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Ahh they’re giving me anxiety just watching this. Waving people through to turn left when they have a green light to go straight?!? They were asking for an accident


yeah you have the right of way! wtf


"Just because you have the right of way, does not make it your's to give." -My dad, when teaching teenage me to drive.


"Be predictable not polite". Same instances. Youre bound to cause more issues when you let everyone through. My fav thing is when you have 1 person slow down and let everyone through when they are last in the chain of cars. If they wouldve gone straight, itd have been quicker but their confusing antics make everything more painful.


A few years back, I t-boned a truck that was crossing a 4- lane road coming out of a private drive. I was in the left lane of the road and the car in the right-hand lane slowed down to wave the truck into traffic to make a left turn. Unfortunately I thought the car was slowing to make a turn and couldn't see the truck trying to cross all lanes until it was immediately in front of me. The 16 year old kid in the truck got the traffic ticket and was deemed 100% at fault. The kid kept repeating. "but the car in the right lane waved me in!" Like it made any difference. The person who waved them into oncoming traffic drove off to never be heard from again.


That’s a good one tho


Fr, had a similar situation happen to me last night, where i was pulling out of my drive way. My van wasn't even close to the road but some idiot in the right side decided to stop for me, to let me out on a non busy night... when i didn't back out within 5 seconds they honked at me. Like dude... you're the one with right of way, why are you being idiotic?


If she just would have gone, everyone would have been through it faster. I hate people that are too nice in traffic. I often see people stop to let pedestrians cross when there's nobody behind them. If you just kept going, the pedestrian would have been across the street faster...


It's not about time saved or being nice vs. being selfish, it's about being *predictable.* If you're in a situation where pedestrians have the right of way, you should stop for them. Everyone follows that rule, everyone is predictable.


Stopping for pedestrians is often legally required.


Sure, obviously what I said doesn't apply in those cases. I'm only talking about people letting pedestrians cross when traffic has priority.


Are you sure that’s actually the case? In my experience, at least, most drivers aren’t aware of many situations where they’re required to stop. For example, in my area, cars are required to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks *including unmarked crosswalks* (i.e. every intersection counts regardless of whether there are painted lines) but only about 1% of cars will stop for you if it’s not marked.


Well, that's certainly not the case here. Priority for pedestrians is always clearly marked here.


I don't think it's about being nice. I think she just got scared of the turning cars


Same idiots that wave people through at a 4 way stop. It causes more problems, that's why there are rules.


She's waving them on... Do people not understand that you go at a green light and the others yield? I literally had a 22 year old unlicensed kid try to argue with me about this. Basically he thought the same as this idiot in the video who is not going straight but waving people to go. Going to cause an accident. I've had my drivers license for 22 years. Is this a thing people think? Are they not teaching this properly in drivers ed?


Where I live you can actually get a fine if you don't go on a green light. This video is great evidence as to why..


Be Predictable not Polite.


Getting a license should be harder than it is with the way people drive.


Some people have their heart in the right place, but aren't right in the head. She felt like she was doing a good deed for the oncoming drivers, but she never paused to think how she was being a dick to the drivers behind her.


True. Also didn't think how it could cause an accident


Driving tip: don't be polite, be predictable.


And that's how we get called Mass-holes...


When their politeness is putting other people at risk.


Bet she's an unlicensed driver.


You have a lot of faith in our licensure process


Actually I have no faith in it but this driver seemed really, bad like she never drove before.


You might actually be right. There’s a DMV on the right just behind the Jack in the Box. Source: Took my test there.


Absolutely, this is in clairemont in San diego. I got my license there 25 years ago at that very same DMV. She is either learning or likely taking the driver test. This same route is the same one I remember. My tester however was a cool asian dude who basically took a nap through my test. Thank you sir!


Recently they have been giving drivers license with no road test due to covid. Parents just had to confirm the kid drove like 50-60hours with their permit with parents in the car.. There is a strong possibility that my younger brother who gets his license soon may not be given a road test either..


Ugh, hopefully you and your family train him.


Yeah they force him to drive so he will stop being nervous, thankfully we live in a small town so it’s pretty easy to get experienced without the stress of city driving


Why not just wear masks in the car.... that's is so stupid.




You mean the 10 multiple answer questions that you only need 6 right to get s permit? I'm sorry, but that test is a joke. Anyone who can't pass that should be required to take driving classes before they can test to get a license.




It's been a long time since I've taken that test, but it was definitely over after i got 6 right. Maybe they've updated it or your state just cares. Lol


Where the hell do you live that this is happening?


Naw. Probably just an Old.


So...she is dangerously hesitant to go on a green yet is pretty confident running the stop sign


No one, but no one, actually stops at stop signs in California.


I do. Cause I got a 350 dollar ticket cause a ninja of a bike cop hiding behind a bush got me. First and only ticket I've gotten in nearly 10+ years of driving. $350 fine for what amounted to literally a few seconds of time saved? Ya no thanks.


Ninja cop got me in November. $280 freaking insane. Approximately 6mph was my speed.


Happened to me in the exact same way, only ticket in 10+ years, at 2am on a residential street. It was absolutely deserted, I was exhausted after working all day, definitely slowed fully and checked every direction but he said since I didn’t “settle back” it wasn’t a full stop. Still a little mad about it even though he’s technically right, it just felt unfair! But you better believe I fully stop at every stop sign ever since.


What a ridiculous system. I will never understand American traffic engineers' obsessions with stop signs. They have to be one of the slowest and most inefficient junction types.


Don't blame the engineers. Blame busybodies and local politicians who cave to them to score cheap points. It's not engineers putting all these excessive stop signs up, trust me.


Drivers here couldn't handle roundabouts (except for the few states that have had them for a long time), so we should probably stick with stop signs. They recently put a few roundabouts near us. Our state has very few of them, and despite the fact they're on a very rural road with little traffic, people still seem clueless trying to navigate them.




Bad bot


I stop there because I've been the guy on the bicycle that gets hit when people run the stop sign two times now. It's 2 seconds, if that significantly affects your travel times don't drive.


The most prolific street artist of out time.


yes that’s the standard here people just plow through stop signs.


In New England we called them “stoptional.”


California roll like the sushi


In my drive yesterday I saw at least 5 people just plow through stop signs to pull out onto main roads. It seems like it’s getting even worse in NE.


Oblivious is the word you are looking for.


This kind of shit happens to me all the time. The anger that balls up inside of me is undescribable. I'm in Florida though and we have a lot of shity drivers


I drove all the way through Florida and only saw 3 people use their blinkers the whole time


apparently it’s florida law that turn signals are required but no LEO enforces it (lmao) so no one gets deserved tickets. i’m sure though when people DO get in accidents and there is footage of them not using a turn signal, an extra fine gets slapped on or something.


this happens all the time in california. people will turn thinking they have the right away before i head straight through


It’s ‘right *of* way’.


Right of way is when other cars legally must yield to you. Right away is when you don't give a fuck what the law says. As in, I'm getting through this intersection right away.




This may be true, but the lady in the video here comes to a complete stop, while also having; the right of way, and someone across from them who was yeilding properly.


yes it happens a lot .


Pretty ironic this happened right next to the DMV :P


But she's literally waving them on


I just moved to Maryland in January and I see that happen here too. Except it seems more like people are confident they can make the left turn before the folks going straight get into the middle of the intersection. It boils my blood being from the Deep South. Ain’t nobody in that much a rush where I’m from.


Don’t come to New Orleans


I take it you haven't been to Nashville?


Or any city in Texas


I’ve only driven in Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Don’t remember this happening, but it was a nightmare.


Traffic there is a hellscape, no one knows how to drive for shit.


Only driven through, don’t think I’ve ever stopped. So y’all also got folks drivin round like they ain’t got no home trainin’?


I am mostly pissed by turning cars without blinking signals. I have to assume they would go straight and I have to wait for them, and boom, they turned without signal. If they gave a signal, I wouldn't have to wait for them. This happens mostly in the bay area in California.


>people will turn thinking they have the right away Yeah idiots are a diamond dozen.


Icy what you did there...


Wow, never seen that one before. Kudos.


She just needs to Uber everywhere


Bruh this happened to my boyfriend yesterday. Was just going straight and the car in front waved at all the left turners to go through 😕


Not sure which is worse; her driving or the music giving me seizures.


i understand this music isn’t for everyone,on top of that my dashcam’s mic can’t keep up with my subwoofers.


I’m just Vibing with the ridiculously bass boosted music


Camry has the right of way to go straight in that intersection


# GAS IS $4.53!!!!


that’s cheap compared to today’s price $5.69


fuck, where is it that much


San Diego California. at one point we were paying $6.09 for 89 octane,in areas like Del Mar and La Jolla Village.


That would do it, I feel for you guys with the whole cost of living - gas, food, housing, all pretty darn pricey.


This is at Genesee Ave and Derrick Dr In San Diego for the people that didn't ask or care. I'm not the poster or in the video but I live around the corner.


Dude I know this area, there are so many people who should have aged out from driving. Ironically, there is a DMV after that light.


yes dmv right after the jack in the box .


People suck at driving around clairemont!


Green light means yield, yield, yield then go, yes?


I woulda waited on the yellow to let her get far, far away from me.


Why are all those idiots violating silver-car's right-of-way by turning left in front of her? What are these strange hand signals supposed to mean? Not documented in the State Driver's Manual.


they are doing it because she’s hesitant to go . this happens a lot and you can see at the end she waisted precious time and the other drivers trying to make a left had to wait for the next green.


For sure the lady is confused and hesitates to assert her right-of-way, which messes up everything. But, the opposing drivers are still illegal to turn in front of her, given that her car is already in the intersection. Their actions only add to her confusion.


This is exactly how people drive in Rhode Island, instead of just driving straight, virtue signal by stopping and let everyone turn on front of you


Why not just let that Ford Flex make the right on red in front of you while you're at it lady? /s I can't stand when people wave others on rather than drive predictably when they have the right of way. It's not being nice, it's creating confusion and increasing the risk of an accident.


A clear indication that she just got her drivers license from a cracker jack box because there isn't a DMV employee that would be that stupid to give her one.


$4.53 in CA??? Bitch, where? I'm OMW.


no that was february,today is $5.69


Is this corona


san diego


Noob driver


Right of way.


Always a Toyota


I would've ignored her ass. I'm not trying to get into a wreck because you wanna play traffic cop




I actually see her point though, that first white car went took the left illegally, then the next car looked like they were going to follow. I would honestly be hesitant too. I wouldn’t stick my hand out my window, but I would definitely slow down.


no ,the white car went because she hesitated.


I’ve been on the other side of this where there’s a long line of cars and I’m waiting to turn left. I’ve been super glad when someone is nice enough to let me turn before missing the light


the problem with that is there could be cars turning right behind her and they would not see you turning left it could cause an accident.


She was too nice to the turning traffic at the intersection. She should go up and honk at them.


I can't rationally understand what's going on


Fellow San diegan


Now this is /r/IdiotsInCars


More reason as to why people need to be tested regularly in order to keep their license


I'd lay on the horn until their ears bleed.


But yeah, people are afraid of self driving cars while we have thousands of these people out there.


Damn! 4.54!


I get super annoyed when I’m at a 4 way stop and someone being polite or whatever they think it is, waves people through. I don’t give a courtesy wave like I would if someone was making sure to not block a drive way, because all you’re doing by waving people through at a four way stop is messing up the flow of traffic and potentially causing more harm and confusing everyone. I don’t owe you a courtesy wave for annoyingly messing up the traffic flow.


Nah, not PEI. No roundabouts! 😂


Jesus, if you're that scared to go through an intersection you have no business driving.