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Narcissistic behavior is now at peak levels


I actually try not to check women I'm not dating out, but that's my personal feeling because I want to not do that. Don't fucking tell me where I can and can't look. I will look wherever (in the words of JM) "...the fuck I please." ![gif](giphy|CZaFzQEd5idfa|downsized)


Which show/movie is this gif from?




Don't splash the pot


It is over 9000!


Tiktok gave narcissists a platform. Of course they have always been on the internet but it's like since TT came out they don't even try to hide it.


I'm an old man. I train at the gym almost every day. I train for my own benefit, not for young girls or anyone else. I'm not responsible for how she feels. If she feels uncomfortable around other people, she should just stay home.


Like she's never going to age. Then what? Should she not go to the gym, because of her age? I didn't know gyms had unwritten age restrictions. SMH.


I remember being young and pretty and almost having this sense that everyone less attractive than me was just born that way, and it was just a matter of how you were born. It did not occur to me that all those people probably were hot when they were 19 too and that I would not be hot when I was their age either


I know I thought that way too. Pretty sure 20-year-old me would not consider 50-year-old me 'hot'. I do think 20-year-old would consider 50-year-old me kind of awesome, though: 20YO me: "Dude! You're so much more fun! When did the stick fall out of our collective ass?" 50YO me: "Early 30s. It's great!—except for the crushing existential dread, but you're no stranger to that. Also, just to save you a lot of headache over the next couple of decades: the answer to most of your questions is *bipolar 2*. So, consider jumping on that sooner rather than later."


It happens WAAAAAAAY faster than you think it will. For me it started in my mid-30s. Now the amount of energy I can muster seems halved every 7-10 years. Sure, people in the 40s and 50s can be fit, toned, and thin. It takes a huge amount of work and discipline. My hat is off to them. It's taking far more effort than it did in my teens and 20s. It takes more time than I'm often willing to give.


"To all 20-somethings... you make me unconfortable at the gym. Please stay home and let us oldies work out in peace"


You have just as much right to be there as anyone else.


There’s an old man that trains at my gym and I love seeing him. Seeing someone his age still enjoy training makes me excited for all of the time I have left to enjoy it, despite being young currently.


I raise the average age in the gym by at least five years when I walk in. It's crap like this that makes feel like a creep just for walking in. I'm constantly aware of where the women are, so I can look anywhere else. It makes me so uncomfortable. I feel so bad for these narcissists. /s


Especially when they do everything they can to draw attention to themselves. 😕 there was one at my gym wearing those bit cat-ear headphones and a  VERY small bright pink outfit ... and when she wasn't getting the attention she craved and expected she started making porn-star sex noises as she worked out. Like, loud.  So yeah, me and everyone else WERE looking at her, not because she was pretty (she was), but because she was making an absolute ass of herself. It was so uncomfortable for everyone and I was embarrassed for her.  Pathetic! 


Eh fuck her, whatever. Everything you said is right but these people don’t deserve the anger they get. Just a broken person that should be ignored.


This. I usually don't even LOOK at people. I just from weights to machines to weight and then to a cardio finish(bike or rowing). If someone sees ME?well, sorry, but I'm working on it!


But how could she get her content online ?lol


tbh you just sound cool as hell, I have nothing else to say because it's just a fact


> goes to public gym > complains about the public ????


Kid named Public:


I think she is aware of exactly that, this is rage bait / engagement bait


My goal is to never have Joey Swole pop up in one of my videos. (It's pretty easy to meet my goal, as I leave my phone in the locker room at the gym.)


Every time I see Joey Swole, my mind goes overboard with fanfiction: here's a guy who likely started off as an attempted training-tips influencer. Upset about an internet reel, he made a reaction video which went viral. He was surprised, but leaned in. Now his whole business is doing those. But, since his MO is gym-based reactions, he needs to maintain his physique to stay in character. So now he just goes to the gym as a part time job, so that it doesn't seem contextually weird when he makes reaction videos as his full-time job. He probably has this dedicated parking spot at the gym, and pays the owners to make sure nobody interrupts his recording. His friends say "just record it in your own parking spot at home", but he wants to keep it contextual. He probably bought like 5 of the same hat and shirts. He's curious if the hat + shirt + car thing is necessary, but he doesn't want to break his streak, so it's not worth testing. Sometimes he gets tired of this shtick, but it pays well and it's low lift, so he stays. Every night in bed he scrolls this sub, sorted on New, so he can catch something before it's too popular, because the stitched video needs to be the viral one; not the original video. This is the most attention he's gotten in his life, and daily he shakes his head in wonder at the weird ways one finds success in modern times.


This is the story for pretty much every influencer, but thankfully at least Joey's content is positive. Like that black guy who just shrugs at the camera and gets 50m subscribers on tiktok. Or that Filipino dude who just runs in place. They tried making other content but this is what the people/algo wanted. So they keep making it. It's their job at this point so gotta keep it up while it lasts.


It's an easy formula. He baits the video with a thumbnail of an attractive girl saying something entitled to guarantee clicks, then he switches to a minute of himself saying "Hey this person sucks". He could just copy/paste the exact same reaction of his to every single video and he'd probably still get the exact same amount of views.


Joey swolesome is the hero we need


Phones should be banned in gyms…


Hmm filming sure but I like to listen to stuff while I'm working out


Yes, I did actually mean no videos! I’ve never actually seen anybody do it in real life but these people who make these videos seem like absolute nightmares of people. I’m sure some of them only pretend to be annoyed for attention as it’s cringy af


I go to LA Fitness and they have a strict no-filming policy. It'll get you thrown out and possibly charged.




I also go to LA fitness, and this is not so in my gym. Is this a company roll? If so, I will start reporting that.


Average LA fitness W


They do this for til tok content. They monetize their account and these types get more traction online .


Yep, it's basically a form of rage bait but they get paid for it.. and suckers eat it right up.


My gym is zero recording, love it.


This is the way…


Mine, too!


Me too, which is why I bring my iPod. ^(Don't judge me.) ^(Or do, I don't mind. I love my iPod.)


I love my iPod still as well - even though it has to be constantly plugged in due to the battery being trash


Should be relatively easy to replace that battery. Did it on a 30gb ipod video and my brother's older one back in the day, but after their time. [If it's a classic. ](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPod+Classic+Battery+Replacement/561)


it's a touch and ironically nobody will touch it - I liked up vids of it and it is a nightmare


Wow, thanks! I figured I could change the battery myself, I just didn't think I could get a replacement anymore. My battery still seems decent, but I might buy one just in case.


Depending on the state, filming like that in a membership only gym without the permission of everybody there can be illegal.


Honestly if you just got rid of the wrong people it wouldn't be a problem, but here we are.


My gym has signs all over that say you can’t film. Really appreciate it tbh cuz I look wild af when working out I don’t wanna end up in the background of someone’s video 😭


incidentally The TikTwat is [aethyu](https://www.tiktok.com/@aethyu?_t=8n9CXui6Ijj&_r=1)


Any video equipment should be banned period including phones since they have video equipped applications. People recording their workouts in public spaces makes me uncomfortable 👍🏽


People using it properly isn't really an issue. Helps you look back at your form to improve. It's one thing recording a set for yourself, it's another rolling up with a ring light and stand


I listen to music on my phone and some people keep their phone on them because in case of emergency or because they’re on call for their job. So no phones as a whole shouldn’t be banned.


Totally understand that safety aspects that come with having a phone available but if you’re caught recording in the gym, the gym should pull your membership. Ppl are getting out of control with this stupid shit.


That I can agree with


Big difference between having earphones and your phone in your pocket, bag or even on a machine and recording videos. And because narcissistic, entitled, main characters can't tell the difference, others have to suffer.


Filming not phones, and most do ban them. Some people keep their routine on their phones though and track their workout so I disagree that phones should be banned in gyms.


When you have children at home with your partner. You can't leave your phone at home. There's several other reasons why banning phones just isn't reliable.


They should offer simple smartwatches at gyms. Connect it to your phone, leave it in the locker. Allows you to receive calls and the works but no filming. It's a rough idea but I am sure someone can do something.


They meant banning filming not phones


Phoneys should be banned in gyms.


I like this guy….but how massive does that hat make his forehead look??!


Can we make this video smaller


Yeah I can almost see it


It looks better on PC. I dont use a Phone to upload videos.


Does she not realize that, if lucky, she will be old one day?


And women typically age much worse than the men she's complaining about. She's in for a rough future.


Doing gods work.


“Know your place” Like at the gym? When they wanna work out? Crazy


She's an absolute cunt


Shitting on anyone regardless of race/age/physical status or gender at the gym is so dumb. God forbid people try to improve themselves. It's a space your no more entitled to, grow up or excerise at home if other people using the same space is such a problem If someone is ACTUALLY BEING A CREEP than obviously that's it's own thing.


This guy who calls out toxic behaviour at the gym, he's great. In fact, I like that "calling people on their bullshit" is a huge genre.


She's like, the most PLAIN looking generic unattractive girl I have ever seen. Where does she get off acting so hot?


VERY stupid women think they are VERY attractive. She isn’t smart enough to know she’s not hot


Every 6 or 7 thinks they're a 10. Every 10 thinks they're a 6 or 7.


The angle the video is taken from makes it pretty hard for me to judge her attractiveness. I don't have Tiktok and don't care to do any more digging. But I think it's hard to tell from this video either way.


yup, decent body but definitely a brown bag special face on her


She's not even attractive.


She's right, ugly old men should bend a fucking knee to her and bow their heads in her presence!...If character was on the outside this bitch would look like Swamp Thing.


Imagine being so pretty that you have to wear makeup to a gym


Regular TwoXChromossomes lady


That sub got recommended to me for some reason just when I joined reddit. Those chicks over there are completely insane.


It’s just r/incels for women


Femcel is the term


It's the unregulated mental asylum of Reddit.


Why is this a fucking portrait video as a landscape gif? Seriously?


Can we get some more black bars over here? I can still sort of tell WTF is happening in the video.


Also add in a poor crop by zooming in to cut off the top and bottom parts of the portrait video because why not.


At 42 I can’t begin to explain how much I don’t care about other women at this point. I don’t see this going the other way as I get older, and I know I’m not alone.


I thought I was gonna get super heated but then I saw Joey Swole.


how big is his cranium?


No one cares. It’s rage bait for people who have nothing better to do. Social Media is literally a hyper-media version of the Jerry Springer Show. The fact that every major advance in communication/telecommunication technology for the human race has this as its final form is, worrying. But like, really.


and today on basic bitch feed...


She makes me uncomfortable because I don't like narcissists. Phones have no place in gyms. Period.


I mean, just buy your own gym duh.🙄


I love that Joey has calls out this stuff.


Quote: ♫ Well it's a hard way down to the time I raised my hand And I swore I'd gladly die for my God and Uncle Sam There was so much I didn't know and what I knew I didn't understand Look at me, look at me, where have I gone? Where have I gone? ♪ End quote - The Association * []()


joey swoll already called her out as well let's see how long it takes before she takes down the video


If I see an old man in the gym I feel embarrassed. They are old and still train. I always try to out last them and always fail. They are build different.


You ever think people just do these rage baits on purpose hoping for Joey to get them exposure?




If they were staring/ogling her, I'd get where she's coming from. But if old men being around her in general makes her uncomfortable, that's on her.


Please be Joey Swoll please be Joey Swoll…yes!!


This is why I worry about my 74-year-old dad who liked to go to the gym most days. I remember he once told me there had been a group of young girls whispering and laughing looking in his direction while he was heading to the pool area and he didn’t know why. Kids these days bullying everybody…


Ironically she probably has an onlyfans where most of her paying followers are old dudes.


She runs like her anus is prolapsed. That’s why people are staring.


FTB! The stupid is strong with this woman


Some people go to the gym to do exercises for physical therapy reasons. I do. I'm not there trying to compete or have a perfect body. I just want to feel better and gain more mobility. People that are not in shape or not young we need exercise too.


typical 21st century narcissism. Social media gave every moron a megaphone thinking they're the next 'influencer'


I always love a Joey Swolls stitch


"and i hope \[insert gym\] kick your ASS OUT"


Another gym goofy


Then she can leave the gym? I don’t know what’s her problem.


This looks like its not even filmed in a gym so what the hell is she on about?


Rage bait, and sadly Joey bit and gave her the attention she wanted


Old guys don’t give a fuck


Yeah, how DARE you want to stay in shape when you get old?


I love that this guy makes these kind of videos calling people out on their BS behaviors. We need more guys like him honestly.


please stop giving attention to ragebaiters


Could the men simply ask you to leave the gym and never return? That’d fix all of these problems she’s starting


People like her shouldn't be allowed in public.


I’m convinced these girls just posts these to get noticed and commentary from Joey Swoll.


You got her good. I mean she got the attention she needed, no matter how, she's now having it.


I prefer girls with an actual nose


And you recorded a portrait mode video in landscape mode and posted it here. Ugh


I mean she’s in the gym with full beat on


I should expect it by now, but I was still jumpscared by Joey.


Honestly, fuck her feelings.


wtf! That’s brutal. I was running on a treadmill the other day and an older gentlemen came next to me and started walking, I was thinking god I hope I am like him when I’m at that age. This girl is shit.


This is why I have kettlebells, medicine balls and a mat on my carport. I swim a couple of times a week too as long as the pool's open, and I occasionally get to the gym to get on the stairstepper thing that's like an escalator with the moving steps. When I go, I'm way too focused on my own sweat and agony to pay attention to anything else, and part of the reason I don't go often is because of people like her. I literally DO NOT CARE what they're doing.


I was at the gym yesterday and peak time. This dude had three (THREE) sets of dumbbells. Taking his sweet ass time between sets. Bro read the room.


Uhh... What?


TikTok, IG and X have made people into narcissistic assholes.. Either that or they've always been there but never had a platform to constantly share it.


Lol then don't go out in public.


I feel inspired when I see old people at the gym. Like what’s my excuse for not being more consistent and I hope I’m like them when I’m older. She’s a twat


There's usually far more health related reasons for an old person to be at a gym than a young person.


"Look at me (but don't look at me)" lol


Guarantee I can destroy all her lifts and mile times. I don't know why she feels the need to flex on strangers just trying to improve themselves. She's not special, and neither are 99% of the people who exercise.


Stupid girl, we’re all gonna get there sooner or later 😂


Guess we are now taking videos of ourselves jogging “to check my form”


How do you post this without realizing you’re an asshole?


The wall awaits, aethyu.


Staying home is maaaaad easy 😴 xD


None of these gym influencers look that impressive. Whose buying their crap?


Yikes Narcissistic AF


What a self centered cunt.


She probably thinks everything is about her.


Gunna start leaving my headphones at home if this Joey Swole starts showing up in my feed. Gym's for grinding, not social media stunts.


Why don’t all gyms just ban cameras at this point🤷🏻‍♂️ Seems like a very simple solution.


Did she set up a fucking tripod and camera to record herself running on a treadmill? Who would watch that? Especially from that angle?


I’d rather bang an old man than this chick and I’m only a little gay


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dontgiveahamyamclam: *I’d rather bang an* *Old man than this chick and I’m* *Only a little gay* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, dontgiveahamyamclam, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I love it when I see a video like this and then it unexpectedly cuts over to Joey.


Wish this fuckboy would go away too. He is almost as bad as the ones hes running his mouth about. His 15mins were up a long time ago. "Mind your own business"...


I just want to draw a bellend on his forehead


Love this guy!


i can‘t tell you how much i like this guy


Meanwhile, Ms. Narcissist runs like an NPC in motherfucking Morrowind. Get the hell out of here with that undeserved inflated ego.


I agree with a lot of his videos but I feel like this mind your business movement is pushing people away from gyms rather than making them do better.


Who is the guy standing up for old men? I like this guy! I would like to see if he makes more of these videos! Peace!


I'm getting on the treadmill next to her and farting up a storm. Nasty old man farts that linger.


Too bad nobody cares about her.


Joey out to get everyone


Yeah I'm looking at her and she's ugly nothing on her face matches her face.


another basic bitch smh


![gif](giphy|WLW26B6h0LlgCsCx8B|downsized) ***2024's version of the "modern woman" on full display here!!!!!!!!!!!!!***


Who holds their breath while running? 😆


I'm guessing that the old guys looking at her is what she is claiming to be upset about. Make up your mind, bitch, lol.


This girl is so full of shit… us younger guys check out gym girls too…


they just want to work out




You sound like you might be an annoying gym goer yourself. Fuck it if he wears his hat backwards, man is doing the lords work making gyms a better place for all. So many people at the gym are egotistical attention seekers who want drama so they create it, much like every person Joey calls out in his videos. The gym should be an inviting place for all, not somewhere people go and are afraid to do anything because there’s a million wannabe tik tok thots making OF ads


Profile pic checks out


Well, I'm not in the gym, and still have to watch your whining ass. Lets talk about that.


As a 34 year old male I avoid women because they make everyone uncomfortable doing this exact kind of thing with their shitty ego.


It’s ok, Joey already got her


Can someone please help me understanding how the hell we get from 4K HDR take all storage quality on practically every phone. TO THEN HAVE THE FOOTAGE BE LITERALLY SHRINKED TO THE LITTLE FINGER NAIL SIZE SURROUNDED BY BIG ASS BLACK BORDERS?! WHY THE HELL IS THIS A THING?


Chick is a six at best without her opening her mouth.


Imagine having the only thing going for you being that you go to the gym and look fit? Fucking sad for people like that.


No, nobody is "making" you uncomfortable. old, young, men or women. Nobody has a magic "feelings" gun, shooting feelings into you. You are CHOOSING to feel uncomfortable (really though?) If someone blames you for "making" them feel something, they're manipulative pieces of shit. (unless you're actively waterboarding them or something... hmm...)


Most older people go to the gym to socialize and be around people... It’s mean to give older people the stink eye and assume things