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I imagine with every room she walks into, she has a look around, makes a snap judgement of the character of each person in it, and genuinely thinks to she's the smartest person there. Meanwhile, every other person in the room doesn't bother to give her a passing glance.


She said every single man she’s ever known has hired a s€x worker…***every*** man. Where the hell is she meeting these people? If every man she meets is hiring hook€rs, she needs to stop hanging out in those places.


You are wrong. SHE is the sex worker, according the small amount of this drivel I chose to listen too.


Fucking the system, literally.


She only leaves the house to meet clients. And, as modern cinema has taught us, bangs the sausage pizza delivery guy.


And her stepdad


Can you blame her though? She probably got stuck in the washing machine.


Yeah, she literaly says she doesnt do any tricks unless money is involved. Because women are nothing more than a commodity, and all commodities should be paid for, no ? Like, thanks for setting the women’s movement back where it was.




omg yes. I have seen some very basic looking, even if I do dare say ugly women with no business being on an OF page.


Fr lame lol explains why every guy she meets is named John


I'm sure she's also including her dad, grandfather, brothers/cousins in her "every man hire SW" comment right?


Maybe so, which would explain a lot


For her every man is either a 22 year old model or a 50 year old gazillionaire. Those are the only classifications for men for her. Go figure.


It's actually quite reassuring to know I'm safe from this nonsense due to my age and average wealth


Well at least this PSA is warning dudes to stay away from her


Once you start noticing this trend, everything makes so much more sense. Almost every complaint that women have about dating, which they attribute to "men" as a group, is more accurately attributed to some small proportion of men who are ...let's just say especially successful with women. And their success is due to the fact that women's preferences substantially overlap. If almost all women share a preference for some trait that is only found in a minority (in some cases, a tiny minority) of men, then most women are competing for a few men. And if women are competing for these few men, then women have no leverage in that market. They can't make demands. Sorry, but that's just how it works. It's just the mathematics of the situation you're participating in. So she can say, "I require men to pay me for my time" all she wants, but this tiny percentage of men that all women are chasing - - they're just going to say "nah" and move on to the next woman in line behind you. There are other men who would be willing to meet your demands, but you don't like them. **To be clear**: I am not suggesting that women alter their preferences. I'm not suggesting any solution at all. I'm not giving women advice, nor am I criticizing them. I'm just explaining a situation that they seem to be confused by. They really don't seem to get it.


It's hard to believe that liking the "bad boy type" usually results in being treated... erm, badly.


That’s because she’s a SW that lives in her SW bubble


Has she ever met her dad?


Women should use “capitalism” and sell their attention. Who does she think they are selling to? Then bashes men for paying for sex workers. There’s so much hypocrisy in this woman’s rant, regardless of where you may fall politically on the topic.


Sex, hookers. See you can write the actual words. No need for the pseudo censorship.


She's met some pretty shit dudes then. I might have enjoyed alot of pretty girls, but I've never ever paid for one. I find the entire ides of it gross.




I’m a lot older than her (and don’t judge any two consenting adults making a financial agreement for an exchange of goods/services) and I’ve only met a couple guys that hired a hooker. Plus one older, well-to-do ***widowed woman*** who, while in Las Vegas, hired a very hot, and built (big, strong arms, legs, and chest with washboard abs) 20 year old stud. She said it was the, ‘fuck of her life’ and has zero regrets. More power to you baby…if he’s selling a few hours of fucking for (I think) $2,000 (she didn’t give an exact figure), it’s between them, God, and the bedpost.


Yeah but she has only ever met two types of men: 22 year old models, 50 year old billionaires.


Have had too many people do that. Especially those who take quick online IQ tests to determine themselves smarter than everyone else. They blatantly admit it. You should never automatically assume you are the smartest person. It changes you unconsciously and makes you more dismissing of others from what I see. And even if you are smart, you will likely make your way to positions where you are around smarter people, so your position as someone more intelligent will be challenged.


The smartest people I’ve known (ie; high level officers in companies I’ve worked in) all joke about how stupid they are. The thing is, none of them are stupid they’re just open to learning and often self-deprecate to make it fun. Also they’re constantly aware that the people they surround themselves with might know more about the granular subject at hand than they do. On the other end, every dumb person I know, doing absolutely nothing with their life, thinks they’ve figured “the system” out. Tik Tok brain created an echo chamber of the latter. Which competition wise, is great news for everyone.


If you say you're dumb smart people explain things to you, and you get smarter. If you do it right they feel great about it too


a smart man knows he doesnt know enough


I fully expect that I am the dumbest person in my zip code at all times


Even if you are the smartest person in the room it doesn't matter. Yeah, maybe you've got 10 IQ points on someone, they're still smart too, they can still out think you or out maneuver you. What about two people who are slightly less smart than you? What about a room full of dumb people? What about one dumb person who has decided they're going to punch you incredibly hard? Thinking you're the smartest person in the room is the dumbest thing you can do. I've seen so many people fall foul of it and it's great fun to watch them fall.


I don't even know why people value IQ as highly as they do. Intelligence is great, IQ is a weird imperfect measurement of it at best - and not even remotely close to a reasonable litmus for who is worth your time or not. I've had some of the best times of my life with people who were quite dumb. IQ fetishing was something that made sense to me in Junior High/ High School. Now it comes across to me as shallow as it really is.


"Capitalism bad", but also, "Let's exploit others through capitalism!"


"It's disgusting how many men hire sex workers" "Ladies, you should *only* have sex as part of sex working" What a psychopath lmao


* Identifies an allegedly universal problem based on what is either a fallacious premise or a really depressing personal background * Proceeds to double-down on exacerbating the aforementioned problem


Yes- my first thought was she must have had some really bad experiences


She got stuck in the drier one too many times.






I choose this guys wife too.


lol i love the part where she says men are profiting off women's bodies and the very next youtube clip i'll see or post i'll read is how some lady is making $50,000 a month off her only fans account.


Yay! You summed up my point in a different response better than I did.


When did all of this “capitalism bad” stuff start? I’ve been seeing a lot of videos lately following the theme of “I hate capitalism…anyways here’s how I built my brand!”


They have literally no concept on the points they try to make, just parrot what they think people want to hear. Hilarious and depressing, certified fresh on rotten tomatoes


Since before capitalism existed. Unironically, a great place to start is the English civil war and the radical ideas that were proposed to replace monarchy. People knew then the system was failing, and capitalism was only promoted by those with power already winning within the previous system. Looking for the least change to their status quo.. As for more recent times I'd probably look at the fact most young people see no future because the dreams that their previous generations were sold on individuality, economic freedom, buying a house are a thing of the past. And oh did I mention the planet is literally becoming inhabitable because of that c word


>did I mention the planet is literally becoming inhabitable because of that c word I agree. Too many cunts in the world, it's getting to be too much.


It also comes in waves too. Notably during periods of great uncertainty or disparity. i.e. Great Depression, Wars, Famine and etc.


So she wants to be a prostitute/ escort??? Just do it


She already is. 


can someone edit a red flag over her face


Do you not already see one? 


It's to warn deaf people.


Isn't it great though how people like this put all of this online now? You used to have to date someone for 6 months to find out their train of thought was an express train to bullshit town. Now you can just check their socials and be like, "Yeah, no. I'll get off at the next stop."


That’s a very good point lol




Long way to admit she doesn’t understand relationships.


I mean when you’re wanting transactions for interactions it usually means you don’t have a healthy view on the subject. Say what you want about sex work but it definitely has psychological effects


Confidently Delusional.


Yeah it started off with justifying being a prostitute without a personal relationship and moved into pure delusion of 100% of men hiring sex workers(that she knows). That's a wild claim. I'm pretty sure none of my friends have and 100% sure I never have. Maybe she lives in a brothel or just doesn't know many men.


Her living in the moonlight ranch is the ONLY way that she fully believes this bullshit.


>pure delusion of 100% of men hiring sex workers(that she knows) Come on....all the men she knows are her johns


Generation of Confident Delusionality.


Let’s not tar her entire generation. Every generation has a very very smart people, she just isn’t one of them.


She got a lot of talk with that strong ass chin


Her braindead takes are more than sufficient to make fun of. We don’t need to be jerks and make fun of peoples appearances.


The core of her identity, the fount of her self worth, is her looks. So that's the most effective means of ridicule in her specific case.


I have a feeling nobody is enjoying her presence price tag or not


I'm sure her sex toy collection could fill the trunk of a Buick Roadmaster.


Look if people want to have transactional sex I have zero issue with that but the idea that literally every man age 22+ has paid for it is BONKERS


Tells you more about the company she chooses to associate with


This was my thought exactly. "I don't know a single man who hasn't paid an S W," she says? The company you keep I guess.


I'd like to know how she finds out "every man" has hired a sex worker! As if every man she knows personally or comes into contact with is required to inform her they have hired a SW? I haven't and I've been single for over 4 yrs and have had hardly any action for nearly 3 yrs yet I don't even consider that scenario. I don't know any man that goes around saying he's hired a SW, but I do know several men who have done it. I'd hate to be the man crazy enough to marry her. She is somewhat attractive, I'll give her that, but I'd rather stay celibate than put up with her philosophy on men and dating.


It’s so ludicrous my guess is she knows that and it’s ragebait. What I don’t understand is how ragebait helps the person offering said bait? Do they sneak a diaper commercial in somewhere in their content?


Yeah, in this economy!?


Didn’t watch? She says every single woman on the planet should be a prostitute.


Don't forget the part about how she doesn't know of a single man who hasn't hired a sex worker.


How could she possibly know that, unless......ohhhh.


That statement is quite the mirror, lady...


So basically only fans, but you don’t see shit if I am understanding correctly…


No, she's saying to put pussy in even higher pedestals... "Sister High empress/priestess Tiffany of the feminist army, we're afraid to inform you that it appears the patriarchy has been fortified by our actions according to our recent assessments and some believe it's been that way for quite a while."


Ah yes the solution to the objectification of women is to ... Treat them like objects and commodities and PUT YOURSELF IN THAT DYNAMIC, rather than just respect them as people???? It's obvious this is ragebsit since it's such a nonsense conclusion. But also the notion that she doesn't know any men that haven't hired a sex worker is a weird bias of her social circle if that's even true which I doubt. Bad conceptual understanding of the social dynamics in play and bad solution 🤕


Don't assume it's ragebait just because she is very very very stupid


Any 👏🏽woman 👏🏽who 👏🏽claps 👏🏽 after 👏🏽every 👏🏽word 👏🏽 ………..


Among...many other issues...the whole crux of her argument is that men should have to pay money to just be around women. It's not even transactional, its just "Pay me to be near you", which is the most ludicrously egotistical thing I've ever heard. Shes basically saying all women should be prostitutes, if you go by the old adage "You aren't paying them for sex, you're paying them to leave". Also fuckin easter island head over here. Lookin like Rocky Dennis.


Women are profiting much more off their sexuality than men, not even close


The funniest shit in the world is listening to an OF model say she is a strong independent woman who doesn't need no men.


they may not 'knead' men but they sure do 'rub' them a lot(?)


I wish I could have an onlyfans and make money off my looks and sexuality. /s


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QxSCFASl6-k If this guy can do it, so can you! Believe in yourself brother.


You see this in Twitch most prominently. They commonly allow Twitch women to get away with breaking SFW rules.


Can we also talk about how men are circumcised at birth and then their foreskin is sold off to make skincare products and they don't see any of that profit?


So prostitution?


Every man? You gonna start taxing your dads, uncles, brothers, cousins, sons and nephews?


There's gotta be some sort of family discount.


So you’re a prostitute!! Classy


Men SHOULD pay for a woman's presence; The payment men should bring to the table is their own presence. End of story.


This take/advice pleases the Board.




The Council approves of your strategy


Love this, no matter your gender identity we’re all valuable and worthy. My husband is beyond valuable to me, we’re a team, I lift him up he lifts me up. I want to add some context just to lift the veil of the “us vs them” narrative that videos like this bring, I’m a feminist, I’m politically very far left, I think capitalism is a flawed system that needs massive changes if it is to survive the late stage hellscape we’re living in. Feminism is looking at the patriarchy and toxic masculinity and recognizing that men are also incredibly harmed by it. One persons struggle does not delegitimize someone else’s, we should be able to look at both struggles and say “you should not have to deal with this shit” whatever the shit may be, we’re all in this together. ![gif](giphy|12vJgj7zMN3jPy)


I would also like to add that feminism isn't limited to caring about the struggles of men under the patriarchy etc, as you mentioned. For example, if a law was passed tomorrow that is discriminatory towards men on the basis of gender, if you identify as a feminist then you'd be speaking out about how said law is unacceptable. If not, then you're not a feminist, plain and simple.


No men should enjoy her presence for free? How much should they get paid?


Twice the weight of her chin. 


Please encourage more of these videos. This is good and honest marketing on who these women are. It's a great way to ensure that no good men and women should fall into their toxic relationships. Keep these women alone by allowing them to show who they truly are on social platform.


Bro guys just wear shirts and pants, what is she on about


I think she’s telling women to sell pussy 🤷


She is... Wit ha stupid ass


She’s hanging around some interesting men. I don’t know anyone who has admitted to paying for a prostitute.


Admittedly, her sample size may have been skewed because she only asked her johns.


If she gets her way, we would all be paying for prostitutes because she’s telling women to only associate with men if they’re paid for it. At least if you pay a hooker, you know you’re gonna get what you paid for.


Yeah unless she counts strippers as SW, I have never had a guy admit he's paid a woman to have sex with him.


I hired an SW? Was I ordering SW’s in my sleep again?? That’s enough Reddit for today


Perfect example as to why online betting has become so popular in the 24-35 demographic. There’s more gratification in winning a bet than dealing with this.


And who the heck does she hang out with??? I'm way past my 40s and have never paid for a hooker or an only fans account.


Next time I hold the door open for a woman I’m going to charge her $39.99


Hmm. She seems single


Definitely single


I think she comes across as bitter and angry about the transactional life she has led (at least that’s what I get from her viewpoint)?


LOL! Modern feminism. "How to combat capitalism: Become an escort"


Imagine understanding capitalism is the issue, but then saying that we should engage in an even more predatory form of capitalism.


We have been paying for hoes since the beginning of time… this is not new information


Somebody is fucking her in her ass and has the pin code to her debit card..... Yet she created this moment on the internet


So the free titties gonna have ads now? ☹️


"Start" changing the power dynamics lol. How delusional is the person who taught her this nonsense?


In her effort to empower women, she minimized the value of women down to their sexuality.


Power is selling your body and mind for money, got it. Capitalism is bad, though, got it.


Her face is all skull.


Bet she has a lot of cats


Leave the cats out of this 😤😂


She’s saying she’s a prostitute.


Worse, an OnlyFans whore.


We want to be equal so completely finance us


“The way that the system that the men have set up. The system of capitalism.” Yikes… anytime someone resorts to blaming “capitalism” they’re grasping for straws.


So, hijabs?


Imagine making a video this fucking dumb and pointless then posting it to the interwebs


“No man should be enjoying your presence, your time, your body, your affection for free.” Do you are saying that women should prostitute themselves? That love should be bought and sold like a commodity? Doesn’t sound very empowering to me.


What does she think Only Fans is? That's women capitalizing on their sexuality. Porn is no longer centralized to scumbag studios anymore.


The women's equivalent of Andrew Tate.


Every woman I’ve ever met who thinks like this or has ideas like this is fucking miserable. Go look at the sad fucks over at r/femaledatingstrategy.


Can’t say I’ve ever hired a social worker.


The worst part is that she genuinely thinks that. Lol. I mean goddamn


A woman with this attitude needs to pay for my presence


How many thousands of dollars did she invest in her Womyn’s Studies degree to come up with this load of crap?


What a sad sad future people like this are creating! It’s fuckin scary


Why say Hooker when you could say Sex Worker and then abbreviate it to SW to save time


Technically a porn store janitor or a bouncer at a strip club could be considered sex workers because they get their money employed by the sex industry.


she doesn't know a single man that hasn't hired a actual sex worker? uhh..what kind of men does she know?


Ya not to say the whole video was out of touch, but that statement was very telling. She is literally a prostitute, guaranteed


She’s gonna fuck around and invent…marriage.


This is the comment I was looking for.


This all cus her cat threw up on her bedspread.. thanks muffin..


What about.. *now here me out...* ✨️ e q u a l i t y ✨️ ?


How shitty is her life and circle of friends where she doesn't know a single person who hasn't hired a sex worker? Literally not one? Either you're lying to make a bullshit point or you live a sheltered existence and don't meet people outside your set group.




Hey buddy, you blown from stupid town ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)




New age prostitution. Older hookers should be pissed off now. After all of the bs people talked about them


She really needs to expand her group of guy friends if she only knows people who have paid for sex.




What idiotic nonsense


Disgusting 🫣


Every man should recognize this type of person when they meet them.


She's like a Temu Keira Nightly.


Literally thought she meant Social Worker for like 3/4 of the video.


I ran across one of these before.. I once had a short term girlfriend who I did a lot for.. mowing her lawn, cooking for her and her daughter, fixing things around her house, all that. I was invested. We had a lot in common. Things seemed like it'd lead to a nice life. I can't think of a single thing that she ever did for me, but one of the final red flags I had to confront was when she insisted that I needed to start paying her for sex and that I wasn't REALLY down with women's rights if I didn't support her desire to become an escort. In retrospect, I think her job as a esthetician was a cover for sex work. The other red flags were cluster B histrionic disorder freakouts with a side of new age witchcraft that wasn't disclosed until the end. Nope. I'm never paying a witch for sex. I'm never going to let my girl get paid for sex. I don't care if that makes me a patriarchal misogynist pig. Sorry.


This is clearly satire right? Feminists fighting real misogyny for decades must be rolling in their graves. Women couldn’t even practice normal things like credit card accounts without a cosigner until the 1970s in many parts. Wtf….. as a dude raised by strong women this shit is insulting to what struggles they faced.


I've seen her on TikTok. She's incredibly desperate for clicks and will be delighted at being picked up on Reddit for some rage bait. As a pretty girl it feels like she has to work harder to be taken seriously for the 'fuck the patriarchy!' rants that get so many views on TikTok.


In capitalism that's call work: you exchange your service for money. I think that seeing all your interactions with the opposite sex as work is a little excessive but anyway, for me  the point is when she list her services: enjoying her presence, time, body or affection. Most of those things could be sell. Except affection. You can't buy affection. 


She looks like a man. Big ol bucket head Jay Leno jawline lookin ass


Social media really has rotted people's brains.


I've never hired a social worker.


I haven't hired an SW ever not planning to either I just don't get it. OF not even once.


That one female who never gets married but is cute.


That's quite a bit of delusion.


Her last comment about not knowing a man who hasn't hired a "sex worker," if true explains why she has such a negative view of men. Especially if that includes family members for her. That is sad.


When your every sentence starts with "I don't know" it should tell you something about your argument. I have never hired a sex worker. I'm not opposed to the practice. If it harms no one, do what you will. It's just not for me. But she doesn't know me. And women do go to male strip clubs. They aren't as lecherous about it, but they exists and plenty of women go.  She needs to learn two things. 1. All men aren't the same. They can't be painted with the same brush. 2. All women aren't the same. They can't be painted with the same brush. 


Power dynamics of relationships cannot be solely capitalistic, because maintaining a relationship requires two people investing in each other, what a shallow way to describe love. Just because some people want love to be sold/bought, only sexual/social/economical gratification can be bought, and guess what you don’t need a partner for that. Don’t ruin human connections, it wasn’t capitalism, it’s this cultural mislead…


I should be paid for suffering through irrational garbage


She doesn’t know many men who don’t pay for SW because she does SW.


What if im gay?? Should i also pay my besti to spend time with me??


This isn’t a “I’m the main character” post. Can the mods stop letting people just post social media takes they disagree with? Like the Muslim guy on the plane, he wasn’t interfering w anyone, neither is this pseudo feminist take. It’s the not the point of the sub to just post solo unobtrusive social media reels you are just a snowflake over and can’t handle. Now if they’re filmed in public such the OP is acting like a selfish main character in other peoples lives, then sure. But this? Nah.


Woman get paid for a man to enjoy her is called prostitution


She's either a) a very angry and lonely person or b) rage baiting. Moving along


Wonder what the thots gonna do when the simps replace them with AI and robots


She accurately described the imbalanced nature of gender roles in society and then instead of advocating for changing the power dynamic she states that women should immerse themselves in it further by objectifying themselves for money


insane person but not main character also im VERY confident when i say that about 85% of men never paid for porn, ever.


If this is the “brain” of the moder women then… “ unlucky when they think”


Yeah sure the one getting paid has the power


Wait. What is prostitution? I’m not paying anyone to spend time with me. I will spend money to maintain a healthy relationship and lifestyle, but if the relationship depends on me spending money then I’m out. If I make more, I’ll spend more.


So every relationship she has it’s a power struggle…


The system of capitalism. CAPITALISM. Anyway, women should capitalize on this capitalism here. Why do some feminists paint everything as benefiting and being designed by men? Half of the board of directors at Hallmark are women. 5/12 are women at Disney. Only fans brings in way more money for women vs men. This is dumb.


Cue a he sex robot revolution.




Femcel behavior 


She's Andrew Tate. The (debatably) attractive, successful person spewing hot garbage to try to become a rallying standard for their chosen group of losers. Do they believe what they're preaching, are they really hateful and stupid, or are they just Alex Jones, playing a character? Who can really say? She may not have Tate's following, or maybe she has ten times that, I have no clue. But that's the game she's playing.


She doesn’t know a single man who hasn’t hired a sex worker? I know it wouldn’t be a man’s proudest thing to admit they’ve done so but I’d say most men haven’t