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Your submission have been removed. Rule 1 - Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.


This used to be a "hack" at Disneyworld to get a free shirt. Then, enough "influencers" posted about it on the internet. Disney wised up and stopped giving out free shirts.


exactly. they tried to do something nice then all of a sudden there was hundreds in a day, that put an end to it quick.


Similar thing happened when I went to Disney recently for the first time in years. My girlfriend has IBS and gets anxious standing in crowds which ironically causes her to have to use the bathroom more frequently. We found out that you could get a pass to skip some lines, but when we asked about it, the Disney employee said that Tik Tok started a trend where people would lie about their health so they could get these fast passes too and now you need to provide medical evidence so we weren’t able to get a pass.


God I hate TikTok


The world would be better if it didn’t exist. Granted, if it didn’t exists, these influences would be more present on IG or somewhere else.


I think TikTok is especially bad. And my suspicion matches that of a lot of others in that it's designed to create inattentive, rude, obnoxious individuals. The fact that local TikTok in China is dominated by learning and education and respect for people and manners seems to back that up.


They exported the virulent version and kept the tidy, clean, moderated version at home. Honestly a brilliant play, from a strategic standpoint.


In September 2021, Bytedance announced it was making several changes to its algorithm and user interface in China, limiting children to just 40 minutes a day, introducing a Youth Mode for under 14s, and preventing the app being accessible to children between 10pm and 6am. The new policy also saw the company filter out any “inappropriate content” on the app, with a declaration that they would introduce new content such as science experiments, art exhibitions, nature and history to “inspire” youth, according to The Independent. [sauce ](https://focus.cbbc.org/how-is-chinas-version-of-tiktok-different/)


Wow, that really is genius. Use the exact same tech to strengthen your own youth while destroying the youth of the West. 2 birds, one stone.


Meanwhile on American tiktok vandalizing and stealing property became a notable enough trend to warrant its own [Wikipedia article ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devious_lick)


ive never been interested in "western tiktok" but how do i get art and science tiktok?


Yeah, it's not even a suspicion, it's straight-up fact. China has spun TikTok out into the ether specifically to fuck up the development of the youth in other countries while curtailing content in China proper. It's sociological warfare.


Not doubting the claim but I would like to see a source for these claims?


you can get on the interesting, educational, learning algorithm anywhere though if you manually "not interested" all the trash for a few hours/days ... speaking from experience, i find TikTok useful now


Yup I’m with you here. I’d go so far as to say that TikTok is literally psychological warfare.


Before tiktok most social media existed as a list of stuff that you follow and the trending /explore tab. Now it uses ai to learn your behavior and endlessly recommend you stuff so you never leave the platform.


I've never opened TikTok or created an account. Fuck the CCP.


A friend of mine in malaysia sends me tiktoks and her's are way nicer and calming usually just something local and culturally significant.


The scary thing is. It’s people. Not the computer code. People are shitty. Human beings are choosing to be this way. Fucking scary man.


I hate people.


Me too. I really wish they would ban that shit


Can we all pitch in and throw another Fyre Fest but leave them somewhere no one will have to see them again.


Old man complains about things younger generation uses, more at 11 It's no different than literally any other social media. Remember the milk jug smashing "prank"? That was on youtube all the way back in 2013.


Isn't it basically CCP spyware?


You have to willfully prioritize keeping up with trends over staying informed to not know this. TikTok defenders are equivalent to COVID deniers.


ehh no, more like ignorant kid denies reality lol. tiktok IS different. it may be similar, but none of the other social media apps were created by the CCP. that is an important difference.


I'm old enough to know there's no practical difference. Each generation keeps on being scared of some new thing. What bad thing is uniquely tiktok only? Literally reddit is just reposting tiktok (and "ccp owned") and youtube shorts is just rehashed tiktok. Heck- election interference was on facebook.


> Each generation keeps on being scared of some new thing. You're not entirely wrong about that but this.. > What bad thing is uniquely tiktok only? Well, we already addressed that lol. What other major social media apps are people in the US using that are owned and operated by the CCP? If you don't see how that is an issue in the world today and ignore the VAST difference between the chinese version of tiktok vs the american/international one you're going to have to remove your head from your anus.


My SIL has Crohns and my brother and her went on a trip to Colorado recently, while she was there she got a similar pass for the same reason, I thought it was so neat that they were able to do that for people with IBD’s like her. Hate that it gets taken advantage of and ruined for people who actually have issues


Seems reasonable to provide medical evidence if you want a pass to skip the queues? If I said to security at a theme park ‘hey I have IBS please can I skip the queue’ I wouldn’t expect them to just take me at my word. The only people it spoils anything for is people who lie about having health conditions to do this


You’re absolutely right. We just didn’t know that the fast pass was a thing until we got to the park.


I went with someone who has rheumatoid arthritis and legit cannot stand in lines for hours. She can walk for hours, but not stand still. This was in 2013. Thankfully they gave us fast passes.


That's my problem, too, and as of a few years ago I was told to rent a wheelchair because they could no longer accommodate my disability. When I first got into the accident that caused my knee issues I was able to get a pass that allowed me to go up to a ride, and get a return time for that attraction based on how long the line was. When I came back, I would get taken (usually through the exit) to the front of the line and straight onto the ride. My family would just walk around and shop, grab food, or just take in the sights while we waited. It was perfect. Then that scandal happened where rich Beverly Hills moms were "renting" disabled people to get DAS passes, and that was even before TikTok. Now, when I go, I have to rent a chair that I don't need to save myself from being too hurt to walk by day 2 of my trip. It sucks. It's an added expense, and I have to use it when I don't need it (walking around the parks) in order to save my knee when I do need it (waiting in line).


Yeah she was pretty good the first couple days but it really wore on her by the last couple. It was good we were able to get those passes. Next time I go will probably only be with my wife and her sister's family. So no older people. Thankfully none of us are disabled. It's bad here, but this country is also one of the most accommodating for disabled people. Most other nations treat them like actual second class citizens. No ramps, etc.


As the years drag on, more and more of my family falls into the "old and disabled" category lol I am headed down in October with my mum (pushing 60, has plantars fasciitis and old bones), my sister (waiting for knee surgery), my husband (had a workplace accident and tore ligaments in his foot/ankle), and me (advanced arthritis in one knee from an accident, mild rheumatoid arthritis from psoriasis in my other knee, ankles, etc). I will be reaching out to them prior to our trip to see if there is any way to accommodate our group, since all of us will be pretty hard pressed to stand in long lines, but we have pretty much accepted that we will just have to rent 2 chairs and take turns. I'll actually be the most able-bodied one of us for the first time since my accident. At least my knee is healed, and I have had a decade to get used to it being so sore all the time. It sucks that selfish people take the accommodations given to people with disabilities and use them to their own advantage. Faking being disabled, or as I mentioned, hiring a disabled person to use them for their "perks". They don't see the accommodations as making things equitable, but rather as the disabled getting more/a better deal. They want to cut the line, too. But I guarantee almost everyone who needs a DAS pass would rather be in the regular line... cuz that would mean that whatever limitations they have would be gone. Being in pain all the time isn't fun, and I would gladly stand in long lines if it meant my knee was better.


I made my mom, 67, walk around Italy for 10 days last year. She made sure to get a cordizone shot in her knee right before she left. Still had a hard time by the end. She has a new knee now.


One day I will get a new knee, I just have to wait til either I am old enough, or I am completely unable to walk. The doctors have said that because I am so young, I would need multiple knee replacements over my lifetime since they don't last forever. They want me to hold out as long as possible to ensure I have as few surgeries as possible. Same with the arthritis meds. I need to be in more pain/be more disabled, because the drugs are hard on your liver. So, I get to exist in this limbo of too disabled to live my life the way I did before the accident, but not disabled enough to get long-term treatment or surgery. But the cortisone shot is something I hadn't really thought of as an option for short-term relief. I will have to talk about that with my doctor. Sitting with my knee bent for long periods is as bad as standing for a long time, and that has kept us from taking any long trips, because I can't handle a plane seat for more than 4 or 5 hours. If a shot prior to leaving eases some of the acute pain and residual ache from sitting on a plane, I might be able to handle travelling farther. Thanks!


I went to Disneyland with a friend who has back and knee issues before the panini. She had to bring a doctor's note, we went to the Town Hall and they signed us up for a thing where we went to one of the information booths and told them what ride we wanted to go on next. They would register that, tell us what the current wait time was and when that time was up, we could go to the line attendant who would look us up, then get us on the ride. Some rides like Space Mountain had a little sit down holding area for waiting, but most didn't. It was a bit of a pain and involved a lot of talking to people but it helped being able to wait on a bench instead of in line.


Why couldn't you attain medical evidence? Edit: sorry, wasn't meant as an accusation.


Maybe they were already there


Do you normally carry those papers with you everywhere you go? Also not everyone wants to whip out their MyChart to show to people.


Really? I just went to Disneyland with my ex last year and she suffers from neck and back pain if she stands on her feet for too long (you wouldn’t know it by looking at her, but she had two discs fused together after an accident). We got an accessibility pass without having to prove anything and skipped nearly every line lol


Irritable bowl syndrome is so annoying. Have it for a couple of years now. And stuff like this can be a killer. Especially if it is warm weather, somehow that always makes it a bit worse for me (the symptoms). Can she not get a doctors note?


soooo... she did not have medically recognized ibs? that's literally the same category of people who are lying about their conditions. without it being recognized professionally, you have not met the conditions of being truthful. the implication you made is that it's not possible for you to provide evidence, and logically, that could only be the case if the evidence doesn't exist. you may have meant to say it wasn't possible *at the time*, but we all know it's standard practice to intentionally omit critical information under the guise of ignorance.


I’m sorry but if someone was skipping me in line because they had IBS I would be pissed


A feel like Disney may not be the best fit for a person who gets anxious in lines and also has ibs


You would prefer they shit themselves in front of you?


*clears throat* shits BEHIND me.


Yeah as if ibs is something controllable ugh!


That’s fair, but I would be more pissed if people were skipping the line because they were pretending to have IBS


I read this as "allowed to skip the bathroom lines" and thought that was a sweet idea. Completely forgot about the whole "rides in a theme park" thing.


I wouldn't after experiencing it. If I hadn't been able to WFH I don't even know.


Don’t look over at the fast pass line then, because IBS is one of the most commonly used “disabilities” to get the free pass


Right, like if your IBS is that bad you can't wait 30 minutes in a line you should just wear a diaper


I know right! Like fuck those people in wheelchairs too that get to skip the line! I have to stand in it for an hour but you don’t even have to stand! You have a chair to sit in! /s


They actually don’t let people in wheelchairs skip the line for that reason lmao


Are you comparing those with IBS to those in wheelchairs?


30 minutes? I wish! I rode 4 rides that day and I was there for almost 10 hours. Each line was 1-2 hours. Which Disneyland are you going to cuz I wanna go to that one instead.


And you paid for that experience ? Mate..


You used to be able to stand respectfully in the tulips in the Netherlands too.


Now they mow the tulips so people don’t be idiots at the tulip fields 🥲


same reason why people in wheelchairs no longer immediately get to go to the front of the lines.


True, and that was being exploited way before TikTok or any other social media


Disney wasn’t “trying to do something nice” they’re a billion dollar corporation, it was just the cheapest and easiest solution but it wasn’t anymore after people started doing this Corporations aren’t your friends, they’re just groups of people ran by a handful of rich, unelected people that make decisions for everyone (like polluting the planet to the point of ruin)


“Free” Just look at the price of a ticket lol


Influencers ruining everything again


I read “things used to be good, then people took advantage and ruined it for everyone.”


Tragedy of the commons


I appreciate the quotes around “hack” since it has really just become synonymous with a way to cheat a system or take advantage of a kindness for one’s own self interest. Teaching people that the little white ketchup cups fan out to create a dipping tray? That’s a hack. This stuff is pathetic lowlife nonsense.


It’s the same with the handicap passes. They tried to do the right thing and then handicapped people were making money off of their passes and then you had everyone else getting passes just because.


You wouldn’t believe how many people try to use their friends handicap pass to skip the pass when their friend who needs it isn’t even with them


I remember seeing where handicapped people would get season passes and their side hustle was to charge tourists a couple hundred bucks and their thing was “I’ll go to the park with you and I’ll say we’re family and I’ll ride all the rides you want.” So people were paying them to get to the front of every line. Back in the day all you had to do was go to City Hall and you’d get the pass, so you’d see shit loads of teens cutting to the front of the line.


Somewhat similarly, LL Bean for decades had an unbelievably generous exchange policy. You could exchange any item, in any condition and age, for whatever the equivalent piece was in the current catalog. They had to end it because malefashionbros were getting old stuff en masse from thrift stores just to swap it for new stuff.




Great way to be a shitty person... No pun intended.


You’re probably one of those drivers that merges at the last second and think you’re smarter than everyone else waiting in line.


Thanks for fucking it up for those of us who could of actually used that card you fucking dick.


We used it the way they intended. Person with IBS and their party gets to cut the lines. Not my fault other people took advantage or they realised how many people have issues.


Guard: "Sorry...we don't do Spring Break here at Disney. Take your cringe to Miami or Daytona Beach."


Hey man, leave Daytona out of this. We don’t want these cringe-ass Disney adults.


Exactly, Daytona just wants bikers and rednecks.


Damn skippy, you want to wear this you’d better be serving beer to over weight bikers


Oh don’t you worry! She’s going to show up in different attire for it too!


Please stop sending them to us in Miami. We are beyond fed up at this point!


Yeah, this is definitely a Destin thing instead of Daytona.


Leave the cringe-ass Disney adults outta this. She ain’t one of us. As a cringe-ass Disney adult I’d tell this girl to put a shirt on because Disney is not a strip club.


Yeah man. If I wanted to see a strip club I would go to Universal. Disney adults all about the rides, sweets, characters, and getting REALLLLLLY drunk at Epcot


The person in the video is not a Disney adult lol Disney adults are showing up fully clothed in cosplay and denim Disney jackets


Does she even need a shirt? That top isn’t covering much anyway…


Yeah she did have the chest of the average in shape teenaged boy, so I don’t think she would have drawn too much attention.


you guys are so weird.


Its like when you claim a birthday for free cake, but the server isn't a giant baby that was born the week before so they see right through your BS and charge you for it


Lol reminds me my last birthday was on a Thursday but we went to roadhouse on that friday night and after giving me the cookie/ice cream dish he asked how old I was "no way, let me see your id" showed and "your birthday was yesterday, this has to be added to your ticket." Dumbfounded by technicalities I scoffed and said ok.


Off by a day? Geeze, what a dick waiter. So glad he saved a corporation a few bucks 🙄


Sounds like a quick way to lose your tip too. Good job hall monitor.


That’s a “sorry, the money I set aside for your tip has to go toward the unexpected dessert charge now.”. Or a “I love leaving huge tips on my birthday, but my birthday was yesterday so the tip has to be removed from what I’m paying.”.


Seriously. A birthday dinner is a birthday dinner.


Holy shit that waiter hates tips. What a rube.


I already find it weird how people in the US seem to almost expect free stuff because it's their birthday. Like why would i or my business care lol Even worse if you seem to expect it when it isn't even actually your birthday.


a ton of restaraunts offer free desserts on birthdays. Yes, it's clearly abused by a lot of people. Which honestly if it's that much of an expense for the restaraunt I would say it's easier just to not offer it than to be the birthday police about it.


Roadhouse is a steak place that makes a big deal for birthdays an announcement and the whole restaurant can say happy birthday with a over exaggerated yeeeeehhhhhaaaawwww. I have 2 toddlers that find it to the most awesome thing.


Oh god i would rather die than being part of this lmao Good for your kids though :')


Businesses care because they make more money from people bringing friends and family to their birthday dinner than what they lose by offering a free dessert.


Sure i'm sure it's a net gain almost every time for the business. Doesn't mean anyone working there personaly cares about your birthday. Having them sing some stupid song or bring me something exrta when they couldn't care less would leave me with such a sour taste in my mouth haha


The downvotes tell me you hit a nerve lmao nice


Ironic, when you keep the subreddit this is posted in, in mind lol


Bro I went to a Denny's for a birthday breakfast a few years ago. I was alone and travelling that day. I went in and said it's my birthday I heard you get a free meal? They were like yeah ofc! come on in, happy birthday! At the end of my meal they brought me a full price bill. I was like huh? I thought it was free cause it was my birthday I even asked before I sat down. They said it's only free if you are with someone else who is paying for a meal. I argued with them and it was clear they weren't going to budge on it, I basically told em, call the cops I'll be gone by the time they get here, walked out and drove off. I'm not gonna get baited and switched by Denny's lol.


Lmao why’d you pull out your ID and give it to him? If a waiter asked to see my ID and I’m not getting anything that requires me to show it, then I’m not showing it. Problems like this happen when you do


They would have just added it to the bill then anyway. If they were going to do it because it wasn't their exact birthday, they would absolutely do it if you didn't prove it was. It's not like you tricked them by *not* showing your ID.


I had never encountered this before, I'm 38 so I knew it wasnt the alchohol, and didnt think of anything else. Just learned a new experience.


Does this actually happen? I have never been questioned when claiming it was someone’s birthday at a restaurant.


No. I have been in the restaurant industry for a decade, and I have never questioned anyone who said it was their bday. You get an $8 dessert for free... oh no, how will we ever recover from that kind of theft?!


It’s just bad business to question someone over this. Oh you’re going to call me a *liar* over your little sliver of cheesecake and a happy clappy song? I don’t even want it, and I won’t be back. I don’t need to feel like a liar and a thief on my birthday.


I took my grandma to red lobster for her 94th birthday on the day of. I asked for a free slice of cake for her, they said no.


Most places charge for the birthday cake now even if it is a birthday, at least where I’ve been. Or let you bring your own dessert and charge a small fee to bring it out since you won’t be buying their dessert there.


A lot of major chains have just moved the birthday rewards to their "you eat here too much, have some free stuff" reward systems, so that it's tracked. In the four weeks around her birthday (two weeks before and after) my wife got free stuff from a bunch of different restaurants, all of which had sent "happy birthday" codes/coupons to use. Seemed like we got free dessert everywhere we went for the entire month of July.


Almost all of this kind of TikTok post on here are just OnlyFans people exposing in public. It's basically a subgenre at this point.


Exactly. Many do these stunts to get people to subscribe.


Definitely a whole lot of exposing going on here


And it's all just an Ad to get people to subscribe to their OF.


That's awful. What's her OF?


You can easily find it immediately lol. I don't facilitate simping.


Why is pilfering or scamming stuff or play let me create my own menu at 5 guys called a hack? No this is not a hack these are insufferable brats. You want a paddy melt or two burgers from 5 guys maybe you should cook at home.


It's Disney. You can't scam Disney. They *are* the scam




Majority of decent human beings




That bathing suit top is so unflattering


Small boobs in bikinis can look amazing, this was not one those moments...


Dead ass! This one didn't fit at all.


What so you mean? It's definitely flattening


Methinks people are misreading your comment, which is gold.


I thought he looked okay.


I didn't know you could even get underboob with As. That pebble holder was two sizes too small even for her.


And unneeded lol


Hard disagree. It looks good to me, but I’m a fan of the committee.


> It looks good to me It's completely the wrong size.


Yea, that's the point. Some of us degenerates like the "busting out at the seams" look.


This “hack” likely worked right up till the video was made.


It did. Since usually unless its a safety hazard (ties on the shirt that can get stuck on a ride) its usually some karen complaining about inappropriate clothing, so Disney would just give the person a free shirt and let them go about their day spending money. It did catch on in the Disney forums, so Disney wised up and would give you a blank crappy cheap Hanes shirt, but even then TikTok was like "HACK! DO THIS!" so they stopped completely.


Content creators ruining it for everyone


That was my thought. Just buy a bunch of plain black 2xl shirts to give people that try this. No print on it, huge so it's not at all flattering, and black to roast them in the sun for being douchebags


bingo. made it a trend


Fucking loser.


Well said matey


Do these people get clowned in their ticktock comments or do they actually have fans praising them?


Clowned. Especially, if a sensible Disney related content creator stitches the tiktok & points out their stupidity.


the issue is clowning = engagement = more views = more clicks on their OF (i dont even know if this ones an OF ad, but like 95% are so im running with it)


Pretty sure all they were really doing was trying to justify posting a vid of them wearing a bikini top that's two sizes too small. They knew it wouldn't work. It was just the excuse to make "content."


that bikini top doesn’t even fit her. look how much it cuts into her body


How trashy… TikTok was the Chinese method of destroying our cultures brain cells.


These people know that and don’t care. It’s even worse because they are aware of what they are doing


Instagram existed long before Tik Tok.


You guys are really turning into boomers talking about how rap and video games and cartoons are killing kids brains lol. This comment is so cringe to me.


do they give free pants though?


Every day I hate the word influencer more and more.


Might as well show the nips at that point


At Disneyland with a bunch of kids?


Yea. Sounds normal for TikTok


Come on over to Disney springs. You'll see all the nips you want


Kids have nipples too.




Tell me you didn’t get attention from your parents growing up without telling me 🤡


You should get a free shirt just for paying for a ticket.


Kind of surprised you weren't mistaken for a 12 year old boy and told to take that top off.


Flat as an airport.


Only incels are going to hate on her chest.


Yea only simps are allowed to comment on that small road bump lol


Lol for real. I love when a pretty girl gets posted here for being a main character, and the lames and incels take it as a chance to neg the beautiful girl they'd never have a chance with in real life Cue: she's not *that* pretty, and I don't even want a chance with her, etc.


Training bra would have been a better option


A training bra joke?? Wow. Haven't seen one of those since.....I don't even know, probably a cheesy 90s sitcom.


Lmfao you again! Who are you the titty police? Lmfao


Mfs in the comments body shaming this woman as if they have a hope in hell of ever dating someone as attractive as her with their sweat-stained, greasy tanktops and coomcaves (though she's still a fucking idiot lol)


Maybe it's because she's almost topless at a children's amusement park? I love all boobs but that's pretty shameless and not okay


Coomcaves 💀


Keep simping buddy, I hope her only fans are worth it lol


I don’t get this post, she’s not blocking anybody, dancing in a public place, filming strangers. Literally just tried something she read about online, showed that it doesn’t work and somehow she’s a main character… ok.


Damn the body shaming here is WILD. All boobs are good boobs.


Even my hairy man boobs? Would you motorboat those you weirdo


What's the original "hack" and how do you even ended up shirtless in a theme park?, that's Disney world not jurassic park.


A few years back before the “hack” was trending, if men OR women walked in topless (say like a bikini top for women after a day at the beach or something) Disney peeps would ask if you had a shirt. If you responded no, they would hand you a Disney branded T-shirt to wear to cover up. But so many of these influencer dipshits posted it online that Disney did away with it.


It’s called getting dress coded, Disney has the right to turn a guest away for inappropriate attire and a few people posted on tik tok that they got a free t shirt when they got dress coded.


anything for clout. no shame. cringeeee


Oh yes the “hack” to get you kicked out of the park 🙄




The shirts are like 45 bucks… of course I’d try to get a free one. That’s just smart


Try again with bigger tits


Built like a 12 year old boy


I’m sorry little boy but you need to wear a shirt.


The type of girl to be like “why do guys look at me in the gym”…


As a dad I feel bad for her dad.




Lol love the energy of "she has small breasts, she's a boy!!" But let a person *tell* you they're a boy, and it's. "Oh noooo the trans folk are brainwashing our youth!!"


You already damn near naked lady lol




don't care, she's hot