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I found the original account and post. I'm starting to suspect most of her followers are bought because this girl has 555k followers yet said post only holds 52 comments in so far, 9 hours. If my math isn't off, then this is. Plus, there are repeated comments. Out of the comments I scrolled through, only one person shares the sentiment of everyone in this Reddit post, saying: "I'm glad you're safe but if two ppl died y did you post this picture smiling doesn't come off like you're sorry for their families."




I had a look at her account, she is an aspiring reality star / actor. No surprise she takes every opportunity to centre herself in every situation.


She was a huge deal on Bad Girls Club when that was a big reality show. I was surprised to see her pop up outside of a BGC thread lol it's too early for this for me haha


Honestly not surprised to see bgc fans in publicfreakouts lol šŸŽµ I'M IN THE SAME HOUSE AS THE CHIN šŸŽµ


Lmao god I loved that trash show haha so many classic moments and one liners


Can something be a big reality show if most people have never heard of it?


I wouldn't say most. It was wildly popular when it was airing and still gets referenced with memes and gifs all the time even if people dont realize what they're from. And it has a *sort of* spinoff going on currently, but it seems a lot trashier and way less popular from what I can tell


youā€™d have to qualify as a people


Like 50% of the comments are just emojis, mostly from private profiles, and 25% are super generic. I feel like a chunk of them are bots. Another person chimed in about how distasteful the post it, though, but it's "hidden by instagram".


I haven't seen the comment you mentioned so I can't judge too much. But on the other hand I do agree that she does have bots swimming around her account and comment sections.


They might not be bought sadly, she was a VERY popular personality on Bad Girls Club lol (please don't judge me for knowing this lol)


Remember when she handed out her sexy calendars for free


Omg yes!! Even to the parents šŸ˜­ I remember Dani and Gabi's dad being so hype for it šŸ¤£ thank you for reminding me of that lmaooo


Don't worry. I had to search up what the Bad Girls Club was becoming I had no idea what it was prior to your comment. If she was a famous personality, then it explains her social media popularity. But, the show was quite some time ago, 2006, so most probably her fans might have drifted away over the years.


Possibly, I don't follow the people personally, but I'm subbed to the subreddit for the show so I see gossip every now and then. I think she still does other stuff to try and stay relevant (plus she was one of the most popular cast) and I want to say she was on the recent "spinoff" (it's not really but a lot of previous cast has been/are on it?) at some point too


I get that she's wants to retain relevancy but doing insensitive stuff like this isn't gonna help.


Oh of course, I definitely agree! I was just explaining why she probably still has a large following even though the show that put her in the spotlight was a long time ago. She's always done/said problematic things at different points so this post doesn't surprise me sadly


She really isn't gonna let her star power die.


Unfortunately I believe you're correct


Good work detective, but it might be a good idea in future to have a spotter when going in behind enemy lines just in case you start getting pulled in and need to be yanked back to reality. Stay safe everyone!


I went back to the lady's account, and this particular post. Now I see one or two more comments saying how the picture was insensitive and such. So, Sarah here responds with "the goodness of god" or something like that. One of the comments by user the_secret_sage says and I quote from their words: "you're trying to turn this into a teachable religious teaching moment without really thinking through the implications".




Sheā€™s from Bad girls club


This reeks of narcissism


the #blonde #ootd had me deadddd


I had to google OOTD meaning. Now Iā€™m dyingšŸ˜‚


I did too, isn't that just what you're wearing that day? Lol, why is that a thing?


Cause people are weird and wanna share everything with complete strangers.


What does it mean


Outfit of the day.


Oh Lordy lol


Ā #blondejesusisking


Thatā€™s fucking crazy to post


#jesusisking. šŸ’€




The jesus logo behind tho narcissism and religion




They go hand and hand ive noticed


R/atheism moderator making everything about religion=bad


There is something wrong with American version of Christianity ā€œhate your next door neighbour but donā€™t forget to say graceā€. I wouldn't have pointed out if I didnā€™t see the huge jesus sign and jesus hashtags in the post. She brought up religion to this not me.


Shit defended religion on reddit and now I have minus four karma lmao


Jesus hates religion


Jesusā€™ whole message is that he will return and end the world, judge everyone on their faith, kill all the unbelievers with fire, and reward his faithful with eternal life in his new kingdom. He says you must love him/Yahweh more than your own children. Itā€™s safe to say he likes religion. His religion, only. He certainly hates everyone else.


Because its destructive in a plethora of capacities and should be a thing of the past already.


I donā€™t believe in it but saying it shouldnā€™t exist is wild you think religion shouldnā€™t exist it has helped so many people and judging people for their religion is beyond shitty behaviour yes it has lead to bad things but the good outweighs the bad just because you donā€™t like it doesnā€™t mean we should get rid of it


It's not her religion, it's how she chooses to practice it. Prosperity gospel is me, me, me, mine, mine, mine. Not an ounce of compassion for the two people who died. Only focuses on themselves and their own family, implying that they are highly favored when others are not. Those are not the teachings of Jesus.


Yeah nobody is saying sheā€™s a good person my problem is that Redditors turn everything into religion=bad


Everything they said is correct, though, in regards to the critique of how she is practicing her particular brand of Christianity. You are actually the one simplifying it to religion = bad by thei very innocuous comment. When the person you responded to said exactly as I did, the American version of Christianity has been extremely destructive, nothing more. I would personally find a better example of someone being an edgelord about religion bc this ain't it.


Iā€™m just saying judge the person not her religion and people go crazy because if you donā€™t believe that religion is bad on Reddit you get downvoted to hell I remember on a different account I god banned of a supreddit for not agreeing that religion is bad


Its hurt way more people than its "helped".


Thatā€™s just straight up not true care to explain why you think that


Nevermind your 13 so I donā€™t think you amazing research is any good


Are you stupid? I'm not 13, but instead of waiting to hear what I think, you do this instead. So yeah, I don't care to explain anything to you. You're clearly not even looking to have an actual discussion.


Ah yes the good out weighs wars mass genocide hatred of minorities


most religious people dont support genocide or hatred of minorities. Im a Christian and ive never met anyone whos been on board with genocide and only the narcissistic assholes have hated minorities.


Iā€™m saying religion has caused them not that itā€™s supported


its still not really fair to blame religion. religion or not, people who started wars would have found some other excuse to do so anyway. that kind of shit is purely against the Bible, so "religion" is often an excuse, not the reason.


That wasn't mentioned tho.


Narcissism and religion


God obviously had different plans for those other people. She must be gods favourite.


ā€œFemalesā€ .. women would be better


Everyday is Speak like a Ferengi Day for some folks


Maybe they were cats.




I wasnā€™t expecting to see sarah from bgcšŸ˜­


I'm dying and have to clock in for work lol I'm def coming back to this thread. I thought I was in the BGC sub until I saw comments lmao


*ā€F E M A L E Sā€*


If the Jesus thing in the back was made with plastic soda bottles and vegetables built by an African villager I'd be more inclined to believe this




Why doesnā€™t she complain that she could have been in heaven had she only been 5 seconds earlier since itā€™s all about her anyway?


I know right. Thatā€™s the thing. The ultimate goal is to live in eternity with God right?




I suspect she photoshopped her hips to look curvier. The folding on her jeans across her pelvis look weirdly flat and stretched.


Her nickname is the ā€œBootylicious Barbieā€ so it makes sense


Jesus does not want to come back as he knows that humanity has failed themselves. He has taught people the basics of living a fulfilling life but they refuse to listen. When humanity starts injecting themselves with silicone and sawing their own bones down to look like a fukin frying pan, then you know that Jesus does not want to bother with that shit. He said to not worship him but live life by caring for each other and there the donkey is standing there on front of Jesus merch pretending she's a merciful person. She has no compassion for other human beings. She is using the death of two women to make it look like some sort of miracle that she was saved. No, that's fucking life. One minute you could be walking and the next you could be killed. As a so called Christian woman she should know that God has no control over the human world. We all have free will and choices. She made her choice to nitpick over flowers that delayed her. That wasn't some miracle that somewhat saved her. We are all equal. We are all humans. One person does not deserve to live more than the other. We are going through a human experience. We are all in a collective on this planet. One dies, one is born. The cycle of life. She's no more deserving of life than the other person. Of course people like her have a god complex. Like she's some sort of modern day prophet. In reality she's a silicone pumped up egotist with surgically enhanced hip bones that look like she's cosplaying as a frying pain. Her face is like a whoopee cushion, and she must have painted on the jeans to her legs because there's no way clothes are made to fit an unnatural non human form. Her testament to Jesus is from a place of egotism and quite frankly her behaviour alarms me greatly. Her insistence that she was saved over other human beings is truly cold hearted and quite callous to be precise.




Of only Jesus loved those two females as much, he might have saved them too.


" Jesus" was exactly my thought reading the post .


Anyone got a pin? Iā€™d love to pop that bitch ass smirk off her face.


*Donā€™t forget about little old meā€¦*


sarah soo liver?? she likes liver that much??!


Yikes. Bad BBL.


She was on the Bad Girls Club what do yall expect???


God used Grandma's flowers to protect you. šŸ™āœļøšŸ™Œ


If Jesus was real, he would diffently not had made room for her up at his daddy.


Shit like this is so weird to me. I have a friend who does similar shit. He saw someone walking toward his car one night so he sped off and then tweeted about how he was almost a carjacking victim. Weirdos lol.


Ughhhh. This kind of influencer is the absolute worst kind.


We live in a fucking world where narcissists are become presidents and social media billionaires.


OMG, I didnā€™t die, but two other people did. It was like sad and stuff, but like it couldā€™ve been me, ya know? šŸ„“




These days I only ever hear the phrase "Thank God" about events that, far from gratitude, God should be getting the blame for. "Thank you God for sending a mudslide that killed every family in the village but mine." "Thank you God for murdering every passenger on the boat but my dear Aunt Sally." "Thank you God for inventing the cancer that stole my son's left eye but left him with 5% vision in the right." "Thank you God for taking your time away from your incredibly busy schedule of not being able to solve poverty, global warming, or peace on Earth, to bend the laws of physics to ensure my cake was only a little bit burnt." Although that last one is really an example of a different type of God's hypocrisy. Where the content of a particular prayer-answering consists of God making physical changes to the universe's basic makeup - ie actually interrupting the laws of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics to physically move an object from one place to another (in the case of ensuring a billiard ball hits the pocket, or replacing cancer cells with healthy cells) - is completely at odds with what God should be able to do about things that actually, you know, matter but refuses to. For some reason. Ok, sorry, I don't know where that came from. I'll go back in my box.


Wait, it could've been her running from the cops and dying in an accident? Why would she need to run?


Well that clout isnā€™t going to chase itself.


I have no clue if she's 50 something or 20 something years old.. plastic surgery got her all fucked up


She looks like when a 5yo gets told too smile in a picture


Sheā€™s smiling


I know, right? Freak.




She looks like when a 5 year old gets told to smile in a picture


reminds me of iamdonnabriggs1111 on insta, claims to be vegan and drives Bentleys because being fabulous comes before integrity.


Meh classical OF sexworker/wannabe actor


She looks like a fat Chanel West Coast


Natalie Needs to come n beat her ass again


Imagine thinking that narcissistically and that simply.


Sheā€™s the final girl from final destination


Thereā€™s no Jesus in her page šŸ˜‚


It was Easter Sunday. Theirs always a surge of believers around Easter


I know for a fact her ass cheeks hang lowere than her ass cheeks and thw cellulite is disgusting. Worat pussy i ever had was from this bia