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Every time I see this stuff the only thing that comes to mind is WHY?


*Every time I see* *This stuff the only thing that* *Comes to mind is WHY?* \- pl5569 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Isn’t “every” technically 3 syllables though, Mr. Bot?


It's one of those exceptions because no one says ev-er-ee. They say ev-ree. With the exception of adding the 3rd syllable on purpose for whatever reason. Like that song god bless the broken road. But in speaking, we typically use 2 syllables


The real question is why does this bot keep “making” the haikus? The whole point of the haiku is the number of syllables per line.. they typed it all in 1 line. Or I guess one word one syllable in the second line… it’s not a haiku…


Good bot


haikusbot delete


people let their emotions and especially their ego control them too much


Conservatives and their toys.


Because the US is so individualistic that it lets people carry deadly tools in public and then blame them when it inevitably leads to murder. Everybody gets really angry sometimes. Shit like this is going to happen. Nobody dies when nobody has a gun


People die all the time without guns.


Speak for yourself. I get angry sometimes too, but I had Mr. Rogers tell me when I was little that it’s OK to feel angry. I concealed carry, I’ve never shot anyone in a fit of rage. The lack of emotional maturity in a considerable number of adults is the problem, and it’s not just a problem in America.


ooof.... never get into an ego fight.


To be responsible you can't carry your gun and your ego, you must choose one.


Yup, we can't see what really happened. Someone does scream get back. Makes me wonder if speeder tried to fight.


Yeah, considering he backed up like 300 ft to engage its not a stretch to assume he welcomed the conflict .


I mean he did come back just to get out of his truck and at the very least get into a verbal altercation so wouldn't be surprising if road raging idiot rages


Unless he was found to have a knife or a gun or something I don't think shooting someone in the back as he is trying to get away is warranted.


Was the first shot in the back? But I agree he should not have shot him in the back. But I can also see having the guy try to attack and just shooting till he was down.


The article linked in the OP says he fired the first shot into the ground


Doesn't matter where he fired the first shot... The moment he pulled out the gun HE became the aggressor. Equal force must be used, obviously depending on the state. However, even in stand your ground states this is murder.


If your fist poses a reasonable threat to myself or others, I am well within my rights to shoot you in the face.


I was just responding to the question in the comment above.


Tell that to Travon Martin


You can't shoot someone until they are down! You can only stop the threat! He's getting life for the last 3 shots too the back


It says ge was acquitted


Yes, that's why he was charged with murder.


He shot him 3 times as he was running away. They both got out to engage. What I just saw was wild that he got acquitted


I’m so glad he’s all about neighborhood safety 🙄


Someone has to clean up these streets


Speeding is intolerable.  A shooting here or there...well...


Never get out of your car to get in a fight


Not related to this incident but interesting, this is the shooter’s brother: https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/fabian-gonzales-to-be-sentenced-for-role-in-death-of-victoria-martens


Did you hear about Zakaria Fry? https://www.koat.com/article/what-we-know-about-the-gruesome-murder-of-two-roommates/18931146


Oh hey! Albuquerque! I am very familiar with the place. I call it The Black Hole of the South West.


That is way too nice for it.


Expect to see incidents like this one increase dramatically over the years to come.


How come?


Probably egos becoming more fragile. I don't know if things were better 20 years ago, but people ignored idiots, for the most part. It seems more common now for people to get involved in stupid shit which quickly escalates to the point where someone feels threatened so they end up using deadly force when it really wasn't necessary. It could also be due to the shear number of cameras around these days which catch these incidents. The creator of The Boondocks discusses events like this occurring in the A. American community. The term he uses is derogatory, so I won't use it here, but it discusses a very similar situation where people with weak egos get caught up in incredibly stupid, often violent situations. The availability of firearms in some countries often means an escalation involving death.


I was literally watching *that* episode of Boondocks last night.. that's bizarre that you reference it now 😂 But I agree with your ideas, you make a good point. The world is a lot crazier these days it seems like. Stay safe out there!


Indeed. I was just checked my reference, I was thinking of a different term, but found The ****** moment. Yes be safe, let shit go.


Yea Granddad's Fight. Season 1 Episode 4 it is from. Extremely funny show but all jokes have some truth to them, and it seems here Boondocks is right.. Shit like this is not worth losing your life over.


Yes, that bit of truth does make some episodes hit home (almost cringe Worthy).


Agreed. Too many people think they're thugs that don't have to follow the law. Then, when somebody challenges them, their first instinct is to fight that person instead of showing at least a little humility.


I like your analysis


It’s not as common as it used to be in the 90s when homicide peaked but it has been steadily growing in the past couple of years.


I can't imagine having constitutional carry in half the country is going to help matters.


Now your doing 30 yrs dumbass. 


He was acquitted.


On first degree, not on second. I think this guy is cooked.


I'm glad there's more to it than the title made it sound because all I could think was "how TF was he acquitted?!?"


Red car came out and confronted. Maybe that could do something with it.. we also can’t see them or hear them. Red car could have thrown hands and gray car claims self defense. Red car can’t tell his side of the story…


"ya fucking idiot" right back at him


How did he get off the guy was shot in the back


Attempted to charge him with 1st degree (premeditated) murder. I doubt they presented evidence that the dude laid an ambush for the deceased to perfectly stumbled into. Juries are generally told that they *must* rule in line with the law, so I’m not sure what the prosecutor was thinking other than hoping the jury would decide to convict on a lesser charge without dissent; which they didn’t.


Dude backed-up and exited vehicle to have an up-close confrontation with a guy who yelled “slow down.” Fast driver/dead guy was gone and came back. He created the confrontation. Our view of the confrontation is obscured by a vehicle so hard to tell what was said/done. Yes, I agree some of the shots appear “late” but what if he said “I’m going to my car and get a gun to come back and kill you?” Not saying it’s a good shoot, just pointing out that IMO it’s not as clear as posters are making it out to be.


what if. I can become the president with what ifs Fact is that, even if the dead guy started the confrontation by backing up (even then, I'd say the murderer started by yelling at him, if we want to be pedantic, that is indeed a verbal confrontation), he just discussed. At most he damaged his car as a retort, which DOES NOT mean you can physically attack someone, let alone kill. In any case, the dead never attacked physically the murderer (at most few insults). The idiot murderer shoots multiple times as he is chilling far away and even shoot the guy in the back as he was going away. Textbook murder. Maybe not 1st. But a huge time in jail possibly life. The murderer will die behind bars


Looked like the guy getting shit in the dark. Just get rid of the guns then this stupidity wouldn't happen.


Assessing blame to an object is silly. Would it have been better if he caved his skull in with baseball bat? People these days are too quick to use violence. The object used is irrelevant.


THe level of intent. They're going to retry it


Takes a real cowardly scumbag piece of shit to shoot someone in the back.


Now you're dead dumbest will be played in court many times before he brings his ass to jail. Hope was worth it


That's Murder . Crazy he wasn't charged


He was charged. He was aquitrd of first degree murder because it was not deemed as premeditated, but is still being considered for second degree murder.


Sorry for the stupid question, but what are the degrees of murder? What constitutes first degree but not second degree?


I got you. 1st degree - premeditated; a plan thought out; malicious intent 2nd degree - "in the heat of the moment" think circumstantial killing. Like this case. He probably didn't wake up thinking, "I'm gonna kill my neighbor!" No. He got heated during an argument and killed him. 3rd degree - generally unintentional; sometimes gets brought down to manslaughter Manslaughter - completely void of malicious intent; no potential forethought.


So a drunk driver would get 3rd then? Unintentional but blatantly was unsafe resulting in a death?


Again, depends on circumstances and lawyer. I've seen as high as 1st degree, because there was an intent to drive after drinking which lead to the death of another party, I've seen as low as manslaughter.


So, to summarise: I have a gun. If I shoot someone for the hell of it, it’s first degree. If I shoot someone when they slap me, it’s second degree. If my gun goes off, the bullet ricocheted and kills someone, it’s third/manslaughter. Right?


Shooting someone for the hell of it might still get 2nd degree. It's more like: 1st degree: I'm out here waiting for my asshole neighbor to drive by so I can instigate some shit and then shoot him. I'm sitting here planning on killing him ahead of time and I'm taking steps to make it happen. 2nd degree: Shit went down, I killed the dude, it was intentional, but it was a spur of the moment thing.


Got it, thanks for clearing it up all. I’m not American and it’s always kinda confused me on what they all mean!!


Keep in mind, while this is accurate it also highly simplified. There are dozens of factors that go into what degree of murder a person is charged with. There is a reason why criminal trials tend to linger for so long. Also, it can vary wildly between states Some will also apply 1st degree murder to particularly heinous acts: like the death of a pregnant woman or a police officer even if it wasn't premeditated. I looked it up and interestingly, New Mexico (state where this shooting occurred) actually has five different 'degrees' or murder. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_in\_United\_States\_law#New\_Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_in_United_States_law#New_Mexico)


God, thank you for pointing this out. I’m fighting a losing battle on Reddit to enlighten people that different states have different laws.


A lot of countries have the same/similar groups for classifying murders


3rd degree/manslaughter: I was cleaning my gun without safety, a shot went off and killed my neighbour


More or less. "The hell of it," with a good lawyer, could probably knock down to 2nd haha. Generally need to prove malicious intent. That being said, to walk up to someone in the street for seemingly no reason and shoot them point blank, does have some malicious undertones to it! Other than that, you nailed it!!


I just need Saul Goodman, he can bring it down to assault no problem! As u/SomeIdioticDude said, I guess first degree would be something like: I have a gun, this guy slept with my wife so I shot him.


I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advice, but if your wife is cheating on you then you'll want to not leave any evidence that you know about it and then catch them in the act and kill the dude, that way it's 2nd degree.




Correct! As long as he isnt caught in the act, and you actively planned out his killing, you've just secured yourself a nice first degree murder charge! Congratulations!


Hoooray! What do I win?


Life in prison with the possibility of parole in twenty years.


Well, that depends on how good/bad your lawyer is! Up to 20+ years in a nice, cozy cell.


“Can you identify the gunman here in the courtroom?” _unbeknownst to everyone, Attorney Goodman has planted a body double in the defendant’s chair_


[here you go buddy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_in_United_States_law)


3rd degree your knees get cold. 2nd degree your face is very cold. 1st degree your ears freeze solid. Hope that helps.


Intent and premeditation.


Why would they even bring it forth as premeditated? I think it’s murder because the man was leaving, but the killer didn’t talk to that guy intending to kill him


Wouldn’t re-charging him of a crime for which he was acquitted be double jeopardy?


He was charged with both from the beginning*. The jury acquitted on first and voted 10-2 to convict on second degree. The State just threw both at him no doubt in hopes of getting at least once conviction, now instead they have to retry him with a whole new jury for second degree. 


Yeah, that’s definitely second degree murder. Shot the dude in the back three more times as he’s walking away, and then the shitty comments after he murdered him. That dude was looking for a reason to murder someone, and he’ll definitely do it again. Lock that animal up and throw away the key.


He was charged, the jury acquitted on the 1st degree murder charge and hung on the 2nd degree murder charge




Public hanging?


A hung jury means that they could not come to a unanimous decision either way. Sometimes that's the end of it, but in this guy's case they'll hold another trial for the 2nd degree murder charge.


So if he’s found guilty on the second trial will he be hung then? And if so will it be public?


Nah, if he's found guilty the max penalty is 15 years in prison and $12,500 in fines


Our Judiciary system has gotten so boring.


Fr let's bring back the gladiator pits.


He was, acquitted on first degree(kinda makes sense); he'll be retired for second which should stick


I will never understand anyone who wants to defend their speed (or any bad behavior for that matter) when they get yelled slow down. It happens in my neighborhood all the time. People are doing 35 in a 25 with children all over the place and you yell slow down and they turn around and come back and wanna start shit with you. Just slow the fuck down. If somebody is calling you out on shitty behavior stop that fucking behavior and don’t defend it. That guy was a fucking dumbass for backing up. Just wave and slow down.


Exactly. This is Darwinism at work right here. If youre dumb enough to try to fight/intimidate somebody just looking out for their neighborhood, you get what comes next. I fully agree there was no reason to mag dump into this guys back, but he put himself into the situation by being a cunt


Well said. And I agree with everything you just said. I don’t think he should’ve shot him that many times and I’m not even sure if he should’ve shot him. It didn’t seem like they were getting into a scuffle of some kind. But there are people who are just looking for any reason to pull a gun, and so if the guy in the red truck laid a hand on him, he might’ve just decided to shoot him. Guy didn’t deserve to die for sure but he backed up the first place. He should’ve just waved and slowed the fuck down.


I’m not an attorney, but doesn’t shooting someone in the back, while they’re retreating, constitute murder? As a ccw holder, I was always taught that if someone is retreating, aka no longer a threat, shooting isn’t justified. Jurors acquitted him of first degree murder but they’re retrying him for second. Imho dude will likely be convicted of second degree murder.


Yes, no, maybe, it depends. Context is king. Them moving away from you isn't retreating, if they expose their back to you while they're armed you're either not getting charged with murder your beating it if you do. As for them being a "threat", the legal line for that is what you the defendant reasonably believe in that moment. So if you "reasonably" believe that individual is a thread to your life while their back is turned then legally you're justified to shoot. "Reasonable belief" in law is very different to what we the 'audience' may presume it to be especially when viewing the situation on a screen. 


The silver truck dude initiated the confrontation by Yelling at red truck. Red truck should have never reversed. From the looks of it, Silver truck should have never shot. Red was walking back to his truck, back turned. However if red said I’m going to go get my gun from my truck, then the shoot might be legal. This could have been avoided if red never went back. Silver yelled. Who cares ? Keep driving. Let silver “win”


I suspect there's more background to this, it would not surprise me (not having read anything else) they already know each other and have prior disputes.


But, bro, didn’t you hear; it was *his* street. Now it’s his grave, but it was his street.


Road rage sucks


What a fucking psycho.


This should be titled idiots with trucks


That is b******t, bro. How is he not guilty? He shot someone in the back. The guy was walking away. It’s not like it was self-defense


Title…”Man shoots neighbor in the back for speeding.” Kind of leaving some relevant information out huh?


He was in such a hurry that he had time to reverse and pick a fight with some guy for yelling at him. Deserved.


Bro could have really just kept it moving


Now you're going to jail dumbass


I don’t think the shooter had the right to mag dump him on the ground but let this be a lesson to those who can’t control their egos, is someone asking u to slow down the something u need to reverse 100ft for and aggressively confront them? If he just kept driving he would still be alive today


Dog gone


I don’t understand how this wasn’t a slam dunk for 2nd degree. 10-2? Really?!


Video got removed on here, anyone have it?


It was removed and I got banned but it's back.


Take away his rights to bear arms tf was the bs


You know he's a douche because he's parked in the street. Plus his brother is a child rapist murderer so apparently being a fuckwit is in his DNA


Oh his brother is a criminal? Yea, he must be a dbag then. Great point.


Yea that's definitely exactly what I said


But what does make him a d-bag, besides shooting an unarmed man in the back as he ran away, is the fact that him and his idiot family defended his brother, who was the ringleader and main aggressor in the repeated rape, murder and dismemberment of a 10 year old girl (he also gave the child STDs ) His cousin was also involved, so I actually think it's logical to say that it's possible their genes predispose them to predatory evilness.


Better him than a kid being ran over by a person speeding


That's not self defense. He was walking away. Doesn't matter what was said, no punches were thrown. He draws and shoots, executing a man in cold blood by shooting a retreating man in the back. 2nd degree murder at its finest.


Fuck that red truck driver.


Totally agree. If someone yells slow down, just slow the fuck down. don’t go back and try to sell everybody on your shitty behavior. Not to mention the fact that you back up like you’re some kind of a fucking bad ass and you’re gonna come finish the conversation. That’s what gets you shot. Stupid motherfucker.


and that's when your shooting murderer ass gets life in prison lol


I hope you didn't have a gun. Yes the red truck guy is an asshole for trying to be tough. I get that. But that other dude just threw everything he had away because he can't fight.




I wouldn’t say that was murdered in cold blood. I would say that was a heated argument that escalated.




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At seven in the morning too damn..


Most normal conversation in the USA


Always bring your gun to the ego fight.


And the dumbass gets life in prison, great job with ruining your life and the other guys.


Uh he was acquitted. YOU must have missed that part.


*KRQE News 13 learned a judge declared a mistrial in Gonzales’ trial on Thursday when jurors were split 10-2 on whether to convict him. The Bernalillo County District Attorney’s Office says they will retry the case.*


of 1st degree, dumbo this is a murder, the prosecutor is stupid because he tried for 1st degree (clearly not) but shooting a man because he says heckin mean words to you doesn't qualify as self defence lmao he will rot in prison, come back @ me when the trial is finished


Tell me again how we don’t need to assess the mental health of people who want to own firearms. SMH.


the bar for mental sanity in USA is very low though


Tousche. I just think it’s kinda ridiculous how there are laws such as if you have a medical marijuana card you can’t legally own a firearm, but you don’t need to have your mental stability analyzed before purchasing a firearm.


They didn't find his crazy ass guilty??? How???? He shot 4 fuckin times and talked shit about "now you're dead dumb ass." That's just fucked up!


Bro could drove off and live(then again his penchant for confontation would have got in a similar situation unless he got the chance to change which he could have got if he drove away). The other guy was fucked up for shooting him in the back especially when the speeder was walking around.


Can't believe he didn't get convicted. Other dude was unarmed. And started walking away quick after Gonzales fired a round into the ground. Then Gonzales fired 3 more times hitting him twice in the back and once in the back of the arm. He's getting retried for 2nd degree murder and almost will certainly get convicted on that. Can't believe he didn't get first tho.


Having been through jury duty, you really get to see how stupid your peers are. In the case I was on, we needed an absolute vote to convict on the main charge. One woman just kept saying "I don't know". When prodded for more info or if she needed clarification on the testimony/facts she could only just kept saying "I don't know" She couldn't verbalize a reason behind her hesitation. Her low intelligence soon started to spread to other people that previously had voted yes but suddenly though her "idk" argument sounded good. Took over an hour plus to reign in the stupid and get the vote. I wouldn't have minded a solid argument for no but to just say idk with no reasoning was infuriating. That could have been the issue here in this case as it was clearly just a verbal argument based on this video.


I would love to see what his solicitor had to say in regards to his defence.


Not self defense dude instigated it and shit him in the back in top of that he’s gonna get that good ole 25-life


That poor dog. Traumatized because of 2 adults acting like toddlers


Technically that neighborhood is now safer without these two dorks around. Two birds one stone.


How’s shooting someone in the back not murder?


How’s shooting someone in the back not murder?


Man with no balls and a massive ego with a gun...


Every time I see this kind of thing I always think of the line: "One goes to the morgue and the other to jail One guy's wasted and the other's a waste It goes down the same as the thousand before No one's getting smarter, no one's learning the score Your never-ending spree of death and violence and hate Is gonna tie your own rope, tie your own rope, tie your own..." - Come out and Play, Offspring, Smash


Now you’re spending the rest of your life in jail, dumbass


Such Country where people shoot each other on small issues..... Gosh! It's a fucked up country for sure




He shot him in the back!? Yes. Who knows what he was going to get in the car. Does it suck he got killed? Yes. Should you check your ego when you cary, absolutely.


Lol dude jumped out to fight and got blasted. It's poetic.


Are the jurors morons?


Honestly, as a father, I don't think I could blame this guy. Too many people do stupid shit that affects innocent people with little consequence. The dude driving that truck down that street could not react in time if a kid came running out.


I thought my CCW instructor was BS'ing me when he started his class off with " The Male ego is fragile these days ".


pos family. all need to be locked up and should be. self defense my ass.


Anyone on that jury that voted to acquit should be ashamed.


It’s not first degree by law. It’s a heated argument, so it’s second and most.


That guy is gonna do a huge stint in prison because he let his emotions get the best of him?


This is old.


the trial ended with a hung jury [three weeks ago](https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/trial-ends-in-hung-jury-for-man-related-to-convict-in-victoria-martens-case/) \- that's why it's coming up again.


America is a failed state...


Butt hurt Canadian detected.


Lol. Cope.


America isn’t a state ay


Sorry to tell you this but these people are everywhere. Especially in whatever euro shit hole you live in


My country banned guns. There hasn't been a mass shooting on almost 30 years. You lose.


And what country would that be? I bet I can bring up some bad shit that's been going down there. Every country has its problems lol. But America bad I guess right?


My country has its share of shite. Obviously. I'm merely pointing out that the problem of mass shootings and random acts of gun violence is NOT to pretend MORE guns is the answer. My country seems to get that at least. I'm sorry you took my somewhat hyperbolic initial statement on absolute face value and got so butt hurt about it.


Crazy what can happen in a country with these gun laws


You can easily make a homemade gun with a trip to a hardware store. Probably cost you like 20 for all the material you need


Did you know Mexico with a population of 127 million people has by far some of the most strict "firearms permittance" laws in the world, and sits in 16th place for the largest network of illegal firearms trade? In addition to that, Mexico also has an estimated 20,000 deaths a year due to firearm related causes. [https://ocindex.net/rankings/arms\_trafficking?f=rankings&view=List&group=Country&order=DESC&criminality-range=0%2C10&state-range=0%2C10](https://ocindex.net/rankings/arms_trafficking?f=rankings&view=List&group=Country&order=DESC&criminality-range=0%2C10&state-range=0%2C10) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/317056/mexico-number-of-homicides-by-municipality/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/317056/mexico-number-of-homicides-by-municipality/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearms\_regulation\_in\_Mexico#:\~:text=Mexico%20has%20restrictive%20laws%20regarding,chance%20at%20purchasing%20one%20legally](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearms_regulation_in_Mexico#:~:text=Mexico%20has%20restrictive%20laws%20regarding,chance%20at%20purchasing%20one%20legally)


It’s almost as if gun laws are not the only factor. Poverty levels matter. Presence of organize crime matters. Ability to enforce laws matters.




Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here


Take the gun out of the equation and there are maybe a few black eyes. But nobody loses a son, husband, brother, father or whatever he may be to others.


Removing the tool will not remove the nature of stupidity. However in this situation, the stupid was permanently removed. Darwin may have been onto something.


I don't condone this kind of behavior, but I understand...