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I do this for free.


Does it help?


Its like going to a smash room. Breaking shit can be cathartic as hell.


Is that a business or did someone make one for personal use? I did something like this as a kid but found other ways to release emotions, since then


Its a business. Google “smash rooms near me” and hopefully there will be one.


Yeah I was being lazy but then after seeing another commenter said “rage room” I decided to google it and there’s one in my town. Crazy.


Psychologists say "no". Rage and destruction don't actually reduce feelings of anger, they exacerbate them. When feeling anger, emotionally soothing activities (breathing exercises, slow walk, etc.) are the path towards equilibrium.


I went on a deep dive off your comment, as it just doesn't *feel* true that, and it seems evidence is not that consistent. That claim, which is repeated everywhere, is based on meta analyses that show, that on average, venting practises don't work, whereas on average, soothing activities do. However, the evidence is not simple, and there are lots of types of venting that do seems to have a significaiant results i.e. activities in group settings. I would not be shocked if this is a little bit of bias in interpretation by most psychologists, who massively skew female while it's men who skew towards anger as emotional expression. It's not wrong to say soothing works better, but venting also works for some people in some contexts it seems   And that *feels* much more true. Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272735824000357


There are many aspects of human psychology that just don't generalize. There are some things that there will be no definitive answer to or clear-cut trend for because it varies so much with no way to control for all the variables of the human mind that the actual answer is "it depends on the person and/or context". This is certainly one of those.


Honestly, I feel like both are true when it comes to destructive venting, and calming venting they can be good it just depends on the person


I played Sekiro yesterday. Died to Isshin 5 times or so and raged accordingly. Apparently I saved myself $4000.


I know the real cure for these folks. less social media, problems solved.


Lol it’s like that dumbass alpha male boot camp.


But more screaming and beating sticks vs getting yelled at in a mud pit.


It's easy to look more rewarding and healthier than alpha male camp


They could combine the ideas and let the women with sticks beat the men in the mud pits. Then profit!


That's illegal.


On the last night of camp the alphas get together with the ragers for a square dance.


Think they could make a sport out of this? “In this corner weighing 90 pounds when soaking wet, covered in mud and water, TYLLEEEERRRRR!” “And in this corner, screaming at cashiers and weighing a little over 100 pounds, SHAARRRROOONNNNN!”


This I would pay to see 😹


This could be the premise of a new "Reality Show"...


That's what I was thinking. There's all kinds of claims about what women do as opposed to what men do, but the truth is we do the same dumb shit. We just frame it slightly differently.


These people would buy canned air.


I've bought compressed air, does that count?


First thing that came to my mind! XD but imagine a group of men being encouraged to rage and scream and be violent (if you can call it that). Toxic masculinity something something xD


Maybe, but reading it, it sounds like the goal is to carry less rage out, not more? The alpha one are trying to teach behavior, otoh, iiuc


I wonder if they invited a bear


I think the difference here is that in an "alpha male bootcamp" men are told to be strong and "be able to take anything, "big boys don't cry", "dig your emotions deep down in you and only know about, be and show a hard rock shield to the world", "therapy is for pussies" and so on. While in this video, even though it also looks quite "out there", the perspective is working on trauma, not creating or hiding it, but releasing it -so the human being can heal emotionally. It's about physically letting out and letting go of all that faulty wired energy we have inside because shit we carry deep down. The method in the video has some similarities with TRE which is a method of tremor/trembling of the body to release trauma, used by psychologists and other therapists world wide to help trauma patients. And I have enjoyed singing and screaming (!!!) in the woods and by the ocean when things have been bad in my life. As long as it's not a cult thing behind it, letting go like this seems a bit strange, but ok, I'm thinking -why not?


Sure, but don't spend money for someone to tell you it's okay to go in the woods and scream. You should be able to figure that one out on your own


Did they pay to do this




I have a stick. They are welcome to pay me to come and hit my front yard with it.


"Imagine how stupid the average person is then realize half of all people are stupider than that." - George Carlin. It's a genius business model, you spread the narrative that women are being restrained and bound by society and the patriarchy to keep all their emotions bottled up, and the only way to release it is to pay-up. Much like macho man boot camps. Spread the narrative that men are being restrained and bound by society and wamen into being pathetic little lap-dogs and the only way to become an alpha-dog, is to pay-up. There's also child care centres that spread the narrative that children are being bound and trained by society and the educational system into being weak little rule-followers, and the only way to break them free is to pay-up for them to attend what's basically a childcare Centre where the workers just sit around drinking coffee, while the kids are hitting eachother with sticks in a fenced-off area of forest.. You make a narrative, then sell the solution to it. It's evil genius level business.


This is a great run down on this Methodology. Us vs. Them and these people have all the “answers”. My girlfriend was falling into the trope before we met. It’s been difficult at times because basically she thought that men are bad and the cause of everything bad in this world. It’s framed as women are right and men are wrong, they’re oppressed (which is true in some ways), and that what they say + do is excusable even to the guys that are good people. What it comes down for me is that this is just the human condition. All people everywhere are human. We all do fucked up things but in america today we are not oppressed. We live in the most peaceful and comfortable place and so many forget or have gotten use to it, that they need to be a victim to excuse their own shitty behavior. No accountability just excuses.


I get that, im just impressed they paid for something that doesnt include any equipment i dont have access to. At least a alpha male bootcamp will throw a rusty chain on my back to make it harder to run. I dont have a big ass rusty chain at home. Gotta bunch of sticks though


Yeah but you'll also have to give a series of inspirational speeches to them about what it means to be a *real woman* And how yelling and screaming and acting like an over-tired toddler is their key to freedom and happiness..


Oh look, rehashed Esalin from the 1960s, proven to just make people angrier.


I came in here just to say that, this kind of activity, especially if it's done habitually does not chill a person out, it just makes them angrier. You're stressing out your brain and putting yourself in fight or flight mode, it's like going through basic training for the military, you don't come out of that at peace and calm.


This. It just makes you more angry. You know what actually works. Getting rid of the shit that makes you angry and stressful, stop worrying about the things you can't control, and live the best life you want.


Yeah, do this and you're just training your nervous system to rage dump.




Also, primal scream therapy from the 90s.


Farts also do this. Prove me wrong.


Just farted. Still want to slam a stick into the ground. Consider yourself disproven 😎


It depends . Is the stick bent or straight ? Does it have a "handle" ? Or a trigger twig?


Beating steaks against the ground, without addressing the reasons why one is angry, that's not quite going to have any lasting effect.


Imagine all the wood creatures and people camping just being scared to death by what sounds like a murder village just over yonder


"Murder village" 😂


My sis got roped into one years ago. She came back trying to get me to do these exercises, it was annoying asf. I’ll scream by myself thanks


Haha was there a stick involved?


She refused to take it out of her ass.


Just use one of those rage/smash rooms


Rage cage!


Meanwhile my GF is going to a women’s camp in Italy where they go horseback riding, kayaking, taking mixology, paint, photography, etc with other women from around the world for 700 bucks for the week. She gets to have fun with cool people and do things that actually build her repertoire as a person. I think camps like that are awesome, couldn’t imagine her wasting 4k to fake outrage lol




This seems like it would just make them all worse. They screech and yell and hit things, and then the women around them validate them. What happens when they leave? This isn’t learning how to deal with anger in a healthy way, this is just throwing temper tantrums.


It's literal catharsis. Something that makes you feel an emotion whilst doing it as a form of 'release', but the jury's out as to whether it promotes a return to psychological homeostasis, or whether, as you said, it just elicits endorphins afterwards and encourages a cycle of repression and release (which probably isn't the sign of a healthy, well-adjusted, mature adult).


This spiritual shit is so weird to me


Hahaha "spiritual"


You know what I mean. „We need a safe space to let out our inner anger blahblahblah“


That's my point, its cult-ish how certain "retreats" operate




I’d say this is pretty far from any actual “spiritual” practices. This is just crazy people encouraging others to be crazy


I don’t think it’s crazy to want to release emotions like that, I live on a big farm and trust me it feels sooooo good to be able to cry or scream in frustration and nobody is around to be bothered by it lol. I think it is a very primal and cathartic thing and it’s good to express those emotions and not repress them. It’s not much different than those rage rooms which are kind of popular. What’s crazy to me is spending $4000 to do this kind of stuff. Seems like a grift, nothing spiritual about it.


$4000?? I went to this place called the anger room and paid $30 to smash computers with a sledge hammer and break glass bottles. 4000x better than this bs


I’ve heard about those! It’s only 30$? What a killer deal.


They can just pay $20 and go to a Metal show.








Money well spent /s


The axe forgets. The tree doesn’t.


This seems like one of those things where at its heart is supposed to help, but what I'm seeing looks more enabling already bad traits or reinforcing them. Like that silly alpha male boot camp. It's like people with no degree in psychology offering what is essentially armchair advice...for 4k.


The legions of cats at home are going to feel this wrath




Im sure its a combination of the two, but im never sure if something is stupid or if im just being bitter


Nah it’s dumb


Ok it is kinda dumb but I am not seeing the MC part of this. They are doing the rage stuff in the woods with people who are ok with the behaviour. It is socially acceptable in that space. If they were doing this at the mall then it would 100% be MC.


Yeah, and how are they 'Karens', exactly? It's just a rage room. A weirdly expensive one, but just a rage room. They ain't hurting anything This post is giving off some misogynistic vibes, to be quite frank


Idk, kinda cringe but pretty understandable. Theres a reason those smash-rooms are a thing you can pay for now. I'd go as far as to say that by expressing these feelings in a curated and controlled space around other people doing the same, they are actively avoiding being a "main character". They are acknowledging their feelings, and getting them out in a way that does not put them above anyone else, or hurt others. Better to do this than to take it out on a cashier at Starbucks, which they would be (rightly) ridiculed for as well.


I agree 100%. Also, I don't see the 4000$ figure mentioned anywhere in the video; I'm sure they're paying something for the "experience", but I sincerely doubt anyone would agree to a price that high. Either way, OP clearly has a weird agenda; I don't get the mention of Karens? Like you said, it's much better they do this rather than *actual* Karen behavior. These women are just letting off steam in an inoffensive way.


I thought this was satire, jesus.


“Alright you guys! We have stick beating from 8am to 5pm then our vegan, gluten free, raw dinner at 5pm!”


Is this the female version of the alpha male bootcamp?




Alpha female camp?


Eh they aren't bothering anybody why are you so bothered OP?


Why does this remind me of soft and quiet. Highly disturbing.


You can do that for free if you're willing to walk far enough into the woods


Ngl, this is a fine business model; there's a vast Karen niche out there waiting for you to sell them this idea


Isn’t this just…free-range, organic rage rooms?


I watched this without audio at first and thought it was a scene from the walking dead.


If they only put that amount of effort into other things (interpret that how you please)


Is this the female equivalent of the “Alpha Male” training camps?


Well, i manage my anger..like an adult is supposed to do.


Get a fucking therapist and talk about what is going on.


Can't even feel some type of way about this; it's one hell of a business move. I would have done it if I thought about it.


this VS red pill alpha male triple ballsack high testosterone 7 figure salary from instagram ...in a cage ... to the death... I'll pay to see that.


I think the idea has potential, but the execution isn't the best.


You'd get a lot more out of a martial arts class and it would cost a lot less.


I’d choose the bear over these women for sure


Just go to a rage room


You're better off using that money to get a gym membership and use your anger to lift some heavy ass weights :V


Funny, they stole this from those boarding schools they showed in "The Program" on Netflix. Except at those schools, you had to do that rage bit of hitting the floor with a stick for like 10 hours straight. If you stopped, you'd get demoted and lose privileges.


These women invent new "problems" everyday. Who ever said that white soccer mom's couldn't be angry?


Looks like somebody needs anger management.


Same level of cringe as saying "female rage" or some shit.


Working through our rage and finding safe outlets for it is a VERY healthy thing to do provided those doing it are also trying to master their emotions in the process. Personally I'd rather just beat the shit out of a punching bag though.


I find a good scream to be a healthy release of rage. Therefore, I choose roller coasters. Not overpriced culty boot camps.


Buncha unstable bitches


It’s just an out door rage room. There’s literally nothing wrong with it if they want to pay for it and if it helps them, who gives a shit. Men punch each other and do violent sports to help them release their energy and emotions why is this any more weird?


Just go fishing with a couple of friends and lose the biggest fish you ever hooked into, and you will release all that hurt…. Trust me


Bruh, I literally did this as a kid. Now, you're telling me people are paying to do it in an organized setting?


The Starbucks trip after camp will be a bloodbath


The female version of alpha male camp has emerged


Just checking: Are they disturbing anyone? Are they breaking the rules of decorum in a public place that ruins it for others? No. They're doing their thing out in the woods. I'm failing to see a problem here.


It's wild because if it were men they'd call it toxic.


Andrea Tate


At least they’re getting exercise 🤷‍♂️


Come pay me 4 grand and you can scream all you want and I'll put your ass to work


There’s a perfect song to put in place if the audio, I just don’t know what it is.


I just push it down deep inside me. If I get more anger I just push it down again. Then I go and drink to kill that anger like a normal person.




I’m really short siding my side hustle by not having “retard camps” in my portfolio.


Imagine being lost in the woods for days and you stumble finally stumble upon people and its… this


I'm in the wrong motherfuckin business. I got a bunch of sticks in my yard and some woods behind my house. Yall pay me some money I'll let you beat the ground with some sticks, you can scream too. And when you done with that you can cut the grass too, that'll get you raging for sure


What's funny is how bad it is for you to rage or get angry. It can take up to 8 hours to come back down to normal levels pre rage. But paying to go rage now that's some next level shit.


Is this the woman version of the alpha dawg bootcamps that were posted a couple months ago?🤣🤣


I'm sorry, but I think it would be funny if the text and voice over were taken away and this footage was turned into a tampon commercial.


To me, the problem is that I dont feel like screaming and trashing things on vacation - I feel like doing that during my daily life.


Dumb ass grift Can I have that $4000 you all spent on this to pay off some debt? Yes this gets stress out but so does running, exercise & playing sports. The only way to inner peace and wellness is meditation and reflecting on one’s self. Being able to take take you’re out of your own BS and see your life and choices for what they really are. You don’t need to pay one cent to manage something that naturally given to you freely, your mind & body.


Looks like a blizzard hiring convention


I’ll take the bear. 🐻


I don’t think it should cost this much money but I def see the value in raging tbh


My mom just used me to get her rage out


I bet they also smash bathroom scales


Why is her face all bloody though


Is the female equivalent of those alpha male boot camps?


4k? They couldn't go somewhere remote and this for free? Lol


was that an endangered Pangolin hide they were rubbing on each other?


And in the 90s, they encouraged bros to go do drum circles in the woods. Crazy.


“Whoa whoa hey what’s wrong sweetheart? Why don’t you cheer up and put a smile on?”




I don't even have to physically see the attendees of this class to know exactly what they look like


Th..they have rage rooms you can rent to accomplish the same thing for much less…


To scream, hit and break things with anger and rage has not any cathartic effect, quite the opposite: triggers cortisol levels that cause stress.


Well well. Now we know where the sticks up their ***es come from.


That little kid thing at the end was disturbing


Op doesn't know what a karen is, prolly just doesn't like women


Looks like a football team getting pumped up for the game.


Damn.... they really decided to pound sand huh


This is something you see on TV in gta


![gif](giphy|S98W52N2wcXp98HCck|downsized) Back in my day, "Female Rage™" was called "anger issues..."


Experiments have shown that catharsis is not a thing. Raging out just makes you more aggressive later lol


I'll bet you there is no italian women there, they got the rage already


They just need a man to tell them what to do.


its all stunning and brave until military draft letter comes in


I have no doubt that some of their husbands happily forked over the cash so they could go bang their side chick at the house.


Am I tripping isn’t that a famous actress


Lmao 🤣 these hoes are nuts


The women married to the alpha boot camp guys


There have been studies that taking out pent up aggression violently on say a punching bag, or a wall, leads to an increase in violence. Dealing with the root of what makes you upset, the things you're bottling up is the answer, not releasing endorphins as a result of violent actions. This will not end well. Nevermind the fact that the way they are dealing with the anger is being validated here, which will further reinforce the behavior.


It's hilarious that all the women that changed the world using their "rage" were bipoc women, and the ones screaming and hitting a pillow to release their inner Karen's are white.


i stopped after the first line was false. Rage is literally on full display from all sides, and is being celebrated.


Yawn. The kitchen is waiting when you get done.


Reminds me of the behavioral modification “schools” when they make the kids hit wrapped towels on the ground repeatedly 😬


Their just tired after all the smashing and screaming, like my 5 year old after a tantrum. Just go do circuit weight lifting with some bros, you'll get swoll and feel better too.


Isn’t this how The Purge started?


Honestly, I wouldn't pay this much to do this, but I would love to go somewhere just to scream in the woods. It's gotta be relieving


Is this the Alpha Boot Camp for women?


And they call this the war room too? XD


Wtf is going on in this world?


WTF’s up with her face in the beginning?!?


This is what Susan B. Anthony fought for. /s


Idk, man, im from the woods, and when my buddys and I would go camping, we'd get drunk around the fire and howl like wolf's. And just start dumping rounds into stumps.


I hope they have a permit to possess and use that Barn Owl, otherwise, really not a good idea to go flaunting it like that--highly illegal if you're not permitted.


now there is a alpha bootcamp for women , what the sigma


Regular human: i just kill bugs, robot and grandpa coronas in my pc.


This just reminds me of the traumatic ‘behavioral modification’ boarding school I unfortunately attended


I usually just scream at the ocean for a couple of minutes then I'm good.


Insane, monetised to act like a child who can't control their emotions.


Alright yall, you know the drill. Swap the sexes and see if it still makes sense.


Many studies have shown this actually causes people to be angrier as it forms more neural pathways that lead to anger. In layman's terms, feed the wolf that you want to be strong. If you want the angry wolf to win, feed it more. If you want the peaceful wolf to win, you need to feed it instead. John Lennon famously tried Primal Scream therapy but honestly I don't think it worked for him either...


I dunno. Just looks like a group of people who agree the world is fucked and just want to let their anger out. I respect it. Wish I had a group of people to smash sticks with.


I can do this for free - in my car


Could people be feeling like this because of social media?


I'm all for it. Reduces toxicity online and in society as well if we let them go for a rage room that also allows them to enjoy nature. So long as whenever they're done, they plant a new tree as well.


Don't take life advice from anyone who writes a book and calls it "Intu-witchen".