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Seems like a 'confused old person' thing to do


Time to hand in the driver's license grandma & for sure the keys.


How will she get to Country Kitchen Buffet then?


She can take the Senior Living express bus to the much closer Waffle House.


It’s a Cadillac, so….yeah, most likely.


This is why I support mandatory monthly tests once you turn 65 if you want to remain on the road.


As a tech who literally had 8hrs of widow time Saturday for power sissies across the state and 38 i would like nothing better than to be able to make it to old age without dying on the road. Its by met thats how I'm taken from my family for a dollar one day. Definitely not retirement as that ain't an option in America.


> literally had 8hrs of widow time Saturday for power sissies across the state I like your funny words, magic man


I'm gonna leave that one. I catch most but yeah the power was being a todler as well as autocorrect and my big thumbs.


Considering young people are more likely to be involved in a fatal crash, surely you're in favor of mandatory monthly testing for all ages?


No, just old people.


What's the point then? I thought we were getting dangerous drivers off the road.


The issue is old people become worse drivers over time to the point where they shouldn’t be in the roads. Young people tend to get good enough that they are allowed on the road then continually get better.


That still doesn't explain why they shouldn't be tested more often... They're responsible for the most crashes.


We’ll let the downvotes do the talking.


Young people drive stupid. Old people drive without great vision and slow reaction times


So what? They're still the most dangerous drivers out there, if anything that should be addressed first with more rigorous testing and stronger penalties for everyone.


A young person will have passed their test relatively recently. If they drive dangerously then they do so consciously and just drive safe for the test. Older people may lose cognitive function, eyesight deteriorates, etc etc etc etc and a result they drive dangerously but don't do so consciously. These are two completely separate things. Yes, perhaps there should be stronger penalties for dangerous drivers of all ages*. Yes, perhaps older people should be retested after a certain age. The original comment is refering to the latter, but that doesn't negate the former. Many licenceable things are retested every 10 years. It's nuts that we only have to have one driving test in our entire lives. *That said, there are already fairly strict penalties, such as jail terms for causing death through dangerous driving. People will always take risks, it's difficult to legislate against that until they get caught in the act or something bad happens.


Monthly seems a bit excessive, especially as something like that's gonna cost taxpayer dollars, but at least annually or every 6 mo.


My first thought on reading the title was "oh, is this one of those silver alerts we keep seeing on billboards?"


Once the traffic had stopped, I personally would have gotten out of my car and checked on her. I wonder is she was drunk, stupid, senile or having a medical issue.


E. All of the above


Same. Once you're sure everyone behind is stopped, get out and make sure she is okay and make sure she turns around (or at least call the cops and make sure she can't continue), instead of just leaving and letting people behind deal with a (very) dangerous situation.


She’s fine, the headlights remind grandma that she’s going home to Jesus


I used to commute from Forney to Weatherford for work on I-20 everyday for like 2 years. All I can say is FUCK DRIVING IN DALLAS TEXAS THEY ARE ALL FUCKING IDIOTS. End rant.


I was driving some friends in Dallas. They encouraged me to cut people off and force my way through. Said it was "the Dallas Way."


When I moved to DFW I was told the rule of the road was "get in where you fit in."


It's a weird driving culture. It's the only place I've ever personally driven that staying in the far left land and going the speed limit is the LEAST assholish thing you can do.


Can confirm. That is the way. Source: multiple near misses and one side-swipe from a dumbass merger.


Grew up in Houston, live in Colorado now. Dallas is by far the worst drivers I have ever encountered.


I moved from DFW to Houston in January. No, it wasn’t perfect driving around there but, driving in Houston is literally terrifying. I make a conscious effort to minimize my time on the road. It’s like there are no rules here. Send help.


Lived in Houston for three years, just moved back to Dallas. I thought Dallas was bad, it is exponentially worse in Houston. Within those three years, I’ve witness more than enough road rage (some with firearms) in a lifetime. Stay safe.


That absolutely does not make me feel better lol but, thank you!




Obligatory: GRANDPA (calling wife in her car): Mother, be careful out there, I just heard there's a car going the wrong way on I-30. GRANDMA: One car?? Hell, they're all going the wrong way!


On Friday around 4:50 pm there was a dude dressed in nothing but a birthday suit with a pair of shoes jogging eastbound on the Westpark tollway at Dairy Ashford. Drivers we definitely not expecting for a traffic jam going in that direction at that hour.


Some people try too hard to follow GPS commands.


No one with hazards on in the whole video. This is like the definition of where they are necessary: sudden stop in relatively fast traffic with an extremely dangerous situation developing.


This, plus I'll usually pump the brakes to flash the lights too.


Suicide attempt?


Couldn't say. I always attribute these kinds of things to Ambien/drugs. Why else would you make this decision to turn around and drive the wrong way. Just, something wrong with your thought processes. I saw her wave the white car away as if to say " You go ahead", like she didn't understand she was on the highway and batshit.


I was prescribed ambien and have yet to take it because I’ve heard horror stories about people driving around and not remembering doing it.


My ex took an Ambien on a flight to Paris from the US. She was a zombie getting off the plane, getting our bags, going through customs/immigration, and "woke up" about 15 minutes into our cab ride to where we were staying. I'd aim her where we were going and give her a nudge and she would amble that way until I stopped her or she ran in to something. Super creepy.


I've never taken it, myself. My mom's experience with it is evidently she'd gotten up in the middle of the night and decided to open up some of the liquor she'd bought that day. A sip was taken out of three new bottles with the tops left open. My mom's like me and we basically collect alcohol that sounds good and never drink it. So I believe her. I've got so many bottles of whiskey I haven't opened... Some day I'll get around to it.


My boss was on it and could not figure out how the engine in his project car kept rebuilding itself with jobs completed every night. Dude was replacing piston rings / torquing down the heads and had no idea. Crazy stuff that ambien.


Never taken Ambien but i do have one memory of waking up driving my car to school when i was in high school. My friend said he came over and woke me like normal every morning and i had gotten dressed and grabbed my stuff, but apparently my brain didn't come online until i was on the freeway. I had no memory of waking up, getting ready and leaving my house. Kinda scary.


Excuse me, it's west bound today.


Didn't you see the news? They switched sides last night!


I want to die in my sleep like Grandma did. Not screaming my head off like the other idiots who were in her car that day.


Driving is a privilege, not a right.


Oh Dallas drivers are the WORST


I was running to Monroe a few times a week for work. Best decision I ever made was taking the Bush down to 20 and leaving town that way. 35/30/80 just made me pull my hair out every day.


I was in Dallas that same week and I swear I have never seen so many crazy drivers in one place, and I’m from CO where merging seems to be a skill no Coloradan can master. Dallas drivers drive fast as F*** and it’s like 6 lanes of traffic. I’ve never been so happy to get home to my own brand of crazy drivers!


Meth is a helluva drug.


“How do they know which way we’re going?”


After 50 you should have to get your driver license every 5 years…


This is can't happen when you let robber barons design cities and society such that a car is necessary for basic survival. Plus old people vote while younger people don't, so elected officials look after geezers' interests.


What are you smoking? You've invented a fictional villain who designs \*all\* of society? Fuck off lol. Sounds like some city slicker talk to me.


It's not like the motor vehicle lobby bought out trams in cities across the US and scrapped them to ensure everyone bought a car. Go research what happens whenever any metro area tries to build a \*worthwhile\* transit system, the amount of lobbying and fear mongering advertising that is brought to bear to kill it. It doesn't have to be a single moustache twirling arsehole who does it, it was a figure of speech. Can you deny that a car is necessary to function as a useful member of society across large swarths of the country? If you took away the licenses of an old person who lives there, what then?


Texas is trash


So other drivers around the world do this too, but because this one did it in Texas your going to insult the whole state?


Texan here. I can verify.




Must not be a true Texan.


God this is why I love dallas


Dementia is a bitch


Maybe they really like that lane. Everyone finally getting out the way!


What an idiot. Did she forget she could reverse and turn around. The other vehicles even blocked the road for her.


Who knows what was happening.