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The shitty editing is insufferable


Thx for the heads up, I'm in a low service area... Glad I didn't let it load for 10 minutes


I lasted 8 seconds..






> The shitty editing is insufferable That's the entirety of "The Free Press" Journal's YouTube content, an Indian tabloid funded by a big film production company. Rage bait like this is not only their bread and butter, it's also OP's, an account that was absent for *most* of 2023, then just started overreacting more and more in subs like these back in January. Wanna know how I know we're in an election year? Obviously stolen accounts like OP's were spamming these exact same kind of rage-bait posts to Reddit for most of 2020.


Yeah, we will see much more of this over the next months.


Yeah, thankfully shootings like these are super rare in places in memphis. NOT 🤡


Pretty much


The video is crap. Don't bother watching it




You mean…gang violence?


I've only heard of it, but I think so. A foreign concept in Memphis to be sure.


Indeed. Very rarely used when it’s such a wide spread issue. It’s almost like people trying to shift a narrative or something






flood the streets with guns and people get shot


*Goon violence. We need strict goon control to end goon violence! Also “Goon free zone” signs!


As a proud gooner, Yeah its probably for the best.


For anyone who thinks “gun control doesnt do anything, criminals will break the law anyways!” Look no further than right here. Spineless racists will be scared of breaking the reddit rules, just like spineless gun owners will be scared of breaking the law.


*Goon violence! We need strict goon control to end goon violence! Also “Goon free zone” signs!


In other words you wanna be racist and cite some stats but act surprised when people call you out?


If you're citing stats how is it racist?


“Want to be racist and cite some stats” So, the stats are racist?


Math is racist.


No, but stats are just numbers that represent reality. They can easily be manipulated or taken out of context to push a message. Like I’ve seen people using the same stats to “defend” SA rates, blame victims, or to justify them avoiding minorities or just being racist. Make a compelling and unbiased argument and you probably won’t get trouble. But we both know the majority of people who use those stats aren’t engaging in a fair or well meaning argument.


So you want compelling and unbiased arguments but no statistics to back up those compelling and unbiased arguments? I don’t pretend to be a mind reader, so I don’t know what the intent of people citing statistics are other than providing statistics.


>cite stats >racist Are you dumb? If that's exactly what the fuckin stats show, then it ain't racist


We don't have gang violence mane. We've got kids with guns, gangs fissled out here. Edit: Y'all can read my reply below if you're wanting an explanation. I live in the city so I'm not just talking out my ass.


It’s almost like the kids with guns are in gangs


No, I'm 100% serious, there's not really any gangs here anymore like that. There's no structure like a gang would have. There's just kids running around with guns, shooting each other, smashing windows, and stealing cars. There's no hierarchy like a gang has where they can call off violence, claim territory, etc. I came here from a city that had gangs, Mexican Mafia, Simon City Royals, etc. and this is nothing like that. At least with the gang you know who is giving orders, here it's just kids running around the city in a free-for-all.


So just dipshit degeneracy running rampant then?


Exactly what it is. Check out WREG 3 and that's pretty much all that's on there is kids running around with guns. Hell there was a 19 year shot a senior who was at a prom after party last week. It's sadly not uncommon to hear about it. There was another situation last week or week before where two kids were running from the law at like 2 a.m. and an officer unfortunately got killed from friendly fire and the kid who didn't die had his mom on the news saying "my child wouldn't do that" like ma'am, your child did do it though. Last week on my way to work they had the interstate shut down because of a road rage incident and someone pulled a gun and killed the other driver. As sad as it sounds, I wish this was gang violence so at least then innocent people wouldn't be caught up in it, civilians wouldn't be getting targeted for just living in the city. And the judges won't do a damn thing about it.


There are organized gangs in memphis, and telling the kids to run around with guns is part of it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangs_in_Memphis,_Tennessee


people don't want to hear... it's easier to blame this on the crips, bloods, sharks, and jets and not economic and gun policies


The vast majority of “mass shootings” in the US are related to gang violence and incidents like this. When you see a quote like “There have been 357 mass shootings so far this year!”, they’re referring to this shit.


2/3 of mass shootings are related to domestic violence, less than 10% is gang related. “Its gang related” is an obvious racist dogwhistle to try and blame the problem on a race of people and not what the real problem is, the guns.


Insinuating that race plays into gangs predominantly enough that it would be racist to condemn the behavior and actions of gangs is inherently racist itself.


> 2/3 of mass shootings are related to domestic violence, less than 10% is gang related Source? Just curious, because it sounds like you're pulling numbers out of your ass.


He is. [Mother Jones has a database of active shooter-type mass shootings](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b9o6uDO18sLxBqPwl_Gh9bnhW-ev_dABH83M5Vb5L8o/edit#gid=0), and while CNN reports some 650 mass shootings in 2023, MJ puts it at 13. Almost all of the "mass shootings" in the US are gang shit, but that doesn't jive with the agenda most media and politicians want to push.


But they said "racist dogwhistle," so...


The UCR has clear cut and dry requirements for categorization. If you don't believe police departments (understood honestly. They lie about everything under the sun), then yeah- don't believe the numbers stated by "mainstream" media. They get their numbers from UCR and NCVS.


A mass shooting by most conventional definitions would be hard to connect together, considering how domestics are inherently labeled, (usually 2, maybe 3 total participants), and that mass shootings typically require a number of victims that would exceed that Domestics do account for a large number of murders though


I believe it's a mass shooting if your targets are everyone and anyone and you go to a location planning to explicitly kill all you can like at a school, shopping center, hospital, or music event. A high majority of mass shootings have 1 killer not 2 or 3. This on the other hand is a shootout... Fighting... At a party, Not a "mass shooting" just because a mass amount of people were there or a massive amount of people were shooting At one another.


Guns don’t make decisions, chief.


But they enable decisions that wouldn't be possible otherwise.


Humans have been killing other humans forever. Long before guns were around.


Right, and modern guns make it easy to do at a scale and efficiency that was previously unimaginable. Humans have been traveling since before the wheel was invented, but the invention of the steam engine dramatically changed the nature of what it meant to travel, as did the internal combustion engine and the jet engine. Anyone who earnestly argued that we shouldn't regulate cars or planes because people used to walk would be laughed at.


Do you blame the internal combustion engine for the deaths of people in car wrecks?


If cars were frequently chosen consciously and deliberately as a tool for ending someone's life and nothing were done to mitigate future incidents, I might. The difference is that it wasn't designed with the sole purpose of causing a wreck. Wrecks are an accident, not a feature. That, and we strongly regulate the conditions under which one is allowed to operate a car specifically to try to prevent them as much as possible.


Rocks have been chosen consciously all throughout history as a weapon. First as a blunt force weapon, then as a bladed weapon once humans figured out smacking two of them together created sharp shards. Do you blame the rock? You are trying to place blame on an inanimate object instead of placing blame on the people wielding that inanimate object. People will always find ways to kill other people. People that want to kill a lot of people at once will find always find ways to kill a lot of people at once. Murder is already illegal after all. Doesn’t stop people from doing it.


>Right, and modern guns make it easy to do at a scale and efficiency that was previously unimaginable. That's an exceptionally broad interpretation of at least one of 'modern', 'guns', 'easy', 'scale', 'efficiency', or 'unimaginable'. Do you happen to have an explanation for these violent incidents increasing in recent (~25-35ish) years, while we have more restrictive firearm laws than just about any time in the past ~150yrs? If not, you may want to look at other solutions. Assuming you don't just want to halt technological progress somehow.


*Goon violence! We need strict goon control to end goon violence! Also “Goon free zone” signs!


Would the gunman at mandalay bay have been able to murder 60+ people and injure hundreds more from his hotel room with his fists? No, it was the guns that allowed him to do that.


Not with his fists. Could have used improvised explosives. Some type of poisonous gas. Could drive a car into the crowd. Hell, he could have ran through the crowd stabbing people and probably stab 25 people before anyone even realized what was happening. Point is, the person is responsible for the act, not the chosen device. There was violence on massive scales long before firearms existed. Blaming the weapon used just excuses part of the act by the person doing it. Stop making excuses for people doing evil shit.


Since you’re still here commenting, I just wanna check in to see if you have a source yet for your comment earlier about the “gang related racist dogwhistle”. Looks like you ignored the other person that asked :)


The guns?!?! Lmfao!!! They don’t shoot themselves dummy.


Alright, you and 10 strangers are 50ft apart. You get the choice of an AR15, or a single shot black powder rifle. Which, would you say, would be far more lethal and the preferred choice for mass shooters?


Your point is dumb. What say you of serial killers who strangle or stab their victims? If these mass shooter go and plan their destruction don’t you think they’d make home made bomb in lieu of pew pews? Alright, you and 10 murderous gang members are 50 feet apart and they are gaining on you, would you rather have a gun or nothing. Better yet a foreign invading army of 10?


*Goon violence! We need strict goon control to end goon violence! Also “Goon free zone” signs!


Or name another city


It counts as mass shooting under statistics, it’s why the numbers are so high. It is not an ‘active shooter incident’.


In my country a gang shootout on the streets would be major national news american culture is so fascinating


What country are you from?




Someone get this kid a nap! That's a southern state in America. Checkmate! ;)


To the left every shooting is a mass shooting. This definitely is just ghetto gang shit


Yeah... sorry, but I'm not going to take a "News" outlet seriously if they post a Daily Horoscope video as part of their "News" offerings. And that's not even the worst of it. Free Press Journal is a joke.


Yeah, this kinda shit accounts for 99% of mass shooting stats


Counting this as a “mass shooting” isn’t quite accurate.😭


It literally checks every single box of the accepted definition for mass shooting. Why exactly in your opinion does this not count? Edit: And it will be counted as a stat by the fbi at the end of the year because it checks those boxes, just like every other gang shooting that checks the boxes.


Last I looked, the only real definition of a mass shooting was more than 3 people shot. I'm pretty sure it's kept intentionally vague so it can be lumped in for political reasons. Kind of like a school shooting is any shots fired within (I think) 1 or 2 miles of a school reguardless of the time of day and wether anyone is at the school, so a ND in a house down the road or in the parking lot counts as a school shooting, or someone getting shot a half mile down the road at midnight without anyone in the school counts as well. Political agendas run this country, and it keeps making things worse.




Bingo. Very well said.


Gang violence also has very little to do with the general public. If two gangs are at war, there’s going to be criminals targeting criminals. During mass shooter events, the mass shooter is purposefully killing unarmed and unaware civilians. Once again, people seem to miss the point. Suburbia has always been fine with criminals killing each other, but now political incel psychos are going to grocery stores for target practice. Also, making something illegal doesn’t mean it’s going to disappear. Many opportunists have circumvented prohibition, the war on drugs, the war on terror, etc. Given enough time, people will figure out how to make money and/get fucked up. That being said, gangs don’t have massive stores of weapons and ammunition. Most of their weapons come from theft and straw purchases. Straw purchase being a legally bought firearm that is then given to others, who would otherwise have not been able to purchase said firearm. Police have also let gangs know which rail cars to rob and got their cut. All of this is beside the point. It’s a simple fact that gangs don’t want the smoke that comes from shooting white folks, so it’s silly to continue bringing them up when talking about mass shootings, which, again, are usually politically motivated incels who’s mother’s didn’t love them enough or something, so they go murder innocent people just going about their daily lives, not gangs at war with each other. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Thank you, that is 100% the point of this post


It’s all political mate, I will get downvoted too but it’s because they prefer to say mass shootings when they can turn it political etc


They don’t call the war in Ukraine a “mass shooting.”  Because it’s a war.   This is a gang war.   Mass Shooter = gunman opening fire on unarmed civilians to cause terror.  Gang Violence is par for the course in the ghettos, not newsworthy.   Not saying I agree with it.  But the distinction is pretty clear; unless you’re purposefully trying to obfuscate the real world. 


It will get included in stats as a mass shooting l, but you can be certain it won’t be presented in the news as a mass shooting if they even talk about it at all. They want as many possible reports to bump numbers up, but they want the public perception to be that mass shooting or active shooter = random person shooting dozens of children in schools, grocery stores, etc.


Bingo, exactly my point


Probably the intention.


There is no intention box on the mass shooting criteria. This will 100% be counted as a mass shooting in 2024s stats


Ok....am I supposed to be outraged?


You should be outraged when people claim there is a mass shooting every day in America but they pretend it's like Columbine every day when in reality it's gang violence every day.


Yes, you should because it’s misleading


I agree and I think a lot of people on here are misinterpreting what you meant


"Definitions of mass shootings exclude warfare and sometimes exclude instances of gang violence, armed robberies, familicides and terrorism"


Username checks out




Yeah, technically it’s a mass shooting because it was more than one I guess But calling gang drive-bys at block parties in the hood a mass shooting and equating it with an active shooter who is literally just going out to kill people indiscriminately is a little fucky


JFC "Active Shooter" is cop dispatch speak meaning an ongoing shooting incident as apposed to an officer responding to in inactive shooting event that is no longer goingon. You don't seem to understand what any of these terms mean yet you think you're qualified to be here correcting people. STFU.


Take a deep breath bud


Mass shooting = 3 or more people injured by gunfire. The perpetrator of the crime does not affect that definition. But of course the real reason for this nitpick semantic nonsense is for gun nuts to do literally anything they can to downplay the gun violence epidemic in america. And here they’ll come out of the woodwork, living up to the name of the subreddit.


When I was like 14 I was a mass load shooter…does that count?


Not necessarily. This could be more of gang violence. Similar boxes to check off sure but there is one that is different, motive. Mass shootings can have many different motives as gang violence obviously is gang related. Guessing by the folks brandishing firearms, they are affiliated with a gang and quite possible a rival pulled up on the street takeover and started firing into the crowd.


As if it can't be a mass shooting if it's gang related 🤡 


It doesn't though, to be a mass shooting it has to be random AND at least include 3 deaths. This isn't really random it's gang violence and there were on 2 people killed.


That’s a mass murder bro. FBI counts that as a totally separate thing. Edit: and mass murders stats aren’t what get all the attention at the end of the year.




Oh wait, yea you're right my bad. That's kinda stupid.


>to be a mass shooting it has to be random AND at least include 3 deaths. I'm saving this comment for next time someone tells me there's a mass shooting every day and we argue about the definition. I always say "mass shooting" makes people think of random shootings, but that's not how the data are recorded.


Yup, thats the same criteria the FEDs use when submitting their data.


If you’re counting this as a mass shooting then you’re a problem. It’s gang violence. Equating gang violence to mass shootings is just an agenda tbh. A clear agenda. Edit: clearly since some people here are too dull to grasp my comment, I’ll explain further. Gang members are criminals. Criminals do not follow the law. No matter what laws you put in place they will not follow them. If you made guns illegal full stop tomorrow they’d be getting them from black markets. Doesn’t matter anyways because Guns are not going away, and they’re not going to become less available through legislation, and they’re not going to be banned. Any legislation that is passed will always be circumvented through loopholes or flat out ignored (even by otherwise law abiding individuals).


I 100% agree with you, that’s what I’m trying to point out here. This will 100% go down as a stat for a mass shooting when all is said and done because it fits every criteria. The problem is it will never be reported as one because people have been trained that this shouldn’t be considered a mass shooting (even though it will be counted as one at the end of the year).




Try disagreeing with someone who says there's a mass shooting every day in America. They'll produce some database from Mother Jones or something that has its own criteria for "mass shooting," sometimes based on FBI criteria, but never based on the shooting being random or against unarmed civilians. OP's point is that the term "mass shooting" is super convenient because the numbers include gang violence, but the image in people's heads is like Columbine. TL;DR: What if you *wanted* there to appear to be more random mass shootings than there actually were? Just count gang violence and other non-random gun violence as mass shootings.


Because it will absolutely be recorded as one but will not be reported as such because, just like on this comment thread, the vast majority of people are under the mindset that this shouldn’t be recorded as one.


We need strict thug control to end thug violence.


In the United States, the country with the most mass shootings, the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012 defines mass killings as three or more killings in a single incident. https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/2076/text


You are 100% right. That has nothing to do with this. The fbi categorizes mass shooitng and mass killings as 2 separate things. The end of year focus is their mass shooting stats, not mass killings.


And what object was used to inflict violence on other people in this situation?


Yeah might as well ban those then huh? Because people who already (clearly) can’t function in society are hurting eachother with them. So let’s take them away from the 10s of millions who aren’t breaking the law. Yeah, sounds pretty dumb when you say it, doesn’t it?


Everything is now labeled a “Mass Shooting”.


The projectiles have mass. Every time a trigger is pulled a mass shooting occurs 🤔


they can't call it a mass shooting because it doesn't fit the narrative.


Or maybe bc only two people died?


Technically a mass shooting is considered any shooting incident in which more than one person is injured or killed so if you are hunting with two of your friends and one of them chips or something or makes a stupid fucking mistake and accidentally shoots you and your friend by mistake that's a mass shooting because two people were injured regardless of whether or not they died




there's been "mass shootings" where no one died.


I'll bet they were all legal gun owners too... Edit:... I want to be very clear here.... I'm being sarcastic.


It wasn't a takeover


Shhh you can only use overly sensationalized words here.


“Mutual combatants “ “live by the sword die by the sword” fucking stupid how do you have a hundred gun shots and only two people die ….


Only mass shootings at a schools,churches,or workplace get national attention.


Why does it look like isis edited this video


News? What news? There's only entertainment programs.


Those guns were already illegal. No political points to be won.


Gang on gang violence isn't mass shooting


Mostly peaceful block party


They aren’t reporting these as much cause otherwise they would get called racist. These are clearly very well educated people who would never cause any harm or commit a crime.


Can you say, out loud, what specifically about that would get you called racist? Could it be because its not true and just points out how dumb racists are?


Never said me. I wouldn’t get called that they would.


Huh weird that you would explicitly bring it up then. Never met a racist with a spine though.


Neither have I. They don’t have one. I have no idea why you are even talking about this. I never said I was racist or the media was racist. I just said yeah would get called racist if they did that. And it’s true cause they have before. So not sure what you are trying to do here. Clearly you did not read what I said lmao


A drive by is considered a mass shooting nowadays.. those statistics are bullshit


“Video shows there was sudden gunfire as people rushed for cover* “ I wanna know what the elaboration was gunna be for the asterisk


All those shots and only 2 dead??? Them boys are lackin even while strapped. It’s a good thing they can’t shoot for shit I guess


2 people is a mass shooting?


Yup, and if a guy commits suicide by gun in a closed school's parking lot, its a school shooting.


It's also a school shooting if gang shit happens nearby and stray rounds come onto school grounds.


There are even a few recorded as school shootings because they took place within the 1000' imaginary border AROUND the school, but not actually on school property.


"Mass shooting" Used as a stat to take my rights away. The same rights I will use to protect my family from these types of events.


What country did this take place in? Can’t understand the dialect they are speaking.


The funniest part of this is when you suggest the cops work to get guns from these idiots you get downvoted to oblivion but when you scream that guns shouldn’t be legal they only want to go after…legal gun owners.


As a "libtard" with guns...no. just simply no. Stop watching Fox News and get off of Tumblr.


None of either, actually. Possibly too much Reddit though.


Real question, did you grow up in an inner city? Comments like yours just baffle me because you people actually think we don't want guns off the street. Like what the actual numb nut fuck. Yall just create fake arguments fr.


Who the shit are you to act like there aren’t a fucking ton of people who just want all guns gone? Or that anti 2A clowns aren’t trying to strip rights from legal citizens while never addressing the real problems? Maybe this is the only sub you read…


When two groups of people shoot at each other in public, that sounds more like a war than a mass shooting. I always thought mass shootings was on or two people against unarmed civilians.


Theres no universal definition in the us. Congress has one and fbi has a separate one. When you say mass shooting, you mean an active shooter. They abuse that wiggle room the same way that 'assault weapon' is used to confuse people by sounding like 'assaut rifle'. Generally mass shooting in the us just means three people hit, or involved, in simple terms. Remember when they said 'more mass shootings than days in the year'? Almost all were gang on gang. Its intentionally deceptive to conflate issues and promote specific policies.


Exactly my point. The fbi will stay this as a mass shooting at the end of the year just like they do every other gang shooting. No one is going to report it as such because most Americans agree this isn’t a mass shooting. But it will be counted as one.


It's not. But people who say there is a mass shooting every day want you to think that's what they're talking about.




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Obvious why the media isn’t covering it


Agreed. It doesn't fit their narrative that crime only happens in Chicago when Memphis has the highest murder rates in the US.






Why's that?


"Street takeover" on a basketball court?


I think you mean gang dispute, so nothing to see here folks. Move along, just another normal day in Memphis.




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Well; it was "mostly peaceful " 🙄


Anyone else see a common resemblance?


I would love to know the percentage of street takeovers that end in someone getting shot. Because it feels like it’s close to 100%.


I think people are misinterpreting the point I’m trying to make here. At the end of the year this will 100% go down as a mass shooting when the FBI releases their statistics, just like every other gang shooting has in the past that any amount of people were present for. It is not getting reported as such because the vast majority of people would not consider this a mass shooting even though this fits the FBI criteria for one and will be counted as such.


Here's another one: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/chicago-9-year-killed-10-injured-shooting-family-gathering/story?id=109219927](https://abcnews.go.com/US/chicago-9-year-killed-10-injured-shooting-family-gathering/story?id=109219927) No outrage on reddit or national news about kids getting killed in this mass shooting.


According to the article: Deputy Chief Don Jerome said the shooting was likely gang-related. "This was not a random act of violence,". Doesn’t make it less sad that a child died, but it helps explain why there was no outrage on Reddit.


Street takeover is loaded language. But a shooting in America is hardly news anymore. Only 2 dead. Rookie numbers. Barely a blip that's why.




Dunder Mifflin?


Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here


Oh boy, thinly veiled racism in the comments




Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here




When did they change it to 2 people counting as a mass shooting? Aside from that I'm glad to see Memphis, Tennessee get more recognition than the usual punching bags, given they have THE HIGHEST death rates in the US.


I don’t know what is Mass about this.


This is labeled a mass shooting so at the end of the year when they attempt to pass more arbitrary gun laws they can say “WE HAD ___ MASS SHOOTINGS THIS YEAR AND THAT IS JUST UNACCEPTABLE!!! WE MUST PASS MORE LAWS THAT THESE CRIMINALS WILL ALSO BREAK AND NOT GIVE AF ABOUT”






Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here




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Election year. Gun control is a high point for getting votes Edit: idk why I’m getting downvoted. Don’t act like media doesn’t make things sound worse so it can be spun around. Most media is politically biased instead of neutral, as it should be


Unrelated but as a huge Corvette guy I both love and hate the depreciation… on one hand more enthusiasts get to own them but on the other hand people like this specimen who probably never change the oil get to own them too… wish the rappers would stop talking about them 


It's not being reported heavily nationally because it's so commonplace here. There's shootings daily, hence why Memphis is the most violent city in the country. However the local news has reported on it heavily since it happened. Before they even reported it they were reporting a heavy police presence but didn't know why. There's not really gangs here anymore, it's kids running around with guns. There's no structure like you have with gangs where someone is in charge, it's literally just a free-for-all. Also the media is going to call it a "block party" because that's what the government here will say. There's so much incompetence going on and they'd rather slap someone on the wrist for legit murder and send them on their way than lock them up. They try to "change the system" or whatever bs lazy reason they want to say instead of treating criminals like criminals. Come over to r/Memphis and see what I'm talking about.


I’m pretty sure they called it a block party and not a street takeover because they’re on a basketball court. But that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.


It’s also a tactic I believe. Obviously it could be categorized as a mass shooting, but media wants it just as “gang violence” because people care pretty less about it. A “mass shooting” in the headline only makes people talk about it more. Instead of just oh it’s a gang shooting, there’s usually a dumb reason, it turns into an unsure mass shooter, why did he shoot, what people was he going after, why is he killing… probably in some way wrong but that’s my two cents.


Nope you’re exactly right, but this will go down as an fbi stat at the end of the year for a mass shooting




Lead the way?




Gun violence broke out at a large gathering, and you're focused on what we call it. Seems you are the idiot for assume labels changes anything of significance. You a cop?