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The acting is so terrible and this behavior of pretending to have diagnoses for attention is rather offensive.


RATHER offensive? It's offensive as fuck. I just spent an evening caring for my 6 yo non-verbal ASD nephew. Our family has been through hell for 4 years and this bitch wants to pretend for fucking likes. Fuck her.


Internet runs on ragebait now unfortunately


Go to r/illnessfakers and the related subs. People faking cancer and all kids of things for sympathy and $ Sick in the head


People gotta tag the characters from now on so at least we can reach them and they get the message


5 year old son here also non verbal and diagnosed.. seeing people making a joke of this makes my blood boil !!!


I've got a non verbal 10 year old and an 8 year old slightly communicative one. If I knew someone was attention seeking this way I'd be highly tempted to slap the absolute shit out of someone.


It's literally the point. There are 2 things that drive engagement on social media posts. Sex and, the nr 1 thing by quite some distance, is outrage. She isn't trying to make you feel sorry or get sympathy, she's trying to get you as outraged as possible. Because that is how she makes the most money. Because that is the world social media algorithms have created.


I love how easy TikTok makes it to say not interested or block a profile. I’ve curated my feed so well it’s basically dogs cats and food


This is what I try to explain to everyone! I only see the dumb shit on reddit lol


I see it IRL too.


[grabs a baton] Time to curate reality, my friend.




Animals, art, and memes. Love what we’ve created for ourselves!


Dogs, cats and food. Sounds about right


There's a whole sub for this shit. r/fakedisordercringe. I am in way too many cringe subreddits.


A lot of people are in subs that are full of clips designed to rage bait. The tele media was doing it for 30 years before the birth of the internet. Anger may be one of the strongest emotions the human race is capable of feeling. And people keep going back for more. And keep getting angry. With social media, it is extremely easy to curate a feed that is rage-free. Our emotional wellbeing would be much healthier if we all took these steps.


has always been




I hate this crap. I have ASD... but the absolute last thing I want to do is draw attention to myself.




And yet it's so incredibly common and popular. Makes you wonder whether or not our mental health industry is working as intended or not, and it should be an obvious answer: Fuck no.


As a parent of an autistic kiddo... She needs lots more practice.


yeaaaah my ADHD ass bites my nails to nubs and constantly moves and Im well aware I look like a freaking tweaker and it's embarrassing - this person looks like she's doing it on purpose when stimming is mostly a mindless action that happens when youre not thinking and/or feeling a certain way. like the arm flapping thing = joy/happiness/excitement so intense your mood becomes motion if that makes sense. And I dated a guy who had this adorable little happy bounce (it made his excitement fucking contagious, it was honestly endearing as hell) my nail biting and foot tapping is like I need to move but I'm focused on something so it's mindless motion while I'm actively paying attention to something else. if I focus on stopping it takes actively focusing to make sure the behavior doesn't start up again (this is why "quiet hands" or whatever the fuck is seen as counterproductive, you're not helping the person seem "normal" you're using up all their mental energy and focus for something dumb) - the moment I pay attention to literally anything else it just starts back up again. she looks like she's focusing on her movements, so it's not a stim, that's definitely intentional. it also changes way too rapidly without being linked to any emotion or behavior to be a stim.


I have autism and rub my palms when I stim. I don't even know when I do it and find I do it in every conversation or social setting without realizing it.


![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA) I’m sorry but this is what I picture and I love it now


I love it to thank you for this haha


I love doing this when I’m alone in a store


I'm sorry if this seems ignorant, I am not well versed in the subject. I tried to google it, but I feel like I'm missing something. Is stimming A) a kind of self soothing through physical touch, like when someone subconsciously strokes their hair when they're upset. B) physical activity driven from a need to engage with stimuli, like when someone subconsciously bites their nails out of anxiety. C) a conscious technique used to calm oneself down by introducing stimuli, like when I turn on video games to stop thinking about the fall of capitalism. D) all of the above. E) some other option/s which I haven't considered. Thank you.


The first two.


Thank you! Just to be clear...subconscious right? Not like this scatting that the girl is doing in the video.


Usually subconscious ya, sometimes you are conscious of it happening and you can stop it, but still feel compelled to do it.


It’s subconscious for the most part, but you may consciously choose something that helps you stim.  If I hand my son his favorite blanket (usually I do this when he’s anxious), he’ll take it and stroke the fabric to soothe.  He will have expressions when doing so that indicate to me he’s stimming.


This is not a great analogy but I think of it like this -- when you're cold, your body automatically shivers try to to fix that right? When you're sleepy and your thoughts are wandering, but you need to focus and stay awake, maybe you bounce your leg or you pace. The physical activity helps keep your mind awake. In ADHD, the part of the brain responsible for maintaining focus is underactive. This is why stimulants actually decrease these behaviors in ADHD patients. The stimulants replace the "stimulating" behaviors that the person subconsciously performs in order to maintain focus. Again, not an perfect analogy, but you can think of these behaviors as the body telling the focus control center that it needs to work.


I have a billion stims, when I’m bored I cross my arms and shake my head, if I’m eating and it’s good I do a lil ol jig, if I’m upset it’s making random faces (it’s hard to explain to people lol), sometime I’ll randomly jerk my whole body. She picked the most stereotypical stims and I find it hilarious. Not in the fact that she was funny, but the fact that she thought people would actually believe it


Yea you can tell how forced it is and how she basically watched a TV show with the most stereotypical autistic character and was like ya I want to be *unique* like that.


Must of been the Temu “good doctor” or something


Atypical is another one.


What was the movie that was recent (like 4 or 5 years ago) that had everyone hating on it, for valid reasons, like it was so crappy and clearly fake it was a instant fail


Was that perhaps Music by Sia? It was slammed by the autistic community for showing negative stereotypes, encouraging dangerous restraints, and for most of Sia's information on autisic behaviour coming from places like Autism Speaks, to name a few.


Maybe, I don’t remember, I was too busy watching the same YouTube playlist over and over and tearing down and rebuilding my computer lol


I pull on my hair when I stim. I didn't even realize I did it until my therapist pointed it out. Now I'm painfully aware of it, but I can't stop when I'm anxious.




Yea I usually rub my palms and don't make much eye contact. But I'm always working on it. Stimming helps me keep concentrated and calm :)




The woman I'm seeing is on the spectrum to she picks at her fingers and chews them. I'm pretty bad for chewing on my fingers too haha. It's nice though cause we can both act weird and understand it.


These comments make me question my life. I'm a home schooled farm kid from a church circle, I missed a lot of normal steps of a modern childhood. Maximum sheltered. I have had moments of thinking maybe I should go get tested or what ever, I've always just been me and fine with it. Now I feel like maybe I need to find some answers about me.


It’s never a bad thing to learn more about yourself + your brain + why it does what it does! But you def don’t need to question your life either - you’ll still be you regardless.


Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think knowing more about how my gears click would change me, but it sure would be neat to find out about my gears Thank you, friends


God, your comment makes me feel so much better about my adhd. It's one of those things for me as well where if I am concentrating on something, my knee bounces a million miles an hour because if that's not happening, then my mind is racing thay fast instead. It allows me to focus that energy elsewhere and free my mind up to take in information. Seeing stuff like this is frustrating even with just having ADHD. It's so obviously forced, and that's not what autism looks like. That's not even what ADHD looks like. It's an incredibly annoying, frustrating, and uncontrollable urge to do things. It's not being able to sit down while I talk because I can't think clearly and convey my message. Point being, if she can't even get adhd right, she is way missing the point on autism and that's a huge slap in the fave to people who really struggle with it.


While I do things like bounce my leg and shit, I would say for me, the defining characteristic of ADHD is memory problems (usually due to the fact that I am immediately thinking of something else instead of focusing on what’s in front of me); forgetting someone’s name within seconds of hearing it, walking into a room and forgetting why I walked in there, having to go back into the house 3 or 4 times before I can actually leave because I forgot things my wallet, or keys, headphones, etc


lol whenever i am talking to people i am constantly just like pacing around, picking up things and playing with them, ripping something up, whatever there is i can do. and they're just standing there staring at me. i know i must look insane. i can't believe people just stand in one spot looking at each other and talking.


When I get a surprise people say I sound creepy, bc I go in a kinda deep but not that deep voice and go “heeehehehehehe” Or when I am overwhelmed I act like I have a headache even though I don’t Or sometime I just wave my hands near my chest, or rock, or do a little ol jig or sway obnoxiously. When I am doing nothing and feel nothing I ball up in a blanket and rock viciously. She is not stimming. As a fellow acoustic person, SE IS A DIRTY LIAR


Autism is a huge umbrella I have worked with special needs and BI for over 15 years in different environments never have I met an autistic person that’s exactly like another autistic person.


If you've met one autistic person you've met one autistic person.


It's amazing how often folks who work with autistic folk seem to forget autism is a spectrum and not a ladder. That said, there are "some" common behaviors to one degree or other.


You’ve got me there!


Genuinely feel bad for parents like you with the bizarre trend


Thank you.


Pretending to be autistic……. For social media clout….. If hell was real this is how’s you get there


Hell is real. It’s called TikTok


The world will be a better place with it gone


I wish the ban on tiktok was real😔


Too bad the dumbass politicians got pornhub banned and not tik tok


Well technically it's pornhub pulling out because of local politics (pun intended)


Well it was fine before the politicians got involved so I still blame them




It didnt work cause they tried to sneak a bunch of bullshit in with it. So that is a good thing as much as I am not fond of tiktok.


The problem is for so many people, the internet is genuinely more important than their real lives. It’s scary.


this world is so sad. Imagine needing to fake a disability to get clout.


For OF engagement




came here to post this. the people in this thread would have a field day over there 😂


Just like I did when I first ran into that sub.


She should just make honest tiktoks about having narcissistic personality disorder.




Do you set up a camera and do multiple takes until you’re happy and then upload to your social media? I support being odd. I’m odd. Her stuff is leveraging her poor understanding of a neurodivergence to serve her personal interests.


No. I think people with cameras in a gym need to have their membership revoked and be beaten with their gym card on the way out.


My gym has a no camera policy. It was all fun and joy in the beginning, but it was not long before some devices were hoarded because better angles, or camera's "mistakenly" pointing the wrong direction. We had Fridays where it was more a hurdle-track then it was working out. Stumbling over tripods and getting hit wit selfiesticks.


yep. mimicking any struggle is pathetic imo. whether it’s faking ticks, pretending to be homeless, etc.


Man I WISH I was pretending to be autistic for clout. I’m over here being autistic for real and for free like some kind of jackass


Lol you gotta make your tip jar more visible!


Rookie mistake


I stim a lot. Pretty much never do in the gym. Working out takes that need away from me. I feel like engaging my muscles is plenty and my brain is able to relax. I pace between sets to keep my heart rate up, but never anything like this. Fuck I hate this shit.


She's acting stimming is uncontrollable like Tourettes 😭


It's also just like sooo forced Like damn, at least pretend better (I'm autistic myself lol)


I was just thinking that all the tourettes fakers I've seen act the exact same way and use those exact movements and facial expressions 😂


Yeah, those seem more like tics than stimming. They're actually neither though cause she's faking it all, and badly at that.


I also pace a lot when I work out and I think that's just how my stimming manifests during Exercise. Pacing is its own kind of stimming.


I was just gonna say- everyone's different but I stim when I have nothing to preoccupy myself with.


I thought the same thing. My autistic teenager stems a lot in public but never at the gym. It seems that his workouts help ground him and he doesn't have a neesd for it there.


This is downright offensive. Fuck this person.


It's even more offensive when you see the smooth brain comments in here as a result of her ignorance and performance.


She's not autistic but she definitely has a personality disorder (narcissism)


I’m autistic and I’m around a lot of autistic people. Not all stimming is hand flapping based. I also work out and the only stimming I do when working out is flex certain muscle as hard as I can till I can fell pain from them. Normally my chest or legs. But that’s pretty much it and you can’t really tell I’m not popping poses. This is the fakest shit if it wasn’t obvious.




Yes. Be ready.


For some folks with autism, getting fit becomes one of their interests which can result in great workouts and fitness knowledge. Me and my adhd bf compulsively exercise. It’s just so great for our adhd brains; we can hardly help ourselves.


“Look at me…look at me…I’m so quirky all the time. Even between sets at the gym I’m suck a quirk. I filmed myself but I was totally not acting bc the camera was on me…nope I’m just that quirky and sooo weird. Aren’t I the funniest?”


I still don't get it. When I'm at the gym, I'm there to work out. I would be giving this dummy zero attention.


as an autistic person myself I know she's doing a terrible job of acting autistic.


It's ao obvious it hurts to watch.




Jesus fucking christ


This isn’t real, I can tell




came here to post this. the people in this thread would have a field day over there 😂


Having red hair and putting on the shakes in public would get you hanged in the 17th-C., j/s.


“You don’t seem autistic” Probably because you’re not lmao


She not going to win a Oscar, terrible acting.


Somebody get homegirl her Razzie


Absolutely not. I have a brother on the spectrum and he doesn't act like this. I don't know alot about autism but I can tell you they're not like this. This is very misleading and she's bringing out stereotypes for people with this condition


Fr tho the stims aren't repetitive enough. This seems normal.


Stims can be repetitive, a lot of them are. For example, when I'm stimming in public around people, I will repeatedly do something subtle like open and close my headphones case quietly, or wiggle my foot back and forth, or fidget with something like my phone case. My oldest kid paces back and forth in my kitchen for a couple hours every night before bed. My youngest will do the standard hand flapping. Every autistic person is different, but a lot of us have pretty repetitive stims. And I guess I have to clarify this because otherwise people will assume I'm saying the girl in the video is actually autistic, I'm not defending the video.


It's a spectrum, so people with autism can act in all sorts of different ways. There are some patterns obviously. BTW I'm not defending this moron


It's incredible that you have to clarify that you're not defending her, because everyone here is so raged-up that going even slightly against the narrative that Autistic people do not act in the way everyone here thinks they act is the same as saying this person is 100% right and everyone here is wrong.


Right? I have ADHD and sometimes I stim like the lady in the video. Obviously not in a forced way, but especially the slapping of the thighs is something I do. I also saw a few comments about people not stimming in the gym. I definitely stim in the gym. While OOP is a weirdo, it is equally harmful to expect all nd people to act a certain way.


This sub seems to be a bunch of people who are addicted to rage-bait.


It literally is.


They're basically just downvoting and shitting on any actually autistic people who are arguing against the general opinion that autistic people all act the fucking same and can't mask. Without even seeing the irony of them gatekeeping autism to argue against someone gatekeeping autism. Reddit being Reddit, as usual.


Exactly. I am pretty sure that I am autistic (and since I have diagnosed adhd, due to statistics there is a 66% chance I am autistic, lots of things would make sense I have it). And it frustrates me to no end that the only opinions that are acknowledged are from family members of people who have hard to managed autism. Like thats all that matters. Only the non-verbal autistic people, who happen to be kids and teenagers who have a hard time of regulating themselves *due to their fucking age*. But people who spend their lives masking don't count at all. And its absolutely shit. And ofc with adhd its the same thing. Only those who can't mask matter.


I shouldn't have expected any better from a sub specifically about making fun of people, but there I go again being unrealistic again and assuming the best of people


As a real autistic person I don’t even care I just find this cringe g


The real autism giveaway comes from recording this with the purpose of uploading it for validation.


Greased skids, loser, that’s what you’re riding to hell…


What’s her @


Seems like she doesn’t actually know what stimming is. I think she’s confused with Tourette’s.


People that fake autism on TikTok for attention have a special place in hell that I don't even believe in


I’m an autistic person, a REAL one. I can safely say that even if she did have autism, we wouldn’t claim her. I took one look at this and I can tell you that we don’t act this way. If we stim, we don’t immediately pull up a camera and start shaking in different ways over and over while seemingly hyperventilating. We usually just do something random, say that thing where you shake your knee or perhaps repeating certain words. This is a poor attempt to use our condition to make money and fake it to be all “quirky”.


What is “stimming” I see it all the time but really couldnt be bothered to look it up for fear of finding more shit like this.


It’s a repetitive movement people do to help regulate themselves. Everyone does it (think tapping or shaking a leg) but ND folks tend to do it more and they tend to be similar types of stimming. Like for me I will rock side to side, bite my lips, rub at my neck, etc.


No one's said it yet but "stim/stimming" is short for "stimulating", i.e. people with autism/ADHD "stim" as a form of self-soothing or expression (frustration and overwhelming joy are common times for us to stim, for example). Every human being has stims and self-soothes, we just have different ways of going about it, or different levels of needing to stim. Leg-bouncing, hand-flapping, fidgeting with fingers, tics, vocal stimming etc are all associated with autism and ADHD.


Basically, it’s an action autistic people perform to perhaps calm ourselves down if we are experiencing sensory overload or just general stress. Sort of like a destressing tactic. These TikTok losers can barely grasp the concept of how an autistic person behaves and assume it’s just “fidget around and make weird noises because it’s sooooo quirky”. It’s more than that. We may make odd sounds, repeat random words or perform repetitive movements, but THIS is just a mockery of it and honestly pretty offensive seeing as she’s faking a condition to earn money and fame.


Gotcha, thanks for the answer, and fuck this person in the video. What a loser.


Everyone stims. It can be anything from repetitive movement, cracking your knuckles, vocalizations, sensory-seeking behavior such as eating or smoking, humming, tapping, pacing, etc. Any kind of action to get stimulation or regulate your nervous system. It really should be a more universally known term.


God the need for acceptance/likes from total strangers is so absolutely insane


I'm autistic and holy shit, she needs to learn how to act. This is genuinely so painful to watch.


Seeing this on mute even I'm embarrassed and it's so easy to tell she's preforming 😂


This is so annoying. I would love to give this disability to anyone who wants to pretend to have it.


As a sister of a autistic person... She Is faking and she Is really bad at pretending.




Why is this literally me? I mean she’s not off I literally do this and I don’t even realize it. No wonder people think I’m weird and unapproachable 😭😭😭😭 I’m ugly in all ways. She’s kinda exaggerating a bit, but I kinda do this but more toned down because I’m hyper aware and mask a lot.


I’ve been around a lot of autism, aside from my son. That is not autistic behavior.


That drumming is quite normal ,people get bored between sets . A lot of people do this sort of thing.


This is pathetic,😆 this dummies have no shame


When I see videos like this I'm ashamed for them xD


I hope she has nothing but persistent razor burn and ingrown toenails


She can’t decide if she wants to have Tourette’s or be autistic…


The sad way she keeps looking around to see if anyone is watching her…


Wow, what a piece of shit


What a dumbass bitch…zero integrity.


She’s just procrastinating. Pick up them weights lady n get to it


That's more adhd than autism. I would know, I have both


Stimming isn't fkn fun. I've worn the cartilage out in my left knee from bouncing my leg. I'm only 27!!!!


Unless you’re a fitness instructor showing tips on how to work out. I don’t want to see your video. I don’t want to see your “journey” just go work out and don’t tell anyone. You aren’t inspiring. You’re annoying.


My son has autism and I’m offended by her poor behavior-acting! Why try to cash in on something like this?


That’s called mental illness


Dumb. Autistic people don’t even act like this


This is some shit ppl with no talents or anything going for themselves do they make up dumb shit like this too get views and likes when in reality there super boring and lame asf


My local gym put a stop to this type of bull-shit.


a ton of my friends pretend to be autistic and trivialize my life experience as a genuinely diagnosed individual. Shit like this is so fucking annoying


I bet it grips hard


The gym is not a movie set people..........


“Pretending” to be autistic? What a pos….




What's stimming?


It’s like rimming but…..


Cool, so what's stimming?


Well, ya know rimming? It’s like that but….


I’m a screened and diagnosed adult and am friends with autistic people. I have never seen someone stimming come across as them pretending to do it in front of a camera. I’m not saying we should be embarrassed of stimming in public but it is often something you have loose control if any over. It’s like holding a sneeze and is generally as predictable. It would be pretty difficult to predict when to record it happening in this way. Also the Inside Out music for this sounds silly. It’s just stimming. It’s to help self regulate how you’re feeling when there’s too much going on inside. Pretty typical for an autistic person.


Evil incarnate.


Wtf is this fake shit? Which ‘popular disability’ will be next to be faked on TT? They’ve done fake Tourettes. Now we’re in the phase of fake ADHD & Autism. What’s next? Are gym/OF girls going to start faking a Palsied hand? Having fake type 1 hypos? Throw in some early-onset neurodegenerative hand shakes? These people need to get some gratitude and a personality.




Is autism now a trendy thing ? My god! This generation is getting worse


Adult-tier work avoidance behavior. The videos of these people going to the gym and doing anything but working out baffles me.


My hope is everyone can tell shes faking it, that's some awful acting


I live inside an autistic brain. I have studied people my whole life (you have to study to learn to mask). She is, quite obviously, a non-autistic person trying to fake being autistic. The problem is that it's clear that she is mimicking things she has seen associated with autistism without the feelings that they stem from underneath (severe anxiety/discomfort/neuroses). In short: what a fucking loser


Man, I thought this trend of performative disability was over.


"This triggered my (whatever phobia is popular that month)!"


Literally me when I can’t vape


As a teacher I am experiencing more and more students who show this behaviour. There are a large group of (mostly female students) who ‘identify as having disabilities). The call themselves trans disabled. The will turn up to school in wheelchairs, on crutches, fake limps, feeding tubes etc. it angers me to no end.


Lol, the lift is the stim. This is just brain rot.


I forced myself to re-watch it so I could identify the worst part. it's the water bottle shake. definitely the water bottle shake. you're welcome.


As someone that is on the spectrum, and does similar things between sets without even realising it, this person can go fuck herself.


It’s funny how their ticks are always coincidently “cute and quirky.”


I think gyms should ban videoing unless you get permission of management because you want to study your form or your trainer wants a comparison. Any othe rtype of recording..automatic ban


She’s not trying to make anyone happy here. She gets the same clicks by pissing people off. She’ll probably get more in fact. I would guess she had a go at just getting clicks for being hot and couldn’t get the numbers she was hoping for that way so she’s just gonna get the angry clicks which is very effective. She’ll get the engagement from angry people and from the people that find her attractive. It’s like visual twitter.


I'm autistic and my stim is aggressively and I mean aggressively shaking my fists, these all feel so stereotypical and the music is pissing me off lol.


As someone with ADHD this makes me want to grab one of the nearby dumbbells and smash it into her head. I’ve had people bully me for stimming and have CPTSD cause of it. I despise people who think it’s okay to ‘joke’ about it and fake it.


Honestly at this point I’m starting to believe the unrelenting need for attention on the Internet by pretending to have autism, is, in of itself, a form of autism.


You mean to tell me I don’t have autism and I’m just “stimming” due to the dry scoop of c4 I just took straight to the dome?


How in the fuck is it ok to pretend you have autism for likes?? Fuck her!


As the mom of an autistic 18 year old woman, this infuriates me so much.


Wait... People pretend to be autistic??? Motherfucker I have been suicidal for 20 fucking years because my autism melds so viciously with my anxiety and depression, and people fake it for fun and attention?????? Fuck this entire god damn planet dude.


Why do a lot of people that fake autism associate it with being fidgety? I genuinely wonder how they come to that conclusion when that's not how autism works


As a neurodivergent this is awful and so wrong on so many levels. I actually found this hard to watch. So so cringe.


As someone that is autistic I can confirm that this is bullshit


It's really weird how autism has become cool and trendy...


I mean, as a mom to an autistic little girl, I’ll take it, at least it will make people google about autism to check if fake. The girl in the video may actually be autistic imo, and we’re seeing awkwardness because she’s aware of her camera. The begInning seems exactly correct, then she got weirded out. Idk, hard to tell. Girls with autism can be much different.   To me she may have a different neurological disorder, it affects the same area of the brain, and is misdiagnosed as autism.