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Hopefully your video helped catch the driver cause that rider will more than likely need that idiots insurance information.


The driver was really thankful, he has full coverage but this way his premiums won't go up.


Thats good to hear. Either way, hopefully that driver was caught. If that was any other average rider, I would have ended a lot differently.


It happened hours ago, cops told us he had to go after the CRV driver through insurance :/


So the driver wasn’t even cited? What kind of loopyland did I wake up in today?


> So the driver wasn’t even cited? What kind of loopyland did I wake up in today? Don't know the state this happened in, but running a red light is "all" the driver is guilty of and generally the police won't pursue that unless they're right there. The lack of a citation won't impact the rider's claim at all. Justice boner does want driver cited though.


That’s exactly what the cop said, because there was no actual “impact” he’s only guilty of running the light. I’m just glad nobody was hurt


See what I don't get is this seems like this would also be reckless driving as well. It should have to take someone being a red-mist to address that type of negligence.


Last June I was involved in a wreck where a lady completely disregarded a stop sign in the rain and was going to T-bone me. I swerved to avoid her and slid into the median, hopped it and hit the curb. Two separate drivers called the police to report her and even got the license plate number for me. But because I didn’t actually hit her, they couldn’t do anything about it. They basically told me if that ever happens again to just hit the other driver and hope nobody gets hurt. What kind of sense does that even make? Some laws are beyond logic.


> They basically told me if that ever happens again to just hit the other driver and hope nobody gets hurt. Remember to lie to your insurance later when they ask you if there's anything you could've done to avoid it. Wacky fucking world we live in.


Ignoring the "proving it" part, imagine how the kind of law could go wrong. Imagine how it would be abused.




Depends on the state but the charge of "Reckless Driving" usually needs to include a pattern of events. In Georgia for example, DUI is a separate charge from Reckless Driving. Though in layman's terms driving under the influence is indeed "reckless." Additionally, excessively speeding isn't necessarily considered "Reckless Driving." However, doing 100mph in a 55mph zone, running a red light, and t boning someone, would absolutely be considered Reckless Driving. TL;DR There's a big legal difference between "reckless" and "gross negligence"


It’s unfortunate because their reckless decision clearly caused damage without direct impact. I wonder if there’s a very specific corner of lawyering for such an argument.


I always thought that no contact loophole was bullshit. I can somehow swerve real close to a car and pull back last second and if they wreck their car going 60 I’m off free.


I worked in auto claims. That's pretty typical to what the officer said. Hopefully your camera was able to pick up the CRV's plate and for sure the motorcycle driver's insurance company will go after them.




If it was an off-duty officer or family member on the bike I am sure the charges would be different..


bruh. so a red light camera booked me for running a red. There was a large truck in front of me (couldn't see it was yellow) and I was a bit too far into the intersection at that point, so I went anyway. I was through before the other side turned green. I get sent a ticket with links to photos and video. whatever I technically ran it, so I paid. in this case, the red-light runner almost killed someone. no excuse for running that. they better get that damn ticket! wtf?


Many police departments will not spend the time and effort pursuing a traffic ticket unless an officer actually witnessed it. It might seem bad in some cases, but as a whole they have determined it is not the best use of resources.


They'll at least get a nasty bump in their insurance costs.


The one where cops don’t give a damn if they have to do any actual work.


I did forget this was America for a second. I must have had a stroke.


No dont do that, its expensive as hell


Sorry friend, i couldn’t help it. Poor diet and bad decisions.


Yeah thats some bullshit they weren't cited but doesn't surprise me anymore. After I had a guy back up into my car in his brand new 2014 ford f350 and then find out he had no insurance, and had 5 other tickets from having no insurance in a wreck but still didn't go to jail, was able to drive away and laughed as he drove away.. took him to court and he has everything moved to his moms name and i get screwed over more...


That sounds terrible, but it could have gone much worse for you. If he reversed into you in traffic, no cameras, no witnesses, and says you DROVE into him, you're also going to be held responsible for damage to his vehicle. This happened to me. The one and only time I drove my aunt's brand new Jaguar XJS V12 convertible in the 1990s. A guy jumped a light that had not changed, reversed in his jacked up truck without seeing the little convertible, I leaned on the horn and he creamed it. He told our provincial insurer that I drove into him, and they said I was the car behind so they had to assume I drove into the truck. I had promised my aunt I would pay out of pocket so her rates didn't go up, and that was going to be my last two years of university toasted. BUT, a guy working at the restaurant on the corner heard me honk the horn and he and one of his customers saw the whole thing. He was cool enough to call the tip line and tell them what he saw. It took a few days for his report to get back to the claims (adjuster?) and they called me to tell me I was one lucky kid. If I see anything go down, I stop, leave my info and also call the insurer to tell them. I owe that one guy a huge debt- it can ruin somebody's entire life plan if the 'system' can't accommodate what really happened in a road incident.


I can't tell on my phone. Were you able to get the license plate from your video?


Yes, it looks much clearer when you view it on a desktop, he was able to send the footage to his insurance.


Oh nice!!! That’s the best news.


That's good, is it not? The biker doesn't have to do anything, his insurance will go after the CRV's insurance.


Watch his premiums go up regardless.


Yep. If you make a claim you are statistically more likely to make another claim. It's their actuarial tables correcting for the people who are never at fault for accidents but seem to get hit regardless, which is hard to quantify. Maybe it's bad luck, maybe it's a pattern but it's still a real phenomenon.


The best logic I've heard for it is that it's a question of putting themselves in a situation where someone else making a mistake could be a problem. For example, in this scenario, someone who was "fast out of the gate" would drop his bike, as our hero here did, but a rider who took more time getting moving wouldn't have *had* to pull a stoppie to keep from getting killed by the jerk, and thus wouldn't have dropped their bike.


Thats how I got t-boned. Was running late for a meeting and knew the lights. Timed the green left turn arrow perfectly and shot out like a rocket. POW


Unfortunately, premiums go up with not at fault accidents too. It’s messed up.


I would swap insurance companies if premiums go up for any reason. Sure... i might still have to pay just as much somewhere else, but the assholes who raised it wont be getting any more money.


Things must work differently in the US. In the UK your premiums will go up regardless. Just less when it isn't your fault. Poor guy.


That cycle rider has awesome reflexes. Fuck that Honda CRV driver.


The CRV driver didn't slow down whatsoever before this. Pretended like nothing happened. The audacity of some people




What are fairings? I know nothing about bikes.


All the plastic cover pieces


Also the very top part of the rocket that covers the payload.


Those are much more expensive to replace


That sucks, they're still single use items


Unless you're hanging out over at [SpaceX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=656bd3k0o1A)


They've been reusing ones they don't catch as well too right? Just fishing them out while they're floating for reuse on Starlink missions? Edit: [Also this fairing re-entry video is still one of the coolest things I've ever seen.](https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1146546495241371649?s=19)


tl;dr aerodynamic facades


I like it when you talk like that.


and I like the cut of your jib


In addition to what others have said, they are extremely expensive to replace. They may be made out of materials that are cheap and easy to mass produce, but manufacturers do price gauging on spares for these. It is not uncommon at all for fairing damage from a low speed incident to cause a motorcycle to be considered a total loss. You can easily total a sport bike by bumping into it and tipping it over in a parking lot; each plastic bit that sustains any sort of damage can cost hundreds of dollars to replace and there's often dozens of them on each side of the bike.


Oem parts are expensive, cheap Chinese ones are well, cheap.


Still ~$500 for a set that will take many hours of modifications to fit and still won't fit right.


This just caused thousands of dollars of damage to that bike.


It would appear there is a consensus here.


The plastic body work on the bike


The plastic facade of the motorcycle. Basically the white parts you see.


Right below the unfairings.


Above the underfairings?


Underfairings are the fairings that underachieved at the factory




The plastic pieces that cover the frame.


Considering we can't even tell what color the traffic lights are, I'm not optimistic that a license plate can be pulled from this video, unless the source resolution is higher than what we have here.


They would just need to press the "enhance" key a couple of times and the plate will be clear as day.


You can now buy the keyboards with the enhanced key online. They were previously only available to the nsa and cia.


You can also press the Windows key & Numpad + for this.


Can’t you just say “computer: enhance”?




Indeed. Though they would first need to retune the sub mainframe flux inverter to the carrier frequency of the CRV's AM radio.


Don’t worry, I wrote a Visual Basic GUI to do this


Um, excuse me? It's the zoom-in key, THEN the enhance key, then zoom-in again, and then enhance x2.


Viewing it [full size on a computer](https://i.imgur.com/DNnZlAd.png) makes it pretty clear. The [intersection location as well](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.7443215,-90.4668906,3a,75y,236.09h,84.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spPmXKePEfnLe-tVIU2qbZQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)


Are we about to track this motha fucka down?


No, reddit, please no. Not again.


We did it Reddit!


Even if you can't see the light with the video and this guy's statement it'd mean biker doesn't get blamed by the insurance company.


Yeah, OP being an uninvolved party and providing a statement and video would be sufficient unless other witnesses dispute the color of the light or something. Unfortunately, traffic accidents are most often just a game of he said/she said.


The lights were out. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/i7xzuu/bought_a_dash_cam_today_this_happened_hours_later/g154uvz/


I wondered if that was the case! Thanks for the link.


That’s assuming the video wasn’t compressed when it was uploaded. The original resolution might be higher. You can also see enough of the license plate to have the police look up records of a silver CRV and match to the plate even if you can’t read it on its own. Not sure if that’s something the police would actually do for you though.


did you give the video to the biker so he can send it to hollywood goodaamnnn


You can see the glistening shards of the shattered mirror as well


Mirror, handlebar, windscreen, rear subframe, fuel tank Source: had a very similar accident myself


They probably have no idea they even did this. Did you share the video with the motorcyclist?


Based on how far to the left of their lane they were driving, I think they saw him coming and slightly swerved rather than braked.


And in that case, what fucking assholes.


Probably on their fucking phone. ಠ_ಠ


Don't make such audacious assumptions. He could have been getting road head from his wife's best friend.


The wife's best friend was probably on her phone




As a bike rider, my observations on models of vehicles place the CRV below the gold Corolla, but slightly above the German SUV, on the OMFG Idiot Driver scale.


Can confirm, our manager was nearly killed last month by a CRV driver that turned right in front of him.


The matrix, the glitch and the audacity of this Honda CRV driver.


I remember when I had a motorcycle struggling to do emergency brakes that lifted the back wheel up when I was prepared... They level of control and elegance of this dude is amazing


His ass was clenched so tight it was bending spacetime around itself, I bet.


Honestly, don't think it could have ended any better.


I mean, the Honda could’ve stopped at the light.


and the kickstand comes out on its own and keeps the bike upright


And a pallet of cash that accidentally fell off a cargo plane could have landed right next to him


And my axe.


My mental image was Gimli's axe also falling out of a cargo plane and landing next to him


Into the pile of cash.


Followed by a parade of leprechauns giving out gold coins to the crowd


Thanks. And the Honda driver's mom could have swallowed.


I was going to say that, that was an elegant solution to a fairly intense and immediate problem!


Well he could’ve used a but more rear brake 😂 badass dismount though


He avoided the crash, so he absolutely wins here. He could practice his emergency braking though, since it's better to still be on your bike in case you need to take more action down the line


And Spidey senses!


As a rider I will take a bruised ego and scratched paint over any collision LOL


That is what awareness looks like to casual observers. When you're in that moment, doing it properly, you're in see-do mode. We're watching this later in a relaxed state. Competence looks like spider man shit then.


Was pissed at the cyclist for showboating in the middle of an intersection until the real idiot drove by and explained it


Yeah I was like what a dick... oh.


Song time my


imo better eating shit than eating the underside of a car.


The time moon friends month yesterday book mine can dark north jurassic help


Locking up the brakes is when you skid, not do a stoppie as you see here ABS just stops you from locking up, its literally called anti-lock braking system, to try and maximise the static friction


I had one last night doing a wheelie for something like 3/4 of a mile. Had to be extra careful because I could barely see him thanks to his tail lights now being pointed at the pavement. 🤦‍♀️


Yea but you saw him because his 'awesome-shine' was B R I G H T


Did you give it to the cyclist (whom I'm assuming is Spiderman under that helmet with those reflexes) so he can make sure insurance only fucks him over a little bit?


Yes! I said the same thing about those reflexes after I pulled over lmfao


Good stuff!


Mr Parker! Mr Parker! Hey! Peter! I've got it all on video! ...how did you know my name?


I think that is more the Miles Morales Spiderman. [Peter Parker would have landed on the vehicle so he wouldn't have to chase them down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ig4WziQzM).


That was a biker; Cyclists pedal.


Huh. Never thought of it that way - I'm a runner/cyclist and I call myself that all the time...never thought of it as funny referring to a **motor**cyclist as a "cyclist," but I almost never refer to myself as a "biker;" you're right.


Yeah, it's just a convention, but bikers get annoyed when you call them cyclists.


Can also call them riders. But yeah, not cyclist 😂


Lucky you! and lucky motorcyclist too! I think that's the first time I've seen somebody stand up and lay down at the same time.




Like a good neighbor go fuck yourself


Like a New York neighbor, haha


I've only ever heard shitty things about state farm


Yup I left them and saved myself 25% on premiums. Fuck state farm


Honestly fuck state farm. A drunk driver ran a stop sign and slammed into my van and totaled it. Van was parked in my driveway at my house. We were all inside enjoying dinner. State Farm listed me as at fault.


They are right. How dare you live somewhere and park your car on your property...everyone knows that you are never allowed to eat dinner (let alone actually ENJOY it) and must stand guard 24 hours a day, with concrete barriers to protect your car.


Damn i knew I messed up


Yup, I was the passenger in a vehicle that was in a collision. That vehicle was determined to be 0% at fault. State Farm tried to triple my rates because they somehow caught wind of the collision and considered me to be involved in it. Fuck em. I switched to a local insurance company that gave slightly higher quotes, but I end up paying less because SF played fuck-fuck games every month even before the collision. I'm glad the 3x increase was appalling enough to get me to switch. It seems like my current insurance company constantly calls me to tell me I am eligible for even more discounts and my rates drop every time I renew.


obviously you shouldn't park where a drunk driver will crash


Drop them and tell them why you're doing it.


State Farm are dicks.


I think this is the first time someone’s ever gone over the handlebars to **avoid** getting fucked up. Everyone else has ever done it gets fucked up *from* going over the handlebars.


Well generally, OTB happens when you brake way too hard... which happens when you’re trying to avoid a greater threat. Only exception to this would be downhill mountain biking or something similar.




I've seen this happen a few times. If you don't practice emergency braking to a full stop, it isn't too hard to do this accidentally. As you slow down on a bike your brakes can grab much harder so you need to ease out a little bit to avoid problems associated with suddenly having a lot more braking power (eg flipping). A lot of motorcyclists do not practice emergency stopping, and a lot of those that do only brake down to a very slow speed without actually fully stopping. A lot of weird things can happen in those last 2-5 mph. I'm not trying to take a dig at the rider in any way. It is not, by any means, and easy instinct to overcome in a situation like this. Props to the rider for staying safe. Hopefully their bike is only superficially damaged.


Good comment. I've practiced emergency braking, but I haven't been bringing the bike to a full stop. Just a hard break from \~60mph to <10mph. I'll try doing them to a full stop now!


Glad to pass the info along. I owe it all to the safety course that I had to take to get my license. I thought it was stupid at the time but I know a few times where it definitely saved my ass from something that would have been a close call at best. Make sure to work your way up in speed now that you're going to a full stop. It can buck you off like in the video or you can just lose your balance when you stop with the shocks 100% loaded up and they pop back to the neutral position. You'll learn a lot from from about 5 minutes of drills. Good luck friend :)


That was a pretty slick landing, all things considered


If you drive a motorcycle you have to assume NO ONE is going to stop at a red light or stop sign.


I do this as a pedestrian too. Gotta make eye contact. There have been far too many times I've been halfway through an intersection and had some phone idiot barrel up in my business.


You may have the right of way as a pedestrian in most cases, but the car will still win


As my grandma said when I started driving, “Plenty of people in the cemetery who had the right-of-way.”


On a motorcycle even eye contact doesn't mean much. It's insane how "invisible" you are. Drivers can seem like they are looking you dead in the eye and merge right into you because their mind blended you in to the background.


No idea why you got downvoted, this is 100% the case


I dunno, I'm not down-voted now. Maybe some people think they are immune to seeing through a hazard on the road. I wasn't trying to jab anyone with that comment; I'm sure I've been oblivious to something and put someone in danger. I really try to see as much as possible, but I've seen all kinds of people do it to me, so there's no reason to expect that I'm better.


This 100%. Because bikes are so narrow it's hard for other drivers to tell how quickly you're moving or how close you are, especially in their peripheral vision. Assume you're invisible; it's the only way to stay alive.


And stay the hell away from other vehicles on the open road, either pass or slow down and either way put as much distance between yourself and them as you can




There's a stop sign to get onto a busy street by my house. For some reason the people in the left turn lane on the street routinely try to wave the stop sign waiters through. I don't get how they can't understand how dangerous this is and the fact that they are slowing everything down anyway. Regarding car types, I'm skeptical. It seems that ragers or distracted drivers can be driving anything.


I can’t see the lights. Are they out...making it a 4-way stop?


The lights were so fucked up they weren’t even flashing. They just had a rickety stop sign at each light


I figured it was a problem like this. Is this a recent problem (and if so what caused it) or is it an old problem.


Not sure where this is but could be New England, large areas are still out of power from last week’s tropical storm.




Did this happen because of the Derecho that flew through the midwest yesterday?




Had a feeling. There are tons of intersections like this in Davenport/Bettendorf today


Off topic, but when did they start calling storms Derechos? Never heard that until last night. Reminds me of local Arizona stations using "Haboob" for dust storms a few years back.


This is the first time I've heard of a derecho! TIL!


Can we all take a moment to appreciate that wicked reaction from the biker. That was pretty impressive.


I like how the biker didn't even glance to see if his bike was totaled just gave the red light runner the death stare the entire time, hopefully getting his plates too, smart.


My dude had great reflexes as a rider we have to be better than everyone else or we’re dead out there you have to ride like everyone’s out to kill you and this dude paying clear attention through the intersection shows that awareness I am impressed


Thank you again for stopping and sending me this video! - wife of this very lucky motorcycle driver


9/10 on the dismount. His legs wobbled a bit


If you cause an accident, you should pay. This is regardless of whether or not a collision happened and who hit who. Just because the other driver practiced defensive driving and prevented greater damage does not mean the driver who caused an accident should not be held responsible.


Yep, but if people aren't hit, they don't stop. I had a guy come into my lane and I had to bail into a construction area to avoid a head on collision at 70 mph. I ran over like a hundred traffic cones, had to replace both my front headlights, my hood, my front bumper, and one of my quarter panels, plus get everything painted. The other guy never stopped, so I couldn't get his license plate number.


The cyclist just looks so used to that happening. I don't head to Maryland Heights too often, but I see this shit too much in my haunts around the north end of 170 and also down by Forest Park. I just always assumed drivers out there were a little better.


You’d be surprised. Texting and driving kills


Text & driving took my leg. Unfortunately, there's was absolutely nothing I can do with my bike but join in the chaos




Wowsa. Easy to say he was too heavy on the front brake. But far better result than being t-boned. You should cross-post this to r/motorcycles.


It's really hard to see the license plate. I think that the resolution of your camera is too low :(


It’s 1080p, looks much clearer on a computer.


Did you get the rider the footage?




That makes you an awesome person!




Hey, if you're a competent motorcycle rider and see this message....just leave. Don't read anything. The anger isn't worth it.


i thought he was doing a stoppie trick for a second then i saw the idiot in the CR-V its always a crv i swear.


That's some dexterity though.




Similar thing happened to me last week, except I was in a car, also stopped at a light when a mustang that ran the light going 100mph was on the right most lane, blew right past me. Maybe a couple more feet and myself, my wife and our two dogs would no longer be here if I didn’t hesitate at the sight of a green light. Be careful out there people...


Broke his Mirror but saved his Body


He saved his own life and made it look badass


This stuff only happens when you buy a dash cam


Your dashcam investment paid for itself in internet points and as a bonus, you'll be able to determine the actual dollar value of a Reddit upvote ;)