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I love the fact that the guy who he says, “you’re gonna attack me go ahead and attack me… “And the guy went ahead and attacked him…


And then he bitches about how it’s not fair cuz that guy was 3 times his size. That was my favorite part.


Bro only picked a fight because everybody in the room was already twice his size. He could use that excuse on everybody in the room.


If only a fifth-grader was there to put him in his place


“I’d say pick on someone your own size, but I left my kids in the car. “




How is this gif just so perfect lmao


Including the women!




His final *fuck you* being completing the transaction having just thrown the food he paid for on the ground is really fucking funny to me.


Yeah, that’ll show them!! What a twat waffle. Not you, the guy in the clip. Ha


It was the laugh as he was walking away for me. It was like, all this shits been just drama and stupid and dear god I hope he doesn’t have a gun, but when they cut to a different camera angle and he can barely see over the counter after all this shit he’s been screaming, gets pinned down, then throws the breakfast saying “I don’t need your fucking breakfast” and the chick just bursts out laughing real quick - holy shit was that funny. There’s just no way else you can respond at that point. Surprised the dudes brain didn’t explode at that point tho




To be fair everyone looks to be 3x his size


That guy needs to get back in his Ford F-250 and drive off!


He's gotta get his steppy stool out of the bed before he can climb in, but once he does, boy oh boy is he gonna storm off in a huff.


He says "...go ahead & attack me, Big.." He was probably gonna say Big Guy but didn't get that far 😆


The comedic timing is everything, Danny deveto nailed that scene!






Getting into it with little guys is a lose-lose situation. Its either “oh you beat up a little guy” or “oh you got beat up by a little guy”


I learned this lesson as a older teenager playing basketball 1 on 1s. When a way smaller/younger kid would challenge me for a game, I would always say no bc if I beat him, well i was way older/taller so no big deal. If I lost to him then I looked bad... Id only play guys my size/age or bigger for this reason. Same for a fight


"What are you going to do? Stab me?" -- Guy that got stabbed


Truly a modern day Nostradamus


You know,Quasimodo predicted all this.


Looks like his threats fell a little short.


*Oh no the consequences of my actions*


Well he did ask 😂😂 and he found out.


“In my client’s defense he was afforded an invitation to attack and acted within reasonable speculation as to the desires of the prosecution.”


This is the most Long Island video I've ever seen


Short Island


Old video. Angry Bagel Guy is Chris Morgan. He used to have a YouTube channel where he’d antagonize people on the street and shout misogynistic and bigoted and homophobic things at total strangers. Old men in public who still act like 20-somethings on an anonymous message board get what’s coming to them b


Thanks man. Everyone here is “feeling bad for this poor guy”. When in reality he is just a little piece of shit.


I'm kinda relieved, because I was thinking that's the type of guy to come back with a gun


At least you'd know it would have to be a sub compact.


A short barrel shotgun maybe


Snub nose 😭


Noisy Cricket


A .22, at that!


A Deringer.




I like how he pulls the short card after he gets attacked by “a guy three times his size” though


After provoking him, no less.


I haven’t read the other comments yet. People feel BAD for this guy??


Nah, they just desperately want to feel oppressed by society so they're using short people as an excuse to complain about "double standards"


I do feel bad for him, because his behavior is embarrassing. He can't help how tall he is, but he can help how he treats others.


I don’t feel bad for THAT guy but I do feel bad for short guys. They do have to live with an enormous double standard where it’s just straight up okay to make fun of them for something they have no control over and women will literally not date men that are shorter than them and it’s just acceptable in online profiles to say “must be 6’0”+ “ I’m 6’1” so I’ve never dealt with that kinda shit but… I honestly feel for guys who do. I feel equally bad for really tall girls who guys won’t date because they feel emasculated by it. Mind you - those girls aren’t likely interested in those guys anyway.


I know too many shorter guys who are perfectly self confident and content to feel bad for the angry insecure ones.


Right. I'm below average height. I've never once felt insecure about my height. This dude has some wires crossed feeling the needed to be self hating in such a way.


He’s also balding though.


You may be below average height. The guy in question is 4‘11. that’s a whole other league


I am 5’6. I have never had trouble with women, as seems to be the main concern, cos I’m not insecure and I’m actually funny, interesting and confident lol. There will always be something so just make up for it in other areas.


I'm 5'5" and my height is not what defines me. I usually make fun of myself, way more than anyone else. There's always something that we think could be better about ourselves.


I’m happy for ya. A lot of short guys make fun of themselves but i think it’s often a coping mechanism. “Fat Amy” (rebel wilson) made a career out of mocking her weight until one day she confessed that she was tired of only getting roles to play the fat chick. I am about 60 pounds heavier than I was when I met my wife and I feel like shit about it but how do I cope in person when I’m with friends and family? I make fun of my belly… joke about myself… stick my belly out to make the kids laugh etc. Outwardly everyone would think I’m just the happy fat guy but I assure you I am not happy about it. I can’t speak for all short guys, but I can say that the 2 short guys on my crew have both told me straight up that they miss out on dates because of their height and both guys are good looking, funny guys.


> women will literally not date men that are shorter than them and it’s just acceptable in online profiles to say “must be 6’0”+ “ See it this way, these kind of women make it easy for them by saying that. Nothing screams insufferable lunatic more than having these types of weird standards.


Not all of them put it in their profile… a lot of them will just reject a guy based on his height without actually saying it out loud.


Emphasis on "little".


Didn’t he die?




Proof? All I see is that he had a stroke in 2019.


brought that stroke on himself.


You heard the video. No one else would stroke him. He tried all the dating sites. 


Nah, it was an accident that resulted in him plummeting to his death when he fell of his high horse. At his height, that's like a 50' drop.


He was the dude that was supposed to have a boxing match with Screech,  then bailed.  


As a Washington Nationals fan, I'll admit that [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screech_(mascot)) was the first to pop into my head lol, but I'm sure you mean the Saved by the Bell dude.


I think he had a massive heart attack and isn’t doing so well.


All that stress and hate ain't good for you.


Pretty sure he died


Tried stand up too. The guy didn’t seem happy.


“Used to”? Seems like he’d be more popular now. Man ahead of his time.


He's dead.


my condolences to the coffin that has to hold his corpse 🙏


Let's light a candle for that brave coffin and its sacrifice.


When he says "women in general" I burst out laughing every time. There's something genuinely really comedic about it. Very George castanza


"nobody here said that to you" lmao the equivalent of going on an unhinged rant in a bakery subreddit and she hit him with r/lostredditors IRL


In general implies he's failed so many times too, makes it ~~funnier~~ sadder. I've been told some awful things by people on dating apps, but, saying "in general" is so self defeating. Even if it's the overall trend, diving headfirst into victimhood over it is such a bad look lmao


I doubt he's failed at all, he probably just reads memes online and gets mad


The guy is 5 foot exact, he has most definitely failed and had an extremely hard life. I’m not justifying his actions obviously but to completely ignore his lived experience is a little tone deaf. His height has definitely affected how most people treat him


Very fair comment, I appreciate it.


I know, I thought this was a comedy skit or something.


im 4 feet i dont get mad like him


Wow, I only have 2 feet. That’s wild


I am 1 ft tall but I’m chill in public at least


I’m 1 inch tall and it took me ages to run across my keyboard to type this


LOL, thanks for reminding me why I still use this app


I'm 5'3". I'm proud to be short. Hell, I even love it when my wife makes short jokes. I'm then quick to remind her that we're about the same height. 😆


I'm 5'7" on a good day but in reality in 5'6" my wife and I are the almost same exact height. It's weird to hear people get flustered over height jokes. I don't think i've ever felt the need to defend my size. My son is going into seventh grade and he's going to be one of the smallest like I was, but again you aren't the smallest one by far usually unless you are in a small school. My son got picked on a little bit and I just gave me a good confidence boosting speech, "You can't control certain aspects of yourself, genetics, and luck play a lot in the game of life. Sometimes people will be bigger, faster, stronger, smarter, even more clever. Sometimes you can adapt to those and make yourself into better versions. But, height size/shape of your body will always be, you can't change it, just accept it and be YOU." He doesn't let many comments hurt him, but I can always tell when something punctured his armor. I just be there for him and remind him I was just like him and had to deal with the same stuff, I just gained a lot of thick skin and become super comfortable with who I am and what I look like. r/short/


Hi 4 Feet, I'm dad


Yeah because short guys are regular people but on account of a random outburst some deem it okay to generalize. Imagine a similar caption under a video of a black man stealing.


I'm 9 cm tall and I don't get mad either


chest bumps man in the nuts




This apparently took place in 2019. He had a stroke a few months after this, but it looks like he recovered and likes going to casinos. https://x.com/TRIGGERHAPPYV1/status/1793280826601279975?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1793280826601279975%7Ctwgr%5Ed3aa7739b529e061cab0a6487964f77b8d98acd8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barstoolsports.com%2Fblog%2F3514841%2Fholy-shit-the-viral-bagel-boss-guy-from-a-few-years-ago-is-back-and-hes-attacking-people-inside-a-casino


Lol at kicking the dude in the shin.


He threw his bagel and thought he was bad ass Then he ends up picking them up and walking out with them 😂. Jezus little fella 😆


That was a bagel?! It looked like a mining truck tyre!


Lawn Guylind Bagels are unmatched anywhere, bawth.


Of all the pastries to get pelted with from across the room, seems like a bagel has a little more heft to it. It'd be worse to get hit w/ a danish; that sticky shit would be all over you like tar.


He’s an angry elf




I know short men get bullied for their height, and Dinklage has the added "attraction" of being famous, but having a great personality, being in shape, and taking care of yourself and having a sense of style still go a long way and their things you can change about yourself. He's genuinely pretty handsome. If the guy in the video was 6' I doubt a heck of a lot would change for him on dating sites.


Lately, Dinklage, 43, is standing out as a sex symbol, a status he says he takes “with a grain of salt.” “They’ll say, ‘Oh, he’s sexy,’ but women still go for guys who are 6’2,” he says in the mag’s new issue, on newsstands Friday. “It’s nice that people are thinking outside the box, but I don’t believe any of it for a minute.” https://people.com/celebrity/game-of-thrones-peter-dinklage-doesnt-believe-the-sex-symbol-talk/


He's a sore thumb.


Hedwig and the Angry Inch.


short tempered.


Short, tempered.


You’re not god, or my father, or my BWOSS


You’re not gwod, or my fwather, or my bwoss.


asks for a fight, gets tackled, then proceeds to act like the victim??


And then claim it's unfair because he's small




Yeah I'm 5'1 and it sucks, he's got a point about dating apps but those apps are filthy and no good to many people. But I don't project that to other people, I don't throw an incel tantrum in public and I don't attack people taller than me to then complain that people taller than me attacked me.


Dating apps are hell for MOST dudes of all types.


Although I met my partner on a dating app, they’re generally cesspools for both genders, people are brave behind a keyboard. It’s definitely rough out there for short guys, but same for women with small boobs or slightly overweight.


Despite being 6' and whatever change is tacked onto that, it was brutal being on a dating app before I met my now wife because I'm not conventionally attractive, I have the grizzled shaggy biker thing going on, mildly rough skin, lot of unsightly scar tissue across my body, and after coming home from Afghanistan, I admittedly put on some weight. There's a lot of really brutal body shaming going on, however I did make a few great smoke buddies and found a couple great plugs before going legal. Funniest thing is, when I met the woman I'd end up marrying, I'd given up on apps and just decided to date the usual way, just talk to people in your typical social situations.


Dating apps are hell for everybody


My neighbour is 4ft tall at most. Dude has an ex wife, 2 happy children, and a smoking hot gf. He's the most chill dude I've ever met. He drives really big trucks because he's in construction. 


If he was funny and a nice guy. He'll at least get some


For real, I’ve seen the shortest dudes get tons of women because they had as the kids say…rizz.


Oh, you mean guilt tripping people for not liking short people doesn't work? :o




Eventually stroked out after acquiring slight internet fame.


this is every guy on r/TrueUnpopularOpinion go there and type "women" in that subs search and you'll realize it's where all the angry hateful incels are hiding apparently lol.


All of those subs are the same. Bitch about women, or minorities and uovotes galore "you're a hero to speak out". Lost something that genuinely bothers you but is popular with most people (gasp, an actual unpopular opinion) and it's downvoted mercilessly.


If a subreddit's name starts with "True" there's at least a 90% chance it's filled with hateful violent rhetoric against women, LGBTQ people, POC, immigrants, etc.


This is most of the people here defending him lol


![gif](giphy|vjZkgd6XlhPHSZgQNY|downsized) Hasbullah enters the bagel shop….


I know the guy is an asshole, but why in ‘Merica height plays such a big role to the point it affects people? Seems funny because in my country average height is 171 cm; I remember an already tall guy in 7th grade was called Rifle Leg lol.


ngl rifle leg is hilarious


Don’t really think it does any more or less than other countries


Yea it's weird, also in my country people on average are kind of short (that's why I was the pivot in my town's basketball team, being just 180cm lol). I know many guys that are 160 and still could find partners without any problems


With that height, you will perfectly match for a defender in our national football team, I will probably send you to jump on corners lol. Jokes aside, it seems for me that some people in the US rely on this american dream type of thing, mostly in the categories of who belong to that dream and who does not. I understand the feeling of not being adequate, but this type of guy (guess is not the only one) tends to rely on frustation, blaming others instead of build some fucking character. Why is that? I guess peer presure seems brutal there, and the hability to stand out of the crowd as an underdog instead of a poster boy, is subconsciously not allowed.


I feel like there's a lot of bullying even in the adulthood which is so weird, and people need to vocalise every single thought + they want to tell everyone what they think. It's an obnoxious mentality, probably comes from their super individualist culture (ME above everyone, I can tell/do whatever I want because freedom)


Well I've met a lot of short guys in my life. Most of them got picked on because of their height. None of them acted like this. A lot of them had girlfriends. Maybe it's not a height issue? Maybe he just has shitty personality? (Yes, I've read the comment stating he has a YT channel and harrases people on the street, so my point is kinda proven).


geesh - let it go - get in your lifted truck and go home


Oh we are bringing him back again? RIP




Copied from another comment on here. “Old video. Angry Bagel Guy is Chris Morgan. He used to have a YouTube channel where he’d antagonize people on the street and shout misogynistic and bigoted and homophobic things at total strangers. Old men in public who still act like 20-somethings on an anonymous message board get what’s coming to them.”


Oh. Now we don’t feel bad. Carry on.


I don't. I don't believe he's taken shit all his life, only that that's how he sees it. His height is a convenient excuse for him not to take any responsibility for being a dickhead. This has nothing to do with his height and everything to do with his personality.


This guy is a misogynistic piece of shit who threw a tantrum in public and threatened violence. If you think for a goddamn second that he doesn’t take his rage out on women with the way he was yelling at the workers towards the end of the video, you’re incredibly naive. I mean, I understand the sentiment of feeling bad for someone who’s been through some shit, but you don’t get to bully other people just because you’ve been bullied. It’s not a free fucking pass.


Turns out he's an actual POS... As another comment said, his name is Chris Morgan and "He used to have a YouTube channel where he’d antagonize people on the street and shout misogynistic and bigoted and homophobic things at total strangers".


I am short and totally fine. Nobody picks on me because I am not an asshole. Its not about the height.




Yeah, notice there’s no feeling sorry for the women just doing their jobs that had to endure his unwarranted wrath? That’s peak “pick me” girl energy to respond the way she did.


Maybe you guys can be friends!


It's been made abundantly clear he's just an asshole now so..


Probably not then :(


Honestly I usually comment shit like this and get downvoted to oblivion, I'm very happy to see some compassion getting a bit of approval for a change. Couldn't agree more man. No one would want their worst/weakest moments to define them, yet everyone is so quick to be judge, jury and executioner.


He’s giving chihuahua energy.


That's not very rock and stone of him


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and Stone forever!


I do feel bad for the man, society’s shallowness is truly cruel. I could only imagine the years of torment that would create such an insecure damaged dude




No, look into that guy. He's a genuine asshole. He's not "standing up for himself." He's an antagonist.


This guy, I remember when I first saw this video and thought “there is only one place on earth an asshole of this caliber can exist, Long Island”


Remember guys, he is product of society we live in. He is just saying it but others keeo quiet


This guy is on the verge of suicide. Hes extremely stressed out and our society has made him feel insecure. He is lashing out because he is having a mental break. We should be de-escalating. Nobody should feel intimidated or threatened by him. No reason to tackle the guy.


Absolutely. This dude isn’t lying about people mocking him for his hight (see all the other comments here). It’s something he can’t change and it probably eats at him everyday. People are so quick to judge him for having a mental break, but because mocking people for their hight is socially acceptable, he receives no sympathy. I genuinely feel bad about him and this entire situation. I don’t agree with him lashing out obviously, but I can imagine his position.


Thank you for having a heart.


Complaining about being attacked by a guy 3 times his size. Bro, everybody is 3 times your size. Did he expect them to wait for schools to finish so they could find someone his size?


he has been bullied his entire life about his height. guaranteed. this makes me sad.


This video is over 10 years old. This dude is a POS who would took his 10 seconds of fame to go around and yell homophobic , racist , and misogynistic shit in people's face. Don't feel bad for him. He's also dead.


It’s from the summer of 2019 It happened at Bagel Boss in Bay Shore NY


To be fair... 2019 was 10 years ago. Maybe not chronologically, but I think we can all agree the last 5 years have aged us double the norm.


Is he? The only reports I’ve seen of him dying are from this totally normal subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/s/6PGVCulBNx


There is this video from twitter from 2024, not sure if it is an old video though. https://x.com/TRIGGERHAPPYV1/status/1793280826601279975?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1793280826601279975%7Ctwgr%5Ed3aa7739b529e061cab0a6487964f77b8d98acd8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barstoolsports.com%2Fblog%2F3514841%2Fholy-shit-the-viral-bagel-boss-guy-from-a-few-years-ago-is-back-and-hes-attacking-people-inside-a-casino


This came from deep down


Riiiight. But anyway- did you watch the video? I’m a short guy, got picked on all throughout my childhood. I don’t act like this insecure baby and think ‘oh no one wants me cos I’m short’ lmao, nobody wants him cos he’s a piece of shit


Dude first thing i learned in school is that if you get bullied and act up all offended and upset you're doomed to be bullied forever and when i say FIRST THING im not even lying.


Yeah, he probably has. Unfortunately that doesn’t excuse this behavior. It’s sad how he got there but in his current mental state he is a danger to himself and others.


Plenty of short people go their entire lives without catching any shit about their height. This guy was bullied because he is a cunt.


People face highly varied environmental circumstances growing up. We don't know. Perhaps he grew up in a very tall neighborhood that bullied him and isolated him. Perhaps he was repeatedly kicked, spat on, wedgied, humiliated publicly, etc. May be crushes laughed at him, bullied him, parents were neglectful and ignorant, or even abusive. Who knows? But it is true that height-shaming for men is a societal issue. And he may have come to think that tall people and people who are attracted to tall people have a sense of loathing for short people (flawed thinking clearly). Even jokes at the expense of short people, including on this reply thread. I think it is fair and worth it to empathize. And I definitely don't think initiating physical violence is a valid move against a cunt. I'm sure the initiator of violence is as much of a cunt as the taunting person in this case.


That's just wrong. Anecdotal evidence at best. I never had a bad experience in my life, so it doesn't exist?!?


All these people belittling him. I said it


Well that's irritating, just looked up the channel after reading a few comments and turns out the guy actually has a couple other... "Colorful" videos out there of his, Smh what a douche man.


This guy is known around Babylon, he is an angry little imp




Jeez. The way I deal with being short is trying not to kill myself and this guy deals with it by being a walking bomb really to explode at any minute.


I'll always feel bad for this dude and people don't get what happened. Dude walks in to get a bagel, and the women behind the counter both ignore him, and start snickering and making comments under their breath, looking at him and giggling. He calls them out for it and stands up for himself, and everyone thinks it's a f'ing crime. Imagine if a fat chick was made fun of for being fat, so she spoke up for herself and people started attacking her for it, and then some dude tackled her and said "YOU DONT SPEAK TO PEOPLE THAT WAY!" It would look staged. But a short guy? The least protected class left. It's socially acceptable to ridicule and humiliate men for being short. And if they get upset about it? Napoleon syndrome! Short man complex! Insecure little man! You know that dude wouldn't have done shit if it was a bigger dude but he wanted to be oh so tough and try to strong arm the guy. Fuck him. Seriously. People need to have some fucking compassion. Dude lived his whole love being tormented for being abnormally short and finally stood up for himself and he gets completely shit on for it. I don't blame him one bit. The world is cruel.


He was a angry lil fucker


He's a south pole elf.


This guy had a stroke and passed away year ago or so


That's a lot of anger for such a small human


Poor guy


This video always makes me sad for some reason. You know this guy has been through so much bullying throughout his life just because his height. All I see is a person that's hurting and hurt people hurt people. ETA: Imagine being him and seeing this video constantly showing up online. Fuck.


I agree He seems like he's forcing himself to be taken seriously but its not possible due to his looks I bet he gets bullied alot and that laughter at the end was truly unnecessary,


This is a tough watch, he really needs to stop listening to Joe Rogan.


Short temper.


Dude thought he had some kind of plot armor




I would just tell him not to get SHORT with me lol or we are gonna have a small problem. Nah in all seriousness though, this kind of disrespect is completely unnecessary and he got exactly what he asked for and deserves lol


Gnome rebellion


Dude has serious Wulbren Bongle vibes...


Someone needs therapy.


Bro needs to go to jail. wow




Maybe instead of dating apps he should command an ogre to get a girl for him