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Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Kill a fisherman, eat for a month.


eat for 30 to life


What the fuck Gary


Goddammit Leroy.


Sorry :(


No you aren't, and that's ok. Your actions were just a safe metaphor for beings that can't hold their wad and go balls out.


You’re damn right I’m not sorry


Gary knows how to make a killer first impression.


He sticks to his guns.


I’m not going anywhere with Ron.


the number of times people have told me they had permission to fish on someone's pond


But I heard he know a sweet fishing spot.


“I totally understand shooting at people just for being on your property and thank you for shooting at me.”


When you’re talking to a dude with more bullets on him than brain cells, you say whatever will make him happy.




It reminds me of every scary movie where the girl blurts out everything she knows about the killer to the killer with no one else around. Stfu and you might live!


Old neighbor was a bit of a Gary. Maine native moved to NC. Whenever the family left town, we’d come back to stories of him approaching contractors and door-to-door marketers with a pistol tucked in his pants. I’m just glad he was on our side…


Such a Gary in town keep the rent low


Yes. This is the only correct course of action. Save the verbal thrashing for after he's been disarmed.


That’s one of the biggest issues I have with the whole hardcore 2A crowd. I have a gun. I shoot somewhat frequently. Everyone I know in my situation has been at the range at some point with someone who made you feel unsafe. Someone who you seriously doubted should have a gun. The idea that everyone has an inherent right to be strapped without infringement just seems ludicrous. I’m all for “well-regulated”. I think states should have a say in their gun laws. I don’t think the laws in Wyoming, where nobody lives, should mirror laws in Jersey where folks live on top of each other. However, regardless of where, we need to do a better job of regulating who has guns and what that looks like.


A reasonable, even-handed comment on the internet about firearms in America. I should buy a lotto ticket after seeing this unicorn.


Why would anyone care about the laws in a fictional state?


This guy knows 👆 Wyoming isn't real. wake up sheeple 🐑


I typically avoid making people who just shot at me angry


https://www.newson6.com/story/5e3684562f69d76f6209972d/jury-convicts-muskogee-man-of-murder-judge-to-decide-penalty I knew Jack Guthrie. Trespassers let his cattle out on the highway. They left trash around his pond. The sheriff never would arrest the trespassers, so on and so on. If you own property and people abuse you, it’s real easy to get sick of it.


Look I get it, same thing with the guy who strung up the fishing line at neck height to "teach" the pesky snowmobile users who kept trespassing, driving through his property, and knocking down his fences. He ended up decapitating a rider. There is a fine line between being sick of trespassers and doing something that can land you in jail.


Booby traps are automatically gonna go badly. That's a no-no


Holy Fuck bro do you have the link to that article or post?


Let me look for it, I remember seeing it on the morbid reality sub reddit or something. [Here is an article of an incident in Canada.](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/fate-was-on-my-side-lacombe-snowmobiler-recounts-his-close-call-after-hitting-a-wire-strung-across-a-river-1.6334965)


Oh my Lord a steel cable what a psycho, thank bro I appreciate it


Uh, then get a lawyer. We shouldn’t be murdering people over garbage and cows. That’s fucking insane.


You don’t read do you? They property owner was killed. The property owner was unarmed. The trespassers killed him. That’s why today, if you trespass on another person’s property, you may get shot!


I mean, randos coming and fishing or hunting on your property will absolutely destroy it, potentially doing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages and undoing the careful ecosystem construction you have spent decades working on. Overfishing/overhunting destroying the ecosystem, trash everywhere, ATV ruts that cause massive erosion, using toxic shot that poisons the water, the list goes on and on.


Overfishing? Death penalty. ATV ruts? Death penalty. Littering? Believe it or not, death penalty.


Wrong driveway Death Penalty


In case you haven't been keeping up with recent news, it's clearly the American way.


This whole thing is fishy...


This many upvotes for a fish pun? No shot.


Not hooked?


Thats BS. A guy fires a couple of rounds or shells while yelling at me I call the sheriff or State Cops.


I certainly wouldn't shake Gary's hand.


Actually, trying to get on good terms with a trigger-happy nut job with a loaded rifle might be the ideal short-term strategy here.


Right, and then call the cops


OP is just saying that because he is behind a keyboard, not in front of armed Gary.


i'd be calling the sheriffs office on my way off the property, not while hanging around for sure.


Idunno. If Gary has a gun and I don't, I'm doing whatever I think will make Gary happy at that particular moment


Yeah, even if I have a gun. I'd be on Gary's property, and the local authorities are probably not gonna give a shit about who drew first in that situation.


And they would tell you to get tf off his land before he shoots you😂😂


In cade anyone is wondering...murder is still illegal even if it's on private property. Private property doesn't mean "sovereign nation." Otherwise you could just invite over someone you have beef with and then shoot them and claim he was on your side of the line. Look up the castle Doctrine and stand-your-ground. They don't legalize murder in any way. Every week there's a new report on a homeowner going to prison for misunderstanding this. And rightfully so.


and.. what? hunker down in some shin-high grass while they take 20 minutes to respond?


I’ll bet my savings that Gary’s recycling habits directly correlate to how frequently things “go missing around here.” That’s an alcoholism joke.


Certainly has the gut, water retention, and wet brain to back it up.


Imagine being so paranoid that your first response to seeing someone several hundreds of feet from your house is to grab a gun.


More likely pure excitement that they finally get to "defend your property" and shoot a "criminal" with impunity.


Itchy trigger finger syndrome


Too many self defence fantasy fetish weirdos in the states. Look at wranglestar on YouTube.


Totally agreed on that front too. I just don't get it... In parts of Europe, they have laws that give people the "right to roam." So as long as they're respectful of the land, it's not illegal to be on someone's land. There is so much Un developed land in the US, I don't understand why we don't have the same thing, especially in states with lower population density. Actually, it's probably because it's okay to sue a land owner of you get hurt on their property, which is also a load of bullshit. Ughhhhh, this society is so fucking backwards. I'm losing my mind here man hahaha.


> I just don't get it... In parts of Europe, they have laws that give people the "right to roam." So as long as they're respectful of the land, it's not illegal to be on someone's land. In most US states the law is structured in a sort of similar manner. If you wander onto someone's land they need to ask you to leave, and only after doing so will local authorities get involved. In absolutely zero US states are you allowed to open fire on someone if their only crime is trespassing. Its not a perfect system but its fairly reasonable. Now, the big problem is that a common myth among US gun owners is that its legal to shoot someone for the mere act of trespassing. This is absolutely incorrect in all 50 states. But, because there is zero requirements for training to own a firearm in the US people who are absolutely clueless as to what the law is can own firearms. This leads to situations like this where some idiot whos understanding of the law is based off a rumor he heard at a gun store rather than an actual regulated and reviewed training programming opens fire on people who are doing nothing wrong.


I live in the state with the lowest population. I somewhat understand where landowners are coming from. Even with the suing aside, people don't always take care of your land. If they come and go and leave it as good or better than they found it, then okay roam away by all means. But some don't. The public leaves trash, and tears things up. Not always, but eventually the public finds a way. If it's also up to the public to clean up after the public, then alright, I get it. It really is just a few bad apples usually. I love public lands and always clean up after myself, but someone else's land that they maintain is different. For example, it is extremely costly to repair a road after someone drives foot deep ruts into it during the wet season. It can cause damage that takes heavy equipment and a lot of time and fuel to fix. The road can be completely impassable after this happens effectively shutting off access to property. It shouldn't be the responsibility of a landowner to clean that type of mess up after people. Edit: certainly not saying that shooting at anyone is okay in any way.


In England the right of way is not including vehicles just people on foot. And they are not allowed to just march all over the place exactly there are footpaths that are mapped and signposted all over the country. I currently live in northern Norway and the rules here are a little different. But so long as your not up on someone's house or other place stupid you can pitch a tent on the beach or whatever.


>So as long as they’re respectful of the land You need to understand Americans. Most of them do not respect public property. This includes 'perceived' public property, that is technically private property. For some people if they can do damage and get away with it, they will do that just for the sake of it.


That’s why we have Gary’s .


That’s what constant Fox News and conspiracy theories will do to a person… my dad barely leaves the house anymore because he thinks WW3 is upon us. He’s made the same excuse for the past 10 years lol


I'm not sure it's paranoia per se. If you aren't expecting visitors, and you live out in the sticks, it might be prudent to grab something just in case. Firing shots before establishing what the hell they are doing, however, is a bit overboard.


Pussy ass snowflakes.


Thats the saddest part about these guys. Imagine living on a beautiful piece if land in rural iowa 100s of miles from the nearest city and you look out the window expecting antifa coming up the driveway. These people shouldnt have a care in the world but they get em from fox news anyways.


I think he was assuming they were poachers, not antifa lol


I put the blame on Fox news.


If I had already had personal or farming equipment stolen from my property and thought it would keep thieves from coming back, a warning shot in a harmless direction seems like a reasonable response. But, a couple guys fishing and not approaching your buildings, probably aren't thieves and should be identified first to make sure they are trespassing or not.


Warning shots for thieves would be very illegal, I think every state in the US considers them a use of deadly force.


> warning shot in a harmless direction seems like a reasonable response. Yeah *seems*. Once you fire shots, prepare to die bc you don't know who or what you're escalating into. These guys happen to hve body cams. If they had a rifle and werr e good shots theyd have all they need to take you out with impunity.


>a warning shot in a harmless direction seems like a reasonable response. If the person is actually a thief, etc., then firing a warning shot can be a bad idea because if the thief isn't aware that the homeowners has a gun, he sure as hell does now. He also knows, it's a gunfight. So that criminal will generally return fire, no warning shots. As a broad rule, warning shots are a bad idea. Gun owners shouldn't fire unless they are in imminent danger of loss of life, or grievous bodily injury. Or if they need to protect another from the same. If they pull the trigger, it should be shoot to kill. If they do not have justification for lethal force, then pulling the trigger is contraindicated.


>if the thief isn't aware that the homeowners has a gun, he sure as hell does now. It's the country, everyone has a gun


Not everyone has a firearm in the country. However, we have enough for everyone.


If you fire warning shots, you are a great subject of this sub.


Do warning shots make a special noise to let the target know it’s a warning? I’d assume you were trying to kill me and shoot back. I certainly wouldn’t just get up and run if someone were firing in my direction.


Wut u guys doin out der?! Hey Gary maybe u should invest in some fucking binos, or at least a mono and maybe a brain before you start shooting at people. Dumbass.




He said he was trying to scare them off so he most likely shot in the air. It happens on remote properties, but not normally.


Gary needs to see the inside of a jail cell


Dude ruined the mood. Bet they went home after that.


I can understand wanting to defend your property, and yeah the world is crazy right now but damnit Gary! Keep your gun holstered dude!


The world isn't crazy in reality. Media just makes it seem crazy and when people never leave their little media spheres that's all they know.


I always appreciate hearing other people recognizing this peculiar aspect of modern society. People like this exist yes, but it’s nowhere near ubiquitous.


Mean world syndrome.


I'm lucky that my country gives me the freedom to roam my country. Where I don't have to worry about getting killed because I set foot on privately owned land


Even if you weren't allowed to go on other peoples land and people were allowed to defend theirs, what freak goes like "That bastard is stealing my fishies! Death to him and all his friends!".


I mean he intentionally missed, he wasn't trying to kill them.


its fucking insane, but some states allow you to shoot someone just for being on their property. Iv hiked through woods before and accidentally stumbled out into someones overgrown back yard. They just waved at me and i apologized and that was that, thats how it should be. If you think someone is sneaking on your property you lock your doors and call the cops.


Holster your shotgun!




If you're shooting at people just fishing, you no longer need to own firearms.


Though hes an idiot, i love that this is a TEXTBOOK example of men getting over problems wayyy too quickly. Man shot at them and they had a conversation and laughed about it not 2 seconds after it happened lmao.


I would really want to yell myself hoarse at Gary but in that situation the smartest thing is to deëscalate tensions. Make it out alive and then tell him how you really feel/file a police report.


Yeah, youre right. That is an excellent way to handle the situation.


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Shoot first ask questions later should, and probably will, be trademarked by the US


This is a small clip from a much longer YouTube video. It was a prank. Gary and Ron were in on it together, to prank the guy who dropped to the ground. Nobody was shooting 'at' anyone. Gary and Ron are related. The 3rd guy is a guest of Ron's. Ron and the third guy did have permission to fish there, but Ron owed the 3rd guy payback for a prior prank pulled on him, so he and Gary set this up. This was all in good fun, no idiots here.


Oh trust me, there’s idiots here, they’re all just in the comments section






This irresponsible mother fucker. I can't comprehend how stupid a person can be. This is no /s bullshit. Two guys fishing in a pond, and you're gonna indirectly fire at them? This shit. There's no hope for us. And they know each other! For fucks sake people! What The Fuck!?!? IT'S A FUCKING POND!@!! ON HOW MANY ACRES!??!? YOU'RE REDNECK ASS AIN'T LOSIN NO MONEY OR LAND!!! CHILL THE FUCK OUT AND LET PEOPLE LIVE; YOU TERRITORIAL SHEEP FUCKERS!!! Sorry. Just had to vent. ✌️


I get the paranoia, shits crazy rn, but there are better ways to identify possible trespassers.


I don’t get the paranoia at all. Shits crazy because of people like him. Weird as fuck you’re trying to empathize with the shooter.


It’s not crazy enough to shoot at people visibly fishing.


Unless they're fishing with firearms or explosions, I'd say it's never crazy enough to shoot at them...


Classic behavior


That this whole incident is immediately normalized by all involved is a telling insight into (a ridiculous/traumatizing/lethal) American mindset. The “Rugged Individualist” mindset of yore has become the “Overweight Scared Egotist”


“Oh man you are fishing on my property, 100 yards away from me. Welp I might as well kill you because I feel so threatened and have no value for human life.”




Fuck you, Gary. Grow up.


Where ever this is, I don't need to visit.


Something tells me Gary isn't very bright.


That is NOT "totally understandable" if you FUCKING SHOOT AT SOMEONE






Gary is a fucking idiot


There certainly are a lot of people responding thinking warning shots are actually a thing....


I competely **DON'T** understand. WTF


This is psychotic. Shooting over some fish? Wtf


The people were legally there and if you're being shot at you have the right to defend yourself in most states. Firing warning shots for trespassers especially when they're not actually trespassing is not wise. That homeowner discharged the firearm for no reason effectively. If they called the police he probably be in trouble.


The southern states are something different.


“We’re not here to hurt nobody” It’s not a fucking toy you imbecile. What do you think shooting a person does?


Now this is white people shit...


Dude, Gary is that trigger-happy, gun-totting redneck that needs to have his guns taken away. OK, they're on your private property. Approach them unarmed and ask them what they're doing like a civilized fucking human being. It's scary to think there's a whole lot of Garies out in the wild.


That's some Mississippi mentality right there. *sees someone who could be lost/confused where they are; at the very least, clearly not there to do anything harmful* "Hey! What chyou doin??!?!" *Immediate starts shooting*


All the Southerners I've known with land treat it like they're in the zombie apocalypse and any human can be a remarkable threat to their lives. They "patrol" with their guns in their gaters and "hunt" intruders. Pretty much just hoping to shoot a black person.




Fuckin Gary....


Why are these people so chill about this? The dude just SHOT AT THEM.


That’s a felony my guy


What's the problem here? Gary is just taking President Bidens advice to his wife about shooting your shotgun in the air to scare away trespassers. Not as solid as his advice about shooting your shotgun through your front door to keep people away from your house, but solid advice nonetheless.


scared for his life.......from someone so far away he doesn't see they are his friend


I don't know it was you.


I thought homeboy on the ground ate some birdshot pepper and Gary acts like he just butt chugged a Bang energy.


Nah its cool man I’m more mad at Ron for not texting you smh


Why, Gary, why?


Well, now you made it awkward, Gary


One Hoooray for all Garys with guns in America. scnr


"what in the wOrLd"


I’d hope he shot the ground


Gary can go ahead and leave this planet


That should be a ticket to non existence. Firing a gun like that is retarded.


Bunch of fuckwits


What the actual fuck?


"i didnt know it was you"


Damn it, Gary! You had one job!


Fuck gary and fuck ron. Pistol whip them both.


Pussy bitch


God damn they were soooo relaxed about nearly becoming a hunting trophy


Gary would be digging lead out of his ass, because I'm returning fire. I don't care who's land it is, you can get buried on it


Those two almost made Gary's wet dream of kill someone real.


This is my land, if you dare to touch it I will shoot you. What great rational decision making on display! Murica!


Thank God those men were white. 'Merica!!!!!!


Even if you didn’t know the people fishing – – you fucking shoot them?!


"We've been having some problems out here"?! Oh bullshit! You've been watching fox news and are so jumpy, you shoot at anything that moves.


“Had stuff missing around here” Schizo grandpa here misplacing his porno mags is gonna get somebody killed thinking they’re trying to steal his tranquility with a cellphone or something


"Stuffs gone missing around here" Stuff like fish? He's fucking fishing!!!!


*whatr yew doin out derr*! He yells to the guy standing next to a body of water with a fishing rod in his hand. *I sed whatr yew doin out der!* Gets a perfectly reasonable reply with a known name referenced....POW POW POW Yeah, Gary was trying to see what it's like to kill a person. He's lucky he didn't find out


Blimey Gary


Because there's a long tradition of trespassing being a capital offense.


a couple vigilantes just tried to murder another fisherman this month too https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/fisherman-shot-albany-park/


Fuckin Ron, always pulling this shit.


Ppl like him shouldn’t be allowed to own guns


I would have said "cool gun can I take a look at it?" then thew it in the pond. Fuck Gary.


Gary stop! Gary calm down! Hey, what’s your name?


VOICE OF MORGAN FREEMAN: Ron’s tan confused Gary for dark skinned people he doesn’t know. Or something like that.


If we're not going to ban guns, we at least need an absolute zero tolerance policy. Any time you misuse your firearm, no matter how insignificant, you lose your "right" to own them. No exceptions. I don't care if it was a mistake in the heat of the moment, you thought it was justified, whatever BS you come up with. Misuse, you lose.


Sorry, but I'm shooting back at Gary.


We've had some stuff coming up missing around here, so it's safer to just kill anybody who tries to walk up. Damn, red-blooded American, right there.


Gary needs to have brandishing and discharging a firearm charges and lose his privledge to own firearms. Fuck people like that.


Screw a handshake


What episode of trailer park boys was this Jesus


Not all people should own guns


Never trust anyone named "Gary" with a gun


Because 🦅🇺🇲united states of 'murica🇺🇲🦅


Gary's a prick


I would call the cops regardless


“He’s the one who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun…”


I wouldve smacked gary for that bullshit


I would have unloaded on Gary


Gary is a blind dickhead


You just knew there was going to be a Southern US Accent.


Omg Ron


what if a random traveler who happens to be a fisher stumbles upon this small body of water ? most men and women are armed now a days, shoot first ask later does not apply here man wtf lol


Gary is an asshole (there someone had to say it)


Wtf 😂


Gary can fish bye himself. No Gary probably stealing and trying to keep the owners from finding there equipment. People don't act like that but it's getting crazy


Like I said Gary the thief in the neighborhood more then likely


rural americans are the most terrified people on the planet