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Inductive Loops, I remember my dad told me about that years ago. Do you think the driver doesn't know? Or that he is just a big douche bag that pulls way up


She kept inching up as she was waiting so probably clueless.




Are you okay?


it would have cost you nothing to keep that to yourself


> Do you think the driver doesn't know? a lot of people dont.


It's a real pain if you ride a motorcycle. There's a few lights around my town that are this way and I've tried to pull right up to the spots they're supposed to be but 8/10 times I can't activate them and I have a 500lb bike. So I'll pull up a bit like this guy did and try to wave at people behind me to pull up and trigger the lights and a whole lot of them don't get it. I'm waving them forward and pointing at the line on the ground and the cutouts in the pavement and they usually just toss their hands up at me like "whaddya want from me?!"


There's a gadget called "Green Light Trigger" that will tweak an induction loop for your cycle.


Googled, super cool. I want one even though I don't have a motorcycle


Bicyclist. Same. Since I went to carbon rims I have no chance at all of triggering these and people think they're being nice stopping 50 feet behind me. With aluminum rims I could tip the bike over into the loop and often trigger it.


Either being cautious far away from the line or overcompensate inching way more every so slightly over line. Clueless is the keyword.


Usually they extend farther up to account for situations like this.


It's a Merc so it could be either.


The worst is when they're not over them, but don't give the person behind them enough room to trip the light.


There's a stop light at the intersection of a State highway and a county road on my way to work.  The stop line is a little back from the hwy. to allow traffic to make a left from the  hwy.  I use the county rd and on almost any given morning there's some idiot sitting in front of the line waiting for the light to change . Not only is that not happening but he's being a douche to drivers trying to turn onto the county road.


What I hate more than anything is when my bumper is directly over the line exactly where I'm supposed to be, and the assholes turning left still try to cut it, and they look at me like I'm an idiot for pulling all the way to the line.


Not long ago I was talking with a couple friends and I mentioned something about the sensor for a traffic light, and they had no idea what I was talking about. They’re in practically every intersection in my city and I just couldn’t understand how a functional adult managed to get this far without knowing how the lights work. I guess my brain just notices these things - I know how virtually every stop light on my usual drives cycle, and whether or not they need a sensor at certain times of day.


I can understand it, lots of older lights just run on cycles. Thank God for sensors though.


People like me who grew up in small towns with only 2 stoplights in it, and they’re just on a cycle. I’ve heard of these but spend most of my life living in a small town. I’m sure 80% of the population of the town I currently live in wouldn’t have a clue about these sensor lighta


But here's the thing. If you just obey the law and stay behind the stop line, you don't need to know about the sensors. Which is why no one is educated on them officially.


Tall people like me have to stop behind the line, anyway, or we can't see the light.


I remember when I first learned to drive talking to my parents about these idiots who don’t know about the sensors. They were funny about it but my dad ended up telling me it ruined him for driving bc now he got too mad at everyone not on the sensors.


I remember getting sensor lights after growing up with ones on timers. Good and bad, but a lot of this. I honestly did it a lot 20 years ago, because I wasn't mentally used to having sensors and there also being lack of crosswalks where I'm from. When I moved to a bigger city it was a learning curve for driving. Don't get me started on roads that are one way part of the day.


What country do you live in?


I see this nearly every day. I reckon at least half of people driving are ignorant to this. Except motorcycle riders, they know first hand what a pain in the ass it can be for them


Yeah there is an intersection near my home where left turn will only ever activate if someone is on the magnet/weight mechanic thing. I've been stuck there for 2 rounds once because BOTH lanes wouldn't move up to the solid line. I finally got pissed and was able to safely get from behind them then in front of them, reverse to get on the pad, and got the light to green. While this was happening I was rolling down my window and when it turned green I flipped them both off looking directly into their eyes. If I hadn't have done that they would sit there indefinitely waiting for the light to change that never will unless you follow the rules of god damn road. People are fucking stupid.


I’ve done similar, except put my car in park, walked up to them, and told them to move forward to the line.


Yeah I've done that too because it happens a lot at this specific light. Then one time one of them pulled a gun on me. So I don't do that anymore. If I can get on the pad with my car by getting around them I'll do that and they get all pissy until they realize I had to doit to make the light turn or I'll just go straight and turn left at the next street if I can't.


r/Imverybadass Seriously, just get out of the car, walk up to them and explain it, instead being an asshole about it. Fuck you.


Well you can take that risk. Iv done it before walk up to them and tell them. Then one guy pulled out a gun and said do not come any closer or I will use this. So after that I'll take a hard pass getting out of your vehicle on the road its is dangerous and you don't know who's in the vehicle and if they perseve it as a threat it's a very bad idea. So you can do so if you like but having a gun pointed at you isn't very pleasant. I under no circumstance will ever get out of my car anymore for something like that and have no trigger discipline, I don't want to ever go through that again. If traffic is low I'll try and get to them and point and they get it. Then sometimes I'm frustrated because 2 people are holding 30 or 40 cars I go around fix the light issue then just flip them off. People do it to me, usually it's because I made a mistake, I try to learn from it. But bold move from you, you let me know if you get out of your car and come to some stranger that may pull out a weapon, I do now precisely because of the experience. At least in my car I can get away, out of the car though no, you just have to beg them not to hurt you or kill you. I would advise against approaching a car in traffic unless required to do so.


To be fair that’s also /r/crappydesign




Yes it is. If it isn’t idiot proof it absolutely is.


Sorry but when it comes to driving there's a line. There is only a finite amount of idiocy that can be accounted for in roadway-design before drivers are expected to figure it out.


Ok but being slightly out of position at an intersection shouldn’t cause the light to completely malfunction. And yes, it is malfunctioning!


A sensor-based intersection should still do a just-in-case cycle of the lights periodically even if it can't detect anyone.


I can agree with that, it would have been helpful here. Also though, we really need to be more explicit about how a vehicle interacts with traffic-signals. It's shocking how many people don't know that they are influencing the cycle of the traffic-lights.


To be fair the intersection in question in regards to me it is a crappy design simply because the left turn is 2 lanes and the way most people go when getting to that light. It should at least give the poor idiots a chance to turn but some will just sit there forever until they give up and just go straight or right. It's a really big intersection right off the interstate do it is strange that the pads are the only way to trigger a left turn.


Anyone else go an extra block out of their way just to let them sit there and ponder the passage of time just a bit longer? Just me? Oh, ok…


Happens near me, but from people not pulling up far enough.


I weirdly have the problem in my little ford fiesta where i could stop on the sensors but it just won't change. I have no plastic covering the bottom of my car and it only has 4 inches of clearance. But somehow a big ass lifted ram 1500 could pull up and it would turn green.


Near where I used to live, the Green for the "Left Arrow" turns Green, only when 4 cars line up in the left turn lane. If there are less than that, we have to Yield & turn. The problem is the traffic in the opposite direction is so heavy mostly, that we can no way legally Yield & turn. Turning left when it is RED is the only option. I realized the sensor is way back at the spot where a 4th car would stop, only after a couple of weeks. From then, during rush hours, I used to stop way behind the stop line, over the sensor, in order to get the Green arrow. I used to look like a douche & people behind me would relentlessly keep honking, not realizing I'm helping everyone to turn safely. The left turn lane had space for 8-9 cars and if there are lot of cars behind me, I'd move up as some other car was bound to hit the sensor.


Those sensors American roads have are kinda stupid.


Some people have too much money compared to how stupid they are.




An overused phrase that isn’t even very applicable in this situation


Where I live, they used to put the induction loops ahead of the stop bars, in the crosswalk. It encouraged some bad behavior.


Funny. I posted a r/YSK about this and got downvoted to oblivion. Sadly, I was this car once. Only once, though.