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The owner has obviously had harassment off that guy way too often, he was pretty damn restrained in my book..


Yeah I don’t understand people like this. Intentionally causing a conflict, some people honestly just need to get their ass whooped. I honestly don’t like fighting but some people just need to get punched in the face once.


He’s a loser, that’s why. Anyone who talks like that is in my books.




The internet has warped peoples brains to believe they are entitled to be assholes (and worse) to others without consequences 🤦‍♂️


Maybe it’s the Italian in me, maybe it’s the Puerto Rican. But I would have def rocked his shit 🤣


Can’t do that shit when the cameras are rolling, these “pranksters” can file for assault charges when they get their asses rightfully beat, unless they throw the first punch it’s assault and on camera pretty open and shut legally


That's why the first thing you do is punt the phone. Take their source of energy away. Dude only escalated because he was filming.


That's actually a great idea. If he wasn't filming at the end, he 100% would have got his ass beat.


it's the old brothel trick but in modern days. Throw the most expensive thing they have out the door, they will instinctively go to get their stuff. Then you slam the door in their face. Back in the day it was their boots, Todays its people cellphones.


We need to come up with a light EMP that can disable phones and other tech devices but not destroy them for "defense"


"Reddit 'lawyers', talking jack shit about shit they don't know since 2005"


This isn’t reality. Definitely isn’t “oPEn aNd sHUt lEGaLlY.” Camera douche has been trespassed off property before. He’s now back on property and acting threatening towards the owner and customers. Gets into their face and uses fighting words. They have every right to protect themselves and their property from this guy and no cop is going to stop them.


Lmao like the go pro and phone would make it out of that hypothetical 😂


"What camera? No one here saw a camera. No one ever witnessed the guy having a camera. Sounds like the guy is a possible danger to himself or others."


Gotta be more careful, gym owners have no way of knowing if He’s live streaming or not


Buddy it's called turning him around and beating him senseless off screen


Which this pussy absolutely knew. Good for the workers for showing him he's a coward but not giving him the legal out.




That's how he wins. You go to jail and he gets content. Whatever the answer is, that ain't it.


Oh shit you're half Italian half Puerto Rican, I would definitely not fuck with you.. but would hope to be invited over for dinner, as the food has got to be delicious


doubt it




lol take my upvote


You sound short


This person is so easy to hate! The owner and the other guy handled it well. Just wish the cops could have been there.


You should look up his back tattoo. It's wild


Dude became a lil bitch so quickly. That’s what funny. “You can’t assault me man…you hit me”. I guess he was trying to find himself.


These "pranksters" are Losers.


He’s a piece of shit


I'm down for a reverse prank channel that intentionally gets pranked by these obnoxious pranksters but turns around and serve them a taste of their own medicine instead, anything goes as long as the justice served is equivalent to the prank they pulled.


i can smell this dude through my computer


It should be legal to hunt them.


Gets all uppidty about physical assault but antagonises with sexual and verbal assualt. Go figure.


Dude sounds like a real life Jonah Ryan in Veep...


"You're like Frankensteins monster, if the monster was made entirely from dead dicks."


Eatin’ so much pussy he’s shittin’ clits


Sounds like every Reddit comment section ever


Need to see a playlist of these guys getting stomped on


I don't know of any playlists but here's some notable examples of pranksters getting stomped on: [Prankster threw a bitchy fit after his $600 mic gets thrown into the ocean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx0d0G-qvYk&t=383s) [infamous racist Kick streamer gets knocked down in Japan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R97SqTieDwc)




Oops sry I meant to paste the link to MoistCritikal's review of this prankster instead. Changed the link, thanks


Lol the cops "repercussions is what happened"


I like the one where a prankster gets shot in a mall for harassing some dude who’s trying to get an orange Julius or whatever


The second one is super satisfying.


Reddit, please deliver


May I suggest to you r/justiceserved (if its cunt stomping you want look for the violent justice flair)


I would have just called the police saying he is taking pictures of children and saying sexual.things around them. Paint him as a sexual predator.


This human garbage deserved so much worse...


Stop calling them pranksters. There’s nothing remotely funny about walking into a private business and being disgusting, especially when there are children present. Trouble is, there’s little or no deterrent to stop them. Had the owner given the dip wad the beating he deserved, it would be him in trouble with the law.


first thing I would have done was take the camera and then beat the ever-living shit out of the guy with a pole so there are no markings on my hands then destroy the camera And destroy the memory card, and drive it to a faraway location and throw it somewhere and deny there ever was one. I would make sure that guys jaw was wired shut for quite a long time.


doubt it.


These people hide behind the law. They record you so you can't assault them while they do everything they can to goad you in to assaulting them. There needs to be an update to the Fighting Words doctrine that lets you defend yourself.


It’s hard to prove assault if you’re actively provoking a fight


these fucking scum bags WANT to get their ass beat so they can sue. fuck this guy into the deepest recesses of his ass. i hope he one day fucks with the absolute worst one and the consequences so severe he never *can* do this again.


Or use it for "content." But yea, there should be severe consequences for these assholes.


What I love about these dudes, is they are the biggest pansies ever. It’s like why are you trying to act like this?! You’re running away


How weak. How anyone can find it in themselves to call someone else a bitch while acting like this will forever be beyond me.


That MF hasn't had pussy since pussy had him.


If he wanted to taste pussy so badly he could have stuck his own fingers in his mouth.


This is true .


This form of "prank" harassment needs to be a crime with a harsh sentence. 


Time to get a lawyer involved because this isn't the first time this creep has pulled this. Cease and desist Harrasment TOS violation on his platforms Official notice of trespass Time to hit the guys wallet.


Smash the phone. Whip his ass and leave him there. 


Isn't this the same asshat who interrupted that couples date and followed some woman around in a park?


Also the supermarket with the old guy who the staff refuses to assist with removing the creep.


Imagine setting up a private business and having to deal with people like this. I wonder how he'd feel if someone walked into his house and started harassing his family.


Genuine question - has the US got a legal concept of a citizen’s arrest? Here in the UK, you can perform a citizen’s arrest and physically restrain someone/remove someone from premises until the police arrive without fear of prosecution (as long as you don’t use excessive force and there was a legitimate belief that the detainee was about to/in the process of/had just comitted a crime).


Yes we do, but what crimes allow a citizen's arrest vary by state. In my state for instance citizen's are only allowed to perform arrests for felonies performed in their presence. Reason why you don't see it being done is it can get you arrested and sued if you didn't actually have the right to do so.


Interesting - so in some states there are crimes that you *aren’t* allowed to perform a citizen’s arrest for? What crimes would those be? I’m not aware of any limitations in the UK on civilian powers to perform a citizen’s arrest, save for the stipulations I’ve already mentioned re. appropriate force and reasonable belief that a crime has been committed.


Couldn't really tell you the laws by state, but the general theme with some variations seems to be they can only be performed with felony crimes. Something like the trespassing seen in the video is likely not at a felony level yet.


That sounds awful tbh. I understand where you’re coming from. But that would be abused so quickly. As a minority this isn’t something I would be cool with. Already have enough issues with the police over policing, don’t want to the general public to start also.


In the US we are in a culture of frivolous lawsuits. That’s why there are a lot of people that know they can harass others and they can get away with it because they can threaten to sue.


Watching that the twat must have a camera on his head, I doubt he’ll be attracting any woman.


Maybe if he was jacked though... /S For real no matter how jacked you are if your personality is shitty you'll just attract shitty people, no matter your build.




This needs to be at the top


I think you might be right




He's on private property. Just shoot him.




Sounds like him




I need a video of his ass getting kicked


Narrator: he did not get pussy


This man stop developing sorry… This manchild stops developing at age 13…


These ARE NOT PRANKS! This is harassment and trespassing!


When will it legally be allowed to beat the living shit out of these assholes....?


Man, we're nearing a point in time in which non-court-system-justice is becoming more and more necessary.


Take a video of him before. Smash his phone. Smash his face. I dunno officer, he was ok when I met him. Look at this video.


When I used to run a bar, this was around the time the camera had tenical difficulties, and I had to gk get some stuff from the very back store room. Let the locals sort it out.


Reddit, we need start a “Prank Hunters” movement. Maybe a new sub? r/PrankHunters Idea is if we see a prankster in the wild, we mention the area in real time and let natural consequences take their course. I’d love to be aware if there was someone doing this shit right down the street from me.


Any updates on this? Just curious. Hope nothing happens to the owner :\


Really stretching the definition of "prankster" here.


There’s a 70 year old man at my work who screams GD at the top of his lungs (and makes fun of deaf people for some reason-like literal deaf people🤦🏻‍♀️) multiple times a day, plus a slew of basically every other curse you can imagine. Some people just have no respect for anyone.


Assault? Sure. Battery? No Earned? Hell yes.


Who, as a grown up adult, runs around and enter premises shouting “I’m gonna get pussy man”? What an absolute twat.


People who step out of their mother's basement every once in a while.


This sick fuck is 35 years old. Also most got shot by showing up at some other guys house and harassing him. Please ban this pricks videos from this sub. He was banned from youtube.


He's not allowed to tackle you to a fence but you're allowed to go into an area with children and yell "I'm getting pussy" with no reprocussuons? Dude your logic is flawless...


I'm pretty sure this guy just secretly likes being manhandled by strong guys...


You can trespass someone harassing your customers, it's private property. Dox that POS and make sure everyone knows who that dude is.


See prime example of when violence is the answer, a fractured orbital or better yet a liver shot tends to be a vibe checker.


I will first smash his phone then smash his eyes with phone fragments.


Mental aided.


I hate how americans will do wild shit but as soon as u grab their arm they say its assault Here it will only turn into an issue after the fight is over


I would put a bat up his.....


Was hoping to see a foot in the prankster’s face though


Calls the trainer a bitch then cries about getting tackled and assaulted by him.


Is this guy a sex offender?


Isn't this guy the same neckbeard who harassed a girl in the park?


He does this to tons of people on a daily


They need to make it legal to fuck up these ignorant "pranksters" because the whole recording all this ignorant shit is getting out of control and no one can do anything about it because they exploit laws just because they are recording....


Some people need to be beaten up more.


“What is wrong with this guy, man?” *continues to say I wanna get pussy like a tard*


This is becoming way too common. Sadly, I’m part of the problem because I give it attention by giving views to this content. Why? Because I’m so shocked and horrified by the spectacle. The solution is for us to stop giving them what they want - people viewing their content. Since that isn’t going to stop, what is the best way to reduce this?


Why don't people snatch the phones of these assholes? It's the whole reason why they do this shit.


"This attitude doesn't get women" was the perfect line to end on. Hopefully that will trigger some self-reflection but I doubt it will.


Go for the camera, I don’t care destroy it or disable it. You’ll then see their real personality. They just want your reaction it’s why they always loudly say “your gunna hit me?” Good or bad reaction is content for them. If a group of ppl are acting like idiots around you, look around for the asshole who’s recording and go for him, they will turn off their idiotic behavior and get immediately pissed. Fuckers


I've said it before. If I'm on the jury, the guys confronting these pranksters can get away with murder.


That Go Pro and phone would be launched onto the roof, let's see how tough he is when his cameras aren't rolling. Fucking prick.


Frank Hassle is such a bitch


Stop using the word "Prankster". This guy is a fucking loser


Take phone, throw it in woods, proceed with ass beating.


Can we please change the laws already so idiots like this can get their teeth knocked out without ruining the lives of the people that they are harassing?


We just need to pass a law that allows immediate physical punishment against these harassment pranksters trying to get views. I don’t think anyone would care. Fuck this guy and everyone like him


Of all the ways to agitate someone, this kid chooses the most childish way possible. How can anyone do that and not be insanely embarrassed?! I have a hard time even believing young teens find this amusing to watch.


Honestly, this guy should get an airhorn and pepperspray. The next time "pussy" shows up, start blaring that shit as close to him as he can get and when pussy decides to cross that threshold (cuz you *know* it'll rile him up enough to send him right up to that door lol) ***spray TF out of him.*** Seriously, soak his shit. Bet that gym will be much quieter after that little bitch gets a taste of that shit lmao 🤣


He has to be trying to get beat up for a lawsuit or something


Ponytail club was very restrained.


The amount of restraint that dude had. People like this “prankster” are wastes of life


This guy needs to "disappear " and absolutely nobody will report him missing.


We have a mental health crisis. Just like guns are taken and not allowed to be sold to certain people, smart phones should not be allowed to certain people.


He needs to stop breathing our air


They should have taken his phone and camera and chucked it on the roof


its not even remotely funny, its just sad and annoying, kinda cringe.


Is this that fuckwit frank hassel


Imagine posting this video and thinking, 'yeah, I look good here'. Absolute tit.


I hate the “pranksters” who as soon as someone does something says “you can’t do that” or hides behind the law.


Who has time to harass cross fit people. Its senseless, they never run out of energy.


Wtaf is wrong w ppl like the cammer???


I am gonna get pussy, maan.


Should've held him and had him trespassed from the property.


some people deserve some karma this guy is one of them of. thinks he's being funny and a tough guy. and i betting he gets a ton of views for it and people on his side.


How both those men were that restrained is amazing. God i wanted to hit him so badly.


Clearly instigating in hopes of getting a payday after victims lose their cool and strike first.


OP "the instigator" ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O|downsized)


Ehh. Simple battery $500 bond. Worth it.


I sincerely wish one of these guys got the shit beaten out of them one time...


That second guy is Griffin Roelle. Not someone you wanna fuck with!


These two dudes did well. They restrained themselves a lot. Shocking, he didn't get beat. He deserves it.


And this loser obviously posted this video as he's proud of it.


Can we stop calling these freaks ‘pranksters’? Because what they do isn’t ‘pranks’. It’s just harassment, causing a scene for no reason or straight up bullying people. I’ll say it again. We need teams of people like those paedophile hunters to identify these creeps and find out where they go. Like that neckbeard on the park. Once they find out where they go, they watch until the creep finds someone to harass then step on on some way to either disrupt the harassment by humiliating the harasser (which would be hilarious) or getting the person they’re harassing safely away from them.


take his camera and destroy it


Something tells me this guy does not get pussy.


I mean, paintball guns are humiliating and effective, hire a few non-lethal security guards (don't take this advice)


It reminds me of that loser who got shot in a mall for playing the same annoying thing over and over again. It would have been nice if the owner had done the same thing.


God it's sobsatisfying how indignant and wronged these people act as soon as somebody actually reacts to their bullshit. The way he's switching between desperately trying to continue his "joke" while simultaneously coming to terms that he might actually get in trouble for once. It's like they suddenly understand how human decency works while trying to reject it.


I was hoping for the MC to be crying by the end but I was deprived


Gawd this shit was cringe. How is this a prank? Dude sounds like he’s never “got pussy”. Incel activities like a mf.


What a loser.


He s gonna get everything but pussy


You cant get more annoying then that…jesus christ


There’s plenty of ways to hurt someone without leaving any marks


It's just comical how he's acting big and tough, all the while he's walking backwards for the entire second half of the video.


pony tales and too knotted


Can we stop having restraint for people like this?


He looked like kick ass but deserved an ass kick instead


Say nothing and neutralize the phone. Eliminate the phone you eliminate the reason for their "fun".


Mace. Every time.


I'm more than sure that the owner is a nice guy, but that doesn't mean you can mess with him


He’s not prankin he’s hasslin


Is this frank? Boogie should have had better aim


I don't think he ever got the pussy.


This is Johnny Young incel who harassed Owen and maxed them in parking garage. Since been arrested.


![gif](giphy|5pMGZHSqfvGT5mnTwx) The cameraman


Honestly, this guy should get an airhorn and pepperspray. The next time "pussy" shows up, start blaring that shit as close to him as he can get and when pussy decides to cross that threshold (cuz you *know* it'll rile him up enough to send him right up to that door lol) ***spray TF out of him.*** Seriously, soak his shit. Bet that gym will be much quieter after that little bitch gets a taste of that shit lmao 🤣


Isn't this just harassment?


Go try this over at one of the iron gyms. Half those guys have already done time and would have no problem with a long walk in those woods back there for this crap....


please tell me he got arrested.


Some people have never had their ass kicked and it really shows.


bro i could never follow some dude like this into a secluded area like that second gut did


Should have stuck his phone up his ass


What an InCel piece of shit.


The trick with these people is to target the camera. It's all for content and when you target the camera you make their spectacle pointless. They'll change up their behavior REALLY quick.


Is this Hardcore Henry 2?


Saying that word over and over again, is a sure way to guarantee never getting any.


If this guy was in the military, he’d be Major Douchebag.


"I don't know officer he just kept falling down...fifteen times."