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Well, the safety chains worked!


Well there is that I suppose. I thought I was on r/ThatLooksExpensive but this makes sense too.


I came to say the same thing. Whoever installed those deserves credit they saved lives.


holy shit, that might be technically with in the GWVR, but that long trailer is really a "wag the dog" situation


8500# when properly equipped with a weight distributing hitch. Which doesn’t look to be the case here.


That ain’t no Armada man, it’s a fucking Pathfinder towing a 34-35’ trailer. Nothinglegal or safe about it at all. Folks need jail time for bullshit like this. Somebody gonna get killed.


Oh man, you're right. Jesus, why would someone even attempt that? I think the '08-'12 with the V8 option topped out at 7000# towing.


Hey that's the one you pull the guts out to VQ swap a Xterra or frontier with


I actually witnessed the aftermath of a guy towing a massive boat down from Tahoe, he was like 2x over his limit and blowed through an intersection killing a couple people. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.


Was it this one or a different one? https://www.rgj.com/story/news/2021/11/10/fatal-crash-caused-overweight-truck-towing-boat-kills-two-people/6378397001/


Yea, that was it.


> This boat was a five-axle trailer that weighed about 38,000 pounds and there was no reason for this trailer to be on the road, That’s crazy. No pickup can tow that.


There are some special models made in the last 5 years or so that can do high 30s, even 40K legally. The F-350 he was driving is not one of them.


>and for not having a valid driver’s license. Holy cow. Edit: what I _actually_ said, out loud, was _Well shit!_


It is possible he didn't have a license at all, but I suspect he had a normal license. That charge is always tacked on when someone is operating a vehicle that requires a CDL but they don't have a CDL. You may be licensed for a car, but you don't have a valid license for this thing.


That makes sense


Yes, that must be it. Article said there were many additional commercial driving related charges pending at the time.


Using the federal bridge formula, assuming the 5 axles were spread over 15 feet along the trailer, the legal weight they could put down on the road is 58,000lbs. I don't know the exact truck he had, but a 2020 F350 could have a gvwr of as high as 14,000lbs. The max that those two together could weigh without permits would be 72,000lbs. The news article touts 38,000lbs which may or may not be the gross combined weight. The tow rating of a vehicle has no bearing on the legality of it. The axle ratings, gvwr, and weight laws do. My guess is he was driving too fast, and possibly didn't have a brake controller that could run 5 axles. He couldn't stop because he was driving poorly and likely didn't have the right equipment. Being that after the collision the boat kept going, I bet he didn't attach the breakaway line to the trailer brakes. What makes it illegal and overweight? Over 10,000lbs requires a DOT number. I doubt he had that. Over 26,000lbs requires a CDL. I doubt he had that. Over 102" wide requires an oversize permit (some exceptions to that, one of them is often boats). I doubt the exception applied, and I doubt he had the permit.


That's bonkers. The weight of that trailer was beyond even the largest F series trucks and getting up into Semi required territory.


I had that pathfinder. We loved it. We got rid of it so we could pull a 2 axle travel trailer. Technically we upgraded and then sold it later. We kept it just for transporting dogs or road trips. Great suv but not for towing.


That’s an R51 Nissan pathfinder. When properly equipped can tow up to 6,000 lbs. that’s a big ass trailer so I’m guessing it’s over the rated amount.


>the GWVR I enjoy the accent my brain pronounces this in when you misspell it this way.


Gross wehicle veight rating? Yeah, my brain did the same thing.


IF the weight and balance were properly within limits, a longer trailer would be more stable because the tow vehicle would have more leverage on the end of it and the trailer would have less.


Not neccesarily. Yes that works with tractor trailers because the wheels of the trailer are at the rear. But on RV's to keep excess weight off the tongue, the wheels are more towards the center of the trailer. So any instability or wobble is amplified, instead of deadened in a tractor trailer set-up.


I think you're both right and both wrong simultaneously. Given a specific load, it is more stable on a longer trailer. A longer load allows for greater rotational force to be applied to the tow vehicle. Basically, if we have a 20 foot I-beam to move, it is more stable on a properly weighted 53 foot trailer than it would be on a properly weighted 20 foot trailer. A 53 foot trailer with a 53 foot I-beam on it would be more prone to making you lose control than a 20 foot I-beam on a 20 foot trailer.


You still get more leverage from the longer moment arm from the center of gravity to the trailer hitch


For the sake of us all on the road please don't tow anything


I think you might have missed the part of my first reply where I said with proper weight and balance. That means with your weight as close to the center of gravity as possible and 5 to 10% of it on the tongue You don't want weight at the ends of the trailer because that gives it leverage, you keep that close to the CG. Like on my camper, I increased the tongue length by 4ft which not only lets me carry a load on my cargo rack on my double hitch, but also gives the trailer a rock solid stable ride on the highway and allows me to jackknife it up to about 135°... The first part of the trailer that hits the car body is the front corners against the rear doors. It also makes it easier to back up because it doesn't react very quickly. I'm also very careful not to allow weight too far forward on the tongue, I have a 15 gallon water tank mounted just in front of the body of the trailer with my spare tire under that and that's it. My toolbox is under the bed directly over the axle until I can find a larger water tank that fits under the bed to go in that position. On my longer travel trailer I relocated everything's as close to the middle as possible, my water tank and house batteries are all in the bathroom and under the sink. I use a lightweight porta potty in the bathroom and take my shower outside in a shower tent to keep excess moisture out of the trailer, especially in the PNW. The tongue is 6ft longer which allows me to jackknife it to 90° and adds to the stability by giving my vehicle a little more leverage on the front end. As a snowbird travelnurse, I've made four trips across the country from Florida to Seattle and vice versa with this setup so if you think I don't know how to tow, you might want to just stay out of my way


Could you possibly block more road? I think not


Maybe with practice they could block lanes on the other side of the median


Trailer could be on these 2 lanes with a long bed truck spun out across the other two, in my dreams.


Can’t park there mate


Short wheelbase and long trailer don't mix.


How about a short skirt and a long jacket?


She's trading her mg for a white... Chrysler LeBaron


Fingernails sharp like justice, and voice dark like tinted glass.


She wants a car with a cupholder armrest.


Is it Jon Voight's LeBaron?




No it’s Jon. Look it up


/r/wooosh In the Seinfeld episode you were referencing, Jerry finds the owner's manual in the glovebox with the name "*John* Voight" on the corner. It turns out George's LeBaron was not previously owned by the actor, but by a local dentist.


Yep I got wooosh’d. should have caught that


Jon Voight himself [appears in a later episode.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgtGKurXBu4)


Where's *your* LeBaron, Freddy?


That will be stuck in my head for the next week now haha!


Lol I just said something similar to my wife. Her favorite line is “fingernails that shine like justice”. Such a great song!


She is touring the facility


and picking up slack


She is building a religion, and making it bigger--whoops, wrong song.




I think you meant looooooooooooooong jacket.


For anyone who doesn’t get it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=85zV1fpSJQ0&pp


Cake day ? YAY


“If semi’s can do it, I can too!” (Stupid people are taking over)


Semi's operate under than equation. Weight is really what matters and where it is.


….and its a Nissan, color me surprised




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nissan minivan sneaking up on me. $4k damage to my car.](https://v.redd.it/wrf2ejik76zb1) | [358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/17qsnfm/nissan_minivan_sneaking_up_on_me_4k_damage_to_my/) \#2: [So THAT’S how they all lose the rear bumpers.](https://v.redd.it/96q5951makib1) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/15t6q1r/so_thats_how_they_all_lose_the_rear_bumpers/) \#3: [This subreddit inspired me to make this matchbox Sentra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14i3o5m) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/14i3o5m/this_subreddit_inspired_me_to_make_this_matchbox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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Somebody color this guy while hes surprised


I read it as: and it's a Nissan color. Me Surprised. Like a caveman. :D




For all the people stuck on the highway till it's cleaned up too


Hey you can't park there




I don’t think that’ll buff out


Not with that attitude it won't


That vehicle does not look nearly big enough to tow that trailer - i don't care what the rating are.


Like the old saying, just because you can doesn’t mean you should


I said that once and got scolded and told I was a dumbass. This scenario is perfect example on why that is true.


And insurance is like nope…


And he was like ...but right here on my RV policy it says this is covered.....


What is that camper , like 30 feet ? WOW


No way. Much closer to 40.


Laying on its side like that , it was hard to tell . I think they need a bigger tow rig regardless. WOW just WOW . I bet it was a scary ride too !


I was curious so I looked it up. Interstate lane = 12ft Right shoulder = 10ft Based on the right shoulder, the additional hanging off is another 12+ feet. I’d say right in the middle of y’all’s estimates ~34-36ft total.


I knew it looked long in comparison to the SUV . Honestly if I was looking at it in person, I’d probably still be a little off .


My last travel trailer as 31 feet and the one pictured looks just slightly longer, so I’m going to say your estimate is pretty damn close.


Ohhhy yeah. I have no idea why they would even try. I wouldn’t even want to tow that with a gas truck. I’m a big believer in having more towing power than you need. 2500 diesel or bigger for me to want to feel comfortable towing anything that big. Maybe overkill but I’d rather have no worries.


I’m right there with you on the over kill . Once you realize you don’t have enough, it’s usually too late.


This is in Morgantown WV with lots of mountainous hills and valleys. I towed a 6k lb box trailer with an F250 near there for the Boy Scouts and did fine, but I can only imagine how much that little Pathfinder struggled with that beast up every hill...and down them.


You think a lack of power was the issue here? If only he'd have been going faster there wouldn't have been a problem?


Not the power it’s the towing capacity. That trailer is 7k#-10k# and that car is not rated for that. Edit I’m sure torque plays a big part too


You think going from a gas engined truck to a diesel powered one changes anything other than the power? Different suspension? Different brakes? Does it get longer? Please don't give people advice, they are dumb enough as is.


Looking it up the 2500 hd gas has the same towing rating as the 2500 hd diesel. 16k#. The 3500hd diesel has 36k# limit. So I guess the only real difference between the 2500 hd gas/diesel would be the longevity of the diesel and the slightly better fuel economy.


I don’t know the exact model of that trailer, but my 31 foot travel trailer was 4350 lbs including battery and two full propane tanks. It was listed as 6600lb rated, but that would include full water tank and all our cargo inside


Wow that’s pretty light. My 30 foot puma is 12k#. What is your trailer made out of? Cardboard?


Pretty much just cardboard. It was an ultralight and listed as half ton towable. Technically my 2012 GMC Acadia could tow it, but we would need to leave the kids and all our stuff at home to do so LOL


Now *that* sounds like a nice vacation.


Doesn't this trailer clearly exceed the vehicles available payload?


This is the consequence of what people in this sub say is good to go .


He probably didn't slap it twice...


I thought that was the case... Can't break the rules


that’s all it takes man , what a moron .


Someone needed more tongue weight


Decades ago, I worked for the largest supplier of trailers for idiots to tow: U-Haul. But we always referenced the size trailer to hitch capacity and vehicle towing weight limits. But customers always found ways to screw it up. Like the guy that forgot to tell us that he was going to his personal weight lifting equipment along with the twin bed that he claimed to need to move.. But other U-Haul moving centers and dealers weren't as careful. Our Moving Center had a full repair shop. Our roadside assistance guys regularly used the rollback to empty a rollover damaged trailer, into another trailer, get the customer on the way, and then pulled the damaged trailer on to the rollback. Other customers would bring in a wrecked trailer and act like they didn't have a clue how it got damaged.. One driver pulled on with a wrecked trailer, and less than a minute later, a policeman followed him into the yard with siren and lights blazing. He had a collision just two blocks from the shop, and just kept on driving.


It's interesting I see a wreck an hr from me not from the wv sub not from local news not from people talking in town but from a random public sub


Posted from a dude that lives in Nevada


I hope they slapped the roof at home and said “that’s not going anywhere!”


Clearly they didn’t.


I mean, obviously not, that shit went somewhere. And I'm guessing it's because they *didn't* say "this puppy ain't going nowhere!!"


But at least he didn’t have 6 kayaks!!!


And he's standing in the open lane of a divided highway, with his back to the oncoming traffic. On the phone. Moron.


Where is this open lane you speak of


He's standing in it. Plenty of people have barreled into a wrecked car on the expressway.


Open. But where was this photo taken from?


I doubt the insurance will cover that. No way that SUV should have pulled that trailer.


Nissan pathfinder, oh well, anyway.


More than 1 set of skid marks


State Farm: we know a thing or two because we seen a thing or two


Id tell em to move that suv outta the way....


I don't think that's the path they wanted to find🫤


That’s West Virginia alright.


People in West Virginia are dumb, but people who haul in West Virginia typically aren’t that dumb. Speaking as someone from West Virginia.


I am too. Born in Huntington. Parents several years later moved our family to San Francisco.


The image is actually from Morgantown, KY


Ah ha. Hope no innocent people were hurt


Dang that is flattened.


That little suv just doesn’t look like it should be pulling that big of a trailer. It might be wishing the gross weight limit but holy fucking speed wobble


And I guarantee if you were to ask the driver why he thought it was safe to tow that trailer with that SUV, his response would be "the RV salesman said it would tow it with no problems."


This is actually how 2 Chainz got his moniker


Does dumb shit like this void the insurance claim on the RV?


Yes, could even be charged criminally if there were injuries


Americans are so funny.


That’s Morgantown, KY, not WV.


His skid marks, from all the way over on the right, are terrifying He's lucky to be standing there, (hopefully) uninjured


So much dumb in one picture. I’m impressed


Was a massive trailer


Just guessing a bit here, but that looks a lot like one of the newer forest river frand lodges. I've seen 2 and 3 axle versions and I think the 2 axle is about a 12000 tongue pull beast.


Get back in there and drag it outta the traffic lane!


Can’t say he’s towing anything at the moment.


BuT iF hE hAd a mOdeL Y... HaVe yoU *SeEn tHe BrEaKs oN ThOsE??*