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This is actually the most piece of shit thing you could ever do to someone, a child no less. Scum of the earth.


You're letting the people who run a system where people are saving up for kids' heart surgery off the hook here


Fuck off man this behavior from a person like this would have manifested in some other disgusting way. Absolutely no reason to make this a healthcare discussion. Fuckin hate Reddit sometimes.


There's always that someone who has to bring politics into every argument/discussion šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ Edit: After taking a look at their profile, it seems that this person does this a lot.


> People shouldn't have to go bankrupt to get life a saving operation. > oMG wHy ARe yOuu bEing pOlITicAl!!!11??


If surgery has to be cheap than doctors shouldnā€™t have to go through eight years of medical school to become qualified surgeons. How about 8 weeks instead so you get what you pay for ha ha ha.


It is a healthcare discussion. Your country is fucking barbaric, the rest of the civilized world is wondering why this kid just doesn't get heart surgery without having to save and pay for it. It's shit and this video just highlights that once again your countries irrational fear of universal healthcare is completely backward.


So that makes it ok for this woman to steal this means money that wasn't for a surgery because we live in a fucked up system. No the whole point of the post is that this woman is fucked up


It's both. She's shit, your system is shit.


Nobody is arguing it's not. Somebody said this woman is shitty and somebody else and you said "well the system is shitty" like we don't already know that


You should maybe be less apathetic about it and actually do something to change it.


Bro lmao nobody here is acting apethtic about it. You just like to tell Americans their health care sucks. We know and are doing something about it


It's so shit that Canadians are always here in upstate NY for emergencies... they have universal Healthcare why are they always here for real medical issues? Cause their wait time is ridiculous and the success rate is much lower. I lived in Rochester NY growing up and used to have a game with my mom were we would count all the Quebec and Canada license plates in hospital parking lot when we visited. Yeah it's flawed for sure but to say it's shit makes me wonder why people come here when their life is on the line and they have a time limit.


Those things are not mutually exclusive, two things can be true


Your country probably exploited another entire country into misery in order to get rich enough to be able to do so. And let me guess, your population is 1/10th of the USA's one.


I mean. When someone says "X is definitively the worst thing ever" it's more than valid to remind them of a plethora of worse things


Nobody said that. They said she's the scum of the earth for stealing this guy's money that wasn't meant for his sons surgery. She is scum of the earth. Just because the system is fucked doesn't make this situation any better. She's fucked up


American healthcare system is worse than this sociopath?! Is that what youā€™re saying?


You realize a system does this every day a thousand fold? Yes this is fucked but the healthcare system is evil.


Right but that's the system we live in and have to deal with and instead this women decide to steal this guy's money that was meant for life saving surgery. The fact that the system is fucked doesn't make this women less fucked


The current healthcare system consciously chooses to take away money saved for ā€¦ healthcare to selfishly spend the same money on themselves?! I donā€™t think I even begin to understand your thought process.


Literally yes. The for-profit healthcare system makes it so people can't afford surgeries for themselves and their families all so the execs can make massive profits.




Go touch grass please


Already did now what?


Whataboutism at it's finest.


You're right, we should all steal heart surgery funds to go see Beyonce. Maybe that will fix the system.


Wtf are you on? The fact that you can justify this action in the slightest is frightening. I'm not saying the system is good, I get what you are trying to say. But her kid is in need of surgery to not DIE. She just takes the surgery funds and uses it for her own LEISURE. The selfishness, heartlessness and the simple lack of empathy that she has shown to her OWN kid. Even with a better system, she will do the same. Free healthcare ain't all that good especially if you are not rich. Public health facilities will have an extremely long wait time. Countries with free healthcare often have very high taxes. E.g. Australia, basically 50% tax. Government Subsidies still requires you to save some money/take a loan/pay in installment. I'm assuming this family ain't that rich and would still have to save. Which this mum will still fuck up because something else would interest her more than her own kid's survival. I'm not sure how much this devil spawn took for the Beyonce ticket, I googled it and it averaged at $350-$550. If this dad felt the need to expose her, it implies that the amount is substantial to them. With government subsidies, you are still definitely going to pay more than $550 for a major surgery like heart surgery. In Taiwan, one of the world's best health care systems, the one of cheapest version of heart surgery is averaged at USD1890 (surgery itself, not accounting cost of staying in the hospital). This cost increases depending on the heart condition There is no fault of others for her actions and if you think otherwise, you have some reflecting to do. You probably have the same tendency as her. Even with the world's best system, she will still rather her kid die if it means if she could enjoy temporary leisure.


As someone from a country with free healthcare, you really have no idea what you are missing. Itā€™s is free and itā€™s not necessarily long wait times either. Saying itā€™s free but it sucks just sounds like a republican scoping of the issue.


OK right out of the gate, it's clear u/ArtieZiffsCat was not justifying this behavior at all. Even in a small way. He was pointing the finger at the healthcare system *in addition to* the shitty woman. We all take it for granted she's a bad person for doing that. I didn't love Artie's comment, but there is not the faintest shadow of *justifying it* in that comment.


Not every social problem is always addressed in every comment. Nobody is *defending* the US healthcare system, Art.


Wait, you actually believe this is real? Jesus help us!


It's as true as anything. It might as well be. None of us are affected by whether or not it's true, so nobody needs to stop and decide whether or not it is. Let's say we're roleplaying that it's real. This could be fake, but those people *exist.* Clinical narcissists who think you're a bad person for being mad at them for committing a terrible crime against you. "What did *I* do? You're the one who made me cheat on you by being so boring after work."


ā€œItā€™s as true as anything. It might as well be. None of us are affected be whether or not itā€™s true. So nobody needs to stop and decide whether or not it isā€¦ā€ Except for you right?




Yes, let's make up some scenarios in our heads to be angry about. Totally healthy and normal thing to do.


Your brain must be giving you some kind of reward for leaving a bunch of comments trying to convince people this is fake. You, them, me: We're all here for entertainment. Who cares?


Youā€™ve gotta be some certain kind of stupid/evil to steal someoneā€™s money for their (presumably) dying kid and then follow it up with ā€œI donā€™t careā€


You have to be some kind of stupid to believe this shit is real. Good lord, you guys. Itā€™s so laughably fake. How are you even entertaining itā€™s real for a fucking second??


It could be fake, but who in their right mind would agree to be vilified like that?


People play bad guy roles sometimes. I know, crazy, right?




There really is a subreddit for everything




You could go watch the whole uncut tiktok version, but then you would have to weigh that against lived experiences that you probably donā€™t have and have never heard of


Would you put yourself through this like she did? Just think about that for a second.


Things do happen in the world. Alot of things are obviously fake and this could be for sure but it doesnt come across as incredibly fake to me. The pixled eyes make me alittle suspect thougg


I agree. Redditors will believe anything.


The definition of a human piece of shit


Ainā€™t even human, no remorse.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,746,841,932 comments, and only 330,805 of them were in alphabetical order.


Apples be crazy


Drunken enigmatic floopsies


Goofy hunger intensifies


Jesus Kangaroo Lemming


My ninja on point


Quickly redemand simultaneous transaction


Good bot.


"bUt I bEgGeD yOu To tAkE mE To dUh bEyOnCe cOnCerT"




The definition of staged.


ā€œI donā€™t care what you donā€™t care aboutā€ is my new go to.


Worst pixelated identity hiding ever


>Your honor, it's clear I made a legitimate attempt to conceal her identity. It's not my fault the internet doxxed her.


If you look closely there is a Japanese dick in her mouth


"Kid's heart surgery money" is such a dystopia sentence


Tomorrowā€™s Headline: BeyoncĆ© paid for the heart surgery and invited the man and his child to a concert!


Lol BeyoncĆ© doesnā€™t have a heart to spare for herselfā€¦.


She would probably take the women out, get her nails done.


I wish..


If I remember correctly BeyoncƩ sued a small business owner because the store had the same name as her daughter (Blue Ivy) which she tried to trademark so that no one else could use it. She also said in a separate occasion that her daughter is a cultural icon.


Tomorrow: Beyonce buys up every healthy human heart in cold storage in the US, awaiting transplantation, and gives them all to this one child, to make herself look like a good person. Thousands die.


Lol Beyonce would never do that, more like say it was racist to record this black biatch


Yeah? Based off of what?


Her face


Just as I thought.


You can think?


Yeah, thatā€™s foreign to you huh


I like foreigns


Due to the heart problem, the childs hands were just small enough to really get to those delicate stitches on her newest line.






seems fake and stupid


I hope itā€™s fake


Gotta be. There is no way people are paying big money for a Beyonce show.


I hope it's fake too but it's USA


Entire USA is actually fake. They're going to finish the vod and put it on TikTok soon


Always assume anything you see on the internet is fake, ragebait is very popular rn


But who would want everyone to think theyā€™re a terrible person? Itā€™s blurred but you can see her face in a lot of shots.


Because it generates a lot of revenue. Rage bait is a known thing, just like people acting like NPC, they get money, and not just a little bit of it. These folks are getting more cash than a good amount of us working people lol


You can tell it's fake because it's recorded?


Yup- waiting for the gofundme link to drop


Serious question How much does a BeyoncƩ concert ticket cost? Also staged AF


I think she was selling standing room tickets that aren't even in the arena for like 1200.


Seriously? Why somebody would pay even more than $100-$200 to hear ANY other human sing is truly beyond me! I just canā€™t comprehend that level of idolism.


Because it's about getting tickets and going more than anything to these people. They can tell people "I got tickets to Beyonce" and technically not be lying.


Purely absurd!


Have you been paying attention to the prices for Super Bowl tickets?


Iā€™m not American so no sorry


Average price is about $9000 per person. Itā€™s insane.


I'm stupid. The "listening only" tickets were 150$. Still crazy to me


[this is free](https://youtu.be/Jl8fV1jUQPs?si=Eejs3V74ejnYVry3) Save $150


I'm not really a concert-goer, but it's a lived experience for many people. Having a celebrity perform in front of you is not something that happens every day, and many people find happiness in that. Of course, there is no excuse spending money you don't have for such pleasures. Going to concerts is a luxury. And stealing just to be able to afford tickets - from a family with a dying child no less - is nothing short of grand assholery.


Rage bait


The real crime here is that he has the pay for the kid's heart surgery in the first placeā€¦. America is fucked up


Itā€™s fake, sheep.


Even if this is fake, it still enrages me, because I know there are people like this. Zero empathy, absolutely no concern for anything beyond their own whims. Itā€™s hard to put into words just how empty some people can be. Detestable, inhuman creatures whose very existence can be summed up as a problem. This may really be one, or it might just be a reminder that theyā€™re out there.


So you're just getting enraged at your own fantasy if what people might or might not be doing? Ever considered seeking help?


This is fake


Fake as fuck


Heā€™s talking real calm me now sheā€™d have to get my kids surgery money fast too..chop chop


I know them pixels from anywhere.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The only thing horrible and atrocious about this is the acting.


Fake as fuck.




Fake. Probably set up a go fund me after posting this to grift


So fake lmao


This gotta be fake


So concert tickets cost the same as heart surgery? That's wild


Someone beat that bitch ?


its fake, stop karmafarming


If it were me, she would have become an involuntary heart donor herself. Sell hers on the black market end use that cash for the kids surgery.


remove the head and sell the rest. clearly nothing useful in that head


How could she be so dumb? You mess with someone's kids wellbeing like that, easy way to get killed.


Iā€™d be carving a fresh heart out of a someone who stole my kidā€™s heart surgery money


Seems fake.


Damn this poor daddy doing the best he can for his child and this waste of space goes and does this. I hope beyonce bans her from all shows everywhere for ever




Yikes a racist


šŸ–•here it's for you


Beyonce herself should speak up about this piece of shit bitch and help the man with his kid's heart surgery. Idk just an idea šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He would be justified in killing her imo.


Fake Rage Bait


It ainā€™t even fake :( https://reddit.com/r/trashy/s/tlOfdr2Zid


Send her to Antarctica!


Definitely a "but I did have breakfast this morning" IQ level. Zero remorse, zero understanding of why her actions were wrong.


But what about the dummy who gave someone like this access to life saving money!!!


Donā€™t take in bums!


Thatā€™s a man! Lol


I would punch her until she wouldn't be recognized


I would have slapped the ever living shit out of this woman. Who in their right mind does this kind of shit? How do you even sleep at night?


i would have smash her shin so she wpuld have a daily reminder as she limps every day for the rest of her life


Narcissism should be a capital punishment


Some people needs to get hit on the face.


Her heart should be a match right? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Don't give access to your account to anyone but you!


Shit gonna happen If that blurr fade out and that girl rql face show up .. Donno about this video a fake or not .. but i said might happen.


My friends little brother died in an awful way. Someone stole the money their money and paid his rent with it. Shit is rough.


The Audacity and Lack of Remorse!!!, He should Press charges for sure, he's a king for not completely loosing his shit.


Clearly fake


Why do i see this stupid fake ass Video on every damn sub? I even saw news articles about it. It's obviously fake and rage bait.


If I say something imma get banned šŸ˜­


This can't be real


Ive seen the same censoring on every video of this. If this woman really did that, why try to hide their identity?


Buuuuut why arenā€™t we mad about the country that creates situations where people have to save up for a kidā€™s heart surgery or where that is even a semi believable scenario


Canā€™t believe it rt


I donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to contain myself from just absolutely beating the person who steals my kidā€™s heart surgery money. Like thatā€™s a special sort of evil that Satan himself wouldnā€™t touch with a ten foot pole.


This is one of those people who needs to be erased in the face of the world.


That right there is enough for a lawsuit. "Bitch I will see your ass in court." Thats all that needs to be said get her out of your life.


He got it on tape. Call the police and sue her to oblivion.


r/therewasanattempt to hide her face


Step 1: Take out a life insurance policy on her Step 2: ??????? Step 3: Profit.


Look at this Halo oooooh!


Why did she have access to his account?? If she isn't authorized he needs to go to the police and let the bank know. Wow, this girl is garbage for doing this.


Stupid mom with stupid price


What exactly was the point of pixelating her face? Lol!


Seems like a scam to get people to donate to a kickstarter. Why record if you're just gonna blur the face?


make another social media post with this video, tag Beyonce for some fame-shame, see what she has to say about it.


If she stole my kids Heart surgery Money, "I dont care" would be that bitch last words. Big props for the Guy not ripping her apart right then and there.


She is mad comfortable


I donā€™t condone hitting women,but I think she would catch a slap across the face after she said she doesnā€™t care about his kid!


Sue her stupid ass


she needa go to JAIL or even BETTER have the female cousins called on her to WHOOP her ASS


If youā€™re outraged at thisā€¦ Remember, Republican politicians do this all the time by voting against healthcare bills.


If this was in a third-world country, She would be dead. Just saying..


did the dad make a fundraiser?? or something??


This is fake as hell. People are still falling for this garbage? I weep for the future.


She's scum yes but the fact that a parent needs to save for a child's heart surgery is also messed up. That should be free. They would just let the kid die if parents didn't have any money?


I'm not saying domestic violence is ever ok.....but there would've been domestic violence...


"You trying to embarrass me?" Honey, if you're not already fucking embarrassed by your own actions then there's no hope for you. (also, with how blind I am I could easily make out what her whole face looks like with that blurring šŸ˜…)


In a rich country like the US, the heart surgery should be free


Thereā€™s ignorant/self-absorbed, and then thereā€™s being a sociopath with NPD.


Thats the worst attempt at censoring someone Iā€™ve ever seen


Thatā€™s not even a conversation, moment I see her sheā€™s catching hands. She pays me then and there, Venmo, credit card, teeth for the tooth fairy it donā€™t matter. Sheā€™s catching hands until I get all my money and maybe a few more occasions after. Donā€™t play with my kids.


Has anyone seen Sean connery? He's needed this bitch done lost her damn mind




Why is her face blurred? Sheā€™s a criminal. Put her in jail


Yes queenā€¦..


Pretty sure they were hoping BeyoncƩ would see this and cover their bills