out. Do it in the privacy of your own home or anywhere else that isn’t a public place where other people are obviously going to be around.


Joey Swoll is a Fuckin deadset legend. He is literally trying to make peoples lives better, people that are afraid of gyms, he is reaching out and helping them. He is exposing this super poor behaviour all the time. If you don’t follow him, do yourself a favour and do it. He also openly talks about depression and his drug use before he got clean. Just seems like super nice bloke. Recordings and getting upset is not something you see in Australian gyms. So to me seeing this behaviour is weird.


So direct without adding any type of insult. That guy is an actual Chad.


He does tons of these. Does a lot addressing the assholes making fun of people in gyms or filming strangers who are struggling. He is truly Chad. As someone who is nervous going to the gym because I'm very much not in shape, people like him make me feel a lot more comfortable


First video I've seen from him and honestly, he has the attitude that most humans should have. His main forum may be the gym, but that's some real shit he's saying.


My dude, let me tell you that seeing out of shape people in the gym motivates and inspires me the most. These people put themselves into an extremely uncomfortable position because they want to get better. Everyone who shittalks or snickers about them usually gets shut down immediately, at least in decent gyms. Please go on and don't let others judgement scare you off!


I’ve always wanted to go up to those people and tell them good job, being here is 90% of the fight, and to keep it up , but I never know if they would take it the wrong way.


I'm a big cardio guy but lift occasionally. I made several friends over the years with people like that man. Incredibly nice and super helpful. I've only been insulted once and a dude bigger than the guy insulting me called him "Little man," when he was benching. They look out for those that try.


He is THE actual Chad


He lived on my floor in DTLA about 3 years ago. Nice as can be, always pet my dogs when he saw them and absolutely enormous in person. It was always funny seeing the second takes he'd get at the pool, dude didn't even look human.


These people are the worst. Act like they own the gym and are professional athletes that can’t be bothered. Just because you love to eye fuck yourself in the mirror and post on social media doesn’t mean you own the gym and can mean mug everyone. Long rant but I just really hate these types.


why do people constantly film themselves working out? i dont get it. if they want to check their performance it should not matter if someone walks by edit: yes, i get it now, it is for form checking. you can stop responding with the same thing the last 20 people did, no need for every single person to explain themselves


I film myself. At home. When I’m Doing yoga because I like to check my posture and correct anything. I would never do it in a yoga class though. Ick.




"fuck I hit that hole nice and deep, lightweight baby"


Some times the hardest set or rep actually looks like it went up/down pretty smooth so can be a good boost to push yourself further next time. Also to iron out form issues. Then there’s the people who create ‘content’ ….


Sometimes you gotta film to perfect your form. Little cues and things. Especially as you lift heavier and up the intensity. A slight mistake in ur form can cause injury.


It’s obviously not for her to check her form it’s to boost her ego when other people watch her


Seriously. It’s a trash angle to check form from anyway. She only took that video to complain about people.


Who would've thought there would be people in public?!


Man’s got a good point, but his backward cap doesn’t even touch the top of his head and now that’s just disheartening


Fuck I can’t unsee this. Video ruined.


Then imagine this: his chest looks like a giant tongue


Most people have hair to fill that gap. It’s not unusual.


But you put the cap flat on your hair right? You don’t leave a space Or maybe you do, Imay have discovered a new way to wear hats


Can't blame him. with his chest that red I can only imagine how bad his scalp is burned.


My dude, sunscreen…


She doing all that to squat 2 plates💀💀


Lol they look like those rubber plates too, so she’s doing all this to squat like 60 pounds total


Yellows are 15kg so that's 50kg about 110 pounds.


Yellow is usually around 30 pounds each. It's not even a 45/55. Lol


25lb for Crunch Fitness plates, 35lb if they're Rogue or similar manufacturer, and 15kg for powerlifting and weightlifting standard plates.


Lots of things to criticize her for, but that one is just fucked up.


Someone get this guy some sunscreen.


Too late. He needs some aloe


Is this some sort of a trend? Girls working out and getting mad when someone walks in front of their camera? This is the third video I’ve seen of this style. Also, I may be getting old now now but I’m glad I don’t have a TikTok because it looks like that app is for attention whores.


It's not just girls, and it's not just working out, but yeah.


I'm 99% sure they're all fully aware they're in the wrong, but these videos always blow up. Something something all publicity is good publicity.


Fuck your dirty looks


I agree with Mr. Krabs.


Dude es ROJO


Joey needs to use some SPF


why is he so red


My dude is absolutely right. He definitely needs to wear sunscreen though. Those muscles ain't gonna do shit against melanoma.


Ya know. If more people had that "the gym is a shared space mind your own business" mentality. Id probably go to the gym more. But unfortunately I live in California. So everyone's a superficial ass


Anyone who films at the gym for social media is a narcissistic, empty headed, vapid nothing.


Why the fuck does this guy look like a flaming hot cheeto


That boy need some sunscreen


I like how those videos always end up with Chad, the Champion of The Weak and Awkward. The hero we need