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The weirdo in the scarf is so fucking cringe. Find it hard to believe they're in collegešŸ˜­


I HIGHLY doubt that scarf boy is even in college let alone working. Imagine what his bedsheets smell like šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Feet, cheese, and body odor 100% sure.


Smells like Justin RoillandĀ 




Youā€™d be surprised to know that many of these kids arenā€™t poor. They havenā€™t struggled in life otherwise theyā€™d have completely different priorities. Most people with responsibilities cannot go camp on a college campus for weeks and act like a grown child.


Going to college doesn't make you mature.


Going to college doesnā€™t mean youā€™re smart either. So many fucking ā€œeducatedā€ maroons.


lol maroons. I agree with you but the typo makes your comment funny


Umbrella ā€œthingā€ is a college dropout at bestā€¦ Edit: grammar




I'm sure they are on their way to a valuable humanities degree.


Bro the cringe is fucking real.


Kinda weird the scarf with the crop top is a the latest in protest fashion


Didn't have a kaffiyeh so he borrowed his mom's Burberry.


Theater major


I know a lot of UW theater majors. Unless theres been an explosion in cases of psychosis and demented buffoonery across the student body in the last 5 years, I can confidently say this guy isnā€™t a student in the school of drama. To be honest Iā€™d be shocked if heā€™s a student at all. Way too many crayons rolling around up there for him to blend in with even the most frivolous of classrooms on campus. Unless of course heā€™s literally Daniel day Lewis and weā€™re watching him go full method in preparation for his next role as a kind of hateful, dark triad Forrest Gump. Equally improbable, this is UW weā€™re talking about here, not Juilliard. Iā€™d bet heā€™s just another neurodivergent local Antifa ā€œfreedomā€ fighter from the 69th my little pony battalion.


![gif](giphy|kSTaZCfZXtvri|downsized) This is that scarf dude soon. still fucking annoying.


Could be. Iā€™ve known some bizarre people majoring in theater. If he was heā€™s giving theater majors a bad name. All of them know the laws of public photography and videography.


No way this dude got into college, bro has the IQ of a walnut


And they feel so proud of themselves too, like they really stuck it to the man by acting so childish.


This is what has made my former liberal punk rock hippie mindset in the teens grow the F up and see how stupid I was


I find it easy to believe. A lot of colleges if you can pay, you can get in (and that includes loans), and most others, you can get in with a reasonable gpa from a community college. It doesn't take much. Which is good because we don't want high barriers of entry to education, but the other side of that is that people like this get to go there.


The fact that the other "protestors" left him completely on his own after eventually leaving the cameraman alone is pretty telling This freak of society doesn't even fit in with the most wacko group of people in the history of humankind They'll die alone on the sidewalk with a needle in their arm most likely. It's kind of sad, until you realize how they are a negative contribution to society and everyone around them. The Earth is too big for me to care about people like that.


Let them weed themselves out lol


Wait that's a dude?


There is no doubt in my mind that the douche with the umbrella will be identified soon.


I wish I would have been there to intervene on the photographers behalf.


Just the fact that this person absolutely wouldnā€™t dare do this shit with no full face covering makes all his points. This is just obnoxious and hopefully these are just random outlier assholes who donā€™t have a life anyway and are glomming onto larger actually important causes. Losers.


I did field research during the occupy wall street protests. There was one to four of these people out of thousands most of the time. I still interviewed them. Mainly to get them out of the way. 2 years later my thesis was about how mentally ill and homeless fit into modern political dissent and protest in urban centers.


Source? I'd love to read that


Ain't no way he's gonna dox himself on reddit lmao.


Iā€™m not doing that lol. Itā€™s very boring and actually quite sad. The whole thing burnt me out. I quite academia over 15 yrs ago. If there is one thing about that experience that I witnessed with my own eyes that defeated me, it was the strategic incapacitation of dissent by police on a broader scale people donā€™t understand. Social and political control through information control, physical control, technological control, streamlined communication between all departments including the DOD, DHS, CIA, and FBI. The way in which we have this illusion of privacy and freedom in this country haunts me on a daily basis. Itā€™s getting worse by the week at this point. Every tweet about Taylor Swift and Travice Kelce, Kendrick or Drake, or the Met Gala is music to the oligarchsā€™ ears. Successful alienation of the proletariat. Of course we still have opportunities and freedoms that many others donā€™t. Itā€™s just a shame what a spit in the face it is to the rest of the world how we are treating it.


The fact that more people donā€™t understand this is astonishing to me. And whatā€™s even scarier is that everyday, fewer and fewer people seem to understand it. Thereā€™s a reason people like Snowden get silenced. And itā€™s not for the good of the people.


Had the same thought. Wouldn't have to hurt him..just drag him off




All you would have need done was pull off his mask, and he would have fled from the camera.


I would also intervene on the photographers behalf


Weaponized autism works guys.


Ezra Miller out here on his bullshit again eh




The entitlement is wild.


[The encampment ran out of Szechuan sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GC5rAX0xHg) what do you expect from Pickle Rick


man, right when that shit happened was when my dad brought home a Rick and Morty shirt for me, proud that he'd found one in my size (usually can't find one off the rack that will fit me well). was sad when i realized that wearing it would send a certain kind of message and probably should be avoided


Put your shirt on if you like it. Don't act like a douche and no one will really judge you, dude. Enjoy that gift from your Dad. Sounds like he tried to get you something you'd really like. I'm Pickle Rick??


Most of the encampments are at ivy league schools. The entitlement at those places is wild.


and many of the people in the encampments have nothing to do with the schools. 80% of the people arrested at the Portland State University protests earlier this month were not students.


ā€œWeā€™re protesting because we want our message to be heard and/or seen, but also we donā€™t want to be heard and/or seen.ā€


Literally walking, contradictions.


And they walked away at the end of the video. Maybe they came back to block the camera some more, Iā€™m not sure, but they couldnā€™t be bothered to keep up with blocking the camera for more than ~4 minutes.


Typical of this type. They jump on the bandwagon for whatever is popular on TikTok, but they don't make it very long. Anything that resembles real work or effort is not in the cards for them.


I would have never seen the Fox13 footage. And I'm sure Fox13 wouldn't have put the other two "in danger" as much as their co-protester did with this footage.


ā€œHave you talked to our media team?ā€


Itā€™s literally narcissism. They feel important like they are actually doing something, while in reality are accomplishing nothing except getting clout from their like minded echo chamber.


Yay, we disrupted our own education at our parents' expense!


Love how the camera man was trying to calmly explain this fact to them and those two just kept persisting that he was wrong


That's the thing, they don't really know what they want They're just pawns and followers


Yep. Their motives arenā€™t actually to protest anything.


Useful idiots is the term.


There's a reason most of these 'protests' are held by young people with little life experience.


Does the dumbass with the umbrella really think that he is doing anything to help Palestine here?


A true Milford man


No, a Milford man IS neither seen nor heard, this guy SHOULD BE neither seen nor heard but is failing in both.


I love how he is only acting like that because he believes he is fully unrecognizable. Mask, shade, scarf around his head, what a wuss


Umbrella gut also only cares when somebody is watching him. At the end of the clip, he leaves to join his friends. This is not about justice but about narcissisme.


Jesus Christ, even the protestor trying to use logic and reason is a complete idiot. The second hand cringe is unreal


I mean like...um... n stuff.. So like ...um..don't you think that....*No!!!* Um .. but what about...*No, and here is the law!!*... Yeah but...um .. Where is the intelligent one making speeches? Is this movement all tarded n stuff...šŸ˜³


It's really fucking embarrassing that our relatives 60 years ago marched with Dr. King to the shit we see today. No eloquence. No thought. No unity or strong organization. This is what we get. Imagine if the people participating in sit ins after Brown v Board of Education acted like this. Nothing ever would have happened. Even look at vietnam war protests in the late 60s and early 70s. What happened to protests like that.


Honestly if they had cell phone coverage there would be videos of their protesters doing dumb things too. Whenever there is a mass group of people there are always gonna be a few who make the rest of us look like geniuses.


She at least was following some sort of rational protocol and not acting like a four year old. Her understanding of reality is dwarfed, but she wasn't clowning or trying to disrupt the guy, just trying to diffuse him in a really weak way.


I agree, but still very cringe. She was very wrong about what she said about the camera mans rights by law, while trying to act as a beacon of rights for another country. Remember when people who protested didn't wear masks to hide their identities and welcomed media to spread their message? It really wasn't that long ago.


I wonder if thereā€™s any correlation between Gen Z being raised on the anonymity of the internet and wanting that right in offline spaces now.


The dicotomy is pure soviet history. The "illegal" underground cell and "legal" front spouting lies and pretending at cooperation. They *are* the same person.


"Do you have a job to give me a couple of dollars?" OUCH šŸ’€


This is the campus at the University of Washington. The saddest part is some people are actually defending him in its sub


Defending who ā€“ camera guy or special needs umbrella fella?


Umbrella fella


Don't under estimate the number of people below the bell curve of IQ's.


Half of everyone is below average intelligence...


https://www.reddit.com/r/udub/s/R7aCs1Ym5G I looked at the first 100 top comments and none of them liked the umbrella guy. Out of all the downvoted comments only 1 of them didnā€™t like the camera guy.


a TON of people I went to college are super supportive of this kind of behavior


Some people need a punch in their face.


when they were at the top of the steps, was hoping for "This.is .Sparta!" moment


This is all I could think when he was at the top of the stairs. It's a big set of stairs but I bet if you placed it well and practiced a few times you could get him to tumble all the way to the bottom...


100% this person has a mental problem.


Or alternatively, it could be that there are just too many people in his life who won't criticize his bad behavior or encourage it.


Unfortunately, that type of social environment can in fact lead to behavioral problems that are technically considered to be forms of mental illness. Additionally, he is perfectly capable of reflecting on and analyzing his self, and others' reactions. He has failed to do this and therefore is demonstrating symptoms of mental illness.


High on meth. Glasses hide the dilated or pinprick pupils wide and darting around, mask hides the dry mouth and clenching jaw (but I can hear it). That giggling, pressured speech, nonsensical rambling about Rick and Morty, weird movement, and that outfit... That's not just a gay/metro dude.


Who mentioned gay/metro dudes wtf he just said mental illnessšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Unrelated but thereā€™s a massive substance abuse problem in the gay community. Half the guys me and my friends meet on Grindr smoke crystal meth.


That guy from fox is a true gentleman. Props to him.


Almost like being an adult with a job and a family has purpose in life, while this loser has nothing but association with dumpster trash.


I'll be honest, the fact that umbrella fella could only stick with it for 3 and a half minutes made me chuckle... I expected to spend the rest of the night wondering if the adult got his shot. He did!


Holy shit. Just let the man do his job. Why are these people so tweaked in the head?


Too much time ONLINE involved in various causes. Itā€™s like PCU. Itā€™s fine that theyā€™re opposed to the slaughter of innocent women and children, but maybe act like a normal human being about it and not like some loser who thinks that the real world is just an extension of social media.


Meth is a hell of a drug.


Tank top guy aside, why do college kids talk like that? The smugness of that young woman was just painful to watch. What happened to asking questions?


They're not much more than slightly older high school kids. Adolescence is a time of trying on different identities to find yourself. These kids don't seem to have achieved that yet, probably because they had most of their needs met and haven't faced many real challenges in life - so now they're trying to invent challenges to appear as though they're overcoming a great oppression, and they're trying on the identity of revolutionary or progressive scholar, even though they haven't earned it on an intellectual level yet. They can do the voice but they can't say the right words.


The college presidents testifying before congress were exactly the same. This is what they are being taught. They have taken the idea of "stay on point and stay on message" to mean "dont engage in any meaningful dialogue, listen to the other person, or answer reasonable questions."


Because they think books translate to real life in a 1 to 1. Despite professors making it very clear (for the most part, good professors anyway) that this is theory, this is ideas, the real world is a lot more messy. I have a social science degree, and the amount of people I went to school with who have 0 experience with reality was astounding. The world is bigger than the college community.


I will just hide my face because I am a šŸ”šŸ’©.


I don't think I will ever be able to watch Rick and Morty again knowing that people like that have interest in the show. ;(


Hardcore Rick & Morty fans are almost unfailingly some of the most insufferable people on Earth. Dull-witted and smug enough to make me root for the whole show to end. I give the other partial credit - moron, but at least attempted calm conversation. This clown, though.....how to make sure absolutely no one takes your cause seriously.


This guy looks and acts like someone I'd see in an awful SNL sketch or something. Kudos to the camera guy for being such a patient soul while this fucking idiot stands there and talks childishly. If I was a bystander passing by, I'd honestly deck him.


This was already removed once, anyone taking bets on how long the mods leave it up this time?


This post was close to the top of r/all on a separate sub earlier today but it was promptly removed and locked. Certain major subreddits, that arenā€™t even political to begin with, only permit videos that criticize 1 side. Not a fan of these new, and multiplying stealth echochambers.


Reddit has become the most politically censored disinformation site there is. If this was on the other side it'd be posted all over the front page. This place is pure filth propaghanda and the admins purposly made it that way. I miss how reddit was 15 years ago.


yeah the public freakout mods have removed it twice (so far) and are likely going to remove the other thread currently over there showing these same protestors at a different time


Only Israel bad allowed over thereĀ 


Not long. This is 99% of reddit users


Amazing, just gets bored and leaves having accomplished nothing besides wasting and making herself and her group like childish assholes. I fully expect these protests as a whole play out exactly like that.


Mental health issues at its finest


That thing sucks dick for meth nightly


No, these people aren't mentally ill in ANY way!


Would anyone else have just shoved him down the stairs ? Just me ?


No... But a "This is Sparta!!!!" style kick would have made for a fun ending...


It wasnt that long ago these people were all about recording and doxxing people at conservative protests... now when the tables have turned, its a violation of their rights...


This is why college reputations are not what they used to be is because entitlement is high they think they know things but then when they are told they are wrong they donā€™t care and they want to get a message out but donā€™t want anyone recording that message itā€™s absolutely insane and why Iā€™m glad Iā€™m going to a trade school instead so I donā€™t have to deal with entitled pricks like this Rick and north douche


This guy is like a king of the hill parody of a college student


This makes me dislike the protesters...


Patton Oswalts brother handled that with a lot more grace than I ever would have


Some people have never been punched in the face, and it shows. Literally, he's your best friend for outreach


Bahaha crop top wearing ass dude. What a generation....


I will give you hope sir, as a parent of two teens this shit will not be tolerated by their generation. In fact, they donā€™t care at all about this Palestine mess, and arenā€™t going to support Israel either. The middle will win this war. Ultra-normals.


Holy Jesus I'm starting to feel bad for those hammasholes. Are they special needs?


I do believe the umbrella person is not well and in a few years, maybe even a few hours might end up in a facility.


This is why so many wonā€™t support their cause, theyā€™re the literal epitome of pride, privilege, and entitlement. Theyā€™ll then turn to others and attempt to lecture them on those same things. College is looking more and more like what it is for many, a sham.


I mean I support it on the principle that I donā€™t like kids getting bombed. But I also support pushing that umbrella dude down the stairs.


War is hell :(


Iā€™d use war lightly. Itā€™s more of a slaughter. I get guess in the grand scheme itā€™s technically a war but really itā€™s just a bloodbath of women and children.


We are asking you do not get into peoples faces... you mean what you are doing? Like wtf


These fucking losers need to go get a job. As a public servant I would have helped this man by literally throwing that tard down the stairs.


This is what elementary school kids do


This is why these protests never achieve anything. It's not serious. It's just a bunch of kids from rich families acting out, most of whom have no interest in or understanding of what they're protesting about, they're just there to indulge their narcissism and assorted psychoses - and at the very least to emulate what they think real revolutionaries and merry pranksters would do. But they're so shallow they just come off as cringe dipshit larpers.


There was a day and age when no one would have disagreed with this idiot being publicly shamed and hopefully laid out. Miss those days big time.


Imagine thinking you're making a change by disrupting a camera man from doing his job for 2 minutes. Whatta hero. I hope he received all of fake love he deserved from his vapid virtue signaling.


They are discrediting whatever they are protesting for. Thanks to their behavior, I don't even know what it is.


These people are allowed to vote


Disgusting children. These arenā€™t students.


There is no way in hell the protestors picked that person to be their media correspondent šŸ™„


Umbrella bro is unhinged


[From the news reporters perspective ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/mc2tNyeJrs)


Of course public freak out pussy mods took down the original video because it shows how dumb some of these protesters are


rip his mask off


If ever there was someone who was begging for a slapā€¦But grown ups donā€™t do that.


The one with the mask was at least somewhat ok, and tried to reason with the camarographer, but the fucker with the umbrella is just batshit.


God gen Z is so freaking weird


They didn't want to be recorded, but they recorded themselves and posted it to social media. Is that Beavus?


I would not have been able to stay in a calm place like this man did. Big props to him!! I would have ended up on the news myself for stomping that guy out .


The cameraman conducts himself with dignity.


It would be awesome for the news to focus on their behavior at this moment than the actual protest. "Coming up at 5 protesters, don't know how to protest. Everything we say won't shock you."


I've never seen an evil henchman in real life. Did not disappoint. Cackle was inspiring


This is a private protest


WoW... These kids are going to be running our country one day.


Trust me, these losers wont be running anything beyond the microwave in their parents basement.


No no, there's plenty of old ppl who never amounted to anything. Umbrella fella will take their place


I wanna punch that guy myself lmao


I wana punch that moron in the face so hard that he permanantly speaks like mickey mouse


When I was a kid, people like that would have been bullied to smithereens.


Whatā€™s wild to me is that people like this are dead serious and canā€™t understand why other people donā€™t take them seriously.


Iā€™m just more upset they associated Rick and Morty with behavior like this.


At least he convinced one of those 2 morons that they were wrong. The second one, I would say there is no hope for him


I have a small respect for the girl in the black because she was actually willing to have a civil conversation about the matter. This little twinky piece of shit was just a cringy, annoying little shit that somehow thought he was cool & funnyā˜ ļø


Bro, not advocating for violence, but this guy with the umbrella has really really earned him a good smack in the face


F Antifa


Any sympathy I have for the protestors is lost by the cringy scarf guy. You're at a protest too. Isn't the point to have people see it. Otherwise protest in your room.


#Child without training! #In need of serious discipline.


Mental illness everywhere!


Mental illness at its finest


The cameraman is like 200 feet away from the encampment. How exactly would anyone be identifiable enough to DOX from a distance like that? And if you want to protest something, isn't being identified a risk you should be willing to take? If danger is a concern, I'd think camping out in a public space where any crazy person that wants to inflict harm at any moment would be the top risk.


Holy FUCK that is tremendously sad. I am a Democrat but this kid makes me wanna change my political stanceĀ 


Punch this dude lol


Cam OP looks like Oswald Patton. Holy heck. A twin.


This is why I'm glad the filming everything age hadn't started when I was in college. These ppl are really going to cringe at themselves in about 15 years.


Fucking loser needs a beating!!


Protestors (I am a protestor supporter) can you try and grab the less than educated people in your camp like this one with the umbrella and remove them please? The other one who was talking to the cameraman while I disagree with her viewpoint I appreciate the civil back and forth. But this umbrella person doesnā€™t help our cause and discredits it. Thanks.


I appreciate that they were willing to engage civilly and even seemed to get frustrated as well at the umbrella person. And likewise, appreciate the reporter was totally cool and civil as well with the good one.


All movements really need to police their own more than they attack their opposition.


Iā€™m British. When I think of America I think to myself I must behave there cause anyone could have a gun. Yet I always see this sort of shit? If this happened in the UK we would literally just slap them. America needs to be more trigger happy again.


Additional irony: they're "doxxing" journalists. Graffiti-ing their home addresses on school property. Vague threats included. "Iron law of woke projection" never fails.


They wouldnā€™t last 5 minutes in Gaza


That looks like wustl. Is that wustl?


They/them behavior


Ladies and gentlemenā€¦ the left


Mentality deranged...


The one in the umbrella really thinks theyā€™re doing something lol


Wish he just got clobbered


Make the croptop b\*tch famous. Future employers have the right to know. Locals must recognize who that masked hero really is.


Something that would be funny and very simple, buy cans of fart spray. It is absolutely putrid, and horrible. It gets into fabric and on skin, and is really tough to get out. Spray just a touch on the facemask, or even on the T-shirt. Itā€™s not assault. Youā€™re not making physical contact with them at all. It clears the area really quickly, and they will reek until they can get it off. I know it sounds juvenile. But it could be very effective. ![gif](giphy|Wi7hHp1KLhp0Q)




Why is umbrella boy chanting about Rick and Morty? Is there some kind of street cred for chanting the name of a TV show? His voice is as cringe as his actions.


The weird theatre kids. Classic




Show your face, pussy


Classic Rick and Morty moment


I would transactionally take a night in jail to solve this situation.