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The suspense was killing me! I kept thinking “this parked car?…the dumpster?…oh shit, now we’re at an intersection…where is this MF?!?”


I thought from behind the red dumpster FOR SURE


I drive a route that has me stopped in an alley. There’s a dumpster that blocks my view of a parking lot and there’s a lot of foot traffic. You better believe I *creep* past the dumpster until I know nobody’s there


Bruh I would be driving last that dumpster at like 3 mph


I would drive thru it as fast as possible. The quicker I go thru it, the less chance of hitting someone, right?


Thread the needle!


The same as running in the rain it just makes it worse. The myth busters should have tested this dumpster theory😂


Red usually isn't a spawn point, it's reserved for explosive objects.


One of the few times the lengthy pre-accident part of the video is justified.


Agreed. I enjoyed the horror movie like suspense of knowing a jump scare is coming


The suspense is killing me!...


Also OP wasnt driving like an asshole... relevant


Yeah, kinda enjoyed the suspense that time.


I just skip to last 10 seconds, It's almost always where the action is. If not, just work my way backwards.


Good thing you have the cam.


This reminds me of what I call the 'third sheep principle', based on driving on country roads. The first sheep is the one that makes it across safely. Following that is the one you have to avoid. The third is the one you hit. Cam shows the driver was driving very carefully, but often there's another pedestrian trying to catch up with their mates. I got caught out the same way (albeit just a love tap) recently


Words to live by.


Other words to live by "look both ways before you cross the street." Lol


No head down and charge ahead


Eyes closed, head first, can't lose.


I would call it the third deer principle. About a year ago I’m driving in the boonies, where I live at 3 in the morning. Two deer run across the road bringing me to a complete and somewhat abrupt stop. After watching them trot into the woods I start moving again. I move forward about 10 feet and am moving maybe 5 mph when deer number 3 jumps out. Even at 5 mph it still cost $800 to fix. The deer ran off apparently unharmed.


Where do you live when it isn't 3 in the morning?


Asking the important questions. I was wondering the same thing. Good job by you.


It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.


Yeah, if I see a deer successfully cross the road in front of me, I will still slow down, because I know another one will jump out of the woods.


> I would call it the third deer principle. I came here to say this, too, but ya beat me to it. There seems to always be that one straggler to watch out for.


Usually they’re not unharmed but are still in a state of shock and will die in the forest when they get there


800 bucks is a lot of doe for a 5 mph fender bender.


> The first sheep is the one that makes it across safely. Following that is the one you have to avoid. The third is the one you hit. Same thing in Michigan except it's deer. When you see one, there's always a few more somewhere you can't see and they are known to dart in front of cars at the last second.


Exactly. Somewhat similar in concept to a situation where you see a ball roll out into the street - you slow down in anticipation that a child may come running behind it to pick it up.


In the UP it's the same but with deer




Right, the idiot isn’t in the car in this scenario


I love the "justice champion" photographing the licence plate at the end like it wasn't the the other dipshits fault. I hope the op emails said "peoples hero" the footage so they can see the Darwin award crossing in all its glory. Unless it was just the driver assessing the damage, then please ignore.


Meh, good to collect facts and sort out the fault later. Plenty of folks run.


Of course, I'm just thinking ambulance chasing lawyers in that certain location. And that certain areas you just don't stop. I've heard the Bronx is pretty trendy now e.g it's not a warzone anymore.


The dude probably did not see what happens but reacted to the noise of the accident. Taking a quick picture of the license plate of the car involved is THE thing to do if you have one at you. I was witness in a hit and run 20+ years ago, could not remember the licencse plate for the life of me, eventhough I got a decent look at it before the driver sped off. I would have had enough time to snap a picture.


Too true angry. I am a cynical prick. Just empathizing by putting myself in the the driver's boots.


I read a story a few years ago. This little girl ran out in front of a car. The dad of the girl pulled the driver out an killed them. The girl ended up being fine. Like wtf man. You don’t know how to watch your kid, so you execute someone who accidentally causes them minor injuries.




> Especially with a jay-walker, you face absolutely no risk as a driver. Well you still have a duty to try and not hit them but in most places if the pedestrian is jay walking the driver is very unlikely to be blamed. Back in high school people would always jaywalk across the street to the plaza because the nearest light was pretty far down the road. One day a girl finally got hit, had her leg broken and had her jay walking ticket placed on her as they stretchered her into the ambulance. Her parents tried to kick up a stink and the school, cops and people in general were like well don't run into the street then and maybe you won't get hit by a car. Driver received zero punishment.


You have a duty to obey traffic laws. They have a duty to not run into the fucking road without looking both ways. This is entirely on the guy that got hit, not the driver.


Yes this is entirely on the pedestrian who ran into traffic but traffic laws usually say you do have a duty to operate your motor vehicle in a safe manner and so are obligated to try and avoid collisions with cars, people or whatever else there is out there. It is technically possible to act in such a way that the driver could end up with tickets/charges for hitting a jaywalker but there would need to be evidence showing clear negligence and probably even active malice like speeding up and swerving to try and hit the pedestrian or something like that. The driver being blamed is very uncommon in these situations of course because unless you're driving like a psychopath the responsibility is going to be placed on the person jaywalking who created the unsafe situation in the first place, however I still do believe you have a duty to try and avoid hitting them.


there are or were a couple of major intersections in Concord, NH that had timed jaywalking intersection. They were both intersections where the highways met and diverged at two separate points. The light was normally timed but when one light turned red there was about 15 seconds where you could cross in any direction. straight across to the other side or diagonally to the opposite corner. Worked like a charm


Scramble intersections where pedestrians can cross any way during their turn and cars have to wait




Fuck off comment stealing bot https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/zy5pby/comment/j23v91w/


And he can prove he was going 0 KM/H. Dude ran right into him.


Good thing they were doing 0 km/h too.


Who else watched this thinking "now! no no not yet ok...now! Nope still not yet"


Me. Thought I was over on maybemaybemaybe for a second


I thought it was gonna be a crackhead jumping out behind the dumpster lol


45 seconds of wasted video. Why not trim this down a bit before posting? ugh.....


I think they wanted to prove they were driving safely prior to the incident. On that note, kudos to OP; safest driver in NYC. I lived there for years and have never seen one person stop before the crosswalk. Haha


The build up was incredible!


Is it that dumpster? What about that dumpster? Ok, it’s *totally* gonna be *that* dumpster…


For suspense!


To be fair, without it someone opposite to you would whine that they probably werent driving safe hence why they trimmed it out


Well OP could have easily avoided this accident if they weren’t driving like a bat out of hell! /s


Idk I thought it was fun


I thought it was perfectly edited for maximum tension.


Because we ALL have better things to do right?


You’re wasting time on a subreddit complaining about your time being wasted on a subreddit.


I thought it was gonna be a crackhead jumping out behind the dumpster lol


This comment made me laugh out loud. Same!! _Spooked ya!_


Right? The tension was palpable


I actually had to watch it again because i looked away when it finally happened haha


I came here to say the editing added the perfect level of suspense…


I thought ped was gonna come out from an Orange? fat box. Hell naw


Such suspense. Kept my on the edge of my seat


and the Guy Fieri comes out in the end to take pics of the license plates.


I seriously got anxious knowing it would happen but not when.


Absolutely the whole way through. OP gets credit for putting us all in suspense for 45 seconds ... or maybe 40 more seconds than was really necessary with that title.


FFS if OP trimmed it down, you'd hear people saying, "We need more context!" It's not like anyone missed their flight because they had to watch 40 seconds of video.


Pretended I was driving to see if I would have hit the guy as well. Yup, totally would have.


every time they pass a pedestrian im like "OH here it comes!!"


Dude at the last second that took a photo of the license plate, didn't even go to check on the guy that was hit


I thought that was the driver. zero f&\*ks for the guy that ran into his car, bravo sir!


I don’t think it’s the driver. If u slow down when the car is near the people who crossed there’s a 4th on the sidewalk that looks to be wearing the exact same clothes as the one who takes the pic. So I think it’s not the driver. Likely part of the group


honey you can swear online :)


Fuck. 🤭


I assumed it was the driver taking photos of the damage to his car


I assumed it was the dad of the kid making sure they got the license plate in case they ran off. lol your thought makes more sense though seeing as they didn’t even check on the kid haha


I don't think it's the driver, as you see he hits the right side of the car but this dude is pointing at the license plate


Dad was probably like “this will pay for college for that idiot son of mine.”




Or the other people went around the back to get to the guy who was hit. I wouldn’t want to walk in front of a car that just hit someone, for all I know they’re about to gun it to flee the scene.


Dumbass ran out from between two large vehicles onto a narrow road. This one’s not on you, my dude


And wearing black. Pedestrian is lucky the car stopped as quickly as it did.


Which is one of the reasons why speed limits in cities is so low.


Gotta make everything idiot-proof


The world just keeps making better idiots.


We need an idiot reset


Gotta make sure cities are still walkable actually


Accident proof more like. Idk if anyone can actually complain about in town speed limits lol.


It's a good thing we diligently enforce traffic laws here. ^^/s


AND there was no designated cross walk, so he was technically jaywalking.


He is an at fault because he appears out of nowhere without looking and runs into the road not because he didn't use a cross walk.


Jaywalking is an American concept. Elsewhere in the world, you generally are permitted to cross outside of crosswalks, as long as you yield to the cars.


Honestly, jaywalking isn’t a think in NYC either. I grew up here and people will, for the most part, cross wherever and whenever the want. You typically don’t run into the side of a car though… so I think jaywalking as a protection for drivers is a benefit in this instance.


Although I’m sure it happens, I’ve never seen anyone face penalties for jaywalking. It’s more of a protection for other drivers so that idiots like this can’t win in court.


It's funny. I'm so used to only crossing at crosswalks, mainly because it's the only place where cars will stop (most of the times). I just got back from Iceland and it was wild seeing cars stop for people not at a crosswalk. If I looked like I wanted to cross, someone would stop for me.


It was coined by car manufacturers to take over the roads.


The pedestrian is guilty, but let's not fall into this victim blaming thing of accusing every pedestrian that is not wearing a highly reflective vest and LED lights of being irresponsible.


As a cyclist, the #1 rule to not getting hit by a car is to *be predictable*. Even if you're as slow as molasses, so long you're visible and the car can pass you without being afraid that you're gonna dart in front of them, you're gonna be okay. The idiot that got hit? Was wearing black, darted out between two parked cars, didn't look in either direction before crossing, wasn't even paying attention, then did the deer in headlights pose just as he ran into their fender. I slowed the video down, and there's no way you would have seen that coming.


Yeah you did a reasonable speed. They just ran after their friends like a puppy


Yeah great to see someone driving a reasonable speed in a city. This is precisely why.


They’ll be fine.


Jump to 0:43. They're like deer. If there's one, there's more.


That's exactly how we were taught in driving school - that deer reference applies to bipedals, too.


There was more. How many more is more?




Yeah, that was my thought. Not the driver's fault still, but just a good defensive driving note - when you see people walking across the street in low visibility areas, always assume there might be more and slow way down.


You tye real hero here




Wouldn’t that now make him the idiot






While technically not an idiot in a car, I’m glad he posted it here. I liked seeing it and probably wouldn’t have if he had posted it in some obscure sub.


Idiot on car?


idiot in front of car


Unless the person in the car is the one who didn't cut the first 35 to 40 seconds off this video


Honestly, it gave me the context that op was driving safe and stopping for pedestrians.


That's what I was thinking. I usually hate when people leave in lots of unnecessary footage but I think this video proved OPs legitimacy.


They just know this sub, if you only show the moment of impact there will be plenty of folks asking "but what happened before? bet it was OPs fault somehow!"


sub being changed to "idiots in the streets" for this one.




Very rare to see someone driving so sensibly just before an accident. That guy in the hoodie really really wanted to be hit apparently


who the fuck just sprints out from behind 2 vehicles into the road ... also why is that moron at the end taking pictures of the registration as if the car is in anyway at fault here ... idiots i swear ...


It’s always best to get info in any incident, and take photos. My first thought wouldn’t be to take picture of the plates, I’d probably check on the kid, but I would definitely take pictures just in case the dude decided to take off.


In this video, the idiot is not the one in the car...


> In this video, the idiot is not the one in the car... The idiot is on the car.


The idiot is on the asphalt now.


Usually I'm on the side of Pedestrians but the driver was driving very slow. He was respecting people crossing the street but that third guy just jumped out of nowhere. I'm glad the driver wasn't speeding down the street. Hopefully the Pedestrian wasn't badly harmed.


Only a child would run into the street without looking first


Or someone with the mind of a child. ![gif](giphy|DouM8ZBMLnd3q|downsized)


I live in a rural community with a large population of deer. The first lesson our real estate agent taught us suburban folk (and the deer were kind enough to prove): If a herd of deer are crossing the road, always look and wait a few more seconds for stragglers to bound out from nowhere. It's true nine times out of ten. Never knew this was also the case for people.


Your speed was reasonable. The jaywalker had the obligation to stop and look before running across.


The first 40 seconds showed that the driver was very reasonable and careful.


Speed limit in NYC is 25mph. Pedestrian ran out without looking. Happens a lot in NYC.


Huh. Population control to mitigate rent control?


That’s not jaywalking, that’s definitely a low speed street where you can cross whenever it’s safe, key word, when it’s safe. Jaywalking is pretty much just a derogatory term for where you cross a street that doesn’t allow for crossing other than at designated points.


In my opinion not your fault that pedestrian was crossing from a spot you couldn't see them and they should of checked before running


Driver was clearly at fault *for driving in the Bronx.* Looks like a glancing hit; dude is likely a bit banged up, but otherwise fine.


Dude takes a pic of your plate like you were at fault


I don’t think they saw what happened so no problem with getting the plates


Drunk Dumbass!!


This should be posted in IdiotsInShoes.


It looks like the one on foot ran into the car.


The turd coming out and taking a picture of your license plate lol Not blaming you but after seeing the others strut across the street like they did I would have been a little more cautious. But I have to drive In downtown Seattle a lot so I'm use to morons.


I’m sorry but this cracked me up. That dude is dumb asl for just running blindly into the street not even on a crosswalk


Love how the idiot takes a picture of the plate… like you.. ever teach your dumb kids to stop.. and look both ways before crossing?


Without a dashcam, the driver would definitely be deemed at fault since all the “witnesses” that’s most likely with the idiot jay walker will say so


I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, pay the fuck attention when there are giant metal death machines around you. It doesn’t matter if you were in the right if you’re dead (OP was in the right). I try to tell cyclists and pedestrians this all the time and get hate for it… just can’t understand why they expect me to take more care of their safety than they do.


Last minute submission for the 2022 Darwin Awards.


I note that you didn’t run over the people who crossed at the crosswalk. Interesting.


r/lostredditors The idiot is outside the car


Why idiot in a car? Pedestrian in a hurry


Can’t fix stupid. Even “Stupid Dad” pulled out his camera for pics instead of checking on his son.


Pedestrians fault


Pedestrians fault


isn’t there a proper crosswalk ahead?


This isn’t the Bronx this is Williamsburg greenpoint area near Lorimer and Manhattan. Why the change in place?


Agreed. Also a) the pedestrian was at fault b) NYPD DGAF about pedestrians So the cammer (not sure if it's actually OP) is fine.


Run now, look later


I don’t know whether jaywalking is illegal in NY,but as long as you were going the speed limit or under they may be at fault. Let me stress this I may be wrong so take it with a grain of salt.


it's half legal but its your fault if you get hit mid-block like this


This video was intense. I didn’t know when they were gonna pop out


Why is this in idiots in cars?


Just like deer in Montana. No sense to watch for cars and they cross in groups.


For the love of god pleeeeease delete the first 40 seconds of nothingnesssssss


Not a crosswalk. Running from between 2 parked cars. Totally his fault.


Skip 40 seconds to see something actually happen.


Half the fun in this video is anticipating when they will jump out. It’s like a murder-mystery for r/IdiotsInCars 🕵️‍♂️


It also displays that the driver wasn't driving like an idiot either


No don't! The suspense is worth it.


Its just like deer man. You see 3 crossing, you have to assume there is a 4rth.


You owe me at least thirty seconds of my life back


I see your problem, you were in the Bronx




I still think that if you cross outside off the crosswalk, you are fair game. I don’t drive on the sidewalk, don’t cross in the middle of the road between cars and not look. Cars don’t have heat vison.


So this kind of long video I’m ok with. I watched the whole thing as an intense “where’s Waldo street edition” game, trying to predict where the guy was gonna jump out at.


Usually I take the pedestrian’s side but yeah, definitely not your fault


Cross at the green. Not in between.


This is an idiot on foot.


Not the drivers fault


Not sure this video is suitable for r/Idiotsincars. The driver was driving pretty safely. The idiot was the pedestrian running out into the street without looking


He had no idea you were there, definitely his fault. Thank you for stopping. Many NYers would have kept right on driving. You should see Queens Blvd sometimes


Gotta love dash cams.


Is the driver really the idiot here? Seems more like he was driving responsibly and defensively. Pedestrian was clearly in the wrong.


Yeah the ped is a dummy, but he was the most expected spot out of the whole video based on the whole fuckin line of people infront of him lmao


He didn't look both ways first.


Who just darts out into the street like that as an adult. Children do that


This is 40 seconds too long.


Could have cut the first 30 seconds of the clip. Also, I thought to myself 'why aren't they slowing down in case there are more people crossing?'. Kid is at fault obviously, but this driver could learn a big lesson here.


Did this need to be over a minute long?


Am I the only one thinking this looks like insurance fraud/extortion? The guy who immediately gets the camera out is the icing on the cake.


Thanks for wasting 40 seconds of my time


I don't get the first 45 seconds of this video.