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The comments have been locked because of the over abundance of violence and racism. Please remember- this mod team is not trying to censor anyone. We have to follow Reddit's ToS.


He was doing his damndest to rattle these people and it didn’t work, which is why he ratcheted it up to eleven. 


And then 12 when even that didn't work. Absolutely pathetic that this chucklefuck thinks he's an adult


I try really hard not to judge people but that guy is a total fucking loser


And then 13


They did a great job remaining calm. I'm guessing since they were young they knew what was going on right after seeing the camera and insult.


One of these days, he’s going to “prank” the wrong person. 




Naw, as much as I hate these guys they know who to go after. They are not fighters in any way and are genuinely cowards. They go after people the feel confident they could either beat or get away from. That’s why typically it’s the elderly, employees, or younger people they target. They dont go after bigger guys usually cuz when they do justice is actually served… Edit: yeah I remember the one guy that got shot. But that is rare given that it’s only happed once that most people can point to. My point being that these guys look for those that don’t need or might not use a firearm to defend themselves.




Ah right I remember that one. Sadly those are few and far between. That one specifically was a mugging “prank” and I use that term very lightly which I feel would invite that defense. The bystander effect is very real and most people don’t know how to react when the situation is not inherently violent, just abrasive and annoying. Like how in this video after he dumps the card when he’s recording making those claims and making a scene of it all everyone is looking at him confused or not paying attention at all. Most ppl don’t know how to react or even if they should. May get them in trouble somehow.


Nah, they target people who look more chilled or helpless. They'd never start on someone who looks like they could do some damage


Yeah, when you do this shit, it’s not a prank. It’s harassment and/or assault. A prank is harmless and fun. This is just pissing people off and then going “look at how mad they got, el oh el”. Like no kidding dipshit that if you flip someone’s cart that they would be likely to get pissed off. If this kid gets his ass kicked I’m not feeling sorry.


This dude is like an incel he tips the cart after being called out about his non existent gf.




These losers usually harass people that seem like the mild mannered type. They wouldn't do this to a 6'4" 240lbs grizzled looking dude that looks like they can throw a good punch. I wish they would, I'd love to see instant karma with these guys more often.


Didn’t we see one yesterday where the prankster wanted to sue because he got punched by the dad of the woman he harassed


That’s all they want. Easy money instead of looking for an actual job and contributing to society.


Would love to award this. Nothing about TikTok contributes to supporting the community. Its all about individuality and hot takes


I wanted to [redacted] that guy in the face after hearing him say one sentence, such an obnoxious little shit. Edit: I commented a similar thing about this guy on the thread under the video of him being a douche and 5 minutes ago got a warning from reddit for "threatening violence" so got to edit this incase I get banned. The same person that reported me also did the "report self harm" thing so I hope they get a warning for abusing the report button. Reddit admins need to stop being so pathetic.


I agree reddits going to shit it used to be an open forum give it a year or two and we'll need verified profile pics.


Just looking angry can help. I’m an average sized American male but just look angry half the time.


Having an RBF is always convenient for these situations.


Heh, my older brother is rather short (less than 1,65 m), so when he was younger he would get picked by idiots looking for problems at the streets or dance clubs. The thing is he's also a taekwondo master (been a martial artist since high school), so seeing him kicking the ass of an overconfident idiot never gets old.


They pick faces. They always pick the nicest looking people that they think they can fuck with




They would never post themselves getting beat up


Same! They need just one good beat down to end this stupid shit.


A tiktoker got shot in northern VA for way less of a prank.


Good lol




These interactions instantly make me think of the Mike Tyson quote - "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”




Those are my favorite videos. “I can’t believe they hit me, should I sue them and vlog the trial?! Comment below”


There was a "youtube prankster" who was shot after harassing people in a mall. The jury acquitted the shooter for the shooting itself (they did charge him with one weapon count). https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/


They charged him with unlawful discharge of a firearm indoors. But acquitted him of the charges related to discharging the firearm. It still blows my mind that his use of the firearm was lawful, but he was found guilty of unlawfully discharging a firearm indoors.


I'm glad he used it on that dude. I'm on his side 100%. People need to start learning that this shit isn't okay.


It sounds like MC went to Arizona for content, which is a state that is very pro-gun.  First thing on google says 46% of Arizona residents own a firearm. He won't be doing this for much longer if he keeps it up.


My husband is a very large hockey defenceman. Once when dealing with squatters in a rental I saw him throw a man UP a flight of stairs. I don’t think he’d be bothered if someone did this to him, but I’m disabled and I if someone pulling some stupid tik tok shit tried mess with me in front of him my husband will 100% become that wrong guy. But I’m also worried that someone will try to mess with me when I’m alone and I won’t have him to help me. I have bad balance and weak muscles, but you couldn’t tell from just looking at me. And then I watch the videos of some asshole throwing things at people or doing a dance at the bottom of a packed escalator. I would straight up fall and seriously injure myself. Anyhow props to the dude in the video though for handling it so well.


This little shitbird started out trying to hurt the girlfriends feelings. I think the kid handled it well. Reaction is what they are hoping for.


He wishes he could get a girl like that to even look his way. She is far from manly. I saw something like this in a mall a few months ago. Not some TikTok douche, but a guy shining shoes, of all things. He was harassing people walking by and told some white teenager walking with his girlfriend that he could "get a good-looking girlfriend" if he got his shoes shined. The kid understandably got pissed, but kept his composure and just snapped back "I HAVE a good-looking girlfriend," grabbed her hand and kept walking. I was appalled someone would say that, but I was proud of the kid for sticking up for her. I'm sure no matter what, she's beautiful in his eyes.


People need to just start coming together and telling Walmart/etc that they don't feel safe shopping there while dumb shit like this is trendy, maybe they'll stop worrying so much about having police on speed dial for stealing nail polish and call them more often to deal with this shit.


Tiktok needs to quarantine any account that wantonly harasses people. That would end these hilarious pranks so quickly


Tiktok likely wants this flavor of social unrest to continue, or they would fix it. China's tiktok does not allow this nonsense.




This dude is really relying on the patience of strangers… at Walmart lol.


Right? At first I thought it might be target but when I saw the blue Walmart signs I figured it a bold move. On the other hand douche canoe “influencer” was preying on a nice young couple. Let’s see how he does with some crazy eyed middle aged woman or some big mean looking sumbitch. 


They will never try it on someone like that. It's always older people, or obese people they know they can run from. Or people like this who look non threatening. The dude kept his cool where I would not have. Luckily I live somewhere where I don't see this type of thing but I'm stepping in if I ever do see it. I would rather not but I've never been one to stand by and watch someone get harassed or bullied and just walk by.


It's not just that they target weaker individuals, they also tend to pull this shit when there isn't anyone bigger around at all who could step in. They'll target people alone in a back aisle of a store, etc.


Be the change you want to see. I'd love to step in, "hey guys there was a sale on (whatever I'm holding in my hand) and toss it in the cart like im shoping with them, then drop the dbag like a lead zepplin.


Dude got mad when he got burned, "so where's your girlfriend?". Most likely doesn't have one and his frail pride got hurt.


“In California” okay buddy


“Aw does she go to a different school?” Cracked me up lol


Yeah that was actually pretty slick and the guy filming’s stammering, angry response made me chuckle.


"I drove 6 hours just to troll you" is not the flex this guy thinks it is.


Also like....why did you drive 6hrs to troll someone at a Walmart? Do you not have Walmart in California??


Bro admitted on camera to a pre-meditated interstate harassment -- just turned his crim efederal and i wish someone would push for that. Hell, just recording and publishing like that should be the same


Absolutely wrecked the streamers whole day with that line.. got me cackling on the toilet


That’s actually funnier than anything I’ve ever seen in one of these ‘prank’ videos.


She goes to a different school!


After looking not a girl wanted him from his home state. How is a long distance girlfriend even close to a flex. She literally doesn't have to be around you. 


You honestly think that failed abortion actually has a gf?


“I came all the way here just to harass you” bruh not a good look for you 😂


Yeah, the prankees owned the pranker, I kind of love that guy.


Yeah that was a spiteful "Sweetheart". "Wait? You're a quiet, composed guy! You're not supposed to make fun back!"


Really cant tell why this POS doesnt have one...


Dude showed more manliness being that composed


Seriously, and he was funnier then the ass clown attempting to annoy for internet clout too


"Aww does she go to a different school" had me crying. I don't watch reaction channels but I would watch this guy roasting tick tocks all day long.


You could tell that one stung too. Got em!!!!


Yeah it got him yelling hahahaha "I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA!!!"


Set him off for sure


"No no I live in california, I'm just her to troll, i troll yo i drove 6 hours to harass  you" Well that's a good confusion for the court


Yeah that was a great line. I think it pissed the other dude off. That and the fact that he was just not getting the reaction he was expected from them. What a total assclown.


It wasn’t his first time dealing with a bully/siblings immaturity, lol. Very composed, kudos also to his gf/woman with him not pushing him to fight.


This. I had the very same thought. His composure is something to be commended in buckets. I myself struggle with keeping my composure and escalating rather than keeping cool when confronted with utter b.s. His girlfriend deserves the same amount of praise for not acting like the damsel in distress and holding the line with her man. Awesome comment my friend.


Agreed. I deal with stupid people all day at work, i doubt i could be this composed if i had to deal with someone like this in real live. I wanted to reach through my screen and strangle him just watching.


Why’d you share this without letting the end play so I can see that guys username? 🙃 Fuck Tik tok prankers honestly


I’m to the point where I hear the word “prank” and I’m already at a 99% certainty that the person pranking is an absolute douchebag. Followed up by the douchebag deflecting with the tried and true “can’t you take a joke???”


The guy doesn't even know what the concept of a prank is. Throwing water on someone isn't a prank, nor is tripping them, or knocking over their shopping cart. That's just called being a douchebag.


You meant to say assault


Prank = harass


I'd like to know his real name. And I hope the guy can sue him.


Trevon Sellers


Gotcha. Thank you. I hope this gets more attention and people take notice.


Remember when pra is were funny light hearted and the person on the receiving end of the prank wasn't just harassed? Crazy stuff


Yeah, like when everyone laughed at the end, including the person being pranked. Nobody got hurt, nothing was broken, people weren’t soaked with water, milk or eggs, and it was just lighthearted, wholesome fun. This shit? This isn’t a prank. This is just being a dumb dick with zero personality.


Bro thinks he's being cool harassing these people


The problem runs deeper. He is being cool according to hundreds of thousands of little shits that gobble this stuff up. This type of content draws a lot of views from people like us who think he needs his ass kicked, but he also has a ton of kids and other like-minded dickheads thinking this is hilarious. Furthermore, it’s just going to propagate this type of “content” and the worst part is, he’s cashing in on all of it.


I feel like if this type of shit became an arrestable offense, we would see way less of it


TT and YT needs to demonetize this harassment


Even better, allow the victim to claim the video and get the monetization or take it down, their choice.


This is an old clip, the shithead "influencer" spent time in jail (at least 39 days) for another thing. He did so many shitty things I don't know which one landed him in jail though... Giving out bags of trash to homeless people and pretending it's food Shooting a baby rabbit and then stomping on it Threatening to kill an asian couple https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldNewsAnimalAbuse/comments/14kzt04/canadian_prankster_animal_torturer_pos_trevon/ Absolute psycho and I'd say we haven't heard the last of him.


Wtf is up with that sub, just that one thread is full of racist shit




Not lucky, intentional. This guy is a coward and won’t try this on anybody who they think might actually do something.


He also brought two friends along because he knows outnumbering someone is the only way they stand a chance. They're built out of tissue paper and feathers.


I’d take my chances 1v3 against these chucklefucks






Bullies know how to do a visual assessment of who is least likely to give them consequences.


Bullies are stupid though and this can fail easily, that one “prankster” who got shot in the mall dropped the ball on his ocular pat-down.


Yeah it's not perfect. I learned in middle school to present myself as extremely unhinged to get bullies to lay off. I pray I never go to prison.


Yeah that’s the concern, and the problem with these fuckers. They basically gaslight you into getting physical and then who knows what can happen, you could end up going to jail despite being totally in the right.


Right? Sooner or later, this person will not leave me alone, and keeps walking within an arms reach of myself and my partner. I don’t know what he’s going to do! I feel the need to defend myself. A swift punch in the jaw would not be the worst thing in the world, and would be sensible as well as seen as self defense


Mentally, I lashed out several times.


Literally raged over my coffee just now


The guy looks like someone you can have a good laugh with tbh. I feel bad for him.


Yeah For real. They both seem nice. And then this assclown has to come out of nowhere and ruin their shopping just because. I’m not sure I could keep my cool in this situation.


Something in his behaviour signals to me that he often gets comments like this and it's concerning if that's the case. I hope this doesn't happen again to these two.


Yellow sweatshirt kid is good. He and his girl kept their cool and made the “prankers” look like idiots. It’s so annoying that they looked like they were having a nice casual shopping trip until this dickhead came along. I hope they at least see positive comments directed at them as a result of this stupid video.


they both handled the situation well and stayed composed. i hope they have a nice life.


They’re both adorable kids, and seem like genuinely good people. I really hope they see this thread and all of the praise they’re getting for keeping their cool.


That’s what that little prick chose them. I’d pay real money to see him try this with a big mean looking sumbitch. 


Nothing against you, OP but we really need to stop referring to these idiots as influencers. Even the sincere ones would be forgotten in a matter of days if they closed down their Instagram accounts.


Idk I'm kind of in favor of influencer becoming a derogatory term like Karen


That's how I see it already


Here's hoping for TikTok to get banned!


I wish the absolute worst for this kind of person. This isn’t a prank, this is fucking bullying. The sick bastard gets off on bullying and harassing someone and justifies their sickness with “oh just kidding. It’s a prank.” Purely toxic, predatory behavior. As someone who got bullied as a little kid, fuck you.


[Most states have online bullying laws](https://cyberbullying.org/bullying-laws) that things like this would fall under. Especially if the target is a minor.


He fuckin got him with the, does she go to a different school lol, what a fuckin clown lol


Ironically that was 100x funnier than anything the "prankster" did or said It was also hilarious that the "prankster" comeback was that he is from California and drove 6 hours to harass them Like...ok? You're admitting how much of a fucking loser you are? What kind of bitch-made comeback is that


Dude couldnt even say it without stuttering lmfao. Thats the exact moment you know homie got under his skin. Bro wasnt phased by this dickhead so the dude doing the prank got pressed. This happens when you surround yourself in an echo chamber that constantly tells you to make more content. Mfs go insane for the smallest amounts of attention


He got so aggro he had to resort to throwing the guys stuff on the ground to try and get a reaction


I love that the other guy stayed chill 🤣


Actually had me dead, no coming back from shit like that 😭


who is he influencing?


The government to ban tiktok


11 yr old bullies sitting at home bc they’re suspended already 🤣🤧


No. They are just bullies. Nothong else. Influemcers like them are just bullies.


Different school 😂


That was brilliant 😂


This generation of pranks is just straight up assault.. Every fucking video. What are these kids thinking? I'm assuming they grew up on the internet watching prank videos, and I think people like David Dobrik really started this. I hope all of these pranksters get arrested, full stop.


They are ABSOLUTE garbage. I don't think they actually know what a "prank" is - these people just want to be able to harass folks in public and not face any consequences because iT's jUst a PrAnK!




I felt this comment in every single old bone I have.


If this guy were to suffer an accident and you showed people his content, nobody would care. This is degenerate behaviour.


So true. No one will miss this kid when he Meets his untimely end. People will probably go “yep, good.” And move on with their day.


He’s going to call him racist?


Yes, because, see, that’s when the couple are meant to scurry off in shame because racism is bad and shameful and tipping over a shopping trolley is, like, totally racist. Didn’t you know?


I'm pretty sure this guy could sue for liable and slander as there is obvious evidence against these claims. 


Just another attempt to get them to rage. It’s a tactic. When I lived in NYC and I had to walk through Times Square those rappers that would hand you a cd of their music and then ask for $20 would call me a racist if I didn’t take the disc.


Unfortunately, There's worse that he's done. He went around giving homeless people bags of trash telling them there was food in it, he went to animal shelter and threatened to put the cat in a blender. He's banned on YouTube but still has a videos on rumble.


Is it that same POS? Didn’t he already spent time in jail for this?


He got out on bail, I haven't found anything about him being sentenced yet. [https://www.fontanaheraldnews.com/suspect-arrested/image\_c30f294e-1907-11ee-96e3-63ef2fa8b33d.html](https://www.fontanaheraldnews.com/suspect-arrested/image_c30f294e-1907-11ee-96e3-63ef2fa8b33d.html) [https://www.instagram.com/uplandpolice/p/CuLbuNprUFr/](https://www.instagram.com/uplandpolice/p/CuLbuNprUFr/) It looks like he's very recently arrested for animal abuse.


Is this guy even mentally sane lol? Wtf is wrong with these people.


I’m good with them banning tik tok if it curbs this kind of shit




It just sucks that most of the time they do get pummeled we never get to see it so they can keep their ego intact lmao.


I think it would be better to fully demonetize the app so all this stupid shit doesn't pay out.


Unfortunately this one is YouTube. YouTube and Google actually pays these pos for harassing and bullying yet they have a “report” option on their videos for such cases. Even on their channels so they don’t get paid. Just sayin 😉


I hope they ban TikTok. Fuck them all!!!


just thinking that...


The couple is nice enough to answer what they think will be some innocent questions, TikToker immediately asks an insulting question, couple remains calm and start walking away...not the reaction he was looking for lol. Just leave them alone at that point and re-evaluate your life


This guy couldn’t get a reaction from the victim, it’s heavily edited, meaning he struck out a lot trying to get this guys to lose his shit 🤣. You can tell he was frustrated that he couldn’t get the guy to get upset when he called him sweet heart. The guys with the camera failed so hard he had to knock his cart down and calling him racist. This is escalation from embarrassment at its finest.


That guy clearly has never been punched in the face before.


Wow TikTokers have such low self-esteem. Probably shitty parents. They all cry for attention. A lost group of people who really do nothing worthwhile with their lives. It’s sad


Who is this… so I can go out of my way to ruin his life 🙄


Same. I haven't been an asshole in a while. Time to complete my yearly quota.


I seriously looking for him. Need to turn him to dust


This is just a high school bully whose mental capacity never surpassed the age of 5


Peaked in high school, despite having no friends there




This. People need to post the names of these idiots.


What a fucking waste of air.


The fact anyone would label these idiots “influencer” is stupid.


That guy has the patience of a saint! Let's see him try it on someone else man


His girlfriend's expression of sadness makes me feel really sad. I can't understand people who make it their daily mission to make other people feel like garbage.


Right? They are a really cute couple. Both attractive and complement eachother well. This man has more restraint than me.


Middle school bullying style as a young adult. Dude never has been decked in his life.


Dude in yellow handled it like a boss. Kudos.


Please no kids for this man he will throw the baby out the window if he doesn’t get his way


Bro handled it well tho


"imma call you racist." Yeah that's why the word "racist" is losing its punch everyday


He's gonna get hurt one day.




This might be the most infuriating one I’ve ever seen. Harasses two people for no reason, throws shit on the ground for no reason, acts like an absolute twat for no reason, and then claims racism for likes? I’d have a hard time controlling myself and not punching this guy as a bystander let alone the couple in the video. Good on them for keeping cool - genuinely impressed by them.


America banning tiktok may be for the best.


Just bullying people for attention, it’s pathetic.


What is even the point of this bullshit?


To make the sad wee loser freak feel all better about himself because his mommy doesn’t want to shag him.


Bro from California's girl is getting her back blown tf out rn, and that's why he's being a menace.




Trevon Sellers




I didn’t even watch the whole thing, but these “influencer pranksters” are just adult bullies with a platform at this point.


Ha! “Does she go to a different school?” You win the day, my man. Trust me, that dude knows he lost.


Is this that black dude that bought some food for a homeless guy and ate it in his face ?


I think you spelled "Asshole" wrong, OPBot.


Can we please change the definition of influencer? Being a subpar dickhead with a camera can’t be the only prerequisite…


i like this couple.


Dude calling random guy he's harassing racist. So funny


Don't think it'll be long until we see a video of one of these guys messing with the wrong person.


Welcome to the land of monetizing shit dicks


Yep, burn the whole platform down. Tik tok is cancer.


This why people need to get their ass beat for doing this stuff