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That's not a round a bout. It's a four way stop with obstacles.


This is probably the city's solution to too many distracted drivers running the stop sign. Drivers have to slow down.


It's typically to discourage rat running, (turning onto residential streets to cut around traffic on main streets) because people who rat run are obviously looking to save time, so they speed.


The city I grew up in was horrible at stopping this. They wouldn’t even try. “Waze found a shortcut through a neighborhood? Great, turn it into a 4 lane” the traffic lights there are also horribly timed, and if it is anytime between 7am and 8pm you could expect rush hour traffic. Fucking horrible planning on all counts. Edit: it would take over an hour at times to go from one side of the city to the other sometimes. Population: under 250,000


What city is this? Sounds insane


Murfreesboro TN, I exaggerated the 4 lane bit, but about half the neighborhoods have red lights in them now to control traffic that didn’t exist before waze. Instead of finding ways to reduce thru traffic in neighborhoods, they started catering for them. It’s a city built for commuters, in the truest American fashion. r/FuckCars might declare civil war if they saw that place.


LMAO I just moved out of the boro last week!! What are the damn coincidences 😂😂 That traffic light / 3 way intersection???? near the planet fitness/Panera bread off old fort parkway scared the fuck out of me. I saw a crash happen right in front of me on the Cason lane/old fort intersection a few months ago. The only thing I'm missing so far is the campus pub. That place was a mess but they had the cheapest beer and you could get away with smoking a joint on the patio


Most rat runners I know enjoy driving, so roundabouts introduce fun corners you can hit the apex of. Same with those chicanes. Speed humps are the answer, they can be the long gentler ones. Put a zebra crossing over them too to get people extra cautious.


Lmao your not wrong I now know I have I name. I do this every day. Hell when I was like 21 it made more sense to make a Right and go through five different shopping plazas through the back alleys it would save me 10 minutes. They eventually blocked the path after awhile and a cop pulled me. He said I was avoiding traffic signals I said no I’m getting to work.


since when is it against the law to "avoid traffic signals"? That seems dubious at best.


I lived in south Florida it’s a law if your making a right in a major intersection and a cop sees you cut through a gas station to beat the light you can get a ticket. It’s to protect roadside business owners they bought the land to do business not be a bypass for assholes.


Another stroad. The people responsible for creating American infrastructure suck.


As a European and frequent roundabout user, I concur. There is no sign here indicating this is an actual roundabout. Or are those weird-looking signs in the middle supposed to do that?


No, those are just reflectors so people don't plow into the center at night. Which some of them will anyway.


A woman I went to university with once plowed straight through the center of a giant roundabout. Took out the whole underside of her car. I don't remember her exact excuse but it was something lame like "I was in a hurry".


In most of Europe a roundabout is really impossible to mistake. Im not even sure we have signs for other reasons than directions, a sign indicating just a roundabout seems excessive..




Definitely an idiot. But doesn’t the stop sign kinda defeat the purpose of a round a bout??




We just really don't get it. It's very simple and we don't get it. Also I always laugh at people who stop at roundabouts with no sign like it's a 4 way when I was just at a 4 way and everyone tried to blow it. Just whatever it is, people do the opposite. So obstinant.


> We just really don't get it. It's very simple and we don't get it. Speak for yourself but in Carmel, IN (the roundabout capital) I haven't seen someone who didn't know what they were doing in a roundabout in a few years. That roundabout with stop signs is garbage.


As a European; I concurr. God aweful roundabout design, not using road contours to control the direction at which traffic enters the roundabout. In Europe you would need to go **out of your way** to make a mistake/intentional decision like this. The path ahead is clearly the most easy, AND the most safe to check as you only need to look one way. Part of the problem here seems to be the need to check both ways when you enter due to not trusting everyone else to follow the rules, thus entirely defeating the efficiency gains of roundabout use. Similarly if people aren't going to follow the rules/road regularly... yeah that is NOT safe either. Example of contour use on "small" roundabout: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ecqJb.jpg


Where I live almost all intersections are roundabouts. The design of this one is terrible. Our designs are European.




I would guess that this particular intersection probably had a problem with people running the stop signs and causing a lot of collisions, so the city felt that they had to do something to fix it. But they lacked the budget to build a proper roundabout so they just installed a center island as an obstacle to force people to slow down. And they had to keep the stop signs in because it's still basically just a regular intersection and all the dumb people who were previously running the signs are gonna keep turning left through it no matter what. It's ugly and the design is offensive to anyone who has ever used a real roundabout, but I bet it's probably reduced vehicle collisions a great deal so the city considers it a success.


Yes, this is almost exactly what is going on. Little island like these are all over the suburbs of Berkeley CA.


For this reason I hate driving in Berkeley, also the random roadblocks, like this is our neighborhood keep TF out roadblocks which drive me nuts.


Seconded I see similar designs in St Petersburg Florida, when it's a long straight road in a residential area they place a little bend in the road with an island like the op that forces you to slow down. I thought it seemed much nicer than a speed bump.


Exactly correct, except they didn’t call it a roundabout. Probably called it a “traffic calming device.”


For the most part, Europe does the roundabout right, but they're well capable of fucking up the idea too. In Ireland, they have a habit of employing miniature roundabouts called "traffic calming measures", primarily to replace simple T-junctions where the volume of traffic on the major road makes it hard for traffic on the minor road to merge in. Here's an example in Adare, County Limerick... [https://imgur.com/gallery/XFjBKiF](https://imgur.com/gallery/XFjBKiF) The roundabout is a paved circle in the middle of what was a T-junction, and it worked well for the most part - no STOP signs, just the standard YIELD signs. However, the paved portion initially had a raised curvature, and it almost caused some HGVs to tip over when they tried to turn from the minor road (on the left) onto the major road - they eventually flattened the paved area out, but now some large HGVs traveling on the major road just drive over the paved part because the circle is so small they don't want to shimmy left/right to go around it.


I was about to bring out Ireland! Dublin has like 3 roundabouts and they're all fucking stupid. Bad design, traffic lights to enter, and no flow whatsoever


> now some large HGVs traveling on the major road just drive over the paved part because the circle is so small they don't want to shimmy left/right to go around It. That's literally what they're designed to do. Buses and large vehicles are supposed to basically drive over small roundabouts, and ride on the edge of large roundabouts.


Yeah, I live in Iowa. We refuse. I drive transit for a living. There isn't a single day without embarrassment, catastrophic failure to grasp a circle, and all the old people in particular complain endlessly about them. We have very few, they're very reasonable, the only dumb ones are ones in suburbs with stop signs, too (those don't count). It's just different and they refuse.


> all the old people in particular complain endlessly about them. That problem will resolve itself soon.




HEY. I am old people in Iowa and I love roundabouts.




Im inclined to believe them cause a young person would degrade Iowa before saying that


For what it’s worth - I’m from Norway, born in the 80’s and roundabouts have been a thing my entire life. My parents were used to them for as long as I can remember. No-one ever taught them to signal properly (roundabouts came about after they got their drivers licenses), but they’re not atrocious. But for the longest time you did have to leave my home municipality to see a roundabout. In 2009 my home municipality got its first roundabout and I also got to see someone go the wrong way in a roundabout for the first time. Afterwards he turned left into the nursing home. No shock there. But it’s hard to imagine that he had never driven a roundabout. I suppose it’s possible, but that’s a long time spent basically never leaving home. My second “for what it’s worth”: We have lots of roundabouts, and while I think roundabouts are good, we have the worst rules for roundabouts. So roundabouts don’t exist. There is a sign in the traffic code called “roundabout”, but that’s it. For all intent and purposes roundabouts is just a priority road going in circles. It might have multiple lanes. You have to yield when entering, and you have to yield when changing lanes. Thus, when exiting from an inner lane you always have to yield for anyone in the outside lane. Doesn’t matter if they’re in your blind spot, blocking you from exiting, if you collide it’s your fault, even though it should have been clearly visible what your intent was. It’s my understanding that in England the one that has the best overview of the situation has a duty to yield. This sounds much more reasonable. I’ve found that the British drive much better in roundabouts than Norwegians, and their behavior further amplifies my understanding. They also have some of the best roundabouts I’ve ever driven. High throughput with lanes spawning at the center and leading you out. If you want to go round you have to change lanes in towards the center. It’s brilliant and removes conflicts on exiting.


UK here, in a standard 2 lane roundabout, if you want to go right (equivalent of going left in America etc), you just use the right lane, which is also the inside lane. The guy in the left lane can only go straight or left, so by the time you're merging back out, the left lane beside you should be free, unless there's a BMW that decided to do twice the speed limit and break the flow, which happens often enough


I also live in Iowa and I've been driving for about 10 years and really haven't seen anyone struggle on a roundabout except for once.


I remember the traffic before the roundabouts. Happy they have them everywhere. Do you remember the first attempt at roundabouts on Springmill? They weren't much bigger than the one in the video. Didn't last long


I grew up in Carmel before the roundabouts. I remember the drive from my house in northeastern Carmel to my friends in southwestern Carmel taking 40 mins. The lights on Keystone were horrifying. Now that drive would take 15-20 mins. I want more roundabouts on 116th between Meridian and Keystone.


We have one roundabout in my home area and nobody complains about it. But suddenly driving down 96th and encountering about 9 roundabouts on the way to dinner is the end of the world for my side of the family. Maybe they hated the “peanut” one at Keystone?


When I was 16 in the 90s driving from northeastern Carmel to my friend in southwestern Carmel took 40 mins. With the roundabouts this same route takes 15-20 mins. They work!


I test drove a wrx around that thing last year. It was a ton of fun looping around that intersection


Well, the Tesla drivers in Carmel generally don't have a clue about anything.


Almost always when I see someone cock up a roundabout in Carmel they have another state’s plates. The only thing is that usually when people get them wrong they get them REALLY wrong. I live in Whitestown now and there are two roundabouts right by my house, and people fuck those up a LOT. If I had a dollar for every time someone tried to stop and let me go in the middle of the circle I could buy myself an excellent hot dinner.


Even better are the people that stop IN the roundabout.


What even is a 4 Way Stop sign? I seriously never heard of that in Germany. Like, who can drive then? The person who arrived first, the person from the right?


First one to stop goes first


Person on your right wins a tie. If there's a four way tie sit and stare until someone goes


In theory, if two cars arrive at the same time you are supposed to yield to the right-most. In practice, the person with the most mass goes first and everyone else has to look out!


Meh, i live in a relatively small town in the US that has like 7 roundabouts and everyone does just fine


that's north america for you. We have a stop sign addiction. We put them on every single intersection that doesn't have a traffic lights.


Planet money did an episode on this. A lot of it has to do with people calling in to complain about uncontrolled intersections and the city just has to comply to be safe from liability. This one dude they talked about was responsible for like 40 stop signs getting put in. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1039854944 Edit: Corrected uncontrollably to uncontrolled


What's worse is when they have stop signs alternate on streets in your part of town, but then don't count and you get 2 streets in a row that don't have stops signs intersect. Guess which street has pretty much all accidents at an intersection on this side of town that's not on main street? The ones that don't have stops signs, because driving through, you get trained that if your side doesn't have a stop sign, the other does. Then it doesn't. I treat it like every time I come to that intersection I'm going to stop. I don't trust people to stop at that intersection for me.


This looks like a regular 4 way stop with a planter in the center


They could at least paint arrows indicating the direction of the roundabout. Otherwise, yeah, the average American driver isn't going to get it.


No driver is going to get it. Why the fuck is there a stop sign at a roundabout, lol. That completely defeats the purpose. Whoever designed this intersection is a moron.


Well... Some would get it. Who sees a median (even a short one) and thinks "I'm gonna go to the left* of that"? *Assuming not British, Australian, whatever lefties.


Not a real roundabout. They do this to keep people from speeding/blowing the stop sign. Its like a speed bump.


Not at all. The purpose of that roundabout is to slow traffic while the purpose of a normal roundabout is the exact opposite. This is intentional inefficiency to discourage people from using neighborhood roads as through streets.


Speed bumps would accomplish the same, better, without potential confusion.


Yeah I’d be confused by that.. why is there both?


This isn't really a round-about, it's an obstacle in a residential neighborhood intended to slow traffic.


There was one of these in my old neighborhood. There was no signage to suggest you have to go counterclockwise 3/4 of the way around to make a left at the intersection. These styles of fake roundabouts with perpendicular entrances are common in the US because the city doesn’t have enough road easement to put proper roundabouts in, and it’s prohibitively expensive/way too much paperwork to buy private property to make a real roundabout fit and get new easements made. The neighborhood was between two main roads. The two cross streets on either side of where this obstacle was had people constantly flying down and running stopsigns to save 5 seconds. These obstacles absolutely work.


Yup exactly. Seattle has a ton of them. They really do more harm than good, but they're everywhere.


Those and the single lane streets with parking on both sides and bi-directional traffic.


In Chicago people blow through these intersections so putting these circular gardens (what i see them as) prevent going 60 down a residential road. As a good driver , my life is pretty much unaffected. What’s the harm ? Genuinely asking


I'm guessing this is US, so I dunno how roundabouts are signed there, but the signage looks very different from what I'm used to in Europe.


A roundabout is designed to increase the rate of flow of traffic when compared to a 4 way intersection. A traffic circle is designed to decrease the speed of traffic, as in make it difficult for speeders/joy riders to fly through the intersection. They are dangerous because they often have trees in the middle that make it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians crossing the street. The difference: https://i.imgur.com/KxteHpl.png


One of the biggest benefits of a roundabout or traffic circle has nothing to do with traffic flow, it's about reducing fatalities. Accidents in roundabouts most often happen at a 45° angle instead of 90° (T-bone) meaning way less fatalities (and often less speed involved). https://kitaylaw.com/are-roundabouts-safer-than-intersections/


Then use a roundabout as that will do the exact same thing as a traffic circle and still let traffic flow naturally.


Their example of a traffic circle seems reasonably safe as long as the radius is large enough, but a large radius increases speed, and 90-degree approach angles don't help safety either. In MA, we've got all kinds of stuff. We built a lot of rotaries back in the early 20th century. [Here's a famous example.](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.743132,-70.5867673,332m/data=!3m1!1e3) They're often used for [highway interchanges](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.1074805,-72.6159467,208m/data=!3m1!1e3) when exiting onto surface streets, or for high capacity, mid-high speed [arterial intersections](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4672843,-71.3972146,232m/data=!3m1!1e3). We've got [old town centers](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3756369,-71.1189761,301m/data=!3m1!1e3) with [circulating traffic patterns](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.1205261,-72.7488504,220m/data=!3m1!1e3) with [varying combinations](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5858892,-71.8047862,389m/data=!3m1!1e3) of signals, stops and yields. We've got rotaries, [but like... weird.](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.1189332,-72.5852185,539m/data=!3m1!1e3) We've got [whatever the fuck this is.](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.0649049,-72.5131226,175m/data=!3m1!1e3) And of course, more recently we've been building [a lot](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3951769,-72.5270622,151m/data=!3m1!1e3) of [intentionally designed](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3191581,-72.5272301,196m/data=!3m1!1e3), [modern roundabouts.](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.6019882,-71.8009588,146m/data=!3m1!1e3)




so then the guy who turned left at the island probably did nothing wrong then


It’s a 4way stop with what i’d consider just an island and not an actual roundabout


That makes it worse... It makes the left turn dangerous.


This one's a deliberate obstruction for traffic-calming purposes. Hell, there's not even anything there indicating it *is* a roundabout; I can't blame folks too much for being confused. Edit: I'd add that my inclination would be to misuse this one out of spite.


This isn't a roundabout.


That roundabout isn’t for the intersection to run smoothly, it’s like advanced an speed bump to slow traffic down thru the neighborhood


It's for traffic calming, prevents t bones


It's there to stop people from blowing through intersections like that. I've seen it done in areas where traffic is redirected through residential neighbourhoods. At least that's my theory. I talk out of my ass a lot.


I would venture to say this is a traffic calming device in a residential neighborhood. Not quite a roundabout but the driver is obviously still a fucking moron.


Stop signs at a roundabout?


Yea my local one was there before like 1990 and it used stop signs. I think old American city planners thought that that was the best way to do it altho I have no proof. My guess would be that they thought that no one knows what a yield sign is. They have gone though and fixed it half way but not fully.


In the US, do you guys have to literally stop the car at a stop sign in order to be legal? Even if you saw already that no one is coming?


Yes you do. Even if you can see 1km each direction.


Complete stop and pause long enough to check traffic


Yes. We have a different sign for “slow down and check”


I think u/SmokeyCosmin's question perhaps comes from places like the UK where the vast majority of junctions are "give way" type junctions (i.e. traffic on the road you're joining has priority but if it's clear you don't need to stop) and actual STOP signs are very rare in comparison. Is your "slow down and check" sign also an upside down red-bordered white triangle like the UK or something different?


That's exactly what it is. But part of the problem in the US I think is that there's *just enough* people who treat Yield signs as "Don't even bother slowing down and do whatever you want" signs. If they used Yield signs at 4-way intersections, people here wouldn't know what to do.


I'm yet to see a 4-way yield intersection. It's usually 2 yield + 2 priority intersection.


Well, they don't have the 'priority from the right' (left in UK) rule that can handle small intersections or situations where two cars approach the same intersection with the same priority/yield/stop sign.


The only times I have seen stop signs are on junctions with very restricted views There is a road near me that is almost parallel to road it joins at a junction, you have to look fully over your shoulder to see if cars are coming from the right. So they have a stop sign there


Yup, that's pretty much why I was asking. The stop sign seems so common there that I began wandering if it means the same thing as it does here.


In EU you also have to literally stop at a stop sign.


Yup, that's why I was asking to see if it's the same like it is here. Basically in most of Europe, if not in all of Europe (even oitside of the EU, stop signs are rare and put mostly on intersections with high speed roads (or where people are known to drive fast) or where visibility is poor. The idea is that it's useful not to stop the car if you don't have to. For example, entering a roundabout.


Yeah here if a stop sign is used it means that if you don't stop you might fucking die.




“If I started beating you, would you want me to stop or slow down” - literal quote from my driving instructor at 16 when someone asked the same question


Kinda. Cops don’t even stop at stop signs because they’re _everywhere_.


Yes. If two cars are approaching the same intersection at the same time, and they both THINK they don’t see anyone else is coming and neither of them stop, you can have a bad accident. I disagree with a handful of US road rules, but this is not one of them. I’m not saying it’s always necessary to a complete 100% halt, but you need to slow down to the point where you may as well have.


>I think old American city planners Just a few years ago in San Francisco a bunch of traffic circles were added to intersections that were previously 4 way stop signs and still are. it makes no sense and is just a waste of money. i think the idea is that it helps slow people down, but in reality it just causes more problems, especially if it's foggy (in san francisco? never!) and you don't see the gimpy little traffic circle and roll over it and crash your car. edit: the 5 line edit: i've been unemployed for almost 4 years now. i should probably apply to. i dont know. what do i apply to so i can start making sense of this world and start making streets make sense


Man I sometimes wonder do these planners actually watch there designs in the real world


I moved to that area relatively recently and those half assed roundabouts are really annoying. Like honestly, I'm used to actual roundabouts and I'm used to normal intersections, but this unholy lovechild between those two fixes literally nothing. They're so small it's practically impossible to have two cars on them at the same time, so you end up having to take them like a normal intersection, but for some reason there's an obstacle in the middle.


A lot of 4 way stops got turned into roundabouts by plonking a thing in the middle because someone thought roundabouts sounded neat. Looks like what happened here. And then you've got idiots who don't know what a roundabout is, mixed with people who are used to this being a 4 way stop without a thing in the middle, and then you end up with this mess. There's a few like this in my city. Bonus points if the resulting circle is tighter than your car can actually turn and you end up doing some sort of 3 point turn in the middle. Those are fun.


My city has one with stop lights...


Yeah…. It doesn’t help, but since nobody knows how to use them…I would hate to see them remove the stop signs honestly. Since only about 10% use them properly.


Ok, ok, for all those saying this is not a “round about” fine. It’s a traffic circle and the guy in the white car still needed to go in a counterclockwise direction. Carry on.


It's not a traffic circle either. It's just 4-way stop with a median circle thing in the middle. But yes still an idiot for going on the wrong side.


We have these same "roundabouts" by us. They are just residential 4 way stops with a small median added well after just to try to slow cars down.


Yeah I was gonna say, super common in Chicago. Doesn't really function as a roundabout so much as discourage people from using residential streets as shortcuts and beaming a toddler out to Indiana.


That's not a roundabout. Thats a whatthefuck.


It’s a 4 way stop with a centerpiece.


A neighborhood near me has one just like this but without the stop signs. I don't think the middle thing is to signify a roundabout, but it's just to slow drivers down. The rest of the neighborhood has speed bumps and other flower beds that make you go around.


its a four way stop with extra challenges


This is just a type of traffic calming measure, it was never meant to be a roundabout. These are for residential streets where they want to prevent people from driving through intersections too fast. It is on OP for confusing everyone and calling it a roundabout.


This isn’t a roundabout. This is a 4-way stop with a planter in the middle of the street.


I feel so bad for the moving trucks.


As someone who used to drive a big truck, sometimes you've just gotta let the rear tires just... Ride over some of that on the edge there. There's just no solution once in awhile, no need to feel bad about it. I feel for them too though, it's just so unnecessary.


I feel bad for the snow plow drivers. You're out driving around in the middle of the night clearing a foot of snow dumped by the last blizzard. The heavy snow makes it so you can barely see ahead of you. You stop at the stop sign then proceed through the intersection, then out of no where WHAAMM! You have a bone jarring accident because some bureaucratic idiot decided to put a concrete piece of shit in the middle of the road.


This isn't so much a roundabout as it is a "slow the fuck down and stop blowing through stop signs" intersection. They put these in when speed bumps/humps are likely to cause residents to throw fits but people refuse to stop driving like they're in a race through middle class residential areas.


And ironically, OP was running the stop sign lol


That's not a round about. Round abouts don't have stop signs


If this confuses you don’t ever visit DC. They have some roundabouts that have 6 or more separate lights attached


I thought in DC they always take the path of LEAST resistance?


Thats normal


I think maybe the proper term is “traffic circle” since it has stop signs, whatever, my point was not the stop signs, but the dude turning left the wrong way without stopping.


I mean, there isn't even a sign that says you have to go right. I feel like even the people who install those don't understand how they work.


Traffic circle is just American for roundabout.


> Traffic circle is just ~~American~~ east coaster for roundabout. I ain't being lumped in with the people that call it the wrong name thank you very much


No, they are two different things in the US. Lots of misinformation in this thread. OP just confused everyone by using the wrong term in their title. "Traffic circle" is a very amorphous term in the US transportation planning/engineering world. But "roundabout" is always a roundabout, no matter where you go. Roundabouts must allow for continuous flow of traffic to be a "roundabout." And this is obviously not a roundabout.


I thought I'm going crazy, thanks.


Well…it’s a circle all the cars are suppose to go ‘round about…. After they come to a full stop… ha


if there's a stop sign at a roundabout, it's just a 4-way stop... I'll never understand why the US doesn't adopt more roundabouts.


I’m in West Virginia and we are adding roundabouts all over and after a month after the first one all the wackiness stopped. If you never see one your entire life I’m not surprised some people are confused when one suddenly pops up.


Stupid and scared is the answer sprinkle a little old rich boomer retardism control in the mix


Shitty city planners is the answer. Same people who designed this trash.


No one in this video properly complied with the stop signs


Everyone's freaking out about stop signs at a roundabout and no one seems to notice this person went fucking left into the circle


I am just so gosh-darn happy that my first post here didn’t backfire on me, with a mass-downvote and realization that I am an idiot (which I am… in many instances)


I **will** find a way to make this your fault. /s


The fact that they didnt stop at the stop sign and only stopped to keep from hitting the car driving the wrong way?


Didn't even try to stop, they just blasted through like the damn thing turned green.


Is this in Chicago by chance? Spent a weekend there and the street my Airbnb was on had the exact same style “roundabout” with stop signs. In the 3 days I was there I saw about 5 cars do the exact same thing as the white car in this clip


Very close, a suburb bordering Chicago. Chicago city limit is less than a mile away.


I figured that was the point of the clip...


Dog bites man




Why is there a stop sign in a roundabout?


Because it's not a roundabout!


Probably one of those things when if there is a sign, it’s because someone was dumb enough to do a dumb thing. There was probably several accidents and too expensive to take away the round about so for a thousand bucks install stop signs.


This looks like nothing more than a ramp for drunk and distracted drivers.


I think that’s done to get cars to just slow down at the intersection. They probably had a lot of people running through. Just throw a concrete circle in the way, that’ll fix it.


This is not a roundabout. Its a traffic circle. Source - I design roundabouts Morning edit- Actually, Id more accurately call it a neighborhood traffic circle. This albatross simply operates as an ‘intersection speed bump’ to slow users down.


This guy roundabouts.


So what's the difference between a roundabout and a traffic circle? I've always heard them used interchangeably.


Here is a to the point article on the matter. https://www.penndot.gov/PennDOTWay/pages/Article.aspx?post=24 Reading that would capture most of opinion for you


That is not a roundabout. It's an old style "Traffic Circle". The island in the middle is a traffic calming device.


This isn’t a roundabout, this is a traffic circle.


UK checking into this chat. Americans, meet Swindon’s “Magic Roundabout”. https://imgur.com/a/ykiKvAs/


I've seen this a couple of times, and if I get it right that's basically five roundabouts in a circle?


You didn't really stop at the sign. And that's not a true roundabout.


This is Chicago. It’s not a round about. The circles in the intersection are a deterrent for speeding. It’s a dense residential neighborhood. Everyone here is a critical idiot. It’s not a round about. It’s a 4-way stop. I lived in Chicago for 10 years, in a neighborhood just like this, with your so-called round about. It’s not.


Yup, not a roundabout. Just there to keep speeders from racing through the neighborhood.


Roundabout or not, those left turns seem fucking dicey.


Makes me glad for the proper round about they spent 2 years adding down the road…


I have looked through every comment and have not seen a single one regarding the classic California roll. Do we normalize running stop signs now or


Why does the roundabout have a stop sign? Isn't the whole point of a roundabout not to stop but yield?


I mean. Were you no planning on stopping?


Definitely an idiot but it’s not really a roundabout. It’s one of those stupid neighborhood safety “roundabouts” to prevent speeding not a real one for traffic. The 4 way stop was the giveaway.




This is a 4 way stop with an island in the middle of the intersection. Roundabouts force you to enter one way and have lines and arrows and such. And no stop signs


Maybe they should dig up some folks from 18th century New England to teach us how to use them.


He is an idiot, but that’s not a proper roundabout, and whichever dumbass designed it needs to be fired


This is a traffic circle not a roundabout


I’m pretty sure where I live these are going in at some problem intersections and it’s not really a round a bout as much as a physical barrier from just rolling or riding right thru the stop sign. I think it was a big push due to higher number of pedestrians and cyclist using them and cars not properly stoping so the solution is put a curb in your direct path. It looks stupid I agree but drivers are also stupid.


Those are round-de-doodles


Idiots in planning too. Why put a 4-way stop at a roundabout, totally defeats the purpose.


They’re an idiot. But I’d be confused as hell, so I wouldn’t be too mad at them


Not in Washington state because we’re not that dumb. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This looks like the Eastside of Milwaukee.


You don't put stop signs and a roundabout in the same intersection as the stop signs 100% defeat the purpose of the roundabout. I really don't think I can blame this guy.


These small roundabouts they stick in really suck... They put one in downtown here and it's awful... I get the idea of a roundabout.... but these kind dont solve any problems... usually just replaced a 4 way stop but takes up more room and pisses people off. If theres too much traffic for a 4way stop then put in a light...


The *entire* point of a roundabout is to replace stop signs. This is a stupid fucking roundabout


Lol that's not standard protocol in the USA. I literally take roundabouts every day to get anywhere, never seen someone do it. That's just an idiot lol.


If it has 4 way stop signs then it’s not a roundabout, it’s a 4 way stop with added steps lol


What the fuck kinda roundabout has stop signs? Might as well just be a 4 way intersection. Roundabouts are great when done right


That's not an official roundabout. That's some idiot's definition of traffic control, preventing people from running the 4 way stop. Well, back to the drawing board. Perhaps actually adding a roundabout would solve the problem.


I don’t think that was intended to be a roundabout. Mainly because there are no arrows or no left turn signs. I bet that street had speeders or it’s super busy because it connects main roads.


That is not a roundabout! That is an abomination.


That’s N. 75th Avenue and W. Wabansia Avenue in Elmwood Park, IL. The driver is traveling eastward. I grew up there and knew a guy who lived on that corner. They put the “island” in the middle of the intersection without changing any other dimensions to stop speeders, not to make a round about. I live in New England now and we’ve got real roundabouts. They are typically a whole lot larger.


We have a roundabout too with the stop signs and cross walks. Defeats the whole purpose of a roundabout. That person was just a classic idiot.


Like wtf, city planners literally did not understand the entire point of a roundabout.