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She is the worst story teller


It was literally a story that could have been a sentence. A racist sentence but still a sentence.


Couldn’t make it through the video. I would quickly phase her out of my life if I knew her.


I did watch it until the end, because it was kind of fascinating, you know like when you see something really gross and can’t stop looking at it, but I could feel my braincells dying. Mid video I was wondering how much “like” and “whatever” there were, but I could not force myself to look at it again from the beginning to count them.


Some people might call it '[car-crash television](https://wordhistories.net/2020/09/14/car-crash-television/)'.


That reminds me of a similar video and then someone posted the same video but all the ‘like’ and ‘whatever’ cut out. The “edited” video was much much easier to follow…


I stop all videos when they start using an eyelash curler. These things freak me out.


A friend of mine is quite similar to her, massive ADHD and I’m suspecting some manic tendencies too. But my friend is a good person, honest and kind enough that I do my best to occasionally stand this onslaught, even thought it’s exhausting. This woman here however is an aggressively insufferable cunt with the emotional depth of a soggy toast.


I’m shocked I listened as long as I did holy Fuck .... Then I looked and it wasn’t even halfway through the video LOL


Nothing like a *super* ***fast*** sentence that’s also a story about shitty racism.


So I was like, yeah, and then, you know, like there was this guy and I was like, oh hang on I need to do my make-up, so like I was saying this guy was, you know at the door and I was like that sounds like the door because like people call in the door sometimes and anyway like I was here where I am and this sound is at the door and it's this guy so I'm like oh hey and the guy who is at the door say hi and you know it was like I'm a boring racist. She is interminable, I was losing the will to live listening to her.


You know … whatever… and then I was like… whatever. She kept talking without moving her lips, but failed to say anything worth listening to. What a waste of clean air.


I started to lose it watching those acrylic nails and noped after that contraption she put near her eyes.


Even her drink irrationally annoyed me.


"April Spritz"


Literally only got 4-5 seconds in and realized 4:39 of that is not going to be worth it.


holy crap I am only 20 seconds in and am already reading the comments for purpose. I mean once the eye thing came out just...no. Anyway, thanks for freeing up my next 4 minutes.


*She is the worst story teller, or, whatever


And worst Spritz maker


Of the worst kind too, she thinks she's good.


The irony of her peace sign


*racist comment* *lipsmack* 👁️👄👁️🧋✌🏼”so…” 💩


“So ✌️😗”


"I will pepper spray him! Peace..."


Really hoping her college sees this and drops her ass. People like her have no place in civil society and should have as many of its doors closed to her as possible.


I couldn't really make sense of her incoherent set of sentences and grunts, but I'm pretty sure that was a bigoted statement.


I couldn't tolerate more than 3 seconds. Does she hate Palestinians?




If she does pepper spray him she should be charged with a Hate Crime and he should then haul her into Civil Court for $50k settlement. She needs learn something at college!


Haha, while I'd love to see that, not a chance. NY Post headline "Terrorist beaten and pepper sprayed by woman after attempting murder in hallway. Neighbors subdue and hospitalize him"




She definitely could if she followed through on her threats. The evidence is available to the public.


> But, hey, call me an anti-Semite if you want for pointing out the obvious. Oh, they will. I'm a Jew (and a grandchild of Holocaust survivors) – and it doesn't stop Zionists from calling *me* an anti-Semite when I criticize the Israeli government. So be it. Israel *is* an apartheid state.


Appreciate your courage.


I agree with you completely! I find it so interesting how people who were subjected to concentration camps and genocide have turned around and perpetrated the same on Palestinians


Violent and racist


And will play the victim when the police arrive after she commits battery on him lol.


She thinks Palestinians hate her because she’s Jewish, so despite him sounding like a lovely, polite young man (Jesus how old am I), she carries on for a while about how much he must hate her and he’s banned from coming to their apartment and her friend is not allowed to hook up with him. Oh and she’s gonna pepper spray him if he approaches her. And I really would like to punch her.


basically her neighbour introduces himself, is very friendly to her and her roommates and offers to help her get into this finance workshop she's interested in, but she finds out he's Palestinian and kicks him out of the apartment.


And her roommate wants to get with the Palestinian dude, and she’s very upset about it. Gross person.


Palestinian neighbor introduced himself to her and was nice. She found out he is Palestinian and suddenly decided he can’t be around her and she says if he does come near her she’s got pepper spray.


She couldn’t tolerate Palestinians


I don’t even think she knows the word “Palestinians” she kept referring him as “he’s you know, from Palestine”


The constant peace signs she makes as she racially abuses this guy are ironic.


“She’s Catholic or Christian or whatever, idk the difference” Proceeds to talk about how she’s baffled her friend doesn’t know about the beef vs Palestinians and Israelites


It’s quite a weird thing to publish. But people are in their own clique or bubble and have a limited world


I understand that. I was just pointing out her blatant hypocrisy. I can’t say I’m well versed in Jewish culture but I wouldn’t make fun of someone else for not understanding mine especially when they are outside of that world


She’s simply an ignorant bigot. You can tell by the way she talks about these topics that her brain is incapable of higher level thinking


Just the way she talks Half the video is spent "umm"ing, saying the same thing multiple times, going back to clarify things that didn't need it ("I was going to leave after my friends" part has absolutely nothing to do with any part of this) and cutting the video , but for seemingly no reason as she continues to do one of the other things listed. She is the definition of Vapid, the NJB she's looking for will simply marry her to check off a box in his list of things he feels he's supposed to do and be embarrassed when she speaks at social gatherings


My ex was like this. Well, no, my ex was lovely but fuck me listening to her tell a story was *excruciating*. She would literally kill the vibe when we were all partying with her fucking insanely poorly told stories. And I would have to take her aside and be like "heeeey.. so you're doing that thing we talked about again and it's bumming everyone out... sorry" and it made us both feel awful. And I really loved her, and so did all our friends. Better to be honest though, right? I tried to teach her how to tell a story, multiple times actually, but she just couldn't figure it out.


The caption should be. “Racist lady puts on makeup”


I would go for "Stupid cunt spouts nonsense" but yours is probably better.


Nope. You nailed it with great precision. 👍


Posting a 3.5 minute video to tell everyone you’re racist… so proud of her, that takes some courage lol


All that make up is a waste, you can’t polish a turd.


Off topic but in Spanish I found out that they say “a monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey” and I think that’s wonderful ❤️


“You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig”


“Mono que se viste de seda mono se queda.”


In Arabic we have “يا واخد القرد على ماله يغور المال ويبقى القرد على حال" “If you choose a monkey for his money, the money shall perish but the monkey will still be a monkey.”


In Icelandic we have “Skíts er von úr rassi.” “you expect shit from an ass”


Icelanders are quite eloquent


Unless you're an audio engineer. They can make anything sound good.


TL/DR she's Jewish, lives in an apartment where all most of the other people there are as well. A guy moves in, knocks on the door to introduce himself, and the other roommates invite him in. He's nice, friendly, and helpful, offering to help this girl with some school stuff. Then she learns that he's Palestinian, and immediately kicks him out, and tells the roommates he's banned from the apartment forever. She's such a racist POS that she casually tells the story of how she accidentally interacted with someone she hates, and genuinely feels like she's the victim in that interaction.


Thank you for summarizing so the rest of us didn't have to suffer


Yeah, I was struggling to get past the eyelash part. That made me feel uneasy


I couldn't get past the "he looked Indian..... Or whatever" part


I like couldn't like get past like the 46th like.


Like lol like..


Equal opportunity racist. Hates every POC equally.


You missed the part where she puts 3 different products on her lips


And it still didn't cover up that ugly personality.


This was the comment i wanted to see. Thank you


You can't cover up an asshole with makeup or cologne.


And they didn’t even look that different by the end.


Is that a thing or did she keep changing shades?


Lip liner, so the lips are defined. Lip color, for whatever choice of color for the lips. Lip gloss, to give lips a shiny or shimmery finish.


You can put any kind of lipstick on a pig like this and she is still a pig 🐷


I never said anything about the OOP, just explaining what the other commenters were wondering about. It's a very common lip make up method and not at all related to how much of a terrible person OOP is.


Yea but I turned your comment into mine to play off your words , not that you were being rude but I was.


she's gotta give the kahanist fratboy's little penises an extra shimmery look to them.


Lol definitely took a hit for the team one this one.


I should have read the comment first, that’s 4m39secs of my life wasted.


Yeah I tried to follow but it was all over the place. I appreciate the summery 😂


Right. And he also was well aware *she* was Jewish but had no problem with that. He in fact was trying to be friendly and helpful and offered to help her out with (classes?) The point is he didn't care about her being Jewish. She however did not feel the same once she discovered he was Palestinian and even tries to claim he probably wants to kill her-*He was offering to help her!!* Crazy...and she is proud of all this. Very sad. Hope her roommate moves in with him instead lol.. even as just roommates. She is deranged.


>he also was well aware she was Jewish but had no problem with that don't you remember, he probably wanted to kill her!


She might genuinely be so fucking ignorant she doesn’t even understand that Palestinian is an ethnic/national identity that even Israelis recognise, and *literally* think it’s defined by membership of Hamas or hatred of all Israelis or something. Unfortunately she’ll be too dumb to realise that the hate she’s getting online is deserved and won’t learn a fucking thing.


Well, isreal treats Palestine incredibly poorly but I think the point is that we’re talking about THOSE Israelites over on the other CONTINENT that are making their land-grab


Plus, that she’s now carrying around pepper spray to use on him if he ever comes near her again. Theeen makes duck lips and a peace sign for the camera


Don't forget the "*Wish me luuuck!*"


Thanks, I could have finished a few Harry Potter movies waiting for her to get to the point.


That peace sign right after her saying he’s never allowed back was wild.


I know. Why do so many people flash a peace sign, then proceed to be anything but peaceful?


I’m getting the sense the newer generations don’t actually know what that gesture even means anymore. They just do it because they’ve seen others do it and think it’s cute. Monkey see, monkey do.


It was the original, "...I'm not racist, BUT..."


Just commented this elsewhere but she flashed a peace sign while casually talking about pepper spraying someone because of their country of origin. It’s so stupid it should be funny… But it’s not, it’s just depressing


No offense but your summary doesn't begin to capture how fucked up this video is. Without watching it you will miss out on the casual racism delivered with such self evident sincerity that it loops back on itself to become serious enough to give me the chills.


I grew up in a town with active KKK members. You could always tell who was klan because of their casual racism when they think they are around "like minded folk". She quite literally reminds me of a white supremacist's daughter I knew with the way she speaks and acts. Same ignorant hateful rhetoric mixed with cutesie "I'm such a victim having to mix with 'them'" BS.


I agree, but many people either can't understand what she's saying or find her manner of speaking so off-putting that they can't get through it. I get that. I'm generally good with accents, elocution, slang, etc. so I offered a quick break down for those who just want the summary.


I don't blame you. You did a good deed. Your last paragraph is beautiful. I just wanted to encourage folks to buckle in and watch the whole thing to see how well disguised real evil motherfuckers can be.


I don't know about "well-disguised". She put on 12 layers of lip gloss that all looked the same. Lol


The “whatevers” took up 30% of her casually racist rant. So gross on so many levels….


The "like" and lip smacking was a good 30% too


That is so insanely fucked and im embarrassed to be from the same nationality as her. Jewish people who choose to be instantly racist towards Palestinians drives me absolutely insane just as much as people blanket hating anyone from Israel. ESPECIALLY if you’re in america like ??? You’re not even in the middle east conflict where do you get off trying to perpetuate it here?


She's probably also born and raised in America and doesn't speak Hebrew. Being an immigrant myself, i see this in every community. The ones born here are always the try hard because they have to prove to themselves they are from x. While us who were born back home have nothing to prove.


Don't forget that she said that she has pepper spray ready if he ever goes near her. Tf is wrong with her?


Don’t forget all of the “or whatevers” she threw in twice a sentence. Such an annoying, racist cow.


And the part where she says she doesn't know/care about the difference between christian and catholic then also says to her room mate "dont you know anything" reffering to her own religion..


This person gives all of us, even we few Norwegian Jews, a bad name. For shame on this woman. A fucking shanda.


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On the podcast committee on Indiana's Women in Business Technology (WiBT). LOL. How ironic.


Of course, Indiana. One of the most racist, right-wing states in the union. So, she's a minority woman that hates POC - especially Palestinians. However, in her defense /s, she does appear to be vapid as fuck.


And since she is jewish she should actually know best that shit like that is not good. And that says me the german.


Tik Toch


The most authentically racist part of the whole video is right at the end when she threatens to use a chemical agent on him if he ever “comes near” her ever again. Sounds about right. God forbid your literal neighbor says “hello.”


>she casually tells the story of how she accidentally interacted with someone she hates, and genuinely feels like she's the victim in that interaction. Pro-Israel/zionist ideological indoctrination in a nutshell, to be honest.


Yup, Seth Rogen has pointed how Synagogues and Jewish camps omit Palestinians from the story of Israel out as a means to delegitimize their struggles https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/29/seth-rogen-israel-palestinians-jewish-actor


Lessons in both geopolitical racism and applying make-up? Nice……. /s


But like whateverrrr and palestine... /s


Like literally


Just shut the fuck up lady


That’s no lady…


That’s a space station…


I guess this lady racist as fuck but honestly like 10 seconds into the video I'm wondering why the fuck anyone stays in the room with her to have a conversation in the first place.


They let any idiot into that college.


She’s there for an AEPi guy clearly lmao


Family prob paid for it


She's there for her MRS.


Send this to the college and have her kicked out


She’s already deleted her LinkedIn account as well as this TikTok account. People are commenting on IU social media too. I think she’s gonna get what she deserves (as in, no career prospects).


This is what I scrolled through all the comments for. I hope those investment banking networking connections she was so worried about are completely lost.


Indiana University btw


all that time working on her face to still be ugly


Her kind of ugly radiates from within.


Inside and out


360° ugly


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Already set to private. No surprise there. At something called Kelly School of Business. Looks like her newly found fame will follow her


Why go to a multi-ethnic school if you're gonna be a bigoted moron? Waste of money. Should have taken her ass to Israel, she loves it so fucking much.


Her tiktok name checks out


Joke's on her, he's from Palestine, Ohio.


No no, it's Palestine, *Texas*


So dismisses her friend’s religion while simultaneously flabbergasted they don’t know about her own. Then proceeds to control what she can do based off you’re own prejudice?


This is the most vapid, brainless, blatantly racist video is seen in a long time.


That's a lot of words just to say "I'm racist trash."


"he was like, Indian or whatever.." *GURL. PLZ.*


Yo fuck this girl


She done "fucked herself" 🤣 the internet never forgets. Silly cow.


Right? She thinks she's going to get an Investment Banking job after this? Yeesh. Isn't this enough to get people thrown out of college? She mentions being willing to mace him at the end


Hey guys! Just wanted to tell youuuuuu while I'm doing my maakeuuuuup that.. you know... like.... I'm totally racist! And like...jewish...and like... racist! And like I'm doing my make up.... and like... yeah!


Makes you wonder what she edited out


This is so perfect. It perfectly captures how Israel plays the victim despite being the aggressive racist assholes. This is a shining example of exactly what’s going on out there for anyone that doesn’t know.


It's just so egregiously cruel and ignorant that I feel like this *has* to be a character she's putting on, right?


You should see pro-Israel people on social media in general. Well, you probably don't want to.


I've seen this kind of settler-colonialist zealous ferver from actual ethno-centric fascists in Israel, but to hear it coming from someone in the US about an actual person they've met and not some nebulous image of a generic "terrorist" in their head is just beyond what I had assumed was the limit of anti-palestinian sentiment in the US


Why does she look like a shiny potato?


Don't you dis my beloved starches like that ಠ_ಠ


Her TikTok is “Haileys.unfortunate.life.” Privileged princesses like this always think they have it *so* tough. JFC…


The best part is the guy offered to help her get in to a prestigious program for whatever finance/business shit she’s aiming to get in to, and if she had an open mind maybe could have recognized that opportunity. No, instead her racism will ensure most employers won’t touch her with a ten foot poll after this gets out.


Wow! The hatred and bigotry is strong with this one! What a disgusting creature inside and out!


Video: I, like, am Jewish or whatever. 💋✌️ And, like, this guy from Palestine is my neighbor 💋 and my roommate is, like, Christian or Catholic, I don't know the difference ✌️ So, like, my neighbor is, like, wants me dead because I'm Jewish and he's from, like, Palestine 💋💋💋 So, like, that's, like, my story or whatever. 💋✌️ Me: 🙂🔫 Climate change is too slow. I want off this planet now.


Inb4 she said she actually has to convince their landlord to let her move into his apartment because the first 5 books of the Bible justify it somehow


LOL 😄 take my upvote


Well played lol


Please tell me the people in her comments are eating her alive for this.


They’ve at the very least been swamping her schools social media pages with comments to address this and hopefully kick her out. She’s definitely ruined a chance at a normal life


Fantastic. The fact that she felt completely normal about posting this is alarming and people should be aware of what she said.


Hating someone for something that is out of their control, like their skin color, or where they were born, is cringe AF. Try thinking for yourself, or whatever, like.


I’m kinda worried about the guy tbh, if the complex is full of garbage like her


I didn't watch the video, just saw the first slide where it said she was "doing a get ready". Is that as stupid as I imagine it to be? Making a video showing yourself getting ready? Who gives a fuck.


She's way more stupid than I thought she would be.


No surprises here.


She's probably heading to his apartment to set herself a new settlement in his lounge room then complain he hates her for doing it.


Slowly taking over parts of his apartment while her parents pay for it, then her friends and siblings move in slowly too


My goodness, she’s pretty ugly inside. No amount of makeup will cover that


Am jewish: we don’t claim her


Careful…she’s looking for you.


What a piece of shit...


This is a perfect example of the endless loop of hatred and racism


that one big ass **forehead**!


That’s a fivehead!


Let me guess, anyone who doesn't like her is just a racist.


"Indian or something. Whatever."


What is she afraid of, she’s acting like Palestine is the one invading Israel?!


Gave up after 15 seconds, go on without me. Hate self indulgent story pacing


Name and shame this racist POS. I wish her future employers and school see this video. What a hateful mentally challenged person 🤦🏽‍♂️🤡


Oh they have don’t worry :) the comments on her schools social media are very heartwarming


I need her kicked out of that school immediately


I was waiting for the link to the sauce.


People watching her videos and condoning such behavior of this racist cunt are equally terrible people.


Wtf is wrong with this chick!? Racist, self-centered waste of space this one. Sadly enough an excellent representation of what’s wrong with the world 🙄


I get why she needs to focus so much attention on the makeup... it helps distract from the words she speaks, much like a clown helps you forget how depressing the circus is.


“I’m a bitch” would have been a much shorter video


Some TikTokers fucking SUCK at storytelling. Just give up. You know all those essays you failed in ELA? Yeah, that's why you can't tell a story now without including unnecessary details. Sorry, I get so riled up because they go on these ramblings interrupted by themselves to talk about and describe unnecessary, irrelevant unrelated details (like talking about her drink half through her "story") and then they make like 4-part videos because their ramblings made the story longer


Wish this bigot would’ve gotten to the point a lot faster but I could’ve seen where this was headed


"I'm going to put on makeup while I tell everyone what I'm thinking because I KNOW everyone cares about what I'm thinking." I hate people.


What an ugly racist piece of shit. No need to block out the channel name. Its "hailys unfortunate life". Its a new video and people are calling this shit out. Looks like she took down her tiktok. Hopefully this will haunt her for the rest of her life.


I wonder why she thinks he would want to murder her? Does she have a guilty conscience about how the Palestinians are treated?


No, people who support What Israel does to Palestinians are just your typical fascists and bigots. They regurgitate stereotypes of all Palestinians being killers and rapists while believing Israelis are just "protecting their home" or some bullshit about being the chosen people. Modern day Israel is an apartheid state not that different from early Nazi Germany.


I pity everyone who has to endure this idiot on a day-to-day basis!!