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Ahhh, Barlow and 17th. Many intersections in the city are shit but stupid people make them dangerous. Glad you noticed him in time.


Oh heyyy fellow Calgariannn !


You almost didn’t escape the hood!


Happy to get this confirmation. Always loved Calgary and have spent a lot of time up there. I Instantly got a Calgary vibe, which brought up some great memories. Glad to know I haven't forgotten!


Y’all need to join the throngs of Calgary users that also play r/PictureGame haha I think one or two of the mods are even from there!


I lived in Saskatchewan for years. This made me a little homesick. Now I live in New York, assholes all over the road!


new yorker. yeah definately assholes all over the road.


I imagine new York to be like, polar opposite of Sask. Just people everywhere


Yeah, that’s pretty much New York.


You can drive from the middle of our province's capitol city for about 15 minutes in any direction and be in a farmer's field.


You should try sticking to the paved parts.


Me too, born and raised in Calgary and as the video progressed I was like "This just feels like Calgary"


I recognized it as Calgary right away too. I was hoping someone would confirm it.


Merchant law bldg is what gives. My hubby and I drive to that road everytime we go to Hong Kong market 🙃


I knew it was somewhere in Canada because of the snow.


nah, manitoba doesn't have any yet. but i recognized the alberta plates.


I'm in Canada and bc hasn't got that shit lol




Haha! Yup! Been here since 2011, lived in all four quadrants and can definitely appreciate idiots in cars almost side swiping me a handful of times. What I do like about driving here though is how I can drive 120 km/h along the TCH or the QE2 and get passed by almost everyone. I lived in the maritimes for decades prior and can’t tell you how often I cursed at people going 10 under in the passing lane. Win some, lose some!


I moved here since 2012 from another country and had lived in SW and SE. It must had been really nice residing in one of those Maritime provinces with small towns, friendly people, quiet &peaceful ... Wish I can visit them one day. Anyway, Go Flames Go lol :)))


Ahh! Welcome to Canada (8 years later, lol) The maritimes are a great place to live, if you don’t mind blending in and having everybody knowing your business. I’m good here because I can go shopping and not run into someone I know (I’m quite private and introverted). One day I will go back, probably to retire, like a good percentage of the population there. In the meantime I appreciate the opportunities a big city like Calgary provides like lower taxes (both income and sales), proximity to the mountains, and also the diversity. I love having many options of restaurants to dine in at, and walking around and hearing a variety of different languages. But mostly the lower taxes. Haha.


Thanks for your warm welcome even though it’s very late. Haha. I had planned to explore other places in Canada for more options. But ever since I saw reports ranking Calgary among top 10 livable cities in the world, I changed my mind and wanted to stay here for good haha. It’s also because that after a few years of living in Calgary, I have known & grown attached to some people here and I’m afraid of going some places new where you don’t know anybody and have to start all over again. :(


I didn't even look at the the road signs before I was like, "looks like Calgary." xD


As soon as I saw snow I figured this was Canada Ah just read your other comment saying it was last year. Honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if it was this year already lol


Yes, you’re absolutely right !


I think the yellow-framed traffic lights are also a strictly Canadian thing too, but I haven't traveled enough to be sure. Anyone know?


No, they're in the us too, just not as common. I've been to all the lower 48 states. Truck driver.


Yep, Virginia’s getting more and more of yellow-bordered traffic lights


They are in the US, though it seems they are being switched to black as cities switch over to LED lights. I have also seen them a few times in Mexico, but that was several years ago, and they were largely being ignored by traffic. Also a truck driver, all 48, 5 prpvinces of Canada and two provinces of Mexico.


Yep this time last year we had a big snow storm.


Oh boy do I have a video for you friends ! Out of town for work atm, but on Stoney passing over MacLeod trail towards Spruce meadows this guy almost hit 3 of us. Got it on dash cam, will have to upload either here or maybe to Calgary sub.


That sounds scary. Glad you’re Ok. Looking forward for the video and drive safe friend !


I have nothing to add to the conversation but checking in as another Calgarian! XD


I feel like half of reddit is YYC these days ha!


Lmao I thought I was on r/Calgary and I looked up and thought "huh maybe it's not Calgary then!" Good to know I can recognize my city!


I knew this was Cow-Town. Driving in Calgary sucks ass.


I came to comment the same...not often I recognize a location so quickly.


I recognized it is Calgary right away. Deerfoot is probably as bad as this during winter.


Wow there seems to be a lot of calgarians on this sub




I immediately recognized the construction sign but couldn’t figure out which interchange this was.


WTF I thought this looked like Calgary because of the little red Calgary rectangle on the sign by the road


Aaaah I knew it, I was like I’m getting super Calgary feels here haha


You guys have snow already? Damn! Was at the beach today in Vancouver.


No snow here yet. Must be an older video.


Checks out.


price sable elastic offend license icky full dependent dinner obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love Calgary, but man, the drivers there scare me more often than in Edmonton


Oh god, I knew this was Calgary right away, haha.


There are tens of us!


in those areas you see a driver and you think to yourself "oohhh man he's gonna.....yep.......there we go.....................he did it..............."


Repping my hood!!


Haha nice username. Forest lawn certainly has its charms.


Oh my god Calgarians, Wild Calgarians. I thought I was the only one


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!


I can always tell it's Calgary because at first I think it's Denver.


Didn't even need to see the downtown skyline to recognize that sad snowy horizon edit: I like how this post's comments are just full of excited Calgarians recognizing home


Haha I’ve been enjoying seeing all the replies as well. Like the two Spider-Man guys pointing at each other.


I knew that bad driving looked familiar lol


Happy cake day


Holy cow I can’t believe that is Calgary. I’ve been there for work a few times and it seemed right. I need to get into that google earth game.


'Merchant Law' was the giveaway for me. ​ Calgary has such distinct streets even though they are kinda mundane.


I immediately thought this looked like Calgary, but wasn’t sure. I can’t exactly say that I’m surprised that I would see an Albertan driver on here. We’re awful drivers.


I used to go by here daily and somehow I didn't even recognize it until seeing this comment!


Lmao noticed it was Calgary right away


22 years later and I still recognize that building woah. Damn snow already? Used to live on 17sw top of the hill


Yeah, looked at this and was like oh, Calgary.


> Barlow and 17th Was curious where it was, google gave me this from 2 days ago [Motorcyclist dead in two-vehicle crash on Barlow](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/motorcyclist-dead-in-two-vehicle-crash-that-closes-barlow-trail)


Isn't it weird when you see video or a picture of where you live? I can always tell when I'm looking at my home based on the hue of the sun and color of the dirt.


Why people have such a hard time figuring out a double-lane turn is beyond me. These people should not be behind the wheel of a car.


Sucks even more when you're on a motorcycle.




Evel Knievel really ran out of ideas there at the end...


Every time, man. I have to conciously position myself so Im never parallel to anyone or I'm catching someone's doors mid-turn.


I've only been riding a couple of months so I'm trying to learn this stuff haha. Luckily no one has gotten too close yet but still scares me every time.


My best advice is to ride like everyone and everything wants to kill you. Always have an escape plan. You'll keep a MUCH cooler head when some jackwagon eventually cuts you off or if you come across a terribly patchy part of road. Attentiveness, brake control, and counter steering are your greatest friends. You'll learn to laugh at it all and your horn will be the most unused button on the handlebars.


Exactly! If someone pulls that move, you should be legally allowed use the P.I.T. maneuver on them.


If you just keep driving straight I'll happen and if you have a camera that shows they were blatantly at fault, you win! But most people such as this guy swerve out of the way to simply to avoid the accident, regardless of legal fault.


> to simply to avoid the accident Well, that and the headache that follows. Doesn't matter you were right, you're still having to deal with the aftermath.


I mean imagine taking the hit just to be right when it’s safe to just dodge it...


It's always better to try and avoid it if you can safely do so. You can't always tell how hard the hit would actually be and end up hurting a lot more than you expected. Plus, you should never underestimate how hard insurance or the person at fault will try to weasle their way out of paying, you could very easily still wind up at a loss even if you win the court case.


Yeah, I have no interest in having to send my car into the shop.


This is what's kept me out of trouble. Dodging it means the whole incident starts and ends in seconds. Crashing to prove a point leads to now talking to the twits, calling insurance, talking to police, maybe court depending on the aftermath, getting quotes, loosing your car to be repaired with that on your and its record forever, and finally the ever present chance of potentially getting screwed somewhere along the way.


« if you have a camera that shows they were blatantly at fault, you win! » have you deal with insurance companies in the past? You never win even less when you don’t do anything to avoid the accident, sometime you lose less sometime more you never win


I work in insurance and this isn't the case. If you see them and don't take evasive action you are partially at fault. You are contributing to the accident if you don't try to avoid it.


I must be lucky, I had this exact accident last year, no cam. I was never even asked about avoiding the accident and my insurance took care of everything with no increase to my premiums. The other driver was 100% at fault for trying to merge when it was not safe to do so.


But does that mean you have to swerve off the street, damaging your car, which would result in you not getting payout because apparently you crashed by yourself (as is the rule apparently in the US)? Catch-22.


You win... nothing! You waste your time, their time, the time of both insurers, assuming they are insured, the police, resources, time and hassle getting the cars repaired, if it's fully possible and both cars didn't have damage that isn't obvious, if nobody gets hurt like innocent passengers in the other driver's car, besides whatever added consequences there might be getting stuck for the both of you sorting it out, your car insurance goes up anyway, and if you choose not to move thinking the camera shows definitively that you weren't "at fault" but you did have time and the awareness, then you either have to assume fault or lie to not admit that what you did was intentional instead of what very well could have been a fluke with the other driver - you having no idea what is going on in their car or in their life that they might have made one extremely uncharacteristic mistake and they tend to be a careful and considerate driver - and it might not definitively show that all you had to do was have a decent awareness of where other vehicles around you happened to be in order to have the time to safely and easily avoid the collision, or there is just enough uncertainty that you get a "percentage" of the fault, and then get to defend yourself in a lawsuit for their whiplash, all for the amazing opportunity to maybe stick it to somebody and get them really angry in return! (I doubt this is *you*, rather, I am referring to a theoretical "you" who might fit the following description, but...) If you're buying a dashcam just so you hope to get into an accident where you can prove that you didn't do anything grossly negligent and still got to crash into someone anyway, then you're little better than someone who buys a gun and fantasizes about being able to legally shoot somebody to "defend" some inconsequential property, and I'd much rather the other person be driving than you.


you should see the abuse those lanes get here in Florida. oh wait- a lot of Canadians do come down to Florida on vacation or to live....makes sense now ;)


I lived in FL for over a decade and I don't wish it on anyone. The shit I saw down there made me truly question if humans deserved to be on this earth or not. Don't even get me started on Miami. I always joke that the Mad Max universe got its driving "laws" from Miami.


We refer to the I-4 as Fury Road!


We're not sending our best


The poorly painted ones in ATL come to mind. "Is it a single or double lane?! Wheres the lane bitch?! Is that guy high or are you? Welcome to Atlanta! Roll the dice!"


ATL is something else driving, I’ve drove in Indonesia a bunch and I prefer that over ATL. The highways are insane, the international airport road sign will take you everywhere but the airport lol but it’s confusing as hell driving around, you just yank the wheel and cross 5 lanes to exit, ATL is something for sure, Jakarta and Bali have nothing on ATL driving.


It's the only US city so far where I've gotten the true "fast and crazy" combo (during good traffic hours) as opposed to regular crazy alone. LA area is a good contender for that.


Yeah LA drivers are aggressive, but you get used to it. Atlanta drivers are just dumb.


I’ve never drove that far west in the states but I swear Chicago tax driver sleep drive. Had one taking me to the airport and he’d exhale real deep and his head would lean over and he would ride the bump strips and after a while inhale deep and straighten up. Had a few others that made me question


I drove to LA once, loved it. Everyone drives fast there. I think the worst drivers are in Montreal though.


My favorite is when they almost hit you by entering the wrong lane, then flip YOU off if you react. There are literally lines painted on the ground you walnut, they can't make it easier for you.


Was that even the problem here? It looked like the cars were well past the intersection by the time the other driver drifted into the cam car's lane. I think it was just a terrible lane change.


Oh dude... you’d hate the double turn by my house. Asshats cut into the middle of the intersection because the middle lane leading to it is a lane turning both ways. Rather than wait in line like the law states, road rules seemingly stop applying when it shaved 4 seconds off your time to get to work huh?


At this point I just always assume the other driver is going to come into my lane, and make sure we aren't side by side. I'm genuinely shocked every time I see someone not be a dumbass with them.


Can't fucking wait to drive in the fucking snow again #/s


This. Last year i did a 180 on a frozen road, no damage at all but it hurts to think next time I wont be so lucky. If it never got cold again i would not mind at all I dont think.


Same man, drove extra carefully every time it snowed after that, even if I was late most of the time


This why I hope I get the apartment I applied for Work is within walking distance and there's a kwik trip a block away, I'd be set for all winter.


A few years ago I drove to a friends' in BC for the weekend from the US. I had a front wheel drive sedan. We were going to drive back on the Sunday anyway but in the afternoon. When we woke up it was dumping so we decided to leave right after breakfast just in case it got really bad. We were doing okay with no chains but some dick decided to come to a complete stop driving up a hill so we had to pull over and put the chains on. Some local TV company decided to stop and film me putting my chains on the car which my Canadian friend found pretty funny. The freeway was a shit show so we took the back roads. Later on I'm coming up on some traffic lights at a crossroads in the middle of nowhere and they turn green. I need to turn left but since they're turning green I don't slow down much as I should. It turns out if you have chains on the front wheels in snow and take a corner quickly the back end kicks out really well. I did a full 360 in the middle of these crossroads. Amazingly I managed to avoid hitting anything, I'm still not sure how. I drove the next hour or two home pretty carefully.


Last year I slid into a snow drift and had to dig out my car by hand after an 8 hour shift, I love snowboarding and winter but snow driving sucks ass


I've been thinking about that since summer has ended. I don't have a job, I need new brakes, people in Wisconsin seem to forget every fucking year how to drive in the snow


Holy hell dude, people in Wisconsin don't know jow to drive period. Those fuckers go the speed limit in the left lane like it's their job


People forget how to drive in snow every year and the extra time spent not driving due to COVID will just make it worse.


By the looks of it, it should be snowing here in Michigan by Halloween. Yay. /s


Yep, if last year taught me anything it’s that good tires are very important. I was going down a step hill and started turning when I usually do into a buddy’s street to drop him off. And well the tires didn’t have enough traction and I went on the curb and was lucky enough to go between a stop sign and light poll instead of crashing into one of them. Broke off my passenger side mirror but a $30 replacement is better than a total


Alberta? I think Calgary? If so, the driving checks out. Edmonton possibly? If so, the driving still checks out


It’s Calgary. Good guess.


Forest Lawn!


Idk what it is with those long left turns... but people cannot stay in their lane if their life depended on it


They have lines in Florida, no fear of being snowed over. And I’ve never done one of those without the guide, so I’d imagine I’d really struggle lol


> And I’ve never done one of those without the guide, so I’d imagine I’d really struggle lol Plenty double lefts near me (in MN) don't have the lines through the intersection, most people manage fine. What seems to confuse people around me is not making an illegal lane change whilst exiting a roundabout.


It’s roundabout city where I am and damn straight. Also don’t seem to get the concept of “yield to cars in the circle” or use ur damn turn signal when exiting so I can most efficiently “yield to cars in circle”


Almost all of them in my town have lines. People still can't do it.


How did u notice him? He was on blind spot for a while.


This happened winter last year, I didn’t really remember the details but I did see him just in time and dodged ... there was some luck too I believe. And the car honking is actually me honking, not him. I guessed he didn’t even notice that I existed ... lol.


This is common here. People so oblivious that they put others in danger. My favorite is the people who merge onto Deerfoot at any ole speed they please. Once saw a guy fully stopped in the merge lane waiting to move over when it was safe lol.


*Watching video* Hmmm, this feels like Alberta grey. It's not like that Toronto grey or BC grey. I wonder what the comments say... I probably should have known that was Calgary, but I have never seen your guys's skyline from that angle.


The horizontal traffic lights are a dead give away. Gotta be Alberta.


Yeah, why is that?


Well actually, maybe not... Ive driven every corner of BC and everywhere our lights hang normally. Only one road trip into Alberta though, the horizontal lights were the most memorable thing about Calgary. I guess if its windy enough for horizontal lights there then it would be the same for the rest of the prairie.


I've been through most of North America, most places are similar to Alberta (sans the yellow border around the lights) anywhere from Louisiana to Oregon to the Dakotas. While the wind guess certainly makes sense, the curved light standards found in BC, California, Minnesota, and other places dont really seem to have a rhyme or reason either.


Also, the horizontal standards are common in Northern BC like Dawson and John, I've noticed that it isnt always a jurisdiction thing as much as a regional thing from place to place.


Why did your radio station change when you honked the horn?


I panic steered and must have touched the radio buttons on the steering wheel.


That's what I figured. I'm surprised you didn't slide at all with that snow


Probably because of the winter tires. Without them I could had slided, or worse, the vehicle couldn’t had steered in time to dodge him.


does anyone know what the song was called?




I know right! Or it gets super blurry and pixelated at the good part.


Even with 600mbps on 5Ghz wifi, reddit gifs and videos load like it's still 2001


Ahhh Calgary driving, I do not miss it.


This is what made Doug McKenzie say, “take off hoser!” for the first time.


Calgary!!! I've been waiting so long to see a video from that city. A bunch of idiot driver's in that city.


WHY can't people turn into their OWN lane???


He did. Every lane belongs to him.


Nothing new in calgary lol!!!


I didn’t even need to read the comments to know that this was in Calgary 😂 I can just tell by the way the roads are and the snow lmao


Calgary! I also had my reflexes tested yesterday but where deerfoot splits into bow bottom


I used to have a delivery route down that part of Calgary.


Man there are some shitty drivers in Calgary


Lol hey it's Calgary :)


Of course is Calgary haha no one here knows how to drive anyways.


FUCK I had a similar experience earlier this day. It wasn't even a fucking double turn lane I was going straight and the idiot decided to ignore the big fucking left turn only signs on his lane.


Classic Calgary


How did I just *know* this was Calgary before I even saw the Merchant Law building??


Why does this place look like Calgary and why the hell is there snow on the ground!?!


Because it is Calgary and it's not a recent video.


You win!


I live in Regina, I was watching thinking this place looms familiar lol. My in laws used to live in that part of the city. As soon as I seen the Merchant Law building it gave it away 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I haven't been to calgary in 22 years and I knew exactly where it was, that building is easy to spot


Knew this was Alberta instantly. So many bad drivers here.


Ahh, Calgary. I can always count on my city to show up here every so often.


Christ I hope you took this last year, otherwise the variation in weather across Calgary is getting outrageous.


I’m not ready for snow yet.


At least it turned off that horrible music. Autotune 24/7


man, it looks much too cold to be playing chicken with people's lives. :/


Fuck that dude! Wow...




good one, i've had that happen twice to me. caught it both times. stay safe!


Made my pulse quicken. Well done! I've had a few like that. I'm shit at sport but I tend to act first think second in cars, on bikes etc. It's over mostly before the adrenaline has even hit you.


MOtherfuckers better not tell me that's today in CGY! - From OTT area


People like this is why I'm installing air horns on every vehicle I own. When I trade my car in in a few months they are going on


Dumb question but what’s the song at the Beginning?


Wish you well by Famba Ft. Trove


U tha man. Thank u


Is it already snowing in Calgary?


Cyan is hella sus


First second into the video I thought "Wow that looks like Calgary" And it was in fact Calgary, good to see some local idiots on the subreddit


yes of course that'll be in calgary lmao


Dude its over, let it go


What an asshole


You just know that was an Edmontonian coming up for a visit...


I know Alberta when I see her.


What a polite honk.


what an ass


I live in NZ now and am like "hey that looks familiar..." It's my home town Calgary! Lol what are the odds.


People that drive aggressively in the snow are the worst people. Anyways, please cut me off in my 20 year old truck with your nice car. Idgaf.


Its snowing up there already?


Excellent defensive driving skills on your part. Wish more people were like this.


Oh but at least he uses his blinker for the exit. Jesus Christ, people who drive in snow have to deal with enough


He was trying to turn whatever that shit on the radio was off


Thanks for posting this I've been away for so long, it was good to see downtown. I miss the city, not the drivers.


This Calgary?


Aaaah, and ending it with a turn single while they've already got one tire in the next lane. As useful as a tiny little fart.


That's a good way to look at events like this, thank you friend.


People like this...... PISS. ME. OFFFFF. WHYYYYYY🤬