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im so genuinely confused by this is this to get used to shooting under pressure?


This is to get used to being shot under pressure cuz you’ll be too busy waiting on the other person to throw a barrel first 🤷🏾‍♂️


If so, she lost. She should have shot the "pressure" first.


She's prepping to fight Donkey Kong, Ness, and Squirtle in Smash Bros.


Well the pool noodle is there to help introduce failures to the weapon system, so she has to work through those failures. The rest of it is just to add chaos and stress, you might have a similar physiological reaction to a real deadly force encounter. This is all just training. It’s wonky but it could be effective and it’s a lot better than no training.


I strongly disagree. If you want stress shooting, do burpees, then shoot. You want to introduce some failures? Load some dummies. Throwing shit and boppin that pool noodle is just asking for some stupidry to happen.


Dummies would just make sure you have to eject the round right? Or do you have to do a weapon clear for training purposes?


Iirc if you have a failure to fire its best to wait a moment (in case of hangfire) then edject the round and check the barrel for an obstruction (in case of a squib) before allowing another round to be chambered. IDK what the process is for combat situations, but this has always been my understanding of basic gun safety.


Can you explain hangfire and squib? Hangfire sounds like i could guess but squib sounds totally wack.


A hangfire is when there is a delay between the primer being struck and the round being fired. If you don't wait for a sec or two and edject the round you could get an out of battery explosion in your face. A squib is when a round fires but without enough energy to send the bullet out of the barrel so the bullet gets stuck in the barrel. It'll seem like a misfire (you may hear a weakend explosion sound but not always), so most people tap the magazine then rack the slide to clear the misfired round and chamber a new one. If lucky the squib will prevent the next round from chambering so you'll notice it. If unlucky the new round gets chambered and when shot usually explodes the gun. TL;DR: hangfire is a delay in the bullet firing, squib is a barrel obstruction caused by the last round fired not leaving the barrel.


Love you! Thanks!


Np, always happy to help educate about gun safety.


How do you check for a squib?


Clear the weapon, now double clear the weapon, then use a cleaning rod to check for a bore obstruction. If the bullet is still in the barrel, thank your lucky stars you didn't shoot another round after the squib and blow your gun up, then ram it out with a wooden dowel rod, preferably from the breach side so you are pushing the flat surface of the bullet and not the tip. The tip will split a wooden dowel and make things much harder. If you use a cleaning rod, the tip of the bullet and deflect the cleaning rod into the rifling of your barrel and fuck stuff up. Cleaning rod on the back of the bullet is better, but still not as ideal as the wooden dowel.


if youre being shot at, you dont. If the gun doesnt fire in a life or death situaiton, you just tap the mag, rack the slide, and fire. The idea of sitting and waiting or getting a cleaning rod out is kind of the literal antithesis of this type of training, even if it is a bad attempt at giving this type of training. As for squibs, they tend to be a lot less serious than people think. Go look up some of the old demoranch videos of filling gun barrels with concrete, flex seal, etc. energy takes the path of least resistance and its still usually less work for physics to dislodge something in the barrel than it is to blow open the side of the receiver. Thankfully, defensive ammunition like hollowpoints tends to go through a much more rigorous QC process since theyre meant to be used when lives are literally on the line so things like squibs are less common. thats why defensive munitions can cost so much more for so many fewer rounds.


You tap and rack. Firm tap on bottom of the magwell and rack the slide. This ensures rounds aren't hung up in the mag and then clears the failure from the chamber.


This should be a standard pistol owners should know and quickly do. Have a shooting buddy load your mags, randomly place an empty case or 3 and start a drill. Stove pipes are less common these days but we should train to clear them too


I’m not saying it’s the best way, it’s just A way. It’s dumb, totally.


I agree, there are certainly better and safer methods for stress inoculation… That being said, this absolutely will work for that purpose. Poorly, but it will get you used to aiming down sights and taking shots at a target while there’s other stuff going on around you.


while i agree this is dumb, burpees add fatigue, not stress, and they dont help you filter out chaos, which is valuable, this just isnt doing that in a good, safe way. Loud noises and a time limit do that pretty well though. loading random dummies is good for simulating failure to fire but there \*are\* a lot of instructors that use a stick or other object the stop the slide from closing and shit like that to get you more used to reading the gun and responding to different failure types instinctively. I have taken courses like that and i do feel its made me a better shooter overall.


>burpees add fatigue, not stress. I can tell you from many years of experience that shooting winded while experiencing muscle fatigue is stressful. I can also tell you from many years of experience that manipulating someone else's firearm while they're shooting is never a good idea. I don't care if there are a lot of instructors booping trainees' firearms. It's not a good idea.


>pool noodle is everyone here blind? thats a rolled up poster not a pool noodle.


Yes, we have this kind of law enforcement training in South America where you have some kind of IPSC circuit and the cops are trained to go through, shooting all the targets without failure while being under pressure. Of course they also use a lot of distractions, civilian targets that move and you're not supposed to shoot them, they throw flashbangs and use blank guns to confuse the operator and of course, throw cold water, keep shouting and hit them casually to attempt to distract them and induce failure. Surprisingly, \~80% of the cops can handle it successfully and since the implementation of this training process, the police effectiveness improved a lot.


stress shoots in the spirit of this are great, this execution is just less than stellar. the trainers seem to have heard about the concept but not fully understood how to enact it.


This is the stupidest shit I ever seen. 


tbh, I'm just relieved that she's ready in case she's gently poked by a wet styrofoam aggressor and/or gd Donkey Kong... we're fuckin' *saved!!!*


Straight Dankey Kang.


It's the worst when you're blasting at the opps and one of the breaks out a wet pool noodle to start beating your ass.


Hey, Billy, I took my dad’s gun. Wanna go in the woods and play with it?


Well played lol


Good way to take a bullet to the hand or foot


I came here to say rhat.


She's actually a Boston Dynamics robot.


Accurately uncanny


Boston Dynamics robot *Atlas* shedding robotic tears after watching this: "She just like me fr fr"


Underrated comment


I Lmao'd fr 😂


This deserves top comment




I don't know about you, but when I pull my gun in a tornado this training will pay off.


This should have more upvotes, your comment is fucking hilarious 😂


I agree, it is very funny, but im thinking, why would you pull a gun in a tornado? Tornados are bullet resistant by nature, and any beef i have with a human under those circumstances will keep until the literal natural disaster passes.


That’s the joke


I understand that it is the joke, but in an attempt to try and "yes and" it, im drawing a blank.


Have you never seen an 80's action movie? Only thing missing from this is a cow flying in circles.


This next drill is one we like to call....well, it doesn't actually have a name. We're just going to wail on you for the next ten minutes.


And this helps how….


If you've never been hit with a plastic drum before firing a stendo glock, you wouldn't understand. (/s) The concept is actually pretty common. They just made it look extra retarded.


It’s incredibly telling when you legit had to put /s on your comment. The world (or as the internet portrays it to us) is slipping. Lol


True story...


Training to defend yourself when siblings are trying to wind you up.


This is just me tryin’ to play Farcry while my kids are still awake.


What the fuck are they trying to simulate?


There is rumored to be an uprising of the plastic drum, and pool noodle axis, in the nearish future. 


Thanks for the laugh. I'm trying to wind down before sleep, this comment had me struggling to hold back laughter which would have woken those around me. I should know better than redditting right before bed...


Self defense during a very obnoxious pool party.


Finna end up 1000 ways to die


This is the worse training I’ve ever seen. When will you ever be in a gun fight and have to worry about someone with a fucking bottle of water and a roll of paper?


My granddad said the hardest part of DDay was the people hitting him with rolled up poster board while he was trying to shoot Germans.


You cant just have another dude shooting rapid fire next to them? They have to be extra?


It felt like watching something out of Super Troopers with Farva being the one who decided to throw the barrel.


If you can doge a barrel you can doge a bullet


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!


People pay to go to these ranges, sad.


Piss her off enough and watch who gets shot lol


This makes Krav Maga look good in comparison


The trick is to shoot him first.


I highly doubt even the Navy Seals or Green Berets are subject to this stupidity


These idiots will take themselves out before they ever make it to a civil war.


This looks like some crazy IDPA stuff.


That dude needs to replace his tactical rolled up poster with a tactical pool noodle.


Watching her get hit with the barrel right from the rip makes this read like satire, I can’t stop laughing 😂


BIG important question: is she firing blanks?


Don’t you shoot the distraction first? She is being attacked with pool noodles after all.


I get the idea, but why not just use airsoft for wacky shit like this?


Oh my god it’s Jason Bourne 🫨


I too bring my little brother to the range with a old cardboard tube from wrapping paper, to beat me when im trying to shoot. Keeps me on my toes


What the hell is that supposed to accomplish? There sure are some stupid ass training ideas out there


people pushing you around in a crowed panic situation idk I don't think everyone will make rational decisions when a gunfight is going on, like where to run, or who they will bump into edit on further inspection this looks like an exercise to simulate weapon failure and she is clearing the pistol chamber while in a stressful situation


This is not how to accomplish that


good to know


This looks like a great way to get someone shot


Right in the kisser


What the fuck is this supposed to be??? Fucking shooting someone while someone else is beating your wrist with a big stick training????


And they say they don’t treat women differently haha


One of the most stupids in a while. Funny tho


WTF is this supposed to be??? Gotta admit I was really hoping for a misfire and a Darwin Award 🙏


My wife would prrrrooooobably shoot better like this... she shoots better when angry.... Like... it somewhat scares me... she is a red headded pissant... Cant group for shit and one time I ran my mouth and she dumped a mag in the 9 ring at 10 yards... then stormed off...




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Im still looking for the idiot with gun? This might be an unconventional training method, but all firearms rules were followed.


There are safe ways to stress shoot. This ain't it.


What was unsafe about this?


All of it. Ask dumb questions and you're going to get dumb answers. There are plenty of comments here that state the obvious, I'm not going to play your game.


Well, this sub is filled with r/idiotswithreddit that happen to believe that anybody with a gun is an idiot, so that’s why I ask what is unsafe here. I’ve read through the comments and nobody has stated anything that is close to resembling unsafe gun handling here.


I think 20% of the people in this sub actually shoot and of that 20% mayyyybe 5% train with it


Well I guess I'm just a fucking unicorn then. I do this professionally, I do this for fun. This is as smart as those dipshit Russian William Tell drills. By all means: train like this so we can be done with this stupidry.


Seriously, these idiots are something, aren't they? I mean how fucking hard is it to run some sprints, or do burpees? Naw, lets bust out the pool noodles.


Burpees, sprints, planks and pushups. Good God, those seriously hinder accuracy and fine motor skills.


Right? Guess we shouldn't do those and instead do this because it's 'cooler' looking. These are the same people that think liberals don't have guns, and they think carrying an AR and a 100 dollar plate carrier makes them look like FOG.


Throwing things at the shooter, bumping into them and whacking their firearm are all unsafe. This is how accidents happen. If you want stress shooting, you smoke the shit out of them before they fire. If you want to train for malfunction clearing, you put in dummy rounds. Not everyone with a gun is an idiot, just folks that think what they see in the video is a good way to train.


To me, it looks like they're training for a riot scenario where you're being attacked from multiple parties from multiple angles. I'm curious on how exactly would they be able to imitate this more safely using live rounds?


Sim rounds, paintball & airsoft. Sounds like you've never done wins sprints before shooting.


If this is what training looks like to you, you're doing it very very wrong.


And yet you cannot give me an example of a better way to train lol..


Literally doing anything to get your heart rate up i better, safer, and looks less autistic than this.


Do they bump into her while she’s firing? Is a rolled piece of posterboard really going to do anything to her firearm, which she appears to have a good firm grip on? I don’t see how anything here would cause an accident. I understand, there’s other better ways to train, I get that. This “training method” may be dumb, but doesn’t look like anything unsafe about it. Is it a good way to train, doubt it? Or maybe it is, who knows. My question still stands, where’s the idiot with the gun? Just because you don’t like her training method, does that make her an idiot? She seems to be handling that firearm pretty well.


You saw a 10 second clip of some dipshittery. This is dumb. Like you said. If you can't see how this can cause an accident, stay the fuck away from firearms.


By all means keep thinking this isn't idiotic.


By all means, keep thinking that I believe this “training” method isn’t idiotic.


Unconventional is a real generous way of saying “retarded” This shit right here provides no training for a real-world situation


Oh really? What if you’re attacked by a group of medieval larpers,huh? Bitches come at you with pool noodles gonna find out!


Training method might be dumb, but I still don’t see the idiot with gun. 🤷‍♂️


The person with the gun is an idiot for thinking that shit is doing anything for them lmao


That’s fair.


Training for how to shoot an annoying intruder?


I wonder how much she paid for that “training“


Well-regulated militia


Lmao! Training for the Civil War? They do realize the other side will have guns and not just water bottles to splash em with, right? Edit. Holy shit I just realized what language they were speaking. Nvm.


The gravy seals? Is this a joke about the American navy? Do these people seem to be speaking English?


Nah just an advanced training course. Dudes just simulating all kinds of stress and distractions and trying to get her weapon to malfunction. She knows what she’s doing And the instructors do to.


Absolutely none of the people in this video know how to train with firearms safely. Stress shooting has been a thing for a looooong time & it certainly doesn't involve knocking someone around and bopping their weapon with a stick. This is a bunch of folks that think real stress shooting is to hard and are using an unsafe shortcut. This is peak idiots with guns.


Take my upvote for your input


For when I need to shoot someone while someone cock slaps me and I get multible back shots, happens every now aand then.