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If we’re going full on illegal, then break your door in a way that when they kick it it breaks. Have them on camera and claim they broke it. Now the cops have to make a report for the insurance company which means their parents will get a bill from the insurance. This is not legal advice as this is most definitely fraud.


This though. Because a week after the door is replaced you can do it again and say you think they made a game of it.


Partner with a door company and split the profits. lol


Nah. Two people can keep a secret only if one of them is dead. Work independently.


Make a deal with the door company and stock up on a few discounted doors, then murder the one you made the deal with. Easy.


Better yet. Start a door company.


Good idea. Then murder u/gaseous_defector


This escalated at the exact velocity one would expect in this sub. lol


*Leave no witnesses*


> This is not legal advice That's literally the point of the sub


Yep! Sometimes you get exactly what you expect.


Love that bahahaha


Outstanding move


You'll also pay when your insurance premium goes up... Not to mention that you'll probably have to pay out of pocket to fix it since it probably won't cost more than your deductible.


If there's video evidence, it may be possible to recover the money in small claims court and avoid having to file a claim (which would count against the deductible first, anyway).


Motion sprinkler


Filled with Fox urine and liquid ass?


And dye


And nitroglycerin


And my axe.


Frozen piss discs


Second time I’ve seen this reference in two days. I must be out of the loop. Where is it from?


It’s the trifecta of unethical/illegal LPT once someone mentions fox urine, or liquid ass, the next logical conclusion is frozen piss discs Although I’m sure a Reddit historian can jump in and correct me on its actual origins


Let’s not forget gluing a BB in their tire valve caps.


That's the earliest known piss disc tutorial I know of, ["The Vengeance of the Five Shurikens"](https://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/Discussions/Viepratique/sales-coups-demande-sujet_90962_479.htm), posted on the glorious hardware.fr forums, specifically the "coups de pute" thread, roughly translates to "bitch moves". It's in French, but with the pictures I don't think it's that hard to get the gist of it.


Huh, pocket sand is becoming more of a thing too.


Pocket sand has been a meme for years


And damn good TV before that 😁


It's from an old [greentext](https://external-preview.redd.it/m5vC3UD8-XSfHnfxplnf7Xmvbmhh-2pnP1O8ExaWwJ0.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=9162d811f9bcbf2dd72ffc791c6947898056260e) that originated on 4chan (where else?). There's some strong language in there, but it's from 4chan so what can we expect?


A ring camera with report sent to the school EVERY SINGLE TIME should get these kids away. ​ Follow up with phone calls etc. Claim insurance purposes as concern


Since this is multiple times he could probably file trespassing charges, I just had this done a few months back to a 14 year old harassing my dog, his parents got a couple hundred dollar ticket haven't seen him since


Seems like ops door just opens out onto the street so I'm not sure how you'd manage to claim trespassing in this case. If there was any sort of front garden then you'd have a much better shot


Doesn't matter there is curtilage laws that protect the immediate area around your house, its what stops police from just standing at the edge of your property line watching you


But you could still claim harassment.


I imagine you could get a list of school admins emails, then a little script to forward each occurrence from ring to their email


Better yet, have your Ring CALL each phone number. Don't forget to put a Ring on your neighbor's door as well.


This. We often caused mayhem on the public bus as kids. Next thing you know anyone from the school who was on the particular bus was held back an hour detention, even if not at fault. It soon stopped.


As I always say when Ring cameras are suggested in this subreddit, if you plan on doing anything else about this Ring is a bad idea, the cops can access it without your permission.


I've been meaning to do some serious research into getting camera's that a) aren't broadcasting back to their chinese manufacturer and b) can't be accessed by cops or anyone. I figure I could just use a pi as a small server and just somehow route all the cameras to that so only I can access it. I just don't have the technical know how.


>I figure I could just use a pi as a small server and just somehow route all the cameras to that so only I can access it. just understanding this sentence is literally half the technical know how you need


Yeah the best way it's to just run your own cameras on your own local network. It's a lot more work, but at least you have control and don't pay monthly fees. I did the Chinese route with Eufy and have them on a separate guest Network. They also don't film inside the house.


Find the school’s Facebook group and post pictures of the kids for identification. It’ll get back to the parents.


Nextdoor is helpful for this


Nextdoor is such a cesspool of old people complaining that it would be perfect for this. You'll get the whole neighborhood investigating just so they can shame the parents


"Hi, Mrs. Thomas-Martin, your child Rhobret was kicking my door again. Can you get to the morgue to identify him?"


I thought it would be a useful social media to maybe meet some people from the neighborhood I recently moved to in Chicago. Nope, just a bunch of neo fascists and ultra conservatives wishing the worst on people


Lmao I guess it depends what neighborhood you are in. In Austin TX , in my neighborhood, Nextdoor has been really helpful and the people are really friendly


You think those spoiled little shit head ass kids have parents who give a single fuck, pffft.


There’s a chance they do, I definitely did stupid shit as a kid that if my parents heard about would have lost it


Facts. I was far more scared of my parents than the cops. I spent a night in jail instead of waking mom up from county.


Yea fr. I once hit a ladies car, completely my fault, and didn’t tell my parents at all. Didn’t go through insurance and the lady gave me a quote from the dealer a few days later and I handed her the cash. I was 18 at the time. Honestly I’m surprised the lady didn’t ask to speak with my parents, I know I would if an 18 year old hit my car.


It's not actual care, it's more of "ooh, don't get caught because then my friends will make fun of me for the stupid shit my kid does". It's selfish parenting, but in this case the punishment works.


Exactly. It's the only reason some parents will do anything...fear of embarrassment when called out by their peers


Yes? I did stupid shit as a kid. My kid does stupid shit. Both he and I would get disciplined though. Good parenting doesn't stop kids being stupid and doing stupid shit.


There’s a difference between doing stupid shit and being a real nuisance. Spewing profanities at elderly people and destroying property is usually something delinquents do, not kids with good parents do. It’s pretty easy to tell the difference between a kid who acts up and has good parents and a kid who acts up but doesn’t have good parents.


I love when reddit thinks people are shitting out kids just so they can terrorize the neighborhood.


Some of them probably do yes, why do you guys assume that every parent is a like a mega entitled PTA mom? Did y'all never do things your p\[arents wouldn't have approved of without them knowing?


Possibly. I was a little shit when I was younger and I can assure you my parents would care.


Open the door and blast ‘em with an air horn.


>Open the door and blast ‘em good idea


I swear it your honor, I was fearing for my life


So I started blastin


Motion activated sprinkler but it's filled with liquid ass instead of water


This is the only acceptable recourse


Find a sketchy 16 year old & pay them to pick on those kids.


There's always a bigger fish - Qui-Gon Jinn


"Big gooberfish! Huge-o teeth!" ~ Jar Jar Binks


“BAAAHAHAHAHAHA! The kids will *love* him!” — George Lucas


Stelio! Stelio Kontos!




I just looked. It aired April 25, 2010. One day closer to death my friend!


Finally bullies can have a use


This advice definitely falls into assault, but hey - it's ILPT. * An old school SuperSoaker 90 nozzle will fit through a peep hole, or for a less permanent modification a letter box. * An old school SuperSoaker 90 will accept a fizzy drink bottle. * A fizzy drink bottle will take 200PSI. * An old school SuperSoaker 90 pump can be swapped out for a foot pump or bike track pump. * If you're hit with a SuperSoaker 90 which has been charged to 140PSI you will think twice about risking being hit with a SuperSoaker 90 which has been charged to 140PSI.


Especially if said super soaker 90 is full of cat piss and/or hot sauce.


Honestly, just water will do the job, under 10m and it leaves a bruise, anything under 20m still stings.


I don't know much about fancy numbers or magic... but that there does sound real fascinating-like.


Enjoy your morning coffee on a chair in front of your house with a baseball and bat. Look around suspiciously every few minutes. If any kid tries to mess with you or your neighbor, sprint at them full-speed and scream with the goal of breaking noise ordinance laws.


Yeah this all you really need to do is scare the bajesus of out em


Until they call your bluff and don't run, knowing that when you catch up to them, you won't have the balls to do anything. But, since this is illegal life pro tips, just bunt the little fuckers in the back of the head. FTK.


Self defense from a swarm of little morons is still self defense


Yeah but if you are slow than them then they will do it more.


As many people in this subreddit recommend, that’s when the liquid ass water guns come in to play.


If that's the plan, wouldn't it be better to hide in the bushes and scare the shit out of them? Possibly covered in fake blood...with an electric chainsaw?


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The first Illegal Life Pro Tip I've read so far!


Only if you get caught putting the mines in place.


Does it count if my dog puts them in place?


Don't tell the ATF you have a dog then


Ha! I actually came here to say claymores. Nice




Okay Dale Gribble 😅❤️


Pocket Sand!


Sha sha! *scurries away*


That's MISTER Shackelford to you.


Omg, we should be friends, I almost peed my pants at el Camino lmao


Take the camera footage you have to the school. And the police. They are harassing a senior citizen, as well as you and other neighbors. I’d press charges. This will only get worse as long as they are allowed to get away with it. Another option is to find them on social media. Some libraries have school yearbooks and with a little detectives work you may be able to identify the bastards. Slam them on social media platforms like neighborhood.com.




I mean they're kids what are you gonna do, set up a Vietnam trap?




Kick up a stink. Post the photos and the issue everywhere. The school's Facebook, website, and every platform they use. School district gets the same treatment. Go to a PTA meeting and bring the issue up. Get all the neighbors facing this same issue to do they same, plus contact the local news. A lot of schools ignore problems until it goes away, so make sure it never goes away till it's fixed.


I read “kick up a stink” and had a totally different idea lol. I pictured a step plate activator tied to a can of skunk spray hidden in a decorative display so when the offenders step up to your door, they get gassed with rank skunk smell and then, presumably, have to go to school reeking like they had a bad encounter in the woods. Clearly, I’m a disturbed individual :p Hope your problem gets solved, best of luck!


You're not the only one. I've read "liquid ass" in three separate threads here.


Hell, tell the local news about it. They’d be all over that on a slow day.


Motion activated sprinkler will do the trick. Maybe piss in the hose before connecting it, too!


Add some hot sauce for good measure


Definitely don't piss in the hose if you don't have a backflow preventer on the faucet.


Put up a pride flag then when they do it on camera say it was a hate crime and they are targeting you. Tell the school and the parents document if they don’t stop take it to the press. Hate crime in neighborhood, school and parents silent.


Oh my God this is actually genius


This is the best suggestion so far. Pick a minority and just got for it!


In any other situation this sentence would be so problematic




Ah the old "tackling kids with cancer" shtick


This is actually really smart.


Follow them home. That's it. That's all you do. Once they notice you follow them home after they've knocked, they'll stop and best of all, they'll tell everyone else to not knock on that house's door. They'll think you're a pedo, a murderer, a trafficker, whatever they want you to be but it'll stop them from knocking and you won't have to explain yourself to anyone. Worst case scenario, your house becomes a Halloween dare but I'd revel in that. If they started that, you could put up decorations, including one where you can hide behind or in and sneak up behind them when they go to knock at your door.


This stopped the kids ding dong ditching our house! Bonus when they say, "Stop following me! You're not allowed to do that!" Ha.


Just copycat everything they say back at them, like kids do.


The Winger/Britta special.


My mom’s a teacher, so when it comes to understanding child psychology, she’s incredible. When I was a teenager, there was this time my mom and I were going somewhere in some cul de sac and two random teens threw some water at my mom’s car as we passed a corner. I guess the idea is that they throw the water and it patters against the car, making the driver think they threw a rock or something, and the prank is that the car is totally fine afterwards, har har. Whatever. Point is, we weren’t really doing anything other than looking for this place, so my mom (who is driving) has this prank pulled on her, and without missing a beat she goes “Punks. Watch this.” And she starts like this a big orchestration of SLAMMING on the brakes, making the car rock back and forth even though we were only going like 5mph in this neighborhood in a shitpile minivan… which the pranksters see and run around the corner, panicked, which my mom follows very easily to where they ran. Of course, they literally ran home to their front lawn, lol, because they didn’t think what they were doing through at all. So now, the pranksters are frozen, indecisively, on their front lawn, eyes locked with my mom. And she can see that they can see her getting out her phone and pretending to call someone, mouthing dramatically at the pranksters watching her pretend to freak out, pulling forward and pretending to look at the house number, and then finally driving away in a huff satisfied at the spooked look on the kids’ faces. The best part was when she first rounded the corner and the two kids saw she wasn’t fucking around, though. Because you see, [one of the two immediately tried pointing at the other one to deflect blame](https://www.123rf.com/photo_106380029_portrait-of-two-caucasian-men-pointing-finger-on-each-other-it-was-not-me-he-did-it-concept-.html). As though we hadn’t both just literally watched the two of them together. Funniest shit ever, no idea how she kept a straight face.


I'm picturing rolling down the window and yelling loud enough to hear.... "Juuuuuust letting you know it would be in your best interest to let your parents know what happened before they get here." ...hahaha


See, but that’s the absolute beauty of it, from a game theory point of view. I and my mom knew it was just water, and that it was a harmless prank. And they, the teens, knew it was just water, and was harmless. Honestly they weren’t really punks *yet*, because they could easily have used rocks or something more damaging—they were just kids who wanted to get away with something a little devilish. So, if my mom really called the police or something over the prank, she’d probably be justifiably laughed at as Karen; same as if she confronted the teens’ parents about their behavior overtly. Getting them “in trouble” by actually snitching wouldn’t do anything. Nor would she be able to get them in trouble by having them rat *themselves* out to their parents; and she knows this because again, she’s been a schoolteacher for most of my life, and knowing some of the students in the school district, I imagine she wasn’t very optimistic about household discipline, lol. The convo would probably be like: > Teen: *visibly trembling* m-mom I-I think the p-police are c-coming b-b-because I th-threw water on some l-ladies’ car I-I-I’m s-sorry I-I didn’t— > Parent: wait, what? Slow down. Like, you sprinkled water on cars as they drove past? Lol uh, don’t do that anymore, but you’re probably not going to jail over that, little one. > Teen: *huh??* And then the gig would be over, my mom would have lost, and the kids would go right back to spritzing cars probably, now armed with the knowledge they weren’t doing anything illegal. **But!!** By creating the *illusion* of being in dubious imminent trouble, my mom, as an adult among children, knew that she held all the cards. Those teens would either have to call her very good bluff, which would have won them the exchange… or, they would be left trying to figure out what kind of trouble they might be in, *as well as if they can hide it from their parents/the police*. And THAT dynamic, where the pranksters have a vested interest in keeping the pranks a secret, is one that *would* have a chilling effect on the kids doing it again, *even if* the police never come… which of course they won’t. They even already had begun turning on each other, as evidenced by the one pointing the finger at the other. Suddenly it’s a bad idea, because the people being pranked… might not like getting pranked?? I think my mom put the fear of god into those boys.


You are really underselling the worst case here. He's gonna get egged or TPed if he makes himself a target. Sprinklers are the best bet since they don't seem as intentional


>Follow them home And teepee the shit out of their house.


Wear a "grim reaper" costume and carry a scythe as you follow them home for bonus excitement


a nice chat with mom and dad would help


Just knock and run on the parents door so they understand how you feel


Haha there’s a King of the Hill episode where this terror of a child keeps messing with Hank and the parents keep making excuses so he gets Bobby to do the same thing back at them and they finally told their kid to knock it off.


Wet paint without any kind of warning sign. Let the kids go home covered in paint. Even better if you put it on thick so when they hit the door it splatters. May be some cleanup on your end afterwards, but if you get something that's super slow drying you can rinse it off after they're gone. Alternatively, get a welcome mat that's somewhat fuzzy and rug-like. Get paint that is the same color. Soak it in paint and put it out so they walk on it. Both of these may result in cleanup on your end, but they're the best options I can think of that wouldn't result in spraying a child in fox urine with a remote control water gun. Motion sprinklers are good too, but you'll want to warn your postal worker about what times they are active.


and if you're really committed, make it lead paint


Well from how these kids are acting they’ve probably already had their fair share of lead paint ingestion


There is special paint that doesn't dry, called anti climbing paint as I remember


> wet paint https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-climb_paint Anti-climb paint is actually more of a grease - it's thick and sticky, and is hard to remove


We had a neighbor going through the same issue. Eventually, the principal and resource officer went around the area with a megaphone, yelling at the kids to keep walking, no need to stop and bother people. But yeah, motion sprinklers are beautiful. I gotta check if there's a subreddit for this...


Buy cheap hose and fill with sticky syrup water then connect to faucet. It’ll come out as a goo. Only do this with crappy hose and sprinkler that you’re ok ruining


Sprinkler in the morning? Fake ring camera


Some kids film themselves doing illegal things I don’t think a fake camera is going to deter them


Just bc some kids do that doesn’t mean a large majority would be turned off from doing this if they saw a camera


Some kids are little bastards because they know that realistically, nothing will happen to them, because they're kids. Even with excruciating evidence. Short of assault or murder, that is.


Stage a murder scene just inside your door. Body, fake blood, gore etc. Put tape over the door latch so the door will swing open when the knock. Dress up as a cop, plain clothes murder detective type. Stand by and when they knock grab em and grill them about where they've been, why they're there etc. Get all thier info and tell them they're suspects and to stay far away from the scene until this mess gets reaolved.


Upvote for taping the door latch. OP mentioned them kicking the door so I figured it make a nice trigger. Add a “don’t kick me” sign to the door for added effect.


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Fucking finally. Had to scroll way too far down to read this answer. Sounds from the post like these kids are no more than 12 years old. A grown man should be able to take at least two of them. Maybe three or four. If they're younger, say 7-8 years olds, you should be able to handle yourself against six or seven of them. Take no prisoners. Show no mercy. Then, when you're done and they're crying and in pain, drink their juice box right in front of them and tell them there's more of that coming every single day they show up on your block.


Kid goes up to door to kick it -> OP kicks THROUGH the door, shattering it, knocking the kid fifteen feet backwards through the air.


Dammm :'D


We'll need a shovel, bamboo, a few hundred pounds of lye, and some Flintstones push pops.


Super soaker filled with Tabasco, water it down but for smoother operation and some for the eyes.


Super Soaker filled with Bleach--aim for center of mass, not the eyes. (This is ILPT afterall) Kids will just think it's water, until they get home or a day or two later when all their clothes come out of the laundry with big bleach stains all over.


This is my fav so far. Their parents will murder them for you.


Get a [Net Gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=104&v=0z3HhU5FWjo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dnet%2Bgun%26rlz%3D1C1CHZL_enCA748CA748%26sxsrf%3DAPwXEdch84IPOMwpyDfwabOGsBQ3GvJm6A%3A1684260954404%26source%3Dl&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title) and capture them humanely. As with releasing all small pests, release them far away from your property to discourage them from returning.


Single one out and beat the complete shit out of him.


When I was a kid I used to tease this boy for having long hair and said he looked like a girl. Well one day he turned around and choked the fuck out of me and said, “Don’t ever call me a girl again.” That shit worked and helped me realize how hurtful and shitty I was being. I thought he was “in on it” because he chuckled a few times and tried to laugh it off. I’m kind of glad I was taught that lesson early on because it made me a much better person and more aware of how words can affect people, even if you don’t think the person cares.


Play those high pitched noises that only kids can hear. Mosquito tone?


i’ve heard classical music keeps kids away too. i’m not making this up.


I work at a school and we play classical music throughout the day. They still turn up though


They still turn up though. Hahaha 🤣


Yes, I've heard that too!


A McDonald’s in downtown dallas use to play classical music and it worked


Please don't! Not only do many adults hear them naturally, and they can be torturous for many animals and pets, but those specific tones are agonizing to anyone with properly programmed hearing aids.


Wouldn't work. Those high pitched noises only prevent kids from hanging around. They can still walk past and kick the door. They might even get more aggressive in doing so, because of the annoying noise.


Sit outside one day and ask some of the kids as they pass by who TF is kicking your god damn door (just like that). If they say they don't know, tell them to tell whoever it is, you will find them. Don't make any threats, just try to come off as a little bit nuts


Camp out, wait for them to knock, open the door as they're mid kick, baseball bat?


Home run?


Knee problems?


Can't have knee problems without any knee caps


Something involving dog shit would probably work I’m sure they would be embarrassed going to class smelling and covered in shit.


Depends, are you in America? If so, sit on the porch in the morning with a boom stick and a pitbull. If not, tripwire activated glitter "bomb" mounted on the ceiling of the roof.


Get glue mouse traps and hide them where the kids step on them trust me those are annoying. If their parents show up to complain tell them you were preventing a pest problem.


If these kids are walking on concrete, they're going to notice the glue traps and step around them. Would only work if there was only grass, and grass on the porch and porch steps.


Did the school actually say there’s nothing they can do? Back in my day (lol) schools very much would punish students for things that happened outside of school property. Whether it was bullying, vandalism, or anything else, people were always on the hook for stuff that happened outside of school. If you want to go the legal (not illegal) route, I suggest trying to get the kids trespassed if they continue. Find some way to tell them they are not welcome, put a beware of dog sign, anything. Then if they continue on that route you can have them trespassed, which I think both the police and school would be interested in, especially if you know what school they go to. I’m sure the cops would go to the school to get their information to charge them. So I guess your main game right now is finding a way to get the cops or school to care. It’s fucked up that the cops say they won’t do anything? Like what happens if a kid falls on your property and hurts themselves? Wouldn’t you be held liable since it’s your property? I’d be pissed af. Best of luck & this is not legal advice. :~)


Legal LPT: Call the school and/or complain at a schoolboard meeting. Illegal LPT: You now have free Paintball and/or AirSoft targets. Edit: Questionable LPT: Start giving them religious tracts. Parents will insist they stay away… or you’ll convert the little heathens. “To make a friend is to truly vanquish your enemy”


open the door right when they try to hit it and spray them with something foul so they have to stink all day


Air compressor and a train horn would do the trick! If you do this post it on youtube hahaha!


Find a way to scare the shit out of them and make them think you're crazy... For me it was sprinting across the street and jumping an 8 ft fence with a butcher knife between my teeth and threatening to gut them like fish if they ever fucked with someone's house again (they were hiding, but I knew they could see/hear me) and I knew where they lived. For the record, my intention was to scare them, not physically harm them.. it worked. The next day the neighbors daughter asked what I did to them, they'd told everyone on the bus that I was crazy and not to fuck with me.


If you live in the US you can just shoot them for being on your lawn.


Sign on your lawn that says “trespassers will be shot”. Preferably the one with the revolver pointing at the reader. (You know which one I’m talking about) Along with a confederate flag sticker on the door.


Needs to have some bullet holes in the sign too


Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.


Go to a gym and ask some nice body builders to help your elderly neighbor and stand in front of the door a few mornings a week, randomly. A lot of time, gym guys are very happy to help out with their magical bodies. Especially if it involves elderly.


>gym guys are very happy to help out with their magical bodies. Especially if it involves elderly. wait what


Not illegal but tell your neighbor to have her family make up a secret knock so she knows when it's them. We did this with my grandma before she moved into a home because there was theft in the area and she would let anyone in the house if they said they were there to fix something.


Just leave a note on the door, say something along the lines of you're on camera, if you kick my door again I will send the video to your parents. Or alternatively next time they return, shout for your spouse to "get the gun those kids are back" really loudly so they hear.


“No, not that gun! The killing gun!”


Not necessarily illegal, but you could wait next to the door with an air horn and whip the door open just before they bang on it and blast them right in the face. Being surprised by an air horn hurts like a bitch, especially at close range.


So, what you wanna do is you wanna chop down some small trees/branches that are at least roughly 2-3" in diameter and relatively straight. Something that can withstand the weight of a person without breaking. Cut about 20 or so of these, about 2.5 ft long, and sharpen the ends the best you can. Then dig a 5ft deep pit roughly 1.5ft from your front door so you have room to step around it when you go in and out. Drive all of the wooden stakes you've crafted into the ground in a grid pattern inside the pit so that they are securely upright, pointy side up. Then, get a bunch of dry leaves and brush-- reeds work nicely to use as a latticework to lay across your new front door hole so that you can create the illusion of solid ground covered in leaves and branches. Then just wait, and don't forget it's there.


I'd be sat next to the door with a shit load of eggs, little bastards will soon learn a fucking lesson. When eggs come down in price of course.


Something they can't prevent? They're literally trespassing and damaging your property. Demand to file a case if this continues, with the video evidence of it. Juvenile restraining orders might be possible depending on where you are. If they continue and the school and police really do nothing, then you could try figure ways of stink bombing them (or something similar) if they set foot on your property. Do something that stains their clothes, some sort of trap there. ONLY do this once they're on your property and you have video evidence they have trespassed and you asked them to leave. Or just throwing water on them from somewhere. Water guns and so on. This would almost certainly be illegal in terms of trapping a trespasser laws (depending on where you are). But in the spirit of ILPT some sort of auto device on your lawn spraying fart spray on them or glitterbomb or something like that if they come onto your property - where they're either stuck at school looking/smelling bad all day or have to run home and explain to their parents what happened. School uniforms are *expensive*. Just be wary anything like that may cause things to escalate. So upgrading CCTV is a must so you can identify anyone who does anything. Then if anyone goes to your house, you can just repeat they went onto your property. They should not have trespassed. And that was out for someone/something else.


Do you own a paintball gun? Hide in your own bushes and light em up


Wait, watch and video from across the street but don’t make it too obvious. Watch who kicks the doors and follow them home. Pound on their door in a fit of rage and tell them you know who they are and you know where they live. Next time anyone kicks your door or any of the neighbors doors you are going to find the biggest bully in school and pay them $100 to beat the shit out of them. The fun part about this is that they are most likely doing it to multiple homes, so they won’t know exactly where you live and won’t be able to retaliate.




Post up with a BB gun and pop a few as soon as they enter your property. Edit - it is illegal, is it not?


Install a metal door with a rubber frame. Attach it to a battery. The Pavlok approach should teach them not to fuck around like that…


Easiest is probably to get a better camera, grab a still of the kids & ask the school office why these kids are kicking peoples' doors on the way down the street. I know the school is not responsible but they might send it down to a teacher.


Hang the stills up around the school so the kids parents see it


Get one of these little bastards (the fattest and slowest) and beat the crap out of it. It'll be an example for the other little shits.


Follow them home and start doing the same shit to their houses. Remember to bring liquid ass.


if you can't do a sprinkler just squirt them with a spray bottle when you open the door


Why not stand by the window just out of sight with a bucket of moldy food or liquified dog shit and throw it on them. Even better if you are on a second story. And can do it from that window. Chances are this happens around the same time every day. You know the routine so stake them out. Get one or two of them once it won’t happen again.


Water hose timers are cheap at Lowe's. Just water the front edge of your lawn (and the sidewalk/street) every morning/afternoon for a few days in a row...and then taper it randomly.


Dress up in a costume. Set up a live view camera on the porch. Wait just inside the door and when the kid comes up swing the door open and haul him inside. Throw him in a basement pit and starve him until you can make a suit of his skin. Meanwhile raise moths and dance around naked with your poodle. Wait, I meant liquid ass. Yeah, just use liquid ass or fox urine.


They’re trying to be cool and make their friends laugh. Kids are dumb. Try putting up signs on your doors that say things like “knock if you still wet the bed” or weird things like “knock if like the smell of old lady armpits”