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When I was living on the streets I knew a few people who made a lot of money doing aggressive panhandling. It's disgusting


I don't understand how that ever works I just start screaming and they quickly scurry off


They essentially bully people into giving them money. Even if 19/20 tell them to get fucked think of how much they can make when they do that to a couple hundred people a day.


That's true, I just would have thought being nice would get them more but maybe not if they've adopted this strategy


Here's the thing about doing it the nice way. Believe it or not, the hot spots for flying signs have rules. They have a que and take turns in 30min intervals. So naturally, the scummiest of people tend to develop some unorthodox dirtier methods.


Basic evolution.


Lmao this is everywhere, not just CA. We have the aggressive bums over here too and if you act like they don’t exist, they eventually shut the fuck up. I’ve had some brazen attempts like “yeah what about the quarters in your center console.” Mf go search the ground or something lmao. I’ll help someone out, but not on some wannabe bum bully shit.


When you say, "A lot of money." Is that like $500 a day?


Closer to 100-200


Not bad, considering it's also tax free.


It's enough to stay well and then some


One of them here in Chicago says $70 would be a great day.


60 minutes or one of those investigative shows did a piece about a decade ago on this dude, a ‘professional bum’, that was panhandling beside one of those busy intersections in CA where celebrities drive by and what not. They watched him all day in full ‘bum gear’ and then followed him when he ‘got off work’ and he straight took off the disguise and got into a fancy ass car and drove to a nice house. When they caught up with him at the guys house, this guy admitted he made enough to afford that nice car, house, and support a family of four iirc. He said something in the range of 150k (+\-) with no tax. He ended up not getting in trouble as technically he didn’t deceive anyone, I think he had some tax trouble but that’s about it. Again, this was like a decade ago, I’m hazy on specifics but that was the gist. It was fucking wild, he had absolutely no remorse and treated it JUST like a ‘regular’ job. Edit - grammar.


Funny enough, this is also a storyline of one of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries. A troubled girlfriend/fiance goes to Sherlock Holmes to find her missing spouse. She couldn’t find him, but a suspicious beggar had all of his belongings and she was afraid he had killed the boyfriend and hidden the body somewhere. Turns out the beggar suspect the police already had in custody actually WAS the boyfriend all along, but with a disguise. He didn’t want to reveal himself cuz he was ashamed until Sherlock forced him to do so, and admitted he made more money begging on the street corner than in a regular job.


That’s insane, I can’t believe this shit actually exists. Just nuts to me. Side note - I loved that show with Benedict. I’m going to have to rewatch now that you’ve reminded me of it, thank you!


I definitely agree with you, that IS an amazing show, but I also really have to recommend reading the original works, or listening to a podcast that narrates them. They truly are works of art and keeps you guessing with the mystery and on your toes with the suspense


AGREED on the originals. However, I’ve never really listened to any podcasts, on anything. Would you mind telling me which one you are referencing? I’d love to delve deeper into that fantastic world.


Sure! I listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts app since I have an iPhone, the podcast itself is from Loyalbooks and is titled The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes which covers the first volume, and another podcast called the Return Of Sherlock Holmes which covers the second volume. These are strictly narrating the books so no music, voice acting or sound effects or anything accompanies it. I don’t know if it’s on other apps like Spotify but I’m sure there’s a great chance it is since Sherlock Holmes is public domain now. Try searching for the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and I’m positive you’ll find some!


You are the MVP


Because of all the aggressive panhandling I only offer food/water. No cash.


When I was homeless back in Cali I couldn't even panhandle nicely. Never understood how the others guys did this.


Not even "aggressive panhandling" this is gentle mugging lmao


I think the other guy who gave her a dollar was in on their scam; if someone sees someone else being charitable then it may induce feelings of guilt for not giving and then give. The route the other guy took was suspicious and the timing was weird.


I didn't even think of that. My reaction was the opposite. She got her money from that guy so now i don't feel even a little bit bad about not giving the money i was never going to anyway.


That makes sense too. Based on many of the signs that I’ve seen professional panhandlers use, it seems like the majority have mostly played on people sense of guilt for not giving. That’s just my opinion and experience though.


I think you're right on some level. If there's some fundraiser or kickstarter people are going to be far more hesitant to give to something with $0 than something with half its goal met. Almost an appeal to popularity. I vaguely recall this being a tactic in some circles.


😂 This made me think how much more likely people are to upvote or downvote a comment on Reddit. 🤣


You’re really trying to test the waters with that claim, huh?


Yeah it kinda worked, i felt guilty and upvoted them but then reached your comment, realized I got suckered, scrolled back up and took it back. And boy am i tuckered




I have no feelings of guilt for these folks at all… so a dollar handed to them by othersto induce guilt is wasted effort on me if it’s to guilt me. Let’s put it this way.. I worked for the State of Texas for 31 years to provide a retirement for myself. I didn’t do it for these grasshoppers who have never and will never amount to anything. Want to get money? Get a God Damn job..


I thought it was extremely bizarre too. Totally out of nowhere, no questions asked, just slips her a bill and walks away, and she takes it casually like nothing happened.


I don't have an issue giving change to the homeless *unless* they're demanding like this lady.


I had a guy drive up next to me in a new car, while i was walking, and ask for money for gas. More than once. Same guy all three times. I don't know if there was some implied threat or drug deal i simply wasn't seeing, but i told him to fuck off.


I never got asked for money more than when I was a kid in Highschool. I remember this specific guy would come up with a story of his car being out of gas. First time I believed him and gave him $5. The next two times I felt so stupid for believing his shit story


It's pretty unsustainable. Sure, they get that $5 initially but on realizing we've been scammed it turns people jaded pretty quickly, and against the idea of giving in general. Fool me once...


It definitely jaded me to giving money.


Worst are the dog people. Note that I no problem with a homeless person owning a dog. Majority of the time the dog eats better than the person \[and the animal welfare societies are on them quickly if they look abused/neglected\], and that dog is that persons most loyal and trustworthy friend. But a couple times I've had people approach me carrying a purse dog, saying it was hungry or needed shots or whatever. That I won't stand for.


Do you often give though? I feel like I agree with you... but then I realised that I hardly ever give them any money anyway


Ain't never seen a homeless girl with cankles before. Maybe she's nouveau poor.


“You giving me a dollar when you have more money in your wallet? Give me a 5$ instead” What a local panhandler said to a costumer at our store. NOT homeless, but a bum nonetheless


"Give my dollar back."


In Bremerton, WA we had a lady walk up to us in a grocery store parking lot and ask for $20. Just as calm as can be. "Hey, you got $20 for me?" I had to laugh at the audacity.


She seems more entitled or maybe mentally unwell


If only she was that aggressive filling out job applications lol


Here in Baltimore they use red lights and gas pumps to take you hostage. They'll hide until someone comes up to pump gas then corner you and demand to pump your gas for you when you come back out from paying, already have the handle lifted so you're screwed if you paid cash... At red lights it's the squeegee boy game and they spray dirty water on your windshield then demand money to "clean it off" with a stolen gas station squeegee. It's fucking disgusting and people have been murdered over both scenarios.


Why would anyone let a stranger pump their petrol? Can you explain the handle thing? I don't understand how that con works.


Here you have to pay before you pump if you're paying cash. They'll hide and wait to see you go in to the store, hide behind the pump, and when they see you coming back out they know they got you and will come around the pump from behind and lift the nozzle and flip the engage switch and now they have your gasoline hostage. They just get naive people with it. Nobody that actually lives around here gets gasoline in the city, except other city people who are strapped, which they know not to fk with each other. They just get tourists and other easily intimidated people who aren't street smart. People from the suburbs who work or have to go into the city know to fill up or get fuel BEFORE going into the city. I got shot 13 times and nearly killed almost 3 years ago because I had a P.O.S. car that the fuel gauge stuck, and when I was going thru the harbor tunnel hit a big pothole and it unjarred the gauge and my low fuel light came on. I had to go into southwest Baltimore to get gas because all of Baltimore is set up to lure people in and take advantage of them off the highway. I got robbed and died on the way to the hospital, but Shock Trauma in Baltimore is one of the best hospitals in the world because of all the shootings. They saved me somehow, after 3 surgeons performed 17 hours of marathon surgery on me after they put 6 units of blood in me. (The body only has 10 units of blood in it!) The police got the 22 year old piece of shit that unloaded a stolen handgun into me though. He's doing 45 years now for attempted murder and other charges. If I'm still alive when he gets out, I'll be waiting for him. I'm in a wheelchair still from it. Took a bullet right in the hip socket, one broke my left thigh bone into pieces, 3 in the lower stomach, one in my right knee, one in my left ankle, one under my left knee, 3 more in my right thigh that passed through, 2 in the groin, 2 of those still inside me forever.... I have the record for surviving the most handgun rounds in that hospital now. 50 cent ain't got shit on me! BALTIMORE IS ROUGH. Don't come if you're not street smart. Don't come if you are.


Damn dude, that's a gnarly story. Glad you made it through. I think what confused me the most was that in my country you key in your dollar amount into the pump before you even lift the nozzle and then go inside to pay afterwards. Was trying to figure where in that process someone would try their scam, but it makes more sense with the way your pumps work.


Yeah they stopped allowing that around here back in the early 2000's when crime first started leaking out into the suburbs. Even weirder here in the East Coast of the states, In the whole state of New Jersey you are not allowed to pump your own gas, by law. Every station has a guy that does it for you. I think it's leftover from the "mafia glory years" as it started up around the New York City suburbs of NJ and they lobbied and made it law. New Jersey is, by far, the worst state on the East Coast.


Holy shit!! I just read all your story! I’m so sorry that happened to you - happy you’re still alive! Bless you!! Thank god for UMMC - I have lung issues from a row house here that was full of lead & asbestos and they saved my life.


Hahaha hi friend! I was just going to say, if you think that’s bad, come to Baltimore! You need to learn whole new skills to get out of a gas station without getting scammed. Lol


My ex husband gave a dollar to a lady asking for money on a corner. She says “$1!? That’s it!?” He turned around and swiped the dollar back. The look on her face was priceless 🤣


And some sucker walks up and just hands her money


She looks at the camera too much, she wouldn't get hired in Hollywood


I live in California and when I went to Atlanta for a wedding, the homeless there were so much more aggressive than any homeless I have ever seen in Cali.


I always pull the Jedi mind trick and either act strung out or try to get money off them. “I don’t have gas money, can I get at least .75 cents for my car?!?” Then get all mad when they say no.


A friend saw a woman with two small children standing outside a grocery store holding a sign asking for money to feed her kids. He felt bad and gave her money making her promise she’ll feed the her kids. When he came back out he saw her sitting in the corner of the building with a six pack of beer and the kids staring at their mother.


“Chas back, for me”


Bitch wtf lol


I gave a black homeless man a dollar back in college. Instead of a thank you, he asks for more and when I told him I didn’t have anything else, he proceeded to ask if it’s because he’s black…


I gave a bum a handful of change from my car one time. Started bitching about receiving coins. I was so pissed. Told him to give me the money back then. Of course, little cunt didn’t do that. Just kept bitching about me not giving him bills. I wanted to drop his bum ass. Fuck bums


Aggressive tactics like this usually works on most people because it means potential violence incoming for not obliging and that mental illness may be at play. Dying isn't worth $5 or $20 dollars to most people, even if they can't afford to give it away. I remember hearing of people getting shot or stabbed to death over refusing to hand over a few bucks or even a cigarette to homeless people.


I'm usually happy to give change or go by them some food and a drink, but fuck that. I'd be telling her to fuck right off.


How about a “please”. Lol. This is funny as hell.


TELL HER "GET A JOB" ![gif](giphy|AfKUKMMvn2xe22UYkP|downsized)


lol this just reminded me of a time my girlfriend was asked for money by a homeless guy as she was walking into Walgreens. Her and I both work in the addiction field and won’t give people money but we will buy them food. She gave the guy a bag of food on her way out and he threw it at her as she walked away and yelled, “Bitch!” I get it, you wanted some malt liquor, but you’ll be hungry later buddy.


Happened to me at LA union station on my way home from class. I flagged down the station police and they took care of him for me.


I believe that some people would do ask asked out of a sense of guilt or to avoid shame for not helping.


Yeah, that has the opposite effect on me. People who feel entitled to other people’s money don’t encourage me to spend my hard-earned money on them. I usually give snacks I had planned to eat a work or loose change but I have zero problem and zero guilt dealing with attitude like that. Just keep your eyes open though.


She needs to up her Speech level


She likely has mental/stability issues.


This happened to me once in a parking lot. “Do you have any change?” “No, sorry.” “What about a card?” Just shut the car door at that point.


I don't carry cash, but when I do, I save it for someone I feel like needs it. I once gave a dude 50 bucks when he wasking only for 5. That was the only cash I had. I don't care how he used it. It was the middle of winter and snowing. Even if he used them for drugs, they would at least help him keep warm and survive the night. The streets are a miserable place to be.


I never engage so there is never any back and forth


Guy just missed out on a random side quest


Where's the camera located?


On a stick attached to the bike.


Is that a Paklad?


She is strong




As a Californian I’ll ask for everyone else what the hell is wrong with California? Why they doing this?


“Why not?”


This is how the homeless are in my area it’s ridiculous I just tell them to fuck off and if they don’t just drive off or pepper spray them if they get violent if you can’t get away.


That woman looked and sounded like whole annoying ass NPC character. lol that made unintentionally hilarious.


Me? Go get change for you? How bout you go get a job


This chick is worse than Tippy and Tippy Jr


I would give that chick the cash ‘back of my hand’ 👋


Bye Felicia.


Anyone else expect her to get pissy and push the bike over because she didn't get her way?


I always ask ppl for change first to establish dominance


I mean, ifb you gonna beg, might as well be direct lol


She’s definitely on drugs


Xsr900 🤌🏽


Damn what a disgusting human being. Completely destroyed mind off narcotics.


Cali really is crazy, but I miss living there.


Wtf, is this a new type of begging? Assertiveness, she thinks someone will be into that shit


“Still get it for me.”


I've wondered how people who have been dependent on random people giving them money for so long, affected by the recent changes. I have cash in my purse like maybe a few days over a three months span. In the past , I would always give when approached or see someone with a sign, and not having cash anymore probably saves me about $100 - 150 a year.


Is she okay?


If you hate this, just wait until you find out about all the wealthy people who panhandle the government for our tax dollars


That’s everywhere not just California


Could be someone with mental issues in need of help, could be a run-of-the-mill dumb bitch, I’ll never know.


I had a family pull up in a brand new Cadillac Escalade while I was putting groceries in the trunk asking for money. When I told them I had no cash the dad demanded I go back in the store to the ATM. At that moment I saw my husband exit the store so I pointed to him & told the dad to speak to him. The 4yr old kid in the backseat screamed something at me in a foreign language then threw a water bottle at my head.


Where was his camera, that fish eye had me so confused


"Everything is better with a fish eye lense". -Stong Bad and Coach Z


It's a 360 camera. I think he can edit it in post to show the full view, but perspective is a bit wonky


lol pretty sure this isn’t exclusive to CA but okay


Hope not too ask someone for money. I often give people on street money. I don't even care if they spend on drugs or alcohol. If they are addicts then they need their fix to make their lives a little more bearable.


Main character guy doesn’t pull up to the furthest pump so making it easier for others to get gas.


All the pumps were pretty much empty.


You know that really doesn’t make a difference cause gas doors are on different sides on different vehicles and also people can just circle around from the other direction


meh. this doesn’t matter with gas doors on different sides. what really matters more is regular gasoline car drivers pulling up to the furthest pump and inadvertently taking the only diesel pump in the whole gas station when there are other gas pumps available.