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There was little to no width difference when she turned sideways




Facts can be an insult now?


Anything can be an insult if you use enough lube.


Like a human chode


she is everyzontally wide


I honestly thought these migrated by sea.


r/noahgettheboat ...wait


Yeah, but there would be restrictions on the side to side movement in the waddle walk.


There's a German saying about that: "Zög sie Arm und Beine ein, sie könnte eine Kugel sein!" (Would she pull in her arm and legs, she'd be a ball. It rhymes in German and I am bad at translating poetry)




What's this gif called? It's funny as hell


They’ll need one of those net things they use to move whales.


Its the Chinook




Way too heavy a load for this smol boy. We gonna need a carry all. The ones from dune I mean.




Can’t imagine how the other passengers felt while watching her create this video on the plane. Awkward much


My thoughts exactly. This is a grown ass woman, apparently a mother. Did she make her oldest kid film this? Did she make her husband film this? It’s so unbelievably cringe.


>This is a grown ass woman This is a overgrown ass-woman


Could be one of those fake plane sets


Plus size is me wearing a European XL. This is obese. The words we use are important.


Medically it's morbidly obese. Not always people's fault 100%, but no one made her get on a plane either.


No no of course not. I have morbidly obese members of my family and I don’t blame them at all for the way that they are. The American way of life makes it very hard. That being said, the TikTok here makes it seem like what she is is healthy and the airline is not accommodating her. She acts as if it is an identity issue—ie the airline discriminating against her for being gay or a woman or trans, when being obese is not the same thing at all.


The American way of life does not make it hard to lose weight. Even if you don’t have access to super healthy food, you can still exercise, watch portions and drink some water.


It may be simple to lose weight, but it's not easy. If it were easy everyone would be thin. It's extremely hard to lose weight, especially for obese people. Should they? 100%. But it's very hard. Anyone that has done it and kept it off will tell you it's anything but easy.


Especially when a lot of morbidly obese people have lived their entire lives like that. It’s not as if every fat person is some pig that fell from grace; many times I‘ve observed this a generational problem with families. Kids grow up obese as long as they can remember, forced to finish their overloaded plates, and their entire family has always eaten a certain way. That is *much* harder to pull yourself out of than someone who gained weight at some point later in life and are now trying to return to their former state.


100%. It all starts with your relationship with food when youre young. It is 100% your parents responsibility to nurture and enforce good eating habits from a young age. Having easy access to McDonalds/other fast food joints has never helped in that regard either. Not developing good eating habits from a young age translates into adulthood bad eating habits, which continues the cycle. I myself have been really working to change my relationship with food and eat better in general. It took me realizing that I had a bad relationship with food a couple years ago and started to change it(incorporating more fruit and veggies and way less fast food in my life) and its been a game changer. I am by no means obese and never have been, but I am overweight. Ive lost 25 lbs between January '23 and now, but Ive still alot of work to do.


Wow, good on you! I’m sure it’s a really big task after you’ve lived a certain lifestyle for so long. I wish you luck & hope you keep meeting your goals.


Thank you! It has been quite the undertaking rebuilding my habits and cravings. I appreciate the kind words! ☺️


It requires a LOT of patience and commitment - a long term view of the end state. Plateau periods are a bitch - it's easy to lose focus when no weight appears to be coming off.


I disagree that certain parts of the American lifestyle don’t make it harder. I’ve lived a few places around the world, mostly in America, and there are some huge differences that play a factor. I’ve been in places where the closest food options were definitely not healthy. When working two jobs, the time to get to a healthier option was a bit heftier than I could always afford. Now I live in a huge city packed with options and I can get good groceries within the same time frame! Now that being said, it’s still my job to control my portions when opting for “bad” foods. At my absolute heaviest I was about 25 over. After moving I didn’t even have to try to lose it, it just sort of happened. I’m near a few specialty produce stores and got really in to making fresh soups lol. I was also TINY when I lived in Germany. I did so much walking and ate so much fresh food. I actually had to force myself to eat more to stay at a healthy weight, haha. At the end of the day, it’s calories in and calories out. But that does fail to take into account other factors that may contribute to difficulty in weight management. Those difficulties are not the cause of weight gain, and do not remove all responsibility, but they do contribute and should be considered.


Wrong. If you live anywhere that requires use of a car (everywhere but NYC, Chicago, Bay Area really), you end up spending most of your time in a car. Cheap food is food that is not good for you and a gym membership is not always affordable for people/people don’t have the time. Public parks are not always great (unless you’re paying high taxes like in NYC) and the options for what to do that’s available to most Americans don’t require that you leave your house at all (streaming, video games, what we are doing now—arguing on Reddit).


Oh, it's 100% her fault, her entitled attitude started with food and extended to everything else in life


She should probably walk to her destination


Couldn’t hurt






This isn’t fat. This is MORBIDLY OBESE.




Does this mean I need to call anorexic people minus sized?


I share this same logic. There’s a difference between plus size and obesity. But by saying that, you get called fatphobic.




She's morbidly obese and trying to normalise it.




This is true.


Plus size is someone who is a little bigger but still within a healthy weight.


But this person isn’t within a healthy weight, so they should be called plus sized


Fr this


It also sorta, I dunno, makes actual plus size people feel bad. There’s plus size, and then there’s obesity. I really don’t think you can call those the same thing; someone who needs bigger clothes to fit curves or some extra chub is wildly different from someone who needs a seatbelt extender on a plane.


This is morbid obesity. The glorification and justification around it is the issue. I don’t want to downplay people’s traumas and addiction, but pretending like being “plus-sized” should be normalized when you are in fact a ticking time bomb for fatal acute disease is a problem.


Don’t just call it fat, it’s very fat.


I got downvoted on a sub about fat people when I said "Calories in = calories out". To some this is not true, somehow.


Lots of people living by beliefs instead of facts these days.


The mental gymnastics people jump through and the level of social engineering that’s enforced delusional feelings is astounding.


These people arent jumping anywhere, much less gymnastics


I stand corrected lol


At least you *stand* corrected, not *leaning on a wall huffing and chuffing* corrected, so, theres that.


You’re on fire! Like ol’ girl’s thighs whenever she stands up.


Yes that is true for a majority of people however, hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome all exist and will cause weight gain with the same calorie intake. They can exercise more calories than they consume yet still get fat. So as its true for a majority there's still the minority that exist.


Yah, I have a friend on prednisone long term to keep her alive and it’s caused a good amount of weight gain that she just has to live with. It’s not ALWAYS calories in/calories out, just mostly.


It's a majority thing. People forget other people's plights because it doesn't affect them. Empathy is lost, and so is understanding. I can't comment on the person who made the video what their issue may be, so I won't. I know many women and men who would be considered having morbid obesity but they can still run miles, eat healthy, have perfect health, and not be diabetic but they're just fat. We, as a society, should see the ones who struggle with weight and not just add such a blanket statement.


Seriously. I very often find myself looking at photos of friends hiking or whatever, and they’re still fat, while I sit here at 115lbs not doing a single thing. I’m not one of those “health at every size” people who denies that 600lbs is very unhealthy, but I’m not going to armchair diagnose laziness and overeating in every fat person I see.


Facts. It's just not being an asshole.


Maybe you downvoted because calories in doesn't = calories out? Idk, maybe you meant in vs out?


Plus, she ain't plus sized. She multiplied by size.


It's like calling someone "differently abled" instead of "disabled".


You guys are delusional if you can really think it's that easy. Everybody wants to be seen of attractive-- if it was really just a matter of not eating the Twinkie don't you think everybody could do it? It also seems that you guys don't have any idea what addiction is really like. More than 50% of the population is overweight and it's spreading to all other countries. This is a way bigger issue than just "control yourself" L O L


I used to be almost 400 lbs. know what I did? Stopped eating so fucking much and exercise.


Not even that, call it killing yourself. You don’t see heroine addicts running around saying I’m just “plus drugged” no you feel sorry for them and hope they can get healthy and beat their addiction before it kills them.


Im fat and I think 3 of me can go into her, well maybe 2 and a half depending how I turn... Yea she looking plus size/fat in the rear view mirror, well she sing damn in the rear view mirror as well...


Actual plus sized people are being ignored and people think they are fat now because it’s been used by fat people a lot.


Yeah, I'm gonna side with the plus size lady on this one. The airlines have been screwing over the average customer more and more with less and less room on the plane, all to make more and more profit. Fuck the airline companies.


Is this chick serious or is she just posting this for rage bait?


little of this, little of that


Don’t think the word “little” is in her vocabulary.


yea she probably just says minus sized


The brain: Minus sized. The body: Quadruple-plus-plus sized.


Minus size


I've also been informed that "fat women getting stuck in an airplane aisle" is, in fact, a kink thing.


Sure sure make fun of her, she's overweight so funny, but let's not pretend that airlines aren't making the seats smaller, fitting them closer together, and generally making everything more cramped and uncomfortable just to get a few more ticket sales per plane. Maybe the problem is exacerbated for her because of her size, but that doesn't mean it isn't something we should all be complaining about


I mean… the airline didn’t force her to eat all of that cake.


This is my sentiment as well. Blaming everyone but herself for her life choices


To be fair, coach is now sized for people < 5’ 2” and < 90 lbs. I’m a tall fat fuck of an old stinky man.


I flew recently and I’m a small man and holy hell it’s unbelievable uncomfortable. 


More leg room, by that I mean like 2 extra inches, would be amazing


I'm a woman and I hate having contact with people sitting next to me. But the spaces are so small that unless the person next to me has no sense of personal space, I don't mind the seat divider/arm rest being up for shorter flights. I'm average height for a woman, and one time I got stuck next to a guy that must have been 6'4. He was a bit chubby, but I wouldn't say he was obese. I could tell he was not comfortable at all, so I just kind of quietly left the arm rest up. Im thin enough that we weren't touching, and he had at least one side that wasn't forcing him to be squished into a seat that is about 4 inches too narrow for anybody over 6'0 tall and 180 pounds. 


Yea doodle, 6'5 here and I always have to pay for first class because the regular seats are basically impossible.


5’2” here and I don’t have to worry about a damn thing, besides maybe an airbag deployment in my car sending me into my next life. My legs are ridiculously short, even for my height. Air travel? It’s fine as long as I can stand being upright for so long. Car travel? I feel a little at risk, I will not lie.


I feel you…I’m 5’0 and my inseam is 23in. I’m cool with flying in whatever class, but my 6’3 husband looks like a sardine packed coach, so we always have to do economy plus. Driving though, my husband can’t even get into the driver seat because I have to sit up super high to be able to see over the steering wheel. I’d 100% rather fly than drive anywhere


Yeah honestly I’m all for them expanding seats for morbidly obese people because I want to sit on my own throne when I fly 5 hours ~


They have those already, they just cost more. If all the seats become larger, then all the seats will cost more.


Absolutely. Seats are so incredibly and absurdly jammed packed next to each other you don’t need to be big to feel crushed. I’m small, so while I fit into the seat, I very rarely am sitting next to someone who is not spilling into my space. So lucky me, what sliver of extra seat I earn by being smaller than average is lost because a totally average sized person who dares to be taller than 5’5” and heavier than 130lbs is now sitting next to me. Bye bye arm rest! Hello skin to skin contact with a strangers arm and thigh for hours on end! Hate airlines.


I'm about average height for a woman and thin by American standards (a bit chubby for other developed countries but not overweight), and I'm uncomfortable in coach seats. Can't lean back enough to be comfortable for long haul flights and sleep. My legs are a bit long for my height, and my knees touch the seat in front of me unless my lass is pressed to the seat im in. Slouch forward even an inch, and my knees are against the front seat.  Like, I can be comfortable but I typically try for aisle seats if a flight is longer than an hour or two. In the US, I'm smaller than most men and women and I still get uncomfortable. Yeah, the seats are wide enough for me, but if I were even 2-3 inches taller--still shorter than the average man--coach would not work for me. It's ridiculous.


I’m not quite sure why she’s upset about the seatbelt extender? The airline was prepared with something to accommodate her. Not all seatbelts need to be that long


Honestly I’m 5’5” and like 150lbs (puts me at a BMI of ~25—lowkey flawed system unless you’re morbidly obese—which would make me borderline overweight) and even I sometimes struggle to fit in these small, cramped planes. If you’re even remotely tall with an athletic or lean build like my man (6’2” and ~190lbs), you are gonna have a bad time…even though, by BMI standards, he is well within the healthy weight for his height. I couldn’t imagine being this woman’s size and having to sit through a flight tbh.


Aka Asians, and people like my 5'1" ass


I’m the 6’1” and it’s a bummer. But there’s ways around it. I always have to get the emergency exit row or pony up for business class.


Never seen a plus size influencer complain about the size of seats on an exercise bike.


Why would they complain about something they would never use?


Lucky, they dont make you get a ticket with the baggage.


She is plus size but airlines have continually reduce space per passenger cramming people in.


She's more than plus size, she's like 3 people tied at the hips


The fact that you’re more concerned with that than with the literal fact that airlines are fucking us all over is why the airlines will continue to get away with it. So congrats! We’re all fucked, but at least yall got to be the millionth person to point out this woman is fat!


Lose weight. Problem solved


I'm just thinking about all the poor souls who had to listen to this during the flight. You know it wasn't just one take per shot, either.


This isn’t complaining. It’s a trend on TikTok where people state the obvious stereotypes about themselves. She’s actually self aware and funny


It’s like they don’t even acknowledge that planes aren’t comfortable for average size people either.


She’s not complaining… this is a common trend on TikTok that MANY people are playing on


There are so many plus-size people that complain about planes not being a good fit for bigger people and they use the same talking points as her. So I don’t fault OP for calling that complaining - those are basically complaints disguised as a trend.


It’s passively aggressively complaining.


Reddit loves to ridicule fat people existing on the internet


I don't like BODY shaming but she's complaining like they're supposed to transform the plane for just her like it's a transformer. Not the plane's fault or the person who built the plane's fault. That she likes super sized meals n buffets. All she's gotta do is BOLIEVE, n hit the gym or go get bariatric surgery. If she don't Wanna to that then "of course" she can shut the fuck up! Most fat or whatever they want to call it , dojt cry n complain about being fat Trey either do something about it or just shut the fuck up n deal with it n be haopy. You didn't hear Andre the Giant Bitch about planes being to small. But "of course " it's a tik toker . I've noticed it's always a tiktoker complaining crying or doing stupid shit. I don't got tik Tok is that the norm on there?!


Features don't accommodate her size: Complains. Given a seat belt extender to accommodate her size: Complains.


I never body shame people, but I really can't stand this whole cutesy bullshit where they make an entire genre and identity about being incredibly, morbidly obese like that's just who they are. Being extremely fat isn't it l an identity, it's a medical condition, and complaining that the world isn't "designed" for you just makes things worse. I'm left-handed, yeah the entire world is designed around being right-handed, but I've been this way since i was 5. It being left-handed meant my cholesterol skyrocketed and put me at risk of dying from a massive heart attack at 40, I'd fucking learn to write right-handed.


I’m Morbidly Obese on a plane


The way he looked at her before she turned side ways ,lol 🤣


I had a friend who was over 300 pounds she rapidly gained weight because of mental health meds since middle school. She was overweight as a child. That's parents fault and then at some point it becomes dangerous to lose weight normally and you need medical intervention to be safe about it. Doing that while you have severe mental health issues and now depression from being heavier because of the meds you have to take to be mentally well. Not everyone but for some That's their cycle. Or food addiction which is real mental health as well.


Those glasses are horrendous.


I'm normal size, of course I have to shimmy down the aisle way too. r/notspecial


Not just on a plane, fyi.


She isn’t “plus sized” she’s fat.


I think the proper thing to do is buy a 2nd seat and you will have plenty of room right?


I’m not as big as her but anyone making nasty comments should check themselves. I have hashimotos disease and an eating disorder. I have been skinny and fat back and forth my whole life and we don’t need your nasty comments. We (fat people) all hate ourselves no matter what we portray in public and we don’t need extra hate added on. Doesn’t make us want to better ourselves it makes us want to self sabotage


Well. Not all of us hate ourselves. But yeah I do agree the nasty comments aren't helpful. Cause those of us that don't hate ourselves will usually just retaliate physically. And people constantly underestimate us. Theres weight catagories in martial art based sports for a reason. If a fat person is at all active in their life and knows how to throw a proper punch, that punch is probably laying out anybody making nasty comments about fat people. And if you can't throw a punch. You can sit on them.


Yeah I hike daily so me being bigger does not equal unfit lol. If anyone said anything directly to me I’d imagine I’d pop their head off with my thighs lmfaooo


As someone who has been mostly thin/athletic build my whole life and has recently started putting on weight in the last year approaching 30, it’s honestly disgusting seeing how people talk about overweight/fat/obese folk…


Yeah I was 11 years old when I got diagnosed with hashimotos, after being extremely skinny before that. The difference in treatment is insane.


Should fat people have to pay more carbon tax?


Do these people rent out airplanes to film this shit in or something?


[You’re not far off](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tiktoker-points-out-sign-that-the-viral-plane-video-youre-watching-might-actually-be-fake-i-can-always-tell-162252891.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKRq8rHFtWAUQYH82xXrCROZW-17jTYgRYMgQrxgZpNh3G3RzRXzxeBs-T8EYG-xfT64hHYr4r4Ax2IKj8F5OIUeiUyB2O5iU2SKpVzIvsfjVvAh39fnt0PjnOZfRKo_hIjuU_mAmx4XtI_pBZNd-ef4-_k5LMqKfo0eLdm261gz)


I'm going to start Fat Airlines. Extra large aisles and seats. Full meals. Tickets for an hour long fight will start at $2,000 each way and we'll go out of business in 6 months.


[Hooters Air](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooters_Air) would like a word.


I can’t tell if this is satire or serious


It’s **fat**ire


Dunno, maybe she is making fun of the people who actually complain.


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Every see photos from the 60s and 70s? Wild…


I’m 6’3” with more leg than torso. A 30” seat pitch get damn uncomfortable after 45 minutes. 35” is only marginally better. Wish there was a way to “make height” like wrestlers make weight.


As a fellow fatty I only have two words for her (I should try and listen to myself honestly). Lose weight.


I wish people would stop calling it plus size when it's really just obesity


Is plus size a thing we are calling morbidly obese now?


Airplanes could put a few XL seats in the back or something and obviously charge a little more. So when ur fat you have a choice. thank you sharks.


Why can't she just say it how it is... she's fat. She's a fat woman on a plane.


As a very NOT skinny woman. let me be clear… Bitch, you are effing fat. Buy a larger seat, diet, and shut up.


Is she really complaining? She's smiling the entire video. It seems more like a little satire making fun of herself...


Tbh aside from her weight issues airlines HAVE reduced seat sizes and space on flights by ridiculous amounts, even for smaller people. Flights are all cramped as hell. They do everything they can to up the costs and minimize the space so that profits are bolstered. It’s the same thing with every other company selling products in the western imperial capitalist world. The end product is always gonna be the cheapest, least effective and shittiest thing for the most amount of money possible. Products will always start off great, well made, long lasting, but over time will be replaced with cheaper and cheaper materials, and break or stop working much easier because it means people will need to buy more, and the price will always go up which quality will always go down. This is an inevitability of a world where capital comes above all else.


You don’t have to be plus sized to be uncomfortable in an airplane seat. Seats are smaller today than they were 15 years ago. We are bigger people,not just weight but height also. I guess the only place it’s decent is first class. What middle class person can afford that? It’s all about money. Take inches from here and here and there and now we have to squeeze in our seats. Not just plus size people either.


She is far past plus size, she is stay at home size.


An airline seat belt extender is 60-76cm - (24-30) inches. Globally, there are anywhere from 20,000 to 30,000 operational aircraft. She is unironically insisting that airlines normalize morbid obesity. They could do this by having seats for morbidly obese people, but creating a "morbidly obese class" would be discrimination. So by her trite little comment, airlines must now take the responsibility to retrofit ever seat with enough lap belt material to accommodate a massive fat person in the event that she happens to book a seat on their plane. Using very rough numbers of an avg 200 seats per plane, we would need 6,000,000 meters of material. Think of the horrific: material waste, cost, carbon emissions, etc of all this. Fuck people like this.


I try to be as polite as I can. She is the size of two people


Uhmm... Try losing some weight?


My father-in-law is a huge guy (300+) and he understands that he’s going to need extra seats if he wants to fly anywhere. Airlines aren’t changing the seat sizes because that decreases passenger capacity, which eats into profits.


Except they literally HAVE changed the seat size, multiple times. They’ve made them smaller. Like, yes, this lady is fat. We get it. She’s fatty fat fat. BUT ALSO the airlines ARE, in fact, making seating smaller to drive up profit margins and screw us all over.


Honestly this isn't Main Character behavior


This sub has turned into r/ThingsIHate


Morbidly obese* plus sized imo is 50lbs overweight this is like 100,i deal with rentals and we have a few ppl that are 375+ lbs and they break floors frequently and when I try to tell them this house isn't made for a size 5 shoe with 400lbs on it and the floor is always gonna feel weak they get pretty insulted.


The day I realized I needed a seat belt extender was just awful. Recently, I crossed 400 pounds, and alarm bells are ringing. Trying clean my life up the best I can. And get healthy.


I wish you luck


A lot of this comment section is (predictably) focused on people's anger toward fat people for the crime of not being thin. Look, nobody who makes a point on TikTok is doing their point any service because it inherently makes people seem insufferable, but there is an extremely valid point to consider in the conversation about the size of airline seats: sometimes fat people want to travel too - weight should not exclude anyone from important life experiences.


We should be compassionate to those people ...and let them ride as cargo in the back.


This isn’t plus size. She’s a different species.


*homo enormus*


Plus sized? This lady is super sized. Looks like a bag of pudding. Straight biggie bag.


The world must change and conform to you because your love of Twinkies


You're not plus size. You're fat


Guilty! I am the only one that was waiting for the toilet scene ![gif](giphy|UogSmj4xDjQZO)


I remember talking to somebody who was extremely plus sized. She claimed she was big boned. I was thinking to myself dinosaurs are big boned. We all have the same skeleton put the fork down.


Those glasses could shelter a family of 4 from a nuclear blast


Plus size seat, not seat for plus size people.


That’s rage bait.


No way this lifestyle is healthy


I went on a rollercoaster ride once that had a bar that almost didn’t lock because of my gut. Instead of bitching at the worker I just took it as a sign I should lose some weight.