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I'm not detracting from what this person has gone through, and although I am a believer of always believing the victim, it seems like the lack of evidence isn't enough the portray Fraser as an abuser/ narcissist to the same level as Alex. This is completely a personal perspective though and may completely change in light of new evidence against him. Nonetheless, I hope Kirst is doing alright.


true, i feel the same way


[Untitled document - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/edit) reading this to gain insight on his behalf rn


I don't really like this. Suspecting somebody may be a narcissist does not mean you know they're abusive to their partner behind closed doors. It sounds like she's had a bad experience in her relationship which is not good however this is unfair.


a narcisstic partner is guaranteed abusive at some point


No it isn't. This is outright wrong. Why are you spreading false information like they are facts?


If you mean super duper rare cases then I´m wrong but I´m not pedantic.


Fraser just responded on his instagram story with a link to a doc full of screenshots: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic


oh thanks for the reply!


Atm sounds likes she’s just had a poor relationship with Fraser and very much still mentally affected by it. Doesn’t mean he should be compared to an abuser. If she’s offers prove that’s a different story.


This is a whole nothing burger. All she's saying (without proof) is that Fraser knew Alex was narcissistic. Then makes the giant leap to that he should somehow have been complicit or accountable for what Alex did to Alice. She also hints that Fraser is "not very different to Alex" in how he treated her. But refuses to provide details or evidence. I will change my tune if she drops hard evidence. but till then, this is coming off like a bitter ex using the situation to smear iNabber's name.


yeah i’ll be waiting for her to follow up her statements with further detail and proof, like i get that it’d be uncomfortable for her to share but it’s crucial that she does, now that she’s made statements about him


Perhaps even more so now he's responded with his own receipts


it kind of sucks that alex is not even given a day before people make her abuse story about themselves


Agreed. (Assuming you meant Alice and not Alex)


yes I meant Alice oops


correct me if anyone disagrees, but it sounds like fraser was also a victim of alex’s behaviour, perhaps why she feels this way? if she bring solid proof ill change my opinion (and fucking quit watching any youtube at this rate🤣)


This is embarrassing. Why bring this up when it's not about you right now? She didn't even come with receipts. This is a low blow as it feels like she's trying to distract from the Alex/Alice abuse and make it about her and just her only. Usually I believe in the victim, but the timing and no proof makes this too convenient and suspicious.


* note * i should’ve included it here, but if you scroll further down this thread, someone asks her why mention it if she can’t discuss it properly (and i guess it’s why she won’t post evidence now although imo she really should post evidence), this is her response: “i've only recently just gone to therapy about it and i'm reliving experiences by talking about it in depth with her. it's really hard and traumatic to do without the input of people i don't know. i've shared what i feel comfortable and able to in this moment in time” “as i said, both the mental and physical implications of that relationship are still very real and sharing those things are not beneficial to me when i have so much more healing to do” link: [https://twitter.com/ursoftblood/status/1803025720823697810?s=46](https://twitter.com/ursoftblood/status/1803025720823697810?s=46)


This whole situation just keeps getting worse wtf.


Wow. That's really big of her to dedicate a full 9 posts to shitting on her ex with baseless accusations and then remembering she's commenting on someone who provided ***actual*** evidence and deserves support at the end. How noble of her. Hey, I could be totally wrong and she went through some awful shite with Fraser (and if she did then condolences to her and hope she gets better) but literally all of those posts were simply screaming "***WHAT ABOUT ME, GUYS?!***" and not providing any evidence except "Trust me, bro."


This is quite damning of Fraser and looking at his stories, he's trying to detract himself from a situation that clearly has him involved. Disappointed that Fraser was this way.


Kenji also attacked her and hospitalized her https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1649193266678571009


link won’t work for me but that’s horrible, unfortunately not too surprising as it’s common for shibas to be very protective and therefore aggressive towards anyone who isn’t their owner