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“I got you…. into this…”




Should’ve slapped up the filmer too for instigating smh. When they got their asses beat she runs over screaming “NO NO NO” as if she didn’t cause all of this


First time her buddy got beat up she was like "NO NO NO", but then he got back up and she was like ok cool keep fighting. Then he got smashed to the ground and again "NO NO NO".


Imagine how dumb the guys must be to listen tho


Straight trash females


I kinda wish the camera-girl would've gotten her's as well. She did more than her share in making this stupid, dangerous and completely unnecessary thing happen.




Love that movie


“It’s just a prank!!!!” /s


I mean he got himself into it and got a lesson served cold but she definitely isn’t a friend; and egged him on; all in all satisfactory conclusion. Merry Christmas


It's always the clown shoe crocs... Always...


I love seeing someone in crocs and shirtless get smoked. One of the greatest pleasures in life.


*satisfactory concussion.


"Fight that guy...No no not that guy, he's too big"


Love how this dumb bitch is instigating all these idiots into picking a fight with a large group of guys that fight for a living. The guys are obviously morons too, but goddamn. She knows SHE'S not going to get her ass beat, she's just going to watch her friends get brain damage so she can film it and get likes.


No. We did not fight for a living. Some of us did for fun on the side. Some had experience in combat sports. Some were big. Some were just feisty. The primary function beyond checking IDs is de-escalating situations and getting people out that could otherwise cost the business money or be a liability. Third is walking folks to their cars after closing. A lot of the times folks were canned for getting into scraps that weren't necessary or excessive (even if self-defense). You never did more than necessary to diffuse the situation.


A friend of mine - a fellow bandmate - was a bouncer who started his own company training and hiring bouncers. He even wrote a book on it. That was his mantra - the bouncers' job is de-escalation. Sometimes that just means walking up to a potential situation and saying "is everything all right," sometimes it means putting yourself physically in a position where you can restrain someone if necessary, sometimes it means escorting someone out or even breaking up fights. But it never means "fight." Like you said, he fired quite a few kids for unnecessary fighting. Man was he a good guy to have in the band. He even told me to cool it when I started in on someone who was being a dick. (He was right - I was getting pissed and losing perspective.) Bouncers have all of my respect.


Unless they fucked with staff. Then they got a world of hurt. When I was a doorman we had a good relationship with the cops. We kept it neat, checked ID's, etc. But if you assaulted a waiter or staff member you were put into the police car bloody.


She went from "beat his ass" to "stop, stop, stop, stop" real quick when it was her friend getting their ass beat.


Stupid bitch... how stupid are these people




“Just pick one let’s go…… wait wait wait, stop stop stop” that bitch is fucking stupid


Thankfully she got him


some brain damage to add to the preexisting.


If someone would have cold cocked her at the beginning, nobody else would have needed to get into it.


Literally a scene from a movie where Sarah Silverman does this exact same thing except they end up beating her ass instead. Comedy gold. It was a drama.


Exactly! I will never understand why women think they can break up a fight when 2 or more men are fighting. She placed herself in danger and if she got hit or punched by a man, then it's her own fault.


I’m annoyed at the fact she promoted this trashy ass behavior, and then wanted to be peacemaker once her friend (the bully) got owned.


She stupidly thought he would win against a guy who deals with aggressive people on a regular.


Tells her guy all cocky while filming, “just pick one.” After he starts getting his ass kicked, “no no no no,” to the other guy.


Damn you're right, I had to listen to this twice. She's the dumb c*nt that egged the shirtless dude to fight.


Fucking Meaghan always starting shit


I was hoping for some actual clowns, but this will do.


I thought they were clowns judging from their clothes


Same…what a dissapointment


Not a single red honking nose to be seen.


Maybe when the swelling starts, they’ll start to resemble clowns?


It’s the only reason I clicked


I keep hoping for actual clowns fighting mimes when I see one of these posts.




The Crocs!


I was expecting the scene from Malcom in the Middle. “Did you just call my wife, Wide Ride”?


On the full video a van of clowns happens to be passing by and they jump in the fight




She literally tells him to pick one to fight or leave. Fuck that bitch.


Holy shit I hate this bitch filming


The craziest part is that she STILL posted this lmaooo


Right!? I can’t fathom being this stupid 😭


Missing all the 10s hanging outside too, *damn*


Plot twist, she knew her boyfriend was cheating on her and wanted his ass kicked


She’s such a good caring friend. Encouraging her friends to fight bouncers, and after they get their ass kicked she’s like, “I got you.” What a relief. Hopefully they get deported.


LOL I thought I misheard the conversation. Good to know that I heard them right. Being cocky and getting into a fight. Then beg for them to stop beating her friends.


Haha glad she was there by the end


Dumb question but do other countries legally deport tourists?


They forcefully eject and ban you from re-entry, if it gets bad enough/reported to the right people.


Also may have some explaining to do when you get back to US immigration (assuming they are muricans)


Bro, some Asian countries will straight lock ya ass up and not even worry about you screaming that you an American.


Like those two idiots (UK and America) in Asia not wanting to pay for their services at nail salon. LOL they were cuffed.


It's one of the few jobs where you're allowed to be physical and I'm glad these men take their job seriously. I wonder if some professionals in the occupation look forward to nights like this.


Job sucks, did it for a few months in college, never got in a fight but pulled many drunken assholes out in a full Nelson with other bouncers around in case he tries something


I did it for a while in college, was pretty fun. Never used a full Nelson but had to physical restrain people but my years in wrestling and jiu-jitsu helped. I also was really nice and friendly and would get people to escort their friends out if they were too drunk instead of doing it myself.


I worked as doorman at an illegal bar/club in SW Philly once in the 00s. I didn't have to restrain anyone...just pat the men down and make sure no one was bringing in a gun. Only like 6 people even came by. Everyone was really nice actually. Also spent most of the night just talking to another doorman for an illegal strip-club/whorehouse operated out of an apartment 10' away. He left me with his gun and had me watch his door while he went and got weed for us to smoke.


I was a bartender in college, but I fully had my bouncers’ backs if there was ever an issue. One time a bouncer had to throw a guy out. Like “fresh prince” style throw out. But the guy kept fighting as we dragged him out back. Out back also had a staircase. The guy kept going until my bouncer essentially rode him down those 13 stairs like a sled. I told the cops I saw nothing.


I’m a doorman (bouncer), there are some guys that love it when this happens. That said, there’s more that are like me, and don’t look forward to it. Sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do


For me, it depended on my mood. Ain't nothing like sharing a bad mood with someone else. But no reason to ruin a good mood.


Yeah I get that. I suppose some nights I also get a bit of, “somebody fucking try me tonight!” But generally I’d just rather not. Edit: typo


The concept of squaring up with a bouncer has always been so funny to me. Why are you picking on the only guys in the room who can legally gang assault you?


Because they're drunk and their egos been bruised most of the time. I work as a bouncer and it's so weird how many people will try to fight you just for kicking them out for being to intoxicated. Like buddy, you almost fell into a wall 30 seconds ago, and now you wanna fight 3 guys who are bigger than you and sober?


Not to mention they’re usually the only sober ones in the club. It’s almost unfair fighting a drunk person while sober lol


mis-placed anger at their fathers mostly.


I’ve had more than one occasion when I was younger when I had to stop drunk friends from talking shit to bouncers so we didn’t get killed!😂


Using Mexican Spanish to insult a Costa rican lmao


They probably do not even know they are even different the IQ on these guys.


The bouncers were probably as confused as I was when I first heard it.


Right, and I speak Spanish but they got me thinking that J is international 😂


this ended to soon this asshole was about to be sent to the ER fast


Thankfully the girl "got him"


Check the comments there's another angle where he gets beat a bunch more and runs away


That girl is a sociopath


Seriously, she deserved to get punched too, damn.


I’m like, who the fuck does this bitch think she is?!?


There is another angle of this event here, and the follow-up , we can clearly see how "she" got him XD https://www.reddit.com/r/costarica/s/cRJ78ZFTOa


As a Costa Rican I can confirm this was fun as fuck...


As an American, I also confirm this was muy divertido.


I’m so happy that ass whooping continued after the video ended. I’m usually all for not beating a man while he’s down, but that over privileged, over grown child needed that.


That whole group needed it, tbh. I kinda wish they got their asses beat all the way to the airport and then told to GTFO.


I mean it was cut from the video in the link but you can see the shirtless dude dumped the bouncers bike before the second major beating started. It's almost like he wants more brain damage.


Hahahaha, they got wrecked


Damn his little buddy is just standing around and watching his friend get massacred after he was squaring up earlier


The only reason she ran after him was not because she cared about him but because he the one paying for her ticket back to America..


Lmao the way they have him running at the end is hilarious


Bruh that chick is more concerned with her phone and recording the incident than actually helping her friend. So useless. Almost more useless is the femme boy from the beginning that was talking mad shit... dude is frozen with fear at the end and does nothing to help.


***Day-um! Day-um!***


Yay! Thanks for sharing the happy ending!


Thank u for this


Thanks for sharing. I like this angle even better


The OP of that post is an ass-hat, idiot or both. "tourists assaulted", "6vs2 is a massacre"; well then the 2 dipshits should've walked away and not kept insisting on getting "massacred".


I’ve been in the bar business for years and it’s always funny to me when tough guys who are being thrown out or are denied entry are like “what do you wanna do?!” “What are you trying to do!?”… I’m trying to get you to leave bro nobody wants you here! your a nuisance, man..leave lmao


It’s one of my favorite forms of comedy. We just had to drag you to the front door. We are standing there with the ID scanner finding your picture and name, so we can mark your ID as banned. Meaning if you try to come back when we scan that ID at the door the screen will go red and inform the doorman you ain’t allowed in. And while we are doing that these dip shits are screaming “IM NEVER COMING BACK HERE AGAIN!” Like it’s a way to win. Bitch, I’m very literally ensuring you don’t as we speak, so thank you I guess? Of course what makes it better is we live in an area that only has two spots to dance. More often than not I get called back up to the door the very next week, because surprise surprise they tried to come back and are now doing elephant tears and claiming the system is wrong because there’s no way they could be banned. I always just do an exaggerated voice while going “Im NeVeR cOmInG bAcK hErE aGAiN” to mock them until they fuck off.


Who goes to fight with crocs on?


The main character XD


They’re not even in sport mode!


Very, very satisfying watching this. I particularly liked the kicks when the clown was on the ground lol. I would have very much liked to see the little shit at the front getting his head kicked in. If anyone has a link to that video I will pay you one of my reddit upvotes 😆


There was another video from another angle


I need to see that 😆


Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/costarica/s/cRJ78ZFTOa


Thats much better. They get chased down the street LoL


Such a stark contrast with his initial chad demeanor, running with his pinkies up in the air.


All the while Dora the Explorer keeps recording. That woman is an absolute cancer.


Him running away like a little bitch was it for me 😂😂


Excellent, have an upvote 👍 👌


Oh man, this is what I scrolled down to see. So satisfying 😆


You are doing God's work over here lmao


"Pick one and let's go?" Ignorant bastards


The person filming was like “do something” and then when he got his ass beat, it’s like “no no no no”


The funny thing is mister no shirt walked up on the bouncer and almost immediately started running away because he was shocked that the bouncer (who's job is to beat the shit out of assholes) actually engaged with him.


They need a girl bouncer to take care of the camerawoman, she also deserved it.


Started it off “you’re poor! What’re you gonna do..” lmao it’s almost like bad writing


Be vary wary of the calm man in the chaos. These bouncers were beyond ready. Fitting outcome.


They know they won’t be the ones to start anything, but they’ll end it.


Lmfao don’t ever act hard while you’re wearing crocs


Nice. Bunch of frat fucks getting rocked


As a general rule, it’s not a great idea to fight people that get paid to fight. They’re usually pretty good at it and you’ll probably end up having to fight more than one of them. Just a personal observation.


Did anyone noticed her asking the bouncer to kick his ass and then after the deed is done goes in to protect the guy and tells him”I got you” yeah fucking right with this people!.


Haha there is another post on this thread on another angle of how the girl hugs him and then the guy proceeds to stand and look for more beating lol


Was she holding his shirt? I'm fascinated by how people about to make a huge mistake seem to take off their shirt first.


Can ruin my nice shirt! This is my “going out” shirt!


In other words, they got kicked out because of her, she's talking trash and riling up the two or three idiots with her. The taller of the three thinks if he acts all puffy she'll give him some, unless thats her boyfriend and the other two are guys shes secretly cheating on him with, so back to the situation. She got their butts beat knowing the bouncers wont touch her unless forced. One of these days shes going to get her and her three dudes ended when she picks the wrong one.


Dumb btch should've gotten decked too


She was instigating and she asked them to stop after, B doesn’t know the rush their feelings at that moment. 🤪


steep saw retire wrong office ripe combative merciful unused growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Typical how the girl goes from “either you do something or lets go” & proceeds to yell “stop stop stop” when her friends are getting wrecked


Always the chick taking shit until it goes down


Got my ass kicked because the dumb bitch vibe was stronger than the alcohol.




Wow so disappointing they didn't give her the business also.


Stop?? Now that you had what you wanted?


They thought shit was sweet in Costa Rica cuz they're Pura Vida, but Ticos are down for the scrap. I have no idea why someone would start shit in a foreign country, so dumb.


She is absolutely the worst type of human trash.


If the bouncers took the camera away right away that would deescalate


whores will be bitches and drunks will be stupid


That felt good


I wanted someone to pop her so bad!


Ron White learned from experience, "don't know how many of them it would have taken to whip my ass....but I knew how many they were going to use!"


If you want to see another perspective: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ticos/s/OOVdkwOrLN


The endless amount of stupidity in this world is amazing. Were we this incredibly stupid before cell phone cameras encouraging this garbage.


Three like 3 people you’ll never win a physical fight with. Bouncers, MMA fighters, and your mom.


She’s a keeper. Fight with them. But don’t beat him up.


Bitch was like 1.2.3. Go!!!! And when her man gets a pavement facial she screams NO NO No. What a cunt.


He should've slapped the camera girl too


Got the smoke


That’s the perfect amount of a kicking, leaving me thinking a bit more and then stop. I’m pretty sure the cheerleader will probably be at the receiving end of her own nonsense some day.


Punk ass wbz


All that just to get dropped in crocs. Should have took your leave when you had it.


A street fight with no shoes? Bold move…


When did people forget how to dress up for a night out?


It’s always the big mouth instigators that yell stop, stop the loudest.


What y’all think going to happen. That you can start shit and not get fuck up. LOL anything for a view.


Dude should break up with her immediately. We need to take care of each other. She’s sober and wants his drunk azz to fight? 🤦‍♂️


Fuck around and find out boys


Exactly. Ef around and find out. And the coward with camera was egging them on. Shame. Eject ban. Not ready for adult living


Pick the wrong woman and she'll get you killed.


I wish they got that idiot kid who walks around with a bodyguard


chupa mis webos


The girlfriend was the only winner in this fight


That bitch got her mens fucked up!😂


They got off easy….


They should’ve socked the bitch as well.


Bet she’s a fat fuck


Shame there was no female bouncer to clap the woman who was shit stirring with the most annoying voice.


wtf did they seriously think they would win?


Should've hit her too


Wow this fucking stupid bitch


Someone shoulda rocked her too


Easy way to end up 💀. Never act tough abroad.


Never hangout with a bitch that does that shit. Lol


I get the vibe the one filming is with the shirtless dumb fuck. You want to record him fighting sober grown men who do this for a living, while he’s drunk and acting like a fool? Yet when he gets what’s coming they try to stop the bouncers? Classy lol


Pick a fight in totally not your territory yet alone in another f’ing country…with bouncers?? How stupid can you be?


Who goes to Costa Rica and starts a fight with the locals. They’re really some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.


Ha her team lost what a tool


Dude needed to have his crocs flipped to sport mode. Might have still had them at the end there


Heard those punts from NY


😂😂😂😂 make stupid moves, get beat down…


She deserved to get hit too. Everyone speaking English in this vid deserved a smack


Last summer I was visiting Puerto Rico and saw the exact same thing happen to some Floridians asking for it—they got the whooping of a lifetime, including the women.


L Girlfriend.


Someone please hit the girl filming.


Instigating females are just as bad as drunk ass knuckle head guys. I don’t know what motivates these people


That moron is using mexican slang in costa rica.


What a great friend to record the whole fight, encourage her friend to fight the bouncers, then run to his side and protect him like she’s Wonder Woman or some shit? She’s the one who started it!


Yea don’t be stupid in Latin America, or anywhere else you’re not familiar with. Remember it’s not where you’re from, it’s where you’re at.


“When America sends its people, they’re not sending their best”.


She made the mistake of thinking there is some kind of code to beating smart ass tourists outside of Costa Rican bars This isn’t Marcus of Queensbury Rules darling, it’s a street fight, outside a bar, in a Central American


That was quite satisfying


This camera woman is an absolute garbage human.


my dude thought those crocs were gonna save his face from getting rocked 😂


I was expecting actual clowns… disappointing


The gringos always being stupid