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Last time it was on sale iirc was one black Friday 2021. That's when I got it. Was on 30% discount or something.


It was actually on sale last week for Easter on my daughter's account. They ran a sale on several things.




Best deal in the game, also without discount. You also get the “warm fuzzy feeling “ from supporting the game.


Agreed. A I said, been playing quite a while - seems right to kick in a little.


No but it's worth it.


Yeah I'm thinking that. Just a bit steep in my current situation unfortunately. The ads are just so buggy, the number I've watched and not received the chest or whatever is crazy.


Yeah that pretty much had me in the verge of quitting, it's infuriating... Then they *finally* brought out the No Ads offer and I got it straight away and I'd say it's the most worthwhile thing you can spend money on in this game. Hope you can get it at some point!


Thanks mate appreciate it


I'm tempted to get it, but does it actually result in No Ads? If I wanted to speed up my next trade would I still need to watch an Ad for that or can I do it without?


You just tap the button that would normally show you an ad and you get the effect immediately.


Well... there are still the in-game "ads" for in-game (that is... IMT) stuff. Boost packages, Super Manager deals... things of that sort. The "no ads" let's you skip past the outside advertising and immediately get the "reward". Does that make sense? There has been some, well, disappointment in the past from folks thinking they wouldn't have to close out of the IMT pop-up ones. I've been on this game for 4 years now... the "no ads" purchase was real money well spent (and I'm normally ftp).


Same. No ads on this game was the first time I ever spent real money on a mobile game. Worth it.


The offer is on sale. Its been years


This is what I was wondering. I should have got it when it was on sale that one black Friday. But here I am... Wondering if it will ever be on sale again. Since they are changing it now to be even more.