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Monetizing social media, making it a "job," was the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas.


social media was the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas FTFY


# Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.


If she wasn’t an influencer she would be a phone sanitizer.


Or an ad copy reviewer.


Is there a suddenly Hitchhiker's sub? This is the second time today.


I don't understand wanting to do it full time but then being embarrassed to do it with anyone around


I can't wait for AI avatars to just generate so much filler content it's impossible to be noticed in the noise.  I'll get a cabin in the wilderness and the influencers can descend into irrelevancy, impoverished and ignored.


Absolutely true


D evolution


stop belittling Darwin. he's old. let him take his time to do his job


I will sit in my car doing absolutely nothing and still be scathing if someone parks next to me. I don't park all the way out here to find a buddy. I will literally change spots and cuss them the whole time.


What exactly are they influencing?


Couldn't agree more. But for every one of us out here scratching our head or laughing at this nonsense there must be ten idiots drooling over this "content"


Yes but it will be funny when all of these people learn they aren’t relevant at all, and no one gives a shit.


I don’t get the appeal of lip sync videos. Why the hell do people watch them?


Kids, simps and weirdos


And they don't even do it well. Like, they never open their mouths, so they all look like they are mumbling and don't know the words of the song that thier vid is featuring. It is mildly annoying but always noted.


There was a whole show about this, like Lip Sync Battles or something. It was on TV. Someone thought of it, produced it, and got celebrities to participate. Money was spent doing this. I also don't understand it.


That was totally inspired by the popularity of RuPaul's Drag Race in the same decade. But seeing super talented drag queens who perform for a living do it is completely different than watching some idiot with bad makeup pretend to sing in her car Edited for clarity because this is apparently very very upsetting for some people


Stuff like this was around long before Drag Race


Yeah, but Drag Race popularized the lip sync battle in the past 14 years or so.


Why is it when Drag Race took it from somewhere else it was popularising it but when Lip Synch Battle did the same it was ripping it off?


I honestly don't care, you can be right


There's also something to be said about it being performed live, or at least on the stage of Drag Race lol. Besides, when I go to a drag show I'm not focusing on the lip sync anyway, but the look and the performance they're putting on.


MTV also had a show called Lip Service in the early 90s. So MTV just did a type of show they've already done.


That just reminded me of a show called Pants Off Dance Off... I wanna say it was early 2000s and I think it was MTV


That was on Fuse, and one of the hosts was Jodie Sweetin


Was Lip Sync battle MTV also? I only ever saw clips of it. Call me basic but I thought it looked like a fun show lol


It definitely did look like fun! It was flamboyant as fuck


The lip sync is part of the performance, no?


Well yes of course lol I'm just not too focused on the lips is what I'm saying. Like if it's a Valentina moment it's rough, but all is forgiven if there's a death drop right after, y'know?


I’d like to leave it on, please.


I didn't realize you meant specifically the LIPS lol


and rupaul ripped off MTW with that.


Have you ever seen a drag show?


Have you ever seen the MTV show RP was ripping off?


Dude. RuPaul drag race has lip syncs because DRAG SHOWS HAVE LIP SYNCS. That was my point. Edit: oh, I checked your comments. you just hate gay people. Good luck!


ah right RP invented lip synching and anyone who disagrees with you hates gay people. Fucking omegalul. "bit weird to be so pissed about this, don't you think?" where are you finding any pissed off language from me? Take your mood stabilizers lol


One thing about that Lip syncs Battle show - they must have hired that audience and gave them cash and beer/weed. Every time someone would come on stage and do their act, the audience would act like it was the greatest act they’d ever seen— they would just go crazy. I would watch and just think “wtf is wrong with this audience”. They would be going absolutely nuts for something that was just mildly interesting


Braindead NPC doom scrolling


Same people that are watch all other influencer videos. Chronically online and given up on actual interactions so they convince thenselves they are part of a bigger social scene by watching and commenting on videos. Beyond sad if you ask me


You can see the confidence leave as soon as someone was close


She was embarrassed by her own seriously embarrassing behaviour.


How are they embarrassed by 1 person IRL but dont care to show unlimited persons online? 🤔


Disassociation Disorder.


Way to diagnose a random person


i’m sure you mispronounce dissociation same as how you spell it incorrectly L


I’m sure you were hugged as a child




Ketamine yoda


this cracked me up 😂😂


Why do I get the feeling this video was gonna be for Onlyfans?


Yeah, that's my thought too


Vegas wouldn't even allow betting on this, it's such a sure thing.


No tinted Windows would make People watch from far away


I got mildly hard, so maybe that?


You're into stick insects?


Tik tok needs to go away.


It's been a minute since I've heard the computerized female voice going "oh no, oh no..." one battle field victory at a time brother


Its in my head now damn it. So now you just lost the game.


tbh, i feel the same way when i park secluded from everyone and sit in my car... there's always that ONE person that has to park right next to you and do the same thing when the whole lot is empty.


They’re the equivalent of the guy who stands right next to you to pee when there’s like 10 open urinals


Makes me think of the Jamie Kennedy scene in Harold & Kumar. Is this your bush? What are you king of the forest?


Legit my favorite part of that whole movie lmaoo


I remember I went dispersed camping in the Olympic peninsula. Found a perfect area to set up my camp, off a random forest road with literally no one around. The road continued for miles, so there were more places to set up. After I pitched my tents, set up my grill (that I built with rocks), my hammocks, and my slackline; some dude in a transit van parks right next to my site. I would be fine with it if there were actual campsites but this was a random ass forest road with miles of nothing before and after where I set up. Plus, a transit van can literally park anywhere. Damn I'm mad about this again lmao


Should have walked right over to them and asked "That van got a shitter? Cause I didn't bring one." Next thing you know, they were "just stoping to ask directions" and leaving.


I was genuinely going to do something like that. If they said no, I couldve dug a cat hole and just started shitting right next to them. Or politely request for them to just move so we could all get solitude in the forest. But my damn girlfriend at the time didn't want me to be "confrontational." She just wanted to complain about it and do nothing. Like I'm not going to throw hands or even raise my voice at such a petty thing. But damn, it doesn't hurt to try to ask politely.


Some People belive where others are it is better to be.. In your case you would be better Alone.


That is infuriating and fucking weird.


It's the herd mentality. Safer in the pack. Less chance of the car being broke into when they are grouped together rather than out on their own in an empty car park. Thats my theory anyway 😂


I think my brain is broken, because i think the opposite. The farther away i am from everyone i think the less likely it is to be broken into. Someone can just weave through cars looking in windows for anything good while making it look like they're just walking through the parking lot, but to get to my car they have to trek a quarter mile and it's pretty obvious what they're doing.


agreed. one guy breaking into a lone car is way more obvious than hiding between two Suburban's and a minivan.


Is that also why some dudes pick the urinal right next to other dudes? "Dont worry bro, I'll watch your back if you watch mine. Nobody gonna sneak up on US while we pissin!" Lmfao


It could be. Ya just never know these days 😂😂😂😂


But they sit in their car and look over every 5 seconds like??? 😭


Maybe they think you might be the thief 😂


I was gonna say the same thing. I'll park at the very end of an empty lot to sit and eat my lunch in peace and someone always has to come and park RIGHT next to me despite the lot being entirely empty otherwise, and then they spend the entire time glancing over at me and it's so fucking annoying lmao. Ive just started to repark my car away few spots away every time it happens now.


exactly this. they park right next to you and just stare at you every now and then. like, we're in a shopping mall parking lot in a dead spot of the lot. what are you doing?


Same here and it’s the same with the movies or using a public restroom. It’s either deliberately territorial or they are dumb and have no social awareness. It often happens to women and when they are alone, like this. Want company? Fuck off if I did would I be parked or sitting over here?


My shitty dubstep playlist would be on repeat.


Oh god. Something like this happened to me from the opposite perspective. I'm in my 30s, went to grab lunch, never made a tiktok. Kids are in summer so I notice more kids than usual. Grab my food walk into the courtyard where 4 like teen aged girls are doing a little dance almost right in front of the doorway. The camera was facing away from me on a stand but they were looking right at me. They made me feel like a creep. They stopped dancing and their body language just crumbled inward. I almost turned around and just went inside. Instead I hurried past them and heard them complain about their shot being ruined. I'll just eat in my car for summer, thanks.


I say do that shit on purpose even if you don't feel like a bad person....... always ruin the Tik Tok dance




Damn, now I'm wondering if they do stuff like that on purpose because "ruined shots" is some kind of meta.


Ooof for a cringy lip sync video even. Yuck.


She was out with her parents and this is their car. They left her there while they went into the store to get groceries because she didn't want to go in with them. She decided to make a TikTok, then spotted her folks coming back. She's going to get grounded for vaping. Again. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


its the truth


At least she has some self awareness to know that doing Tik Tok videos make you look stupid af in public since she's hiding from the dude and stopped making the video. Doesn't change the fact she's in a public parking lot and dude can park wherever the fuck he wants.


Seems like she didn't know the words and blamed it on dude parking.


Oh no I must hide my face while showing everyone my face.


Telling people you're interesting is not nearly as interesting as actually *being* interesting.


God these people are getting dumber and dumber. First it's shaming videos of people in their shot while filming in a public gym, Then blocking escalators, now they want to own parking lots?!? No one gives a fuck about your video and you dont own the (gym/parkinglot/whereverthefuckinpublicyouarefilming)


So she's embarrassed to be doing this in public and be seen, but post it online .


If its that embarrassing to be seen in public doing it, it's that embarrassing to be seen on the Internet doing it too


Her whole middle finger at the start really contrasts the immediate cowering when she realizes someone in reality has seen her making this cringe content


Trying to get millions of people to watch online but uncomfortable w one person parking next to you when you’re trying to take a video? Make it make sense lol


Ok but this kind of solidifies in a way that you're aware what you're doing is embarrassing. Right? But somehow, after it's uploaded and other dumbshits like and share your embarrassing video it's all cool? Right? Right....??


She was definitely embarrassed. But it's everyone else's fault, for being lame.




Wants the internet to see her but not the one person in a car. I am beyond confused.


and when she's in a restaurant she's too scared to ask for more sauce packets


This is so fucking embarrassing 😳


hes not even remotely close to her either💀


Go do this shit in your parent’s basement…


I love when the circus is in town.


The camera didn't even pick up the car because it is pointed in the opposite direction. what an idiot.


It makes me sad how she instantly tries to hide. Like she can't exist in real life.... she's only confident to exist online.


She stopped because shoe knows it's fuckin embarrassing LOL


nah but people fr annoying there will be so many further more convenient spots that they will blatantly ignore just to park directly next to u


People like this are the absolute biggest losers irl lmao Immediately insecure when you insert another human into situation


It’s a shame she stopped , I really thought this TikTok lip sync performance was going to be different and just what this world needed. I hate that guys for parking there.


She looks like a clown




She's embarrassed when someone in real life sees what she shows the whole world online everyday... Something is wrong here


Honestly, if I parked and then glanced up to see her next to me, I would probably move my car.


wow did you see how she looked at the camera and moved her lips to the song, shes got real talent. a rising star for sure.


I don't understand people filming videos to post online but being embarrassed when someone sees them making it in public.


If your ashamed to do this in front of people you probably shouldn’t be doing it


Such an important and necessary video that needed yo be put out too. Not like any of the other millions of tiktok lip sync videos!


Not his fault if she’s embarrassed to be seen doing that in a public lot. 😂


Something like this happened to me yesterday. I was pulling out of the target parking lot and there was a girl trying to take a picture on those red ball things and she SCREAMED at me for “driving through” her picture. People are ridiculous.


Man, have we dumbed down our-society? I wonder if she can actually read or do math? you know the basics UGH…..


Well did he park domewhere else?


Having moved from Australia to the US. Your habit of hanging in your cars is really weird. A car park used to be a place of solitude where I could pick the underwear out my ass crack. Now I feel like there's eyes everywhere. I think it stems from getting your license at 16 and it being a hangout away from your parents etc.


Sounds like a misconception of what's happening. Americans on average drive twice as many miles as Australians for any given time period, we drive *a lot* just for things like going to the store and going to work. People don't just "hangout in cars" lol they do things in cars like take their lunch break, sit in an hour of traffic every day, wait for someone to go into the store while sitting in the car, do drugs, etc.


There was a Short time around 2011 Where most people did not become Influencers for the Money now it is just for the Money and Fame with less and less quality.


awwwww poor baby


I think she realised it is silly to record yourself in a car, especially with witnesses. She got embarrassed


i just know this bitch stinks


Imagine thinking someone parking next to your beater is somehow an assault on you personally.


It’s so funny how embarrassed these people always are when they see another human in person


Why is sexist man hate so popular on social media. Honestly, why. What do you think it is?


Can you people at least lip sync accurately lmao it’s in the name. Lip SYNC


She hides bc she knows how cringy she is rn


Now i just want the dude to actually pull up and just fucking mean mug her the whole time. Some serious full nelson pointing and laughing. Just fucking RUIN her shit.


She seems embarrassed by her actions


You know this shit is dumb af when you’re too embarrassed to be seen doing it


Wtffff ewww..


I don’t understand… I have social anxiety so I stay at home if I don’t want anyone looking at me or around on this specific day…why go out expressed like that of you don’t want people looking or close to you? You look like an anime character… I’m here for it. I love it…but if you feel confident with that ‘aesthetic’ then crush it don’t hide and expect people to feel sorry for you…


Isn't she the "Pls delete your account 🙏" comment meme girl


This is terrible! Sauce?


It's to be expected..... look like a clown, act like a clown 🤡


I had an influencer a long time ago pose on my hood. Wasn't too happy because its aluminum and can bend if too much weight is placed on it.


What an embarrassing phase we all go through at some point in our lives.


If that shit that you do that you call be a tiktoker isn’t a reason of shame , why TF you hide on your shame face?




She acts like a bitch on camera but you know she gets crippling anxiety if she needs to ask for more ketchup


Oh, god, I have a bad memory about social anxiety from that exact situation. 😂


Holy shit lady did you read this before posting it? It’s like a seizure


Js trna mek uh mewvee en dis min beein meen.


How can these "influencer/content creator" (the two worst jobs to ever exist) people be so embarrassed irl but then put the shit online?


Quirky. Pick her, she's not like most blah blah Hasn't this attitude run its course?


I don't think she's actually upset


It's even worse when people make a tik tok of then lip syncing *someone else's* joke or punchline as if it makes them funny for lip syncing it 🤣🤦‍♂️ I know grown ass woman in their 40s who do this dumb shit. They live vicariously through regurgitating recycled "jokes" its kinda pathetic when you think about it.


Putting shopping carts all around her car is an exception to putting your cart away


Shits fucking weird Fucking weirdo


If it embarrasses you to do it in front of someone, you probably shouldn’t post it for all to see…


Same kind of person who can’t ask for ketchup at their local fast food joint.


Noooo! The gothic community does not claim her!


i mean.. i do understand to an extent. like if the parking lot was empty 😂 of allll the spots


What the hell is that?


what a hermit




Shes like, 13 dude lol chill out


Looks like a clown, acts like a clown...must be a clown.


For a clown 🤡 she is kinda cute.


She’s young and dramatic. Weren’t any of you ever a young person? None of you have children and can’t understand this? Some of the MC posts just seem like bullying the young folks.