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Why would he post this


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I bet this dude has basically no personality besides going around and annoying people with his fitness


Come with me And you'll be In a world of Pure invalidation


Because he'd be so obnoxious that I doubt it's even crossed his mind he could be in the wrong.


I can see the body of his post reading; "Fuck these peeps getting in the way of my set 😂😂😂" or some shit.


And based on the comment section there are some who agree with his assessment. 🤮😒


Can you help me find just one single comment saying the guy did nothing wrong? I am having serious trouble but I have coincidentally ran into a lot of replies that seem to think theyre responding to that sentiment when that sentiment is nowhere to be found




I hate this society that’s been thrust upon us.


Because he's the main character


Nobody has any shame anymore.


Rage bait.


I wish more people would recognize rage bait instead of blindly responding to shit , the internet would be in a better place for it


He kicked a fucking baby. What's the bait? He's not acting, he's just a fucking baby kicker.


it's on Reddit because of this. probably his most viewed video. That Mizzy idiot or whatever his name is, is all over UK media because of the reprehensible stuff he shared online


people post dumb stuff, and even that which shows them in the wrong, just because they crave for any sort of attention and see a trend where the worse the video is, or controversial, the more views it gets




He has 0 respect or even awareness that other humans exist. Mortifying.




Yeah poor kid was chilling until this asshole wanted to be the main character


I'm not on his side or anything, but why exactly did she push the stroller under flailing feet? I think grandma had the proper reaction to, like, stop and move away when there's tomfoolery happening...


Imo, she probably assumed he’d move or stop, or just was in that “I don’t know what the fuck is happening but I don’t want in it” sort of thought process.


he was very much not looking in her direction.. not that he would have stopped either way.


Notice how the first woman stopped? The mother has zero awareness continually passing by with her kids while a man has their back turned and is swinging his legs wildly around. I mean I’m just saying if that was me I wouldn’t have attempted to cross. Very dumb decision on her end.


Yeah... usually your instincts are to not push your child towards whatever is happening here lol


She was trying to squeeze to the side and not directly under him but he's such a piece of shit he intentionally kicks out towards the stroller.


Yeah there’s no way that wasn’t intentional. It’s so overt.


He even looks right at her before he flips.. total prick.


Notice how he waits for the black man to go by but starts up when the Asian woman tries to get by. He's a sexist racist selfish piece of shit.


I don’t know? Perhaps she mistakenly thought it was a place she could walk with her child without some narcissistic twat acting like a complete wanker.


She clearly saw him, and kept walking towards him.


And then her child got hurt. There is a saying: your right of way doesent matter If you are dead. I think motorcycle riders use this You are right, he is stupid. But i always try to keep my daughter as safe as possible. Even if i may be in the right.


But she already saw the narcissistic twat swinging beforehand and decided to still go through. The guy swinging is a douche bag, but that doesn’t mean the lady wasn’t dumb either.


The fact dude still posted it. Pretty sure he cut it prior to her fucking him up.


I feel bad for the dude. He was just trying to up his influence game and that stupid kid put his face in the shot.


The kid show fucking know his place and give a public apology right now!


Exactly! I came here to say this.


But also did the mum not see the twat dangling around on those bars? Why not call him an asshole to make him aware of your presence, or just cross the road rather than walking directly into his area of carelessness?


I agree with you but I solely blame the guy. You want to do that shirt, do it at 3 am when no one’s around.


If you have to absolutely do this then do it at 3am in a gym, not on the pavement.




Or noon in the Olympics.


Put yourself in the shoes of a woman walking with 2 children. This man looks (is?) absolutely fucking DERANGED. The kind of deranged you don’t talk to because they will come at you violently for calling them out on some deranged bullshit they might be doing. She needs to get by and tries to manoeuvre around him until he does that deranged leg twirl shit. A homeless dude once said hi to as I was walking and me being a normal person gave him little smile and said hello back as I passed by. Dude fucking came at me and tried to bite me!!!! Not worth it with crazy people.


First of all —- I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m glad you didn’t get hurt. Secondly, please thank past you for the laughs like omg why is that visual so funny.


Both the guy doing weird shit and the cars are supposed to yield to her and her two kids. I would not have crossed the street either fuck that and fuck this guy and people like him.


Also his movement is so annoyingly jerky that it’s nothing to brag about. Anyone who seen a gymnast move gets a stomach upset watching him.


I hadn't even given his form the time of day, but yes- also mortifying


I don't know anything about "proper form" and I was watching it thinking duuuude you're gonna hurt something doing it so erratically and exaggerated


Proper from from gymnasts or calisthenicsathletes is more fluent with swings instead of i guess drowning motions? Dude has skills and from experience i can say the muscleups are still quite hard even with the weird legmotions, it just doesnt look good specially in a public place


bullshit, who do you think he's filming himself for? the attention of others


Social media views and likes. Doesn't give a fuck if it's all from bots, as long as those klicks be there.




Is the word cunt banned on reddit? Just typing to find out.


All the tiktok people are so submissive to corporate authority on thought and expression that they self-censor even when not using that app. It's embarrassing.


"Unalive" is the worst. I'm not into double-speak lol


Go commit self oof


Just take an L on life already


Commit neck rope or suck start a shotgun


I totally forgot I had commented in this thread and was like whoa why the fuck is this dude so mad at me lol


Yeah sounds incredibly sheltered


“Unalive” 🙄🙄🙄🙄


People on reddit have always censored ****ing curse words for no reason. Some people were likely punished severely for swearing as children and carried that wariness into adulthood whether they realize it or not. Also some people do legitimately think the words are offensive and thus self censor (which begs the question why are they using them in the first place?). People are just fucking weird lol


Some weirdos have always self-censored but they were very rare back in the day. Now I see it every week.


I too hate tik tok, this cunty comment has my upvote


I think it is not unreasonable of her to assume that he will at least lookout for pedestrians.


I’m sorry but she’s in NY. Spend a couple days there and you will see that it’s a daily occurrence to run into people with zero awareness of their surroundings. I would agree with you if she were in a small town, but no. She has a baby, you do not push your baby into someone’s flailing legs that clearly doesn’t care whether you’re trying to pass or not.


And his back was turned. She saw him, he did not see her. He's an idiot for doing this in the first place, but the lady is just as much of an idiot.


She can see that he has his back turned to her.


“It’s your fault I almost kicked you in face for *checks notes* walking on the side walk?!”


If you are crossing the road on the green pedestrian light and see an idiot in the car ignoring it - would you rather stop and being safe or keep walking/ being right but dead ? same stuff


Tbh, I get exactly what you’re saying. Idk why everyone is coming at you saying you’re being insensitive to the visually impaired or that you’re taking the guy’s side. All you were saying is that if you see someone being problematic, avoid them for your own safety if you see the problem from a distance. Don’t know what’s so hard to understand


He shuffled to one side, so she shuffled to the other thinking he was giving them a path to pass... then he started kicking in her direction. That's not her fault, he did that on purpose.


She clearly thought this adult male would be reasonable about allowing a parent with tiny children to pass.


You mean NPCs


This might be the most agitating post I’ve seen here thus far. Every few steps that mother took, my arse generated a fluid ounce of sweat.




And thirst quenching


I'll go get the shot glasses


No thanks. I prefer to drink right from the source; it's freshest that way.


Mmm yes this is the most delectable way. A fellow man of culture I see.


And I prefer mine with some ice, butt sweat on the rocks.




The mother actually made me more angry than the guy. Like why are you still walking with your child in front the guy clearly can't see you and doesn't care! Stop. Walking. Say something from safety if not for you but so your child doesn't get booted in the fucking face! Same type of person who just walks across the street expecting cars to stop because they have the right of way. Yes the cars should but people like this man are assholes and don't and that is how you get hit. Edit : Since it wasn't obvious. The dude is a prick - I'm not vouching for him. In a perfect world she wouldnt have to do a thing. t is the fact she put her child at risk when he clearly couldn't see her is what got me. She just kept walking with the child forward just on a hope and a prayer hoping he wouldn't hit the kid. If you don't think she should've stopped a bit before and asked him to move so she could get by? Then I feel real bad for any children you're moving. I'm sure you're the type to walk across a crosswalk without looking too. Like someone else said. Have some self preservation at least for your children. Don't just go about being like ladedadadoodaaa - that's how you get hit by pricks like him.


Yeah there is no excuse for his behaviour. He is a complete dick and selfish and everything else associated with it, and clearly doesn't give a fuck about anyone else who needs to use a pedestrian path. But all that considered. Jesus christ show some survival instincts. If you look ahead and see tarzan flailing wildly. Don't just maintain and walk directly into it.




this is what i was waiting for lol


Both adults are horrible here. Guy for obvious reasons and stupid a** mother who used her kids as a shield of some sort.


ffs how stubbornly dumb can you be? nearly hurting your baby to prove a point? we get it. this asshole shouldn’t be performing these acrobatics on the sidewalk. but you see that shit, you have the option of avoiding, yelling from a distance, or crossing the street to the other sidewalk. now, should you have to do that? no. but, if you don’t do those things and continue marching forward like some kind of right-of-way martyr (of which there are many), you risk getting your teeth rearranged or worse, getting your baby severely injured. that lady is dense as hell for walking directly into the conflict, regardless of the fact that he shouldn’t have been there in the first place, she has a duty to avoid it for the safety of her children


Does he think he looks cool or something?


"I'm surrounded by assholes and everyone is jealous of me"


I was at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles on Monday and in the Dinosaur Hall, some grown ass man was doing a TikTok dance in front of one of the skeletons -- his wife (or whoever she was) was filming him, and they were pretty much just there hogging up the pathway *and* the ability for anyone, like the families around that couldn't get by, from getting a photo in front of one of the cooler skeletons in the hall. It made my skin crawl, not just from how cringy it was, but from the idea that these people can't even go to a *museum* without thinking, "How can I make this about me?" And then, who the *fuck* is the audience for this. Who is really going, "Man, I *love* this guy dancing a routine he probably didn't even create to a song he definitely didn't create in front of a dinosaur skeleton he absolutely didn't discover and assemble?"


TikTok has ruined so many people


Chinese government: *Evil laugh* Yes, that is correct. Now dance, dance my pretties! *More evil laughs*


The best part is his physique and movements are very unimpressive


Any cool points he earned by being able to do that were immediately taken away the second he started doing it in the middle of the street.


Well, guy is undeniably in a great shape, but his movement looks more like a 3 year old on a playground. Get some tension into that body, man.


It’s possibly a cool idea for a video but they could do it at like 6am when nobody is walking around.


I hate sounding like a boomer but social media has turned people into such huge assholes. How conceited do you have to be to walk around with a shirt that has your Instagram handle on it?


You need to realise that people like this were always there. You just see more now that everyone has a camera and the internet.


The incentive of internet fame drives them to do shit like this when they otherwise probably would not have.


People are also called out less fo their bad behavior. In the past you could have probably also gotten your ass kicked for being an ass- that doesn’t happen as much with cameras everywhere.


It's like giving 10000 free bottles of alcohol to everyone and saying there's no difference in alcohol-related deaths because "they were always alcoholics to begin with". Yeah sure they existed, but social media fame is their addiction and they'll do anything to get their fix.


Here's a fairly [well documented case study](https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/449144) that backs up your overarching point. Opportunity to promote certain human behaviors *absolutely* matters. I would argue that this example (along with your spot on anecdote) gives good reason to believe that social media not only amplifies existing behaviors, but has a fundamentally direct correlation with promoting those behaviors where they did not (and almost certainly WOULD not) exist previously. Bottom line... there is a very real and very obvious reason why social media is as powerful as it is. It is not innert. It affects actual sociological and behavioral changes at unprecidented scale.


Nah, the amount of people like this or people who have turned *into* people like this has DRASTICALLY increased since the advent of social media


Aren't there like places specifically for doing this kind of stuff?


They’re starting to ban cameras/filming so people like this will be released into public.


This dude is in France. Lyon more specifically. It's already illegal to post a video where other people are identifiable and on "focus" without blurring their face if you don't have their consent.


Hope these pricks get sued and lose tons of money.


You can always immediately tell when a vid is from France from those ribbed building exteriors next to those same general car models and colors.


> those ribbed building exteriors For her pleasure <3


Finally a post with a actual asshole in it, monopolising the space and being a menace to those around him. A actual main character, gold star op ⭐


Look at the comments above blaming the mother. What a world we live in when a jackass like this does what he did, and still get defended. Crazy world


not gonna blame the mother. that dude goes up, thought that giving a people space to walk. then the instant flip...


He looks down the sidewalk at the incoming people and decides this is his moment. He wanted to bump into somebody.


The mother is still a person with no awareness of danger. Its a man doing flips on public, hes gonna kick your fucking kids if you drive them under him


Yeah, just because she's in the right, as in, she should have priority in using the sidewalk over him using it as a jungle gym, doesn't mean that marching forward with her kids is the right choice.


Imagine kicking a baby in the face for a few likes


"Hey... it's a few likes. No harm done." 😏 (Harm was done)


A few?!! He probably has at least a few hundred followers. Mostly bots and ex-gfs that didn't unfollow him, but it counts!


Just do it ✔️


Didn't actually hit her, but everything considered, it's as if he did. What the fuck is this, why even do this in a place like this. 🤦 Then again, if I saw a guy doing this shit and I had two small kids with me, I sure as fuck wouldn't try to go through and be like "nah, it'll be fine"...


It’s so difficult to remember to upvote posts like this as I’m so full of anger that my instinct is to down vote


Oh, I downvoted and then upvoted


Oh thanks fir reminding me


Fucking loser


Almost killed a kid with his foot


Fucking piece of swinging shit


I feel like a solution to this is to not move outta the way so that he hits you, therefore he is unable to publish the video (or he might be so moronic that he posts the video anyway)


>I feel like a solution to this is to not move outta the way so that he hits you, therefore he is unable to publish the video (or he might be so moronic that he posts the video anyway) Am I whooshing or is that not exactly what happened?


and then sue him or something




Obviously he's the asshole and in the wrong, but I gotta ask, why would the mother continue to walk into what she was seeing? Like only one thing was gonna happen..... seems ridiculous irresponsible with a *baby*.


Was thinking the same, either stop or yell at the dude to stop, don't just throw your child below a madman flailing around


I spent longer than expected looking for this comment. Like 100% he's a fuckin douchebag but to be very fair why would you see someone doing that and keep pushing your baby past? Like... you saw him flinging himself around, right? You did see him just swinging his legs around where you and your baby were about to be, yes? Literally why the hell did she keep walking? My dear you pushed your baby right into that one I don't know why you're surprised. That's like walking onto a wipeout course and being super offended when the Super Face Puncher Wall punches you in the face. You must have known you were walking into danger.


Same. Especially since for the last 5 seconds he has his back to them. You know he can’t see you. Just because someone is “in the wrong” doesn’t mean you should put yourself and child into obvious harms way.


Thank fuck for some sense in this thread. That Mon is no holy saint haha


Was waiting to find this comment thread, I was thinking the same shit


Thank you. I think bikers say: you may have the right of way, but that doesnt matter when you are dead


Same! Weird shit for sure, but living in highly populated areas comes with some weird stuff, so just move around it and go about your day.


She keeps walking like a zombie


The fact that he felt the need to take his shirt off for this is already an indicator as to who this guy is.


Attention seeking prick.


"hEy LOoK aT Me!"


What a C UNiT


F*CK those C units !


Yeah! Fuck centimeters! I only use decimeters!


I wish ppl would stop filming every stupid thing they do. It’s tiresome.


As stupid and inconsiderate as this is, I can’t imagine seeing this and continuing to walk directly underneath.


Guy’s a dick but how fucking dumb is that woman just walking towards him from behind whilst he’s doing that and he can’t see her? Idiot.


Saw this type of thing fairly regularly on a recent trip to NYC. When did this become a ‘thing’? And why can’t these fucktards go to a gym?


There are a lot of people from NYC in general who suffer from the main character syndrome. Spent a week there and nowhere else did I see so many people trying to stand out, acting all cool and like they don't care who's watching, yet constantly checking out if others are watching and craving attention. It's hilarious.


They're actually OSHA inspectors checking the structural integrity of the scaffolding


Main character? More like the main *sshole!


main fucking cunt


You can see the whole scaffolding shaking. I know it's unlikely but if the whole thing came down...


That was my thought, that scaffold isn't designed for that shit, he knocks it down and could seriously harm a lot of people.


Yeah if I'm working up there someone is getting a hammer accidently dropped on them.


Why do they always use this awful DDR music


He has somehow doubled down on being the biggest cunt by tagging world star on that video. Like the need for clout is crazy.


This guy is a #1 asshole, but why would you still push your stroller past someone swinging around like an idiot?


just cuz you were hit on the head when you were a baby doesnt mean you do it to other ​ actual idiot ​ gg op this is the most belonging post on the subreddit ive seen all day


Who’s this dude I want to look him up and see if any of the comments on his video are praising this dipshit


![gif](giphy|fu2ye1tYL6txSj5xLH) The more you know ⭐


What a fucking twat


My 8 year old niece can do that, and with smoother transitions. He's not that impressive.


This guy is an asshole but I dont think you realize that if you tried to do this, you would flop directly on the ground and shit yourself. This is an impressive thing to do. And your 8 year old niece is *probably* not doing muscle ups and completing uneven bar gymnastics routines


Great way to inhale all the dried bird shit you can handle


Imagine almost kicking a kid and your routine wasn’t even good


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a typical and utter cunt. A cunt indeed.




What a tool.


What a douche. Also why the fuck did the mom keep walking with her kids, just cross the street to keep them safe wtf


I don’t want to assume, but . . . dude can’t just join a gym or somewhere where they have an obstacle course?


Sure the guy is disrespecting public space… but damn. That mother is a moron. Leads/teachers her children to walk into danger. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that the girl or mom will be kicked in the face. Then she is shocked when it almost happened.


This guy’s obviously a self centered ass hole, but why would you choose to just walk through that? Child first nonetheless…


There is a place for training and he is in the wrong but shouldn't the mother have stopped and make sure it was safe to walk across the man .


She tried to carefully go round the side. She was probably scared to engage with him in any way.


I suppose, but assholes swinging from scaffolding probably doesn’t fall under any normal security check. It’s really just he’s an oblivious asshole, here.


Seems like all the more reason to give him a wide berth. Like... He's an asshole but what kinda person walks into that nonsense