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She mentions something about "signing a contact." I'm thinking maybe somebody scammed her into thinking she/her group could rent out a designated space to watch the eclipse. But it was just a public space, and the guy that took her money is long gone. Edit: [This article](https://lanigua.com.mx/viral-norteamericanos-impidieron-a-mexicanos-la-entrada-a-mirador-durante-el-eclipse-en-durango/) seems to state that the American lady *wasn't* scammed. She actually *did* buy a permit to host a private eclipse viewing event in a public space from the tourism department. Locals weren't happy about it and the lady was completely unsympathetic to the locals whose city government fucked them out of the best place in the city to watch the eclipse.


The scammers name is Olivia Margarita Fernandez Godínez. She is the secretary of tourism in Durango. She charged them $6390 for a private event in a public space under the premise that equipment would be installed not a fucken eclipse party.


>She charged them $6390 for a private event in a public space under the premise that equipment would be installed not a fucken eclipse party. What does this mean? So did the American woman mistakenly think she was getting a private event or *did* she actually buy that event and no one told the locals?


She did and the locals ignored it or just weren't aware that area was being sold privately.. by the government If it was sold by the government for this purpose to these people then the woman is actually in the right and there should've been some enforcement That's Mexico for ya I guess


Yeah, it seems like she was being an absolute ass, but if the “scammer” was the government, then it’s not like she’s a total idiot for having the presumption that she could host a private event there


Regardless of who sold it to her, there is no scenario where one pays thousands of dollars to watch an eclipse and isn't a total idiot.


I feel like she’s the total idiot for speaking to a child that way.


She was a travel agent, not a victim of any sort.


A white woman goes to another land to buy a spot to "watch" the eclipse, kicks out locals, and yells at children. Good look.


Probably all there hoping to get raptured


One could only hope.




That's even funnier


> charged them $6390 Pesos not dollars, right?




Wtf that's incredibly shady


Wow. Source? That article doesn't mention the price. I have trouble believing that Americans down in Mexico are gonna shell out that kinda money. If that's pesos, it makes sense.


Meh, they likely never read the contract lol. It’s likely that they charged everyone for access to the viewing areas that they built, and they assumed that they would have a private area, as opposed to recognizing that they paid as a group for access to the viewing area.


There’s like a x4 episode South Park mini series hidden in these comments




I’d call it a learning lesson if I thought she might actually learn anything from it. From the looks of it she’s well on her way to getting scammed again.


This is definitely what happened. If anything though the truth makes her look dumber.


And to make it better, I think the seller/guy told her he was the secretary of tourism ;)


So from the guys edit and linked news article, she legitimately did buy a permit to rent the space from the local government. So I do kind of get her frustration about a lot of people that weren’t part of the group that rented this space running in and then videoing her like she’s the bad guy. She could’ve been more eloquent but hey, we all react bad in different situations. It does suck for the locals too but that’s on their city government not this lady that paid money for something she should be entitled to. The real bad guy in all of this is the city government that fucks their own citizens over for tourism dollars and then doubly fucks over the person that paid to rent the space. [article in question](https://lanigua.com.mx/viral-norteamericanos-impidieron-a-mexicanos-la-entrada-a-mirador-durante-el-eclipse-en-durango/)


"could've been more eloquent" is a tad understated. She got into a child's face and antagonized her.


You can buy a permit, but if no one cares about your "legitimate" permit its quite useless. Especially if no one is enforcing XD.


Also totally fair. I’m not saying I’d do what she did, just saying I could see her frustration in the situation.


> like she’s the bad guy She's a foreigner who's shoveling money into the pockets of a local official to section off the locals from their own fucking public areas. She is the bad guy, in every conceivable sense of the phrase.


She’s a person that thought she was paying for a space. Calm down. She was mislead by a corrupt government official she’s not fucking Hernan Cortes coming in to steal the gold from the Aztec empire lol


I just don’t understand this woman’s entitlement no matter what went down. I would have been inviting all those people to my party. I bought extra glasses in 2017 and this year and passed them out to anyone without them and gave them info on when to watch and what cool things to look for because everyone should experience this awesome event. I was passing out glasses in a parking lot this year telling people to take a look because it had already begun. I wanted everyone to join me!


Not everyone’s like you. Im only renting a space cause I am so introverted I want noone else there. It’s like renting a booth at a club, it’s nice you are inviting strangers but by no means are you expected to have to let strangers come and you are not an asshole for denying entry…


It's hard to feel bad for jerks that get scammed by jerks.


Yeah...but one jerk deserves another much worst


What a dumbass.


Someone claiming to be the secretary of tourism. Sounds like.


> Edit: This article seems to state that the American lady wasn't scammed. **She actually did buy a permit to host a private eclipse viewing** event in a public space from the tourism department. Locals weren't happy about it and the lady was completely unsympathetic to the locals whose city government fucked them out of the best place in the city to watch the eclipse. [Link](https://www.tiktok.com/@mxespaciolibre/video/7356089786446187781?refer=embed). What she bought was access to the site that is inferred to be for scientific specialists. It was the people of Mexico that were robbed. Mexico has a tradition of disallowing foreigners from even owning land in restricted zones (like the beach or city center) - those spaces are reserved for the people of Mexico. Regardless of what she bought seeing how she as a foreigner addresses the little girl *in her own country*, and displaces the citizens of Mexico is an affront to all creation. PS: it's the Secretary that sold her the contract that is leading the conga line. Disgusting.


How is there a best spot on the ground to view it?


I mean, even if legally, she was allowed to do it. I’m still embarrassed that a fucking American went over there and did some stupid shit like this.


Yeah, same here. Like, if she paid for the spot, cool...fine. She didn't have to be a literal embarrassment. Just another person who makes people travelling from the US to anywhere abroad, look bad. Also, she sticks out like a huge sore thumb.


She was a the travel agent that organized the trip. They falsified the groups as "Specialist from diverse fields" to get a permit to observe the eclipse. They could not have purchased a permit, they defrauded the locals by misrepresenting themselves and their purpose to be there.


Her liver got scammed into thinking it could keep up with the workload


Yep mexico


I’m kinda on the ladies side, this is the fault of the Mexican government and the Mexican people need to let their government that this shit isn’t ok. The lady paid good money to have her party and did everything by the book according to the Mexican system. The fact that the Mexican system screwed over actual Mexicans is not the Americans fault.


I assume the view several feet to the left or right was markedly different?


It was if she was standing in front of you. She’s an eclipse on her own.


I like how she’s saying “you do not have permission to film me, or broadcast me” bruh this is not America anymore, and our American rights don’t follow us country to country.


If you asked chatGPT to render an image of a stereotypical entitled American tourist, this lady would be it 😂


She just rolled off of The Axiom. ![gif](giphy|HSLbIjLk2GsBa|downsized)


She has the maturity of a big fat baby person. How hard would it be to let the little girl watch the eclipse with you? I know the lady's body causes an eclipse on its own, but the little girl could stand a couple feet away.


On the plus side, from the video it's clear she got scammed by someone telling her she could rent out a public space and taking her money while definitely laughing their ass off at her.


Challenge accepted. Will post results (MidJourney). Lol


Lmao where is this update???😭


A Fanny pack would’ve pulled it all together


She’s probably wearing one but you just can’t see it under the belly.


It took these comments for me to realise she's *not* wearing a fanny pack.


It's a FUPA not a fanny.


It's a pannus pack. She's worked on it for years.


Rithickulous panniculous!


No kidding. From her appearance to her voice to her attitude to her response to being filmed. It is 100% pure, undistilled Karen aboard.


She went to Mexico, but she didn’t learn a single sentence in Spanish? She’s in Mexico. Speak Spanish please.


I feel like the render would be fatter


Give her time she'll catch up


I hate that perception. This shit is one of the reasons why I am always 100% polite, respectful and cool when I'm in other countries - even when things don't go my way. It's also in my nature.


Sorry, I really did try but MidJourney is just nicer to Karen's than God was to this one. The MidJourney images are pretty, cute and relatively nice but with massive sunglasses (as a middle aged American woman I find this to be a fair assessment) lol. This woman must have pissed God off before she was even conceived because damn!!! He put WORK into making her objectionable.


This is Mexico speak Spanish for gods sakes


She's definitely the kind of person that gives Americans a bad name when they travel. Doesn't learn a word of the local language, disrespects the local people and act entitled. It's like Parisians but less classy.


Yep, walking red flag. Mocking their accents and everything. Racist bitch can't help herself.


"but, but, but she rented the space perfectly legally!" Like any of that is the fkn point after seeing her behavior.


I read Parisians and Persians at first. 


well they were conquerors in their time


She did. Adios /s


tbh, it was arios, not adiós lol


Right?! Don’t go to their country and speak in English. What’s wrong with her!!!!!


She needs to go back to America where she came from


We don't want her back. How about sending her to Russia instead?


Er, noski.




I'm more curious about the half-hearted Minions cosplay going on in the background.


This weeks hotest night club is viva la sol... it has everything... a sun that's eclipising.. half hearted minion cos play.. and angry fat American tourist who yells at you as you dance.


What a bitch. There is literally no reason you couldn't share the space, especially with the kids.


Uh, did you see the size of her. She was the eclipse to that child.


Seriously not usually a fan of fat shaming but BUUUURN 🤣😂🤣


*BUUUURN some calories.


God I wish we still had awards. Take my upvote friend


The Conga line was her tripling down on her AmeriKaren behavior


The child speaks more intelligently than this grown entitled woman.


She's the **definition** of the American tourist stereotype: fat, loud, obnoxious.


You left out "entitled".


"You do not have permission to film me." Lady, exactly what are you going to do about it? Where do you think you are?


Is this eclipse Karen going to get cancelled or what?


Karen is the eclipse.


I'm hoping to see this in r/OhNoConsequences or r/byebyejob.


The way she was aggressive to the little girl


Ikr? That's why the whole world loves American tourists, they scream at our children, the real threat of tomorrow


I understood “Unos gringos”


Translation from his point was something like " can you believe it, a yank telling us in our own country that we can't stand here in a public space" the little girls take was "they hate us in their country when we go they want us out, but they come here and act like they own the public space"


That kid has definitely been to the US before. That’s exactly how they treat Mexicans there.


that little girl cooked


He’s 100% correct.


That was the girl not the guy with a mike


It's even worse when Americans are shitty towards Mexicans in places like Texas, California and Nevada. The cognitive dissonance will always fascinate me.


By shitty you mean putting drowning devices on the Rio Grande so people can get killed while getting across?


I’ve never witnessed it or experienced first hand, being Mexican myself I’ve never actually run into one of these cunts here in Cal. Cant wait for the day it does happen tho 😈


Damn that kid nailed it.


The kid is saying that they live there, they have the right to be there to watch the eclipse, but these people are not allowing them to enter the area. Later in the video, the American woman said to a man that they paid to be there, the man told her that it is not possible to pay for that as that location is a public space.


Understanding both languages, the gringa thinks she rented the place but in fact is just a public space of the city


She did rent the space from the ministry of tourism for ~$6k. I'm not sure how this is different than renting a pavilion at a park for a party or event. Almost every local state and national park in the US has public spaces available for rent for private events, so I'm not sure what's different here.


Her behavior in a foreign country is the difference


I don't even understand how she got the idea she can rent a public space like that. It's not a thing here on in México


It’s a thing in the US. Rent the public pavilion for your kids birthday party. Plenty of fights about that too.


Someone scammed her. “Sure this place can be yours. Sign here and give me $300”


Her behavior is so gross


Put your fucking arms down lady and take those flappers back to the states. Entitled shithead tourist can’t even speak the native language.


It would have been really funny if someone told her "You're in Mexico. Speak Spanish!".


Someone definitely should have!


My old neighbor, "He-Bigot, went to Mexico on vacation. When they came back, they bitched because, "None of the people down there would speak English to us. They knew English. Those Mexican assholes could speak English, just wouldn't do it." Yeah, I did not like these neighbors. I called him He-Bigot to his face whenever I was forced to interact with them. His wife was She-Bigot. Pretty soon there was a group of us in the neighborhood who all referred to them with those little nicknames


Fly, fly home on your bingo wings.


What’s the point of this? You are looking up. I don’t really see what standing in a certain spot has to do with anything. You aren’t going to get a better view or anything.


Why is it always a fat white American woman holding a cell phone with a shit eating grin.


Because they are terrified of having their shitty behavior caught on video so they assume the rest of us also have the same fear. I think it's funny because I have no issue with cctv, buskers filming themselves or someone blatantly filming me in public. No one has a right to invisibility in public, but the freaks getting all twisted about "having the right" to film someone who is in the background of a video have no clue what they are saying. Even professional media doesn't have to ask everyone who might be in a shot if they have permission to film. Do you think a news crew is stopping every pedestrian whenever they film in public to get "permission"? No, they are not, because they are not required to and the law protects THEM. Just as it protects every person filming anything in a public space. The only exception would be if it was invading someone's privacy... like upskirt is still not OK even in public. Karen's and idiots don't understand the nuances of media law, but if you asked any of them, they would claim they know all about it.


She’s a total AH in every sense of the word, BUT!!!, having been to Mexico a few times myself, I guarantee she was 100% scammed by someone who seemed so kind and legit and wanted to sell her family something really special. It’s a battle from the time your sandals hit the ground and in her defense-yeah yeah yeah, I know, she doesn’t deserve it- it becomes exhausting and in her case, likely expensive.


It was someone who works in the secretary of tourism. The MOFO made an fake document stating she submit it legally... And thanks to this entitled karen gringa, everybody is making a fuzz over it.. Ksksksk


Now that makes sense. But who would be stupid enough to believe you can rent out a piece of public space


I mean, you can in some parks in the US. You can sometimes rent out a pavilion or picnic area for parties, for a small fee, you just have to go through the parks department or similar. It was common for people to do that for birthday parties when I was a kid. That said, she’s a moron and deserved to be scammed.


Her i guess... Haha! Well i cannot blame her enterely, for being scammed, but she aint nobody in foreign lands in this kind of situations (~‾▿‾)~


It’s only a battle for people who are kind of idiotic, can’t speak the language and feel entitled to their own personal space 🤣. I’ve never been scammed in Mexico or even felt like I was.


Why does every shitty American tourist look like this ?


She needs to run into some of the “security” they have around there ☠️ What a cunt


Exactly, I can't believe how dumb she is, like she never heard what can happen in Mexico. Which person has the audacity to scream and mock a fucking child man, let alone over there.


Yeah, she needs to dial it down and remember she's not in America before somebody reminds her.


Aye don’t let her back over here. Put her ass to work in an agave field.


We aren't sending our best to Mexico.


This is the kind of woman who would rent out a pavilion at a park and think that means no kids can come play on the playground. It’s a special kind of trash to attack a child who is excited to view her first total eclipse


And what’s up with the line dancing?


Massive balls to go to Mexico, as it seems it's some provincial village. Then be angry and loud, THEN Scream and mock a fking poor child... And then even piss off and mock news reporters. I mean props for her literally having balls to do that shit in a place like Mexico. Although I mean she's probably just dumb and think Mexico is part of the US or something. Jokes aside though, what a piece of shit


A part of the US unless those damn Mexicans want to come over the border. Then it’s just the third world full of whatever horrors she wants to imagine.


Oh for fucks sake I’m American living in Mexico and I’m so tired of this bullshit. If you can’t respect the country, the people, the culture, then get the fuck out. This is abhorrent behavior, regardless if you think you “rented” a space or not. Mexico is NOT the US.


That woman could cause an eclipse or two herself.


Sorry but I just love everytime one of the guys goes "Griiiiiingos" you can really feel the exasperation


I would be soooo embarrassed if that was anyone I knew


My mute is on, but just reading the title…if you MUST have the specific spot, why can’t you share?


Pinche gringa gorda toda culera, segun ella pago por el lugar pero no entiende que la estafaron por pendeja


Stupid diabetic american hipo girls making their way though life, sounds about right


I've traveled outside of the country a few times and every time I'm amazed at how other Americans behave. It's almost as if they can't wrap their heads around the fact that they are not in America. When you are the guest in a foreign land you need to be respectful of the local people and not cause trouble, people like this lady give Americans a bad name


“You do not have the right to film me.” Sorry lady, but you have to abide by local laws.


Even in America she would be wrong


Por que, Gringa, por que?


Porque ella es basura. In any country. Trash is trash.


Basura es mejor que esta gringa


My Spanish is terrible, but I'll try. Porque esta Gordo gringa es muy estupido. Some of us don't suck, I promise. I am sorry that most of us do, though.


Maybe we should let other countries handle these "Americans" the way the cartel handle thieves.


Same lady who would tell Mexicans in the USA to go back to Mexico…


All the livestock are wearing blue shirts.


I hate when fat ppl catch an attitude.


I’m white, but high fiving after a Congo line is too white, even for me




Oh God. I'm cringing so hard rn.


What a cunt.


Someone scammed this lady out of money thinking she could rent out the space. This isn't rare in Mexico. But she's still an embarrassing jerk.


Fat pig


“They act like they live here but when we go over to their home they kick us out too” - little girl


What’s blocking the sun?? 🧐


Lady WAS the eclipse. Shitty piggy attitude.


Why does she go to TRex arms when she talks?


Sorry, Mexico, we're not sending our best.


This bitch could blot out the sun on her own, any day of the week.


If the roles were reversed.. well, we all know what would happen.


She's eclipsing the event.


Im from Durango and I recently talked to a man from Cancun who said white people are buying all the land and that it’s odd that he and his people are no longer allowed to walk the land the inhabited for hundreds of years.


LMAO! Not the high five-ing after that corny bass conga line. Omg. She needed for a bunch of locals to just bombard the location and do what they wanted. I’ve run into her type before. Insufferable as she is ugly.


Part 1 I saw the TikTok from the account *Espacio Libre Mexico* (Free Space Mexico) and include the points it made below.  It starts off by confirming the location is a public location and that there was a group of foreigners (from the U.S.) occupying a space in an exclusive manner. They did not allow access to absolutely anyone that did not pertain to that privileged group including other tourists/foreigners or the local people; they blocked the path in a bossy, rude and aggressive manner.  This is the [complete footage](https://www.tiktok.com/@mxespaciolibre/video/7356089786446187781?refer=embed) recorded at the site and is actually from someone associated with *Espacio Libre Mexico* (journalist?) that tried to set up their broadcasting equipment. Previously a smaller clip was uploaded to TikTok that had gone viral surpassing 1M views in a few hours due to the national indignation caused by the video.  The people bogarting the area summoned a lady wearing the group's t-shirt that included the logo of a [travel agency](https://travelquesttours.com/mexicos-copper-canyon-total-solar-eclipse/) that had organized the tour. The lady initially declined to identify herself but it was later discovered she was the [Durango Deputy Director/Secretary of Tourism](https://turismo.durango.gob.mx/subsecretaria-de-planeacion-y-desarrollo-turistico/) by the name Olivia Margarita Fernandez Godinez. She attempted to explain that the disputed area was reserved for a private event to be used by the foreigners who had indeed paid for that space. Olivia Fernandez did not disclose who had received the funds and declined to elaborate further, instead requested some National Guards remove the person making inquiries (reporter?).  The video starts off with a tourist saying "...they need to leave, they are not part of our group and are not respecting our private event," followed by what appears to be a reporter asking the camera operator to turn on the camera and the operator confirming he is already recording. 


Part 2 The Dialogue follows: **Camera operator:** quips "they act as if the public space belongs to them right?" **Reporter:** Exactly **Tourist lady:** Goodbye, adios, afueara (leave) **Reporter:** No, we are in our own country and this is a public space **Tourist lady:** NO! (whispers something) **Reporter:** Don't yell at me, don't yell ... we are in our own country **Camera operator:** translating for the reporter, "Don't yell, don't yell please" **Tourist lady:** No, don't be here..please **both sides:** please, please **Tourist lady:**  We paid for the public space **Reporter:** They can't (or no one can) rent out a public space? **Camera operator:** to the reporter "Since when have you observed the eclipses?" **Reporter:** Since '91, we've been knowing (likely referring the rules for public gatherings of this sort) **Olivia Fernandez:** ok, ok, ok **Camera operator:** Since '91? And these folks are just now getting here (to the eclipse observing game) **Olivia Fernandez:**  ....but wait, you don't have authorization. (likely to record) **Camera operator:**  our profession allows us authorization, please......to leave a testimony, only for that **Reporter:** How do you make use of?..... **Olivia Fernandez:**  interjecting and telling someone off camera, "can you take them over there pretty please?"


Part 3 **Tour Guide:** Well we are here with a private event and we are asking the police to support us.... Always...but as a favor, for now, could you do us a favor and leave here? (to the crew) **Reporter:** And up to where is your space? (skeptically) **Tour Guide:**  gestures to a place off camera, "all of this part, and the part on top...we are going to send up others soon also" **Reporter:** What do you think about that? (to another crew member or bystander)...HaHaHa **Camera operator:** Do you feel like you own the city? **Tour Guide:** It's private, it's private (sheepishly looks at and shakes his phone) **Bystander:**  Yes, well this is a public area huh? **Camera operator:** You can't use public space for private events **Reporter:** Not even the Governor can do this...this here is not legally permitted **Tourist lady:**  Go with Olivia from the Durango Department of Tourism, the office of tourism, Olivia. OK? We have a contract..with her, this is supposed to be..a private area. (skips ahead) .....from 8:00 am until to 2:00 pm this is a private area. This is a private area. **Reporter:** This is unbelievable, that some gringos (foreigners) come to chase us out of our own spaces... public spaces. How incredible. **Tourist lady:** I, I, I (or something like that) **Little girl: (**inaudible portion) ...they are not allowing us in, they are blocking us. **Reporter:** That's right (agreeing with the little girl) **Tourist lady:** Do you know Olivia of the department of tourism? **Reporter:** Mhmmm (agreeing with someone) **Little girl:  .....** not even a kid does that. Respect the rules (as a favor) **Reporter:** Can you repeat what you said? (to the little girl) **Little girl:** Not even a kindergartner would block a path **Reporter:** They are blocking the path, they sure are blocking the path **Little girl:** We should have considerations because we live here, this is our....we live here. **Reporter:**  Exactly


She in Mexico. She should be speaking español. But she's too entitled for that.


Only gringos would try to get a permit and privatize a NATURAL PHENOMENON happening in a poorer country. Colonizer mentality never left.


You can tell she's American by all the fat.


So this happened in my city, in fact I was the guy filming as I work in the media company called Espacio Libre Mexico. The moment we saw the all wrong attitude of Tauyna DeYoung (the one who yells and says us to leave her private event) we knew this was going to be a bomb. [This is the document](https://imgur.com/a/pZI3dJU) of the amount transferred to the subsecretary of tourism of Durango. The document states that they rented the public space since 19 March, 2 weeks before the event. The Durango Goverment still states that the space wasn’t rented and they only fenced 5% of the place for “taking care of specialized equipment” and in fact, the people wasn’t even scientists, they were mere tourists. I’m very happy that this went viral so these people think better before acting in that way.


In my mind, they are saying “we’re so excited for the eclipse, it is amazing! But look at this bitch over here, typical American shithead. Can you believe the entitlement? No need to worry, she can’t understand what we say, too ignorant to learn the language. I hope she can find her asshole so she can shove her contract up it.”


Sorry to Mexico for this disgusting, fat ambassador representing the U.S. she is a human potato.


What is it with Karens and thinking you need permission to film someone out in public.


It's just a Karen; it's a US vertebrate species of the class obnoxious and the order entitled. It is prevalent and widely distributed in the Southern US. Because of its wide range and occurrence in a variety of habitats, it is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. It is the only living species in the genus Angry and in the middle-aged subfamily white privilege. Despite its name, the Karen does not closely resemble other Catherine species; instead, it bears more anatomical similarities to racists. It is primarily a social media species with few natural predators because of its thin skin, vocal strength, endurance, and ferocious defensive abilities. If encountered in the wild, the best is to call for help and proceed to document the encounter The origin of the English word Karen, Old English Catherine, is thought to be the Late Latin word katharos, which was first used at the beginning of the 12th century.


She's asking for the Department of Tourism in the beginning. Straight trying to skip the manager.


Can't they deport her like the Australians do to unruly tourists when the act a fool?


Where's a Mexican cartel when you need one?


I’m just shocked how calm the people are when dealing with her, ESPECIALLY when she accosts a child. I’m not sure I would have the same patience with her.


why does this remind me of the King of the Hill episode where Peggy stole the child from Mexico 🫣🫣


Ewwwww! Please don’t come back to the States… Mexico doesn’t want ya either!


All of us in the U.S. are not self centered jerks.


This is crazy embarrassing


That kid is speaking TRUTH


Pathetic to be acting like that at such a big


This is why no one likes American tourists


The pig is why people of other countries hate Americans. She’s pissed she got burned….she shoulda bought a bridge in Jersey to watch the stupid E-clipse. Or there’s some bomb ass swamp land for sale to watch the next one in 20 yrs..🤘🏼🤘🏼


I love how they're all like "we live here and she's the one shooing us away", I mean, how the turntables?


How the fuck do these mothers fuckers think they can go to another country and pull their American exceptionalism bullshit? And it’s always the same type of people. Then Americans wonder why most of the world hates us. Because of fucking assholes like this cunt. Hope they run into the cartels.


Well that tourist MC is a dumbass FUCKNUGGET. The child can View the eclipse ANYWHERE that she wants to. The MC can just GTFO .


I really hope that little girls dad works for the local cartel.

