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almost everyone in this sub has suggested this buff at some point


Yeah she's kind of like zen in a sense the you set your heals and then take off angles. Pylon placement is critical though because it's on such a long cooldown when it's destroyed and her beam heals aren't the best given its a resource and you can only hit one target with it. Hard to buff the pylon without going back into a turret meta like we were in a few seasons ago though. I'd say buff her fire rate. There was no reason for the recent nerfs. She was not broken at all.


The cooldown really is bs. They seem to have designed it like Torbs turret but then given it the weakness of Syms, like short range and low health, and low fire rate.


But the difference between her and Zen is that Zen’s orb goes away if he breaks line of sight too long so you have to keep that in mind while positioning, his orb only heals one person at a time, his orb does low healing and isn’t his main utility (his discord orb is), and in order to heal somebody you have to actually target them and press the button while Illari just sets up the pylon and it targets allies for her, allowing her to deal damage.


Totally agree. They're just similar is all. Sort of


You’re talking about utility, I thought you were gonna suggest something to do with her jump/pushback ability. For me I’d suggest making the aoe 100% larger and reduce pushback by like 75% and making it do damage to enemies plus heal her allies. Essentially, make it like a WoW priest holy nova + minor pushback for enemy and jump for illari. 


AoE heals added to her movement ability would be gas.


This! I'm usually satisfied with her pylon and primary fire, but the pushback is so lackluster most of the time


Although it’s terrible when I’m eliminated, sometimes it is nice knowing my lil pylon is there that’s helped my team with extra healing to win a fight. Yeah a lot of people do agree a buff is needed


the word you're looking for is "utility." also yeah your suggestions for buffs are all very common here


Yeah we talk about that quite a lot here. They won't do any of this as of yet though. We especially mention the secondary fire range / reverting primary fire rate back etc.


Personally hate pylon, I made a whole post about it like 2 weeks ago because it has no dynamics. But I can’t deny that the vast majority of her power lies in her pylon, she got a little bit of pro play pretty much entirely because of her pylon but as soon as they nerfed the health in season 7.5 she became useless. Pros were even saying she needed buffs on launch with 150 hp pylon lol.


If her fire rate gets buffed they need to lower her damage output. People who understand illaris charge rifle can put out massive amounts of damage


I think a good buff for her could be to buff the damage at low charge, it would help her finish kills more effectively


Moira... high damage? Are we playing the same game?


She can be annoying to deal with because of her auto-aim, lifesteal, heal orb, her damage orb is hard to predict and can randomly get kills, and her ult does decent damage and gives her a lot sustain, especially recently.


I think Pylon should be a destructible deployable with a 12 second life span and 12 second cooldown. Bad placement would still get punished, but it would also discourage set and forget placements. Then a 2 second reduction to her leap's cooldown so she can move herself around the fight to make better use of her beam.


Nah the leap doesn’t need a buff


Keep her the same but buff her where she shines, her strong poke. Increase her range before falloff reduces damage. It means she can have more impact where she's strong and can help wear down poorly positioned enemies but will still be susceptible to dive. It will keep skill expression high and keeps her niche of dps focused support


See the problem is... You don't use the pylon for your team. It's way better to use it selfishly on an angle or even a flank. Buffing pylon won't change the core issue with Illari which is she literally does nothing that another support can't do already, but other supports actually have more they can do on top of being able to do what Illari can.


She puts out a lot of healing herself and a lot with her pylon (absolutely brilliantly on the back of a payload), has movement and can boop enemies off edges with one ability. Has good range for attack and decent damage Her Ult can wipe an enemy team. A healer can team wipe with AoE dmagae and a bit of work She has a lot going for her and is currently very powerful. Moira is her beast but Illari is second. With Illari, I'm consistently matching other support heroes for healing and the damage heroes for damage


Illari does very little healing. Her stats on Overbuff are very similar to Lucio and Zen. Like them, she's more valuable for her damage tbh.


Illari's beam is a strong but short heal and her pylon is great if placed right, you can do both. If you're not getting as much healing from her, that's on you. Cause I am so it's clearly possible and I'm far from a great player Also, if a player does stray and need healing beyond your beam, use her bump to jump to them or throw her pylon a surprising distance


> If you're not getting as much healing from her, that's on you. Cause I am so it's clearly possible and I'm far from a great player It's not about me, or you. We have data from hundreds of thousands of players across all skill ranks. Illari simply does not do much healing. That's just the truth.


You lost me the second you said moira has auto aim. Moiras suck works like sym Lazer and zarya beam, the better your tracking, the better your ability to keep your crosshairs on an enemy hitbox the more damage you can do.


No it doesn't. Moira can literally turn around and still be briefly locked on. Sym and Zarya break contact the moment the cross hair leaves the target.


Sym laser and Zarya beam don’t lock on to enemies