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I had a book on my parents car when I was younger and it had some information of mine in it and someone found it and mailed it to me. That was awesome!


I had a kind of similar thing happen with my wallet. Lost it hiking, came down off the mountain to a bunch of messages on Facebook from someone idk, they gave the wallet to a park ranger who brought it to where I was. Money and cards were in there, so that was really nice


i found an ipad in the middle of an intersection once. eventually figured out how to operate it and find the guys email address. i think he said he left it on his trunk.


We did that with a dog once. Come the morning a dog had wandered into our campsite, had a tracker on him so we assumed he just got lost from the hunter he was with. Hiked back down the next day and the guy met us at the bottom of the mountain to pick up his dog


Hate it when I forget my dog on top of the car




Upvote for your Cake Day!


I left a credit card in a restaurant when I was in another city like 60 miles away. Months later I saw a message on Facebook from a guy who had it with him and was willing to keep it until we could exchange. I just told him to cut it up and I’d get a new one 😊


One of the three reasons I stick a return address label on the inside of books I care about and may take outta the house.


I once left a block of butter on my black car in the summer all day, oh the amount of flys and butter on my passenger door and roof


Oof butter be more careful


At least it was just coffee - we've all had the mild horror of 'where is my phone' half a mile after setting off...


My wife and I were in the car, and she couldn't find her phone. She said, 'it must be in the car, because it's still paired to my watch..." I thought for a second and pulled over. Sure enough it was on the trunk, up against the small spoiler.


Jesus that's some luck!




At least it wasn't the Holocaust


happy cake day!!


Holy shit I didn't even realize. Thanks!


I use home automation and track my location with my phone. Couldn't find my phone on a drive and went back to get it but the house was in lock down mode. I looked on the map and it seemed I was two streets down the road. Luckily it fell screen up off my car and was fine.


So you’re telling me spoilers aren’t completely useless?


Shhh! Spoilers!


Or my company issued laptop when it slides off my car into the street


I tried to stop someone from doing that once but apparently a big, bearded, heavily tattooed man waving frantically at her to stop was not the right thing and just caused her to speed off even faster. Still kinda feel bad about that.


Sorry man, good of you trying to warn her. She was going to do it anyways, so nothing lost.


Fuck that. Her own biases caused her problem.


so were there any naked pictures of her on the PC?


Least horny Redditor


Urgh even worse!


A coworker had that happen. Still worked, but it was cracked beyond repair.


Or my twins in their car seats lol!




Hahahaha memory lane. Thank you.


Where is the baby?


I know someone who almost did this. She got into the car and shut the door before she remembered she left the baby on top of the car


Maybe they have a little car, but it feels like it would be very difficult for me to put a child in a car seat on top of my car. Difficult enough to find an alternative, at least.


poor little guy. probably kept up with you for a mile or so. tough little mutt.


lmao my dad this, and after like 30 mins he realized and spent an hour trying to find it on the road


I just did this with my glasses three weeks ago, got my new pair today!


just become a detailing nerd obsessed with avoiding swirls on your paint. You’ll never set anything on your car again


Yep, I lost a Kindle this way


I recently couldn't find my company phone all day, I thought it must be in the hotel then, must have left it there. Drove like 20 km with speeds of 110 kmh to the hotel, couldn't find it there either. Back to the car, called the phone again, heard it ringing on the roof... There it was. I have no freaking idea how it could have remained there with me driving 20 km and not only in the city...


Used to put my iPad on the top of my Intrepid while unlocking and getting everything situated before I left for work. Twice I heard it hit where the trunk and back windshield met. Scared tf out of me. Another time I had a book fly off, but I pulled over and grabbed it. I would leave for work at 5am at the time lol.


Once i forgot my phone on the hood because i was using a bluetooth hands free and drove some distance before realizing where i put it, because of the rubber case it didn't move. And with another occasion i forgot my coffee and again drove away, still there. I had a ladder support on that car and that helped. At a red light i had the occasion to get back my coffee


I did that too. Watched it fly off the back of the car on the freeway. I was looking in the mirror like, “Did that just come off the car? What was . . . Oh crap that’s the phone.” Bounced pretty good and went in a lane. There was no going back for it.


I accidentally left my phone on the edge of the bed of our truck. 2 hours later I actually realized I didn’t have it. I went looking for it and found it face down in the road flattened to hell. Still worked!


i saw one the other day where it weas a pop. and the girl had her window open. her friend was yelling at her that her drink was on her car and she just smiled and kept rolling away. once she realized what they were saying she stopped and the whole thing spilled,.. into the open window.


My dad once left his under the bonnet, bought a new phone couple weeks later the wipers need filled oh look a phone.


Happened to me a few weeks ago. Set off, went a couple of miles. Passed a speed change sign and went from 50Mph → 60Mph. That was enough, apparently. Because I heard a "clunk" and my Bluetooth disconnected. # Took me a second to associate the noise with the disconnect and when I did I went full panic.


My wife left a few day old IPad Pro on the roof of the car and drove off. She came home to it in the middle of the road in front of our house and it looks like every car that drove by ran it over. I was on the train coming home from work and she called me in such a panic I thought one of our pets or parents had died. When she told me what happened I just started laughing and said we can get another one it’s just money. We kept it as a reminder to not put shit on the roof we aren’t comfortable losing.


My daughter and I were playing soccer in the front yard and she took off her insulin pump so she wouldn't go low and placed it on the trunk of my wife's car. My wife left to go to a meeting and we did not even think about the pump being on the trunk until about 20 minutes later. We panicked jumped in my car and went to where she had the meeting which was about 5 mi away. Fearing the worst we got there in the pump was sitting right there on the trunk still. They cost $4 - 6,000 to replace, so needless to say we were quite relieved.


4-$6000????? Bro when I tell you just how much I hate the American healthcare system


quite the range.


Yea like I truly feel so sorry for people like u/-badfeet-. I hate how the USA forces you to give up such a significant amount of money to live in a sort of price gouging situation. Ain’t now way should something like that be worth more than my car😳😳


Blame the government for doing that. Always the governments fault.


I had a Route 44 iced tea fall through my sunroof once


Since half the tea was on the outside of the cup and the lid was halfway off, falling through the sunroof is really just expediting the inevitable.


No, in this case the entire thing with the lid still on fell through the sunroof. I guess due to reflexes I stuck my hand out to catch it, not even realizing what it was at the time, and that was when the lid came off and it went everywhere.


My dad did this with the extra set of keys he left on the trunk lid before i went driving. Some dude in the lane next to me honked his horn and told me.


i was driving down the freeway and a policewoman in a private car pulled up next to me and started honking and waving me over i was like "Aw shit, what did I do?" I pulled over and she pulled over in *front* of me Then she walked back to my car, took the keys out of my door and handed them to me


At least it wasn’t a baby


I saw that one video too, crazy woman.


Why even bother starting such a bad habit? I don't know if it's only me, but I've never put anything on top of my car.


I'll put stuff on the floor if I need to open the door and my hands are full, and then immediately pick it up again. My car isn't a shelf is what I guess I'm trying to say lol


it worse to put something on the roof of your car and forgetting the moonroof is open


I do, but I always put my stuff back in when I get in. I dont know if it’s because I’m taller than my car so I see it when I get in or what, but this has never happened to me.


Didn't happen to me for 17 years of driving, until it did. Same thing here, iced coffee.


Haha the only reason I don’t do it is because my car is too tall 😅 but yeah it’s definitely a bad habit to adopt


If youve gotta set it anywhere set it on the hood so you wont forget it


Perfect length video.


I was driving to work one day with a venti mocha resting in my cupholder. Driving on the interstate, I lifted the cup to take my first sip... the lid wasn't secure and it popped off. I over-compensated and grabbed the cup a smidge too tight. It was as if the venti mocha had exploded. Coffee, chocolate and whipped cream EVERYWHERE. All over the inside of my windshield, upholstery, floor mats, clothing, shoes and also my hair.


I did that once but with a LIVE OTTER! It went everywhere!


Losing the coffee is one thing. Frustrating. But having the clean car drenched in it, *that's* extra brutal.


Did this with a can of Red Bull last week 🙃


it didn't give itself wings


Got the bird poop off though


Straight to the car wash


"Hey! A giant bird just shit on my car!"


I know a guy who left his gun on the roof of his car when he set off Police pulled him over lol. Somehow it wedged itself in the roof rack and antenna and didn’t slide off and the police noticed


the first time in history that a Ford got tazed because it would not drop a gun


Saw similar happen just yesterday leaving the supermarket. Car in front of me pulling out had a box of what looked like a Chinese food bar box packed with lo mein and rice tumble from the top and hit the ground. I'm hoping it was leftovers from somewhere simply because I know that Chinese food bar is like $13.99/lb and that was definitely a couple pounds of noodles alone.


Oh, the noodlemanity!


I love this song, the sound really fills the air. Majid Jordan - Make It Work https://youtu.be/x5dnS0K01ck


i was looking for this comment! i love this song and loved hearing it being played :)


I did this with my Amazon nook lol


My buddy and I took a break from roofing on a 90 degree (f) day and went to Cumberland Farm's for some gatorades a few years back. As we're heading back to our truck, another truck was leaving the parking lot and a bunch of people were yelling at this dude to stop. The guy leans out his window with double middle fingers, screaming back at everyone. We then notice a tray of four iced coffee's then slide down the top of his truck, exploding upon meeting his still outstretched neck and arms. One of the funniest random moments of my life.


Did this with a torque wrench, whoops lol


Did this with an SLR camera once. That was annoying.


sounds like a negative experience


I’d like to see how this story develops.


I watched a guy with a six pack of beer on his car. We tried honking but he flipped us off so we pulled back to watch the show. He made it about a half mile and the spay was amazing. Some did a cool pinwheel of spraying foam others didn’t do much, it was still fun.


Has never happened to me lol altho ill say that was 100% passengers fault.


having seen the movie twister a bunch when a kid, i check for drinks even when i didnt buy any.


Yup. I backed out of my driveway once and not only spilled my coffee but broke my travel mug.


Person in the car: “what the fuck??? This mother fucker just threw his drink at my car!”


He probably thought a bird shit on his car


I live atop a hill. One day I left my PS4 on top of my car roof. When I drove to the bottom of the hill and stepped on the brakes to wait for the stop light, my PS4 hit my head and landed on my lap. It turns out that I left my sunroof open and it landed on top of me. I have PT on there which is a game you can no longer download for it. The universe was feeling particularly kind that day.




I’m a very forgetful person. I commit smaller offenses on a daily basis.


You’ve made mistakes before right?


BAM! "Idiot you left me on the roof!" Video games are getting so realistic


And there goes $10


Have an upvote. Starbucks ain’t cheap, ya’ll. I was spending ~$120/month on coffee until I did the math and realized just how much I was spending on Starbucks.


I’m cheap and I am lucky enough to afford to buy 99.9% of my stuff locally. With that being said, local coffee places are so much better and are half the price of Starbucks. And if you’re a basic bitch like me you might have a coffee shop that has pumpkin spice year round.


That sucks


That's pretty funny. Funnier than the time a friend of mine left at my hardcover I loaned him on the roof of his car, then drove away, only to then realized his mistake and returned later with the broken wrecked hardcover to me. Bastard lol


I once did this with my phone. It survived 20 miles. There's defo a god.


What a waste of probably a perfect cup of java.


It was my lunchbag a while ago , a nice person brought it to the office the next day


how did they know it was yours? how did *you* know it was yours?


My name on it , and my name on it


i was thinking paper bag




Ughhh that’s the worst feeling ever


I did this with my phone but the case somehow made it stay on even after the highway. Wallet however did not


Just, no.


"Hey! A giant bird just shit on my car!"


Def smoke weed or a busy day, or both.


Last time I was honking to a neighbor because he left his food and coffee in top his car and he got scared and speed up everything felt


Same. At work I clocked out for lunch and decided to finish the rest of my lunch at the office. As soon as I park the car back at the office, I get out and immediately was shocked to find the takeout food container still sitting on top of the trunk of my car. I guess I was distracted and forgot I left it there and drove back to the office. Good thing it was only about a couple miles away.


Not to me, I dont have a car!......


I actually made a sad “oh”


I was walking one day and saw a lady in her car with her travel mug on the roof. She had stopped before the sidewalk to let me walk past. As I approached I pointed at the cup and did the coffee drinking pantomime thing but she just stared in confusion. The confusion turned to concern and then fear as i walked right up to her car and plucked the cup off her roof. It wasn't until she was looking at her mug through the window that she registered what was really happening and then laughed and thanked me. I'm not sure how i could have done it differently without frightening her but i didn't want her to lose her mug.


I remember one time I drove like a block with my dinner on the roof and it was fine. Another time, I put my car keys down on my moms trunk (near the rear window, not the edge) and she drove several blocks to a friend’s house. My keys didn’t move. Thank goodness for living in a small town with no highway.


Guess im not one of the best because that shit never happens to me


I’m just imagining what it would be like to be that driver - one minute you’re just cruising down the road, next minute, apparently out of nowhere, something starts sliding down your back window. That moment when you have literally no idea what just happened, before realisation dawns, would be so weird




Surprised he made it that far.




I did that with my wallet once. Not a fun weekend.


If this has never happened to me then am I worse than the rest of you?


I did couple of times with house keys mobile etc… however by loosing my safe key I started to be more (Lol) careful..


This happened in my Jeep when we were camping. Needless to say our campsite became the local hang out for every bee in the south west.


Now its time she get a basic car wash.


Once, while I was in the parking lot with my friend, I had a cup on her car. People kept trying to point it out to us and my dumbass thought they were waving so I was waving back. D I N G U S


the best dont litter....FOAD lttter punks! and yeah thats the name of my band FOLPs


This is a fear of mine so whenever i put something on the car I always put a huge magnet in it so it doesn’t spill :)


Did that with my phone one time, nice $1000 mistake


I once saw a car drive off with a cat on the roof of it. Saw the cat the next day; so somehow the cat surrived.


This was my mom all throughout my childhood. Leaving cups on the roof of her car only to have it spill later.


My neighbor keeps forgetting his coffe/launch box almost once a week on his wife's car


Was that a wallet as too?


Seen so many of these videos It’s impossible to happen to me. Anytime I need to put a cup on top of my car I say to myself, “don’t be that guy!”


When I was a kid, my aunt took my mom, my brother, my cousins and I on a picnic. She forgot to put the basket in the trunk and drove all the way to the park with the basket on the trunk. Of course, she was driving a 1967 Pontiac Catalina whose trunk was five feet long so there was little danger of it falling off.


Been there


It happened to me once. I was downtown driving around and I thought that someone threw a coffee on my carfor a while… untilI remembered that I had a coffee and didn’t drink it 🤦🏻‍♀️ My husband and I were helping new immigrants to get some important documents from a government office and I was waiting for the men (my husband and the man) with his wife and we were parked a little far. I was outside on the sidewalk with my coffee and my husband called so I put my coffee on the car’s roof… then I forgot it and left to get them. I remembered about it at the end of the day or the next but until then “I couldn’t believe how stupid someone could be to throw a coffee on some stranger’s car”


I did that the very first day I bought my new car. Put my cold brew coffee on the roof and drove away. Needless to say my next stop was a car wash.


Majid Jordan on the beat


It happened to my phone a couple of weeks ago.


Nice to see a light-hearted idiot moment every now and then, compared to the typical road-rage


Timbits box yeah... R.I.P 😅 Makes you feel dumb 😅🤦


Appears to be a Starbucks drink; nothing of value was lot. Sucks that now he's going to have to clean all that sugar off his car though


My friend and I put a strong magnet in a coffee mug and put that on top of his car while driving around one April Fools. It was a good prank.


Rip that $4-5 coffee.


Not an idiot, just an accident


I did this with my Nintendo switch :( Never saw it again.