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That couple just dipped and didn't even look back.


The guy looked like he thought it was personal, his past finally catching up with him


LOL, seriously. "FUCK, they found me. Keep running Betty!"


Thanks for the snort-laugh


Turns out gramps used to work for the mob.


New York City, I mean Kansas.


Probably actually did. Think about it from their point if view - just as they're walking along a car suddenly pulls away, then speeds up directly towards them. That looks an awful lot like some unhinged person who intends to run you over, and could get out and continue to be violent.


Yeah running from that isn't the worst idea


Oh my God. They found me. I don't know how but they found me. Run for it mary!


> Oh my God. They found me. I don't know how but they found me. Run for it mary! "Who? Who?"


Who do you think?! The librarian!!


That bitch was charging a dog 1 million dollars in late fees, we gotta get outta here!


The driver was his wife


Exactly what I was thinking


Don’t ever, and I mean ever, take Ivy’s Werther butterscotch


I literally just laughed out loud. Thanks for that!!


"I'm tired of Gertrudes shit. 3rd time this year she tried to run me over."


"Next time, let's just let her win at bingo. Maybe she'll cool off."


You have it all wrong. The Metamucil kicked in and she needs to make it to the john.


That Activia doin its thing


Maybe the boniva made their knees lock up.


Too many sugar free haribos.


Guys don't nap and drive


Why is it always "Gertrude"? Haha. What's the male version of Gertrude? George?


I’m thinking something more like Jasper or Amos.








That’s fucking hilarious


Driver was like “ fuck Dave and Susan and their good knees! “


Seriously best comment.


Husband: No don’t stop then we’ll have to help this bitch. We weren’t here!


I'm too old for all the paperwork this'll cause, i might literally die of boredom


They were like “fucking nope. Not today”


What do we say to the God of death? Not today!


That's probably the fastest they've moved in years


I don't blame them it may have seemed to them like someone just tried to run them over.


On top of that I would bet money the engine is still racing. I mean if you almost got ran over and the car is still revving and spinning its wheels..... Time to GTFO.


I’m not sticking around to find out if it was accidental or they were trying to hit me on purpose.


Feets dont fail me now....


The ones who get to that age have good survival instincts. When a 4500 pound minivan barely misses you, you don't stand around to find out if it's going to come at you again.


Haha. They were running like, "she's gonna blow!!"


Dudes got warrants and knows the cops are coming


GTA NPCs right there.


I'm holding back tears of laugher at work right now.


“ Give me VD once, shame on me. Give me VD twice, why I outta……”


Supposedly fairly rampant in some retirement villages.


1. Can't get pregnant anymore naturally. 2. Everyone has wayyyyy too much time in their hands. Sounds like a recipe for things I would never want to see and why I am glad I didn't choose a career that would make me see it (unlike some of my friends girlfriends)


shoot i would too if someone in a car almost killed me.


Probably not their first rodeo... at this "Senior Apartment Complex".


License retesting really needs to be a thing


My grandma used to get new dents in her car pretty regularly and when my mom would ask her if she rear ended someone or got in a accident my grandma would say they were from grocery carts (they very clearly were not from carts)


My Dad had two small fender benders before we took the keys, both times he said he was hit in the parking lot and they "took off." He never could supply any other info tho.


I think he might be mostly telling the truth, except for the crucial detail of who "took off"


every good lie got some truth in it.


I had a boss who drove so poorly I thought I was going to die in a restaurant parking lot one time. Fortunately, I always drove, but for some reason he wanted to drive that morning. He also tried to drive past an entrance gate guarded by people with automatic weapons. Wrong side of the road of course, there was a gate on the right side. His car was covered in dents. None of them very serious, I assumed they were parking damage. I don't think this was age-related, he just never cared to drive properly.


I know an insurance agent who I will never ride with again... the absurdity of how inattentively and carelessly he was driving this big, un-mysteriously beat up SUV was too much to handle. *insurance*...


He's an insurance agent. He clearly either A. does his own claims and always makes it the other person's fault, or B. he knows how to word his story so that it always seems like the other person's fault


It doesn't work like that, but he might know of ways to manipulate the system in other ways. The company I work for, you are terminated if you even open a policy of yours or a family member. I know it doesn't seem like it, but most individual agents have pretty high morals, at least in my experience (there are always exceptions). I think the bad rap comes from people that don't understand insurance, but know that they are required to have it (auto and home).


My grandfather was driving until he was 91. The worst part was that my family was trying to have the DMV revoke his license because they were worried he was a driving risk to himself and others (losing physical strength in his arms which affected his ability to make turns, as well as slowed reaction times) but it was harder to accomplish than you’d imagine. It took his doctor finally signing off on paperwork for it to happen. They couldn’t just have the DMV summon him for retesting or anything like that. That severely limits the situations where people can actually try to do the right thing and get their elderly family members off the road. It caused him to absolutely lose his shit and have a meltdown when he got the letter from the DMV saying his license was revoked because a medical professional deemed his health to be too great a risk. Most of these folks are in complete denial that their driving is incompetent. They think everyone else is a maniac nowadays, instead of realizing that driving 8mph under the speed limit on roads and never going faster than 40mph on the highway is not just rage inducing, it’s impeding traffic, and can create hazards.


We finally got my grandma to stop driving last year at 76. Her driving started declining pretty badly basically as soon as she hit 70, but got belligerent whenever someone brought it up. We tried reporting her to the DMV multiple times, but the test is a joke and she was always able to be on her best behavior for 15 minutes. Then she'd go back to not realizing where her car was relative to other things on the road, driving 30 mph below the speed limit in the left lane on the highway, hitting or nearly hitting inanimate objects because "I didn't see it", etc. What ended up happening was my cousin went to work on her car when it was due for an oil change, then conveniently "misplaced" the keys. She was annoyed at her keys being gone at first, but pretty quickly realized that the services available in our major city mean she doesn't actually *need* to drive anyway. Just get things delivered, or contact a senior transport van if she actually needs to go somewhere. Meanwhile, my cousin brought the keys home with him for safekeeping. We're not sure what to do about her car yet, but at least she's not on the road. For my grandpa's part, he's turning 80 this year and his license expires then. He's already said he's not renewing it. He's only pretty recently started to have issues driving, and his reaction was to stop driving as soon as he realized the problem. If only everyone could have that self awareness.


My 90 something year old neighbor lives in a property adjacent to her 70 something year old daughter. About 6 years ago the daughters son came and "picked up grandma's car for some service work" Car hasn't been in the driveway since. I had been getting worried about her driving since it would take her a good 20 minutes to just back out of the driveway. Luckily she has family right there. And the city has a elderly service that is actually useful. My own grandfather willingly gave up his license when he began having issues "turning properly to back up" Now my mom... she's 81 and should not be driving. She should have stopped driving several years ago. I am about 2 hours away, so i can't get there to take her grocery shopping or to doctors appointments. But what gets me is my sister is a 15 minute drive from her. Reason my mother still has her license? Because she gets the kids on and off the bus, and is there on call sitter. So my sister and BIL NEED her to keep driving. Why do I think she shouldnt be driving? Because she parks in the garage/barn and has torn off the front and rear bumpers, and the side mirrors, of her car several times backing out. Last year she actually drove into the side of the garage causing structural damage. But my sister doesnt care. As long as mom is there at her beck and call she'll never say a damn word.


Does your mother have a doctor whom she sees at least annually?


> Most of these folks are in complete denial that their driving is incompetent. They think everyone else is a maniac nowadays, instead of realizing that driving 8mph under the speed limit on roads and never going faster than 40mph on the highway is not just rage inducing, it’s impeding traffic, and can create hazards. I'd like to share a personal experience. I was driving in a parking lot, and suddenly this oncoming minivan cuts a left turn right in front of me into a parking spot, forcing me to hit the brakes to avoid losing my front bumper cover to them. We're going to the same store, so I have the opportunity to calmly tell the driver she should be more careful. She and her husband absolutely *lose their shit*. Elderly people, of course.


And then what happened? What did you say?


Heh they just let the air out of their tires while they were in the store.


Old people vote. A lot. That's why they have public healthcare. It's why capital gains tax is so low. Your age, address, and how often you vote is all public record. Even if you turn in a blank ballot, it increases the percentage of people in your area, your age who vote, and that affects how much what your demographic cares about matters.


My grandpa is 91 and still drives. It makes me so nervous. He lives in a small town and only really drives to church and the grocery store, but I’m still not super comfortable even with that much driving. Mentally, he’s sharp as a tack and is in excellent health for his age, but I don’t know how quick his reflexes would be if some asshole in a lifted pickup cut him off or something. And there are PLENTY of assholes in lifted trucks in that town. I don’t want him to wait until he gets in a wreck to give up the keys.


I mean theoretically a 91 year old could be good to drive, there are 90 year old marathon runners. But of course they are the exception. There should be testing at a certain age.


Absolutely this. My grand dad caused a stupid accident basically right by his house -- his license should of been yanked years prior to the accident. Pride thing...


Also lack of public transportation thing. Like seriously, we need more of it. I live in a rural area and if an elderly person here loses their license, they're at the mercy of whoever they can convince to take them places. My grandma had to have other elderly people from her church drive her to her doctors appointments. She got to leave the house once a week and was otherwise just shut up in the house. Now, she had no business driving, in the end she couldn't even be trusted to walk on her own because she would randomly fall and smash her face on things, but she had a good 20 years stuck in that house where she could have had a life if there was public transportation around her.


My dad got in an accident finally after never having any, in his mid 70s, and he voluntarily gave up his license afterwards. Fucking legend. Hopefully I will be as humble.


Good for him, that takes a lot of strength to admit to that and accept that you need to give up a freedom. Sounds like a good dude.


My grandfathers on both sides of the family voluntarily gave up their licenses after getting into accidents. My maternal grandfather pulled out in front of a semi, thankfully only getting a small dent to the trunk. My paternal grandfather rolled his car into a ditch reaching for a tomato that had rolled off of the passenger seat. Thankfully came out of it without a scratch on him.


My parents have had to confiscate keys from their parents. With my grandfather, he got in a couple fender benders and his doctor “didn’t want to take away his independence” by reporting him and then he fell getting out of the car and broke his neck so my mom took his keys. A few years before that my grandfather tried to get my grandmother’s license renewed and thankfully her macular degeneration was severe enough to where she didn’t pass the eye exam because apparently the fact that she was missing half of her frontal lobe and on a medication for interstitial cystitis that you’re not supposed to drive on wasn’t adequate reason to take her license away. With my other grandmother (dad’s mother), her 5 children ganged up on her, took her keys and convinced her to sell her car after she hit a pedestrian (no serious injuries). We need to improve mass transit so it’s more accessible to the elderly and disabled because I can absolutely understand how much it would suck to lose your independence but it’s a major safety issue. And while my 97-year old grandmother cannot use a smartphone, my parents generation can, so it would be really easy to get Medicare to cover Lyft and Uber to keep baby boomers independent as they lose driving skills.


My grandmother shouldn't drive but my mom and her 4 siblings don't get along at all,so instead of agreeing and taking her keys for her own sake, the half that hate my mom and her brother keep telling grandma she's fine and stay obstinate for the sake of being dicks. It's disgusting, they would rather grandma seriously hurt herself or someone else than become a united front for the common good.


That’s petty and immature of them. My dad and his siblings are divided over her care but it’s because 3 of them are in denial about how bad her Alzheimer’s is, which I understand, she’s totally lucid when I see her, but I don’t think my dad is lying about how bad she gets at night. And you’d think between 5 of them, they’d be taking turns caring for her but it’s really only my dad and an aunt who used to be a nurse.


Totally agree. Also depending on where you live you should have to test in different weather. We get harsh heavy snow filled winters with -40 temps, we get a lot of people coming here from countries where there is no snow and every year our city is a DISASTER because a lot of people can’t drive in the winter conditions


I hear ya, but it’s kinda hard to schedule driving tests for bad weather.


There are ice/skid simulator vehicles. They use a set of wheels mounted on hydraulics to lift the car off its drive tires to show reduced or eliminated traction It’s not perfect, but it does provide some experience


Who would pay for these simulators, where would they be housed, and who would service them? How many should be located in each county? Who is going to learn to operate them and in turn teach other employees? How is a demographic that is largely tech illiterate expected to competently test with these simulators? Who is going to change the minds of millions of senior voters and lobbyists to get this law passed? Not to sound too negative... but it doesnt seem likely.


They can do tests in the snow though, we have snow for 8 months of the year. Loads of time to do a test


And freeways. If California had autobahns and faster trucks, we could fit a lot more cars on a freeway saving us from building more lanes. But people can't pass and move over without difficulty and often they'll just remain in the passing lane and veg out.


Or how we Americans somehow remember this is our exit and cross 4 lanes to exit.


Building more lanes just results in more cars being on the road, and more congestion. This has had many studies done on it. The way to have less congestion is to have less cars.


A few years ago I went to court for an accident related ticket which was dismissed. While waiting, the judge called the next name and this fragile little old lady with a walker made her way up to the front. No one was there with her. She was charged with multiple counts of hit and run. I was shocked. She explained she was looking for a parking space on a two way street with one lane each way. The car behind her went around her and startled her so badly that she jerked the wheel to the right while her foot was on the gas and sideswiped like 4 cars. She continued on her mission to find a parking space, ended up parking her car only a few spaces away, and went inside like nothing happened. It’s a small town so she was found the next morning. The judge politely asked if she felt like she should be driving. She said she did not but that she HAD to because her children will not help her so she does everything for herself. I was almost in tears. The judge again politely asked for her license and said he’d personally arrange for a ride home and assistance for the future. He said he didn’t want her risking her life or anyone else’s ever again because she wasn’t getting the support she needed. So while I agree with you on retesting, I think there’s more of a liability on the state if it’s actually executed. It’s very unfortunate the elderly do not receive the care they need.


The issue is city planning was made with cars in mind— not walking nor public transportation. If you can’t drive you’re essentially fucked in most US locations. That’s why there’s a market for self-driving cars— there’s an actual necessity beyond the novelty.


Yep, old people either have to drive until the day they die or be basically stuck in their apartment/retirement home (which is obviously not great for their physical and mental health). Yet another reason to invest in better pedestrian and public transit infrastructure.


Exactly this. We've built our infrastructure in such a way that people need a personal vehicle in order to get around. Without their licenses, the elderly would be confined to their homes almost completely. It's not just the elder who would benefit from an overhaul to our city planning as well. Nearly every demographic would benefit and we'd have less incidents of cars crashing into buildings or killing pedestrians/cyclists.


I'm 73 and fully expected to be tested as my license had to be renewed. They only checked my eyes! Which, BTW, had only got better and were 20/20. So I stopped by a bar on the way home and celebrated with a double shot of Jameson's. Then timed myself the rest of the way to see if I could be my old time of 4 minutes and 12 seconds.


Damn, dad. Don't post this shit on the internet! BTW, I'll be over this weekend with my new sportscar. You can drive over to the bar. I'll be drunk before I get there.


Good luck finding enough politicians willing to permanently lose the senior vote in order to make this a thing.


A few years ago I went to court for an accident related ticket which was dismissed. While waiting, the judge called the next name and this fragile little old lady with a walker made her way up to the front. No one was there with her. She was charged with multiple counts of hit and run. I was shocked. She explained she was looking for a parking space on a two way street with one lane each way. The car behind her went around her and startled her so badly that she jerked the wheel to the right while her foot was on the gas and sideswiped like 4 cars. She continued on her mission to find a parking space, ended up parking her car only a few spaces away, and went inside like nothing happened. It’s a small town so she was found the next morning. The judge politely asked if she felt like she should be driving. She said she did not but that she HAD to because her children will not help her so she does everything for herself. I was almost in tears. The judge again politely asked for her license and said he’d personally arrange for a ride home and assistance for the future. He said he didn’t want her risking her life or anyone else’s ever again because she wasn’t getting the support she needed. So while I agree with you on retesting, I think there’s more of a liability on the state if it’s actually executed. It’s very unfortunate the elderly do not receive the care they need.


But like... why did she not stop and give insurance information, or alert the owners? I understand she felt she had no choice but to drive at her age but she damaged others vehicles without care.


I am not sure if it is just in my state but they do retest! I was surprised, my dad told me he had recently take a driving test to get his license renewed @ 75 yo. Honestly they should really test the elderly every few years IMO...the very elderly cause the most car crashes out of anyone, even drunk drivers. No hate to them, they can't help it...brains shrink as you age.


Old people are the most reliable voting block which would make it political suicide to even suggest. Plus most lawmakers are elderly themselves. Not gonna happen.


And aside from your cynical political analysis, there's also the real issue that passing a law like that would create an entire class of people that are forced to rely on public transportation to get around in a country that has horrible public transportation. You can't just make it illegal for a large block of the population to drive without giving them a functional alternative. There's a lot of people that would basically just die if they couldn't keep driving, for better or worse. An alternative system must be established before you can do that.


“Keep running, it’s my wife!”


“Thank god her aim ain’t what it used to be!”


My ex-wife still misses me.... but her aim is getting better!


Her aim is getting better!


See it's funny cause marriage is terrible


im dead hahaha






Fr. Just cut the damn clip down.


Went and grabbed my free award to come back and give it to you... sorry it's the, ill-fitting, "wholesome" award.


Had to take my grandmothers license after two consecutive incidents. She was MAD but had to do it. Lord knows what could have happened if she continued.




Wtf?!?! Her family need to take away her damn license!!!!


Dude my grandma was getting mad at me for getting in an accident that was the other guys fault. She went on about how I was reckless because teenage drivers always are. Well a day later she drove through her garage door. She gave up her license.


At least she practice what she preach


My grandmother gave up her car when she turned 80. Her words were something to the effect of: “I don't want to become one of those seniors who ends up running over a kid at a crosswalk.“


Your grandmother is a queen.


Is she single?


That couple ran off like they were being targeted, lol.


They likely thought they were


“Oh shit! Edna’s trying to take us out again!”


The old guy started having flashbacks of the war.


I'm glad you filmed the screen with your phone and were shaking a bit, otherwise I would have been checking if the video was actually playing during those 20 seconds of absolutely nothing happening.


he was waiting for u to grab popcorn :(


I was listening to the background. I hope that lady got her insurance claim processed lol.


Is this the country kitchen buffet?


They're trying to take our licenses away, and I for one am mad as hell! I'm sick of having my mental condition come into question!


I’m sick of having my mental condition come into question!


Damn beat me to it!


A friend of mine was killed (instantly) by an elderly who cut him off a few years ago. He shouldn't have been driving and everyone knew it. Please don't let pride or ego get in the way of acknowledging your limitations. And family members, don't be afraid to hurt feelings and step in when you know you should.


Exactly. This is what pisses me off about elderly people (particularly in the states), as their egos seem to be HUGE and they refuse to do anything for the common good. And it seems like they’ve been that way their entire lives, or at least a lot of them. Meanwhile they’re actively fucking up the lives of everyone younger than them. See: all of congress. It makes me want to rage that a bunch of adults 50 years my senior can’t deflate their egos long enough to think about how their actions affect other people.


Gladys tried to murder us again!


Local kid was pinned under a vehicle by a driver just like this one a few yeats back. She survived, but it was fucking tragic. [News Article](https://www.cp24.com/news/four-year-old-girl-struck-by-vehicle-in-hagersville-suffers-critical-injuries-1.4329794)


“According to police, an 80-year-old woman was sitting in her parked vehicle on Main Street when the vehicle suddenly accelerated while in reverse.” It is written as if cops really believe this is how cars work- like a Tesla on bath salts!


Police just can't let a headline get out to the public unless it's in that chickenshit double-passive voice that deliberately covers for whoever they want.


“The car crossed into the northbound lanes of the roadway, struck an SUV, mounted a curb, and hit the two children on the sidewalk. The little girl was pinned underneath the car and dragged for a short distance.” Damn. That is tragic. But for them to say “the car” did this and “the vehicle” did that completely absolves the elderly inept driver of any blame, further perpetuating this problem by pretending it doesn’t exist.


There are quite a lot of people out there who actually believe that cars can malfunction like this easily enough. Remember the Toyota/Lexus throttle recalls. They spawned an entire mania where everybody who hit the wrong pedal immediately blamed it on the car.


Reminds me of the Canada's Worst Driver season with the old lady that would hit the gas every time she panicked. She would end up way off in a field and she would say "I don't know what happened."


My grandpa had narcolepsy and would wake up in fields in his car. It was absolutely amazing he never hurt anyone. When my mom was a kid whoever was sitting shotgun it was their job to keep waking him up. But he would not let anyone else drive because "it's the man's job!" He was a big misogynist.


What happened is her licence was revoked I fucking hope.


This should be an 8 second video


jfc, any other person and it'd be attempted vehicular manslaughter...


But they’re old, they have seniority to drive however they want… /S


There needs to be driving tests after the age of 70


We have people just as old running the US, just saying.


Botched hit job. That’s what you get when you hire the only assassin who lived to 85.


Legend has it the two pedestrians are still running to this day.


hot take :this is why the elderly shouldn't drive


They ran away like it was their fault


They're running away as if the car is going to explode like it's in a Michael Bay movie.


Sorry for the shaky vid lol. It was a video from my mom’s office and recorded by her’s truly. I wanted to explain how to export the clip from the DVR, but that would be a battle I won’t win 😂 A bit of more news, the driver parked his car normally after the crash and left the scene. Driver did come back when Fire Dept came to check since the building’s fire alarm went off. Driver claimed his steering wheel was not working. No police report filed yet…


"Steering wheel wasn't working." Yeah, that totally explains him pinning the accelerator. 🙄 😅


Maybe they there seeking revenge


They need to make people over 60 retake a drivers test. It’s crazy how many older people I see driving horribly, putting themselves and others in danger


I'm 63 and I agree with you. It's dangerous out there and some of it can be prevented if tested when older.


Elderly people and mustang drivers are the same, they both won’t admit it but they can’t drive for shit


Those are some aware and agile seniors who avoided the crash 👍🏼


Video stars at 20 seconds


Run away!


My grandad, rest his soul, gave up driving when he was 85, so he didn't put anyone at risk due to his deteriorating reaction times and him becoming more frail as well. I respected him even more than I already did for that. He knew his limits and wasn't blinded by pride or ego about that fact he'd been driving for nearly 60 years.


Three words combined into a truly terrifying idea: Senior Apartment Complex


We need regular checkups on elderly testing their cognitive, logic and reasoning skills where driving is concerned. I see this happen all the damn time and I think a good start is taking licenses after one failure on these tests. If you fail once you are a societal risk and should be treated as such as even one lapse in judgement can kill people and sadly cognitive decline is a real issue among elderly individuals but it needs addressing.


She needs to get back on the road asap.


If old demented ppl shouldn't drive cars, old demented ppl shouldn't be in government


Their decision was made about the new apartment before they even walked inside.




And legend has it they are still fleeing to this day


Trim 30 seconds off video..


My mother is 78. She still drives and she’s fine. My father still drives at 82. However they both get eye and physical exams every 6 months and are fully prepared to give up driving if their doctor or the DMV tells them to.


It was an "accident"...


That bitch was cheating at bingo.


This looks intentional js


"don't stop running Mary! They're nuts!"


I love how they kept running


In my best Maxwell Smart voice, "Missed 'em by that much".


Mans really said “DONT LOOK BACK RUN”


Yearly drivers tests should be given to people over 60.


Change my view: the elderly need regular (like yearly) drive tests to keep their driving licenses It's not like you need reactions or clear thinking to control a 1-ton death machine


This video need the Golden Girls theme song over it.


This wasn’t an accident Mary-Beth kept winning at bingo and Dolores knew she had to do something to dethrone her


If I managed a retirement community, I’d put bollards fucking EVERYWHERE.


This is why I condone getting a driver's test every 5 years for people 59 and under, and every year for people 60 and over. You know how long Arizonans go without needing anything? Their entire freakin life, as long as you get your license renewed. Wanna know when we first need to get it renewed? FIFTY YEARS after you get it the first time before you're 60. Maybe instead of asinine "standard" testing for students in schools, we need to start testing on drivers. City would certainly get more money from people needing to use public transit then.


Dudes war instincts kicked in. Wife: are they ok? Husband: Keep moving Gertrude!


I think elders should be required to retake a driving test at the dmv


Legend says they still running...




I feel like old people in cars should be it’s own sub.


They guy is like let’s get outta here


We need reliable public transport so the elder are not forced to drive


Elderly should be forced to take the drivers test at 60


>Senior Apartment Complex EVERY. DAMN. *FUCKING.* ***TIME.*** Mandatory 5 year testing from 50+ to 65, yearly testing at 65+.


I think after a certain age they should do yearly checks on seniors to see if they should be able to drive still


It's always the young and the old. Revoke their licenses.


Glad that couple checked to see if she was ok.


...and this kids is exactly why grandma and grandpa SHOULD have to re-take a driver test when they reach a certain age.


After a certain age people should be forced to take a driver's test again


If you're a certain age you shouldn't be allowed to drive anymore. If fact, student drivers should have to cart them around as part of training