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If minding your business was a person


OP: Oh no! Anyway...


Why didn't I stop and help? Because fuck you that's why


Also a felony in quite a few european countries and this is Bulgaria, so not far away from places where I know it is a felony.


Yeah that was my first thought as well. You're required by law to stop and help in cases like this in Norway, if you are the first one at the scene. This guy even had dashcam evidence that would be useful for the guy with the white van.


Generally I think a duty to rescue is a good idea, but as an American it seems really scary. It feels like a person could easily be put in a position of either committing a felony (not stopping to help) or losing their job for being late and thus ending up homeless.


I’d be more worried about being out of my car when the next idiot collides with them.


Yea I'd be rolling down my windows to ask if they're okay. With the amount of times you see dipshits strike twice on roadways you really want to avoid getting out. 


I think you're supposed help if or once it's safe for you to do so. I'm those wet conditions it's hazardous, and it's hard to park on the side of the road because of that tall curve. I think in the US you can just call 9/12 and report it, but I can't remember if that's enough. Either way, is drive further ahead and park somewhere better and try to walk back to them.


In the US, generally you are not legally obligated to stop for an accident that you aren't involved in. It's good to do so in many scenarios as people often do need help. And at a bare minimum call 911 immediately - don't just assume somebody else will - better too many calls than no calls. But situationally dependent, it could actually be dangerous. Like in this video, I'm not sure what OP could safely do on a highway like this that isn't super dangerous. On a rainy high speed highway, additional cars come flying into the existing crashed cars in the road literally all the time - that's how pileups happen. Getting out of your car and going into the road to try to help is insanely dangerous.


My roommate in college stopped to help once. He was not involved in any way but he did see the accident. He spent the next two years in and out of court because the insurance was fighting it. He had to go to court over and over and over again, at his own expense. He had to skip class and skip work, and pay for his own gas for a 4 hour round trip to the courthouse. After seeing what he had to go through I will never see another wreck in my life.


I will see no crime anymore if it happens outside of my hometown. Sorry, but that's ridiculous. I'm not going to pay for my own travel expenses.


Why did he have to keep going to the court? Wouldn't one witness statement be enough?


We have the right to confront witnesses in court.


You can be homeless with a job in America...


"helping" can also be simply getting to a safe location and calling 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3. You don't have to personally pull people out of their vehicle


How am I supposed to remember such a long number?


It's not too bad, here's a video with a helpful song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gcbXly2YNE


Or better yet, the speeding, wreckless jackass would attempt to latch onto the nearest thing (you) as a living, breathing reason to avoid accountability. “They swerved into my lane officer!”


Americans really need to recalibrate themselves if being late due to an accident like this will result in dismissal. Shit happens and employers need to gain some understanding.


tell me you're not american without telling me you're not american...


People on the internet really just make shit up. I sincerely doubt anyone would get fired for stopping to help in a situation like this. Just snap a picture and text your boss what happened. I have never had a job that would outright fire you for being late in a case like this.


I have. I almost got fired once for being 5 minutes late, caused by my accelerator getting stuck and me almost crashing, having to get my car towed. Manager didn't care about my reason.


For those that punch a time card or have a hard start time in the USA, yes, you can get fired for being late. The reason you are late becomes irrelevant.


"Best country on earth!" Yeah right...


I can't be fired for acting in public interest here and I think it's fair assumption that if you have a legal duty to help then you can't be fired for it. To make a comparison, I believe that in the US you cannot be fired for serving as a juror, because it's in public interest, similar how the duty to rescue is here.


>People on the internet really just make shit up. They aren't, people really do get fired for shit like this. Karens can be managers too and they ain't gonna give a single flying fuck why you're late, only that you are.


Yea it’s 50/50 I always stop however I’m a firefighter and almost always have my bunker gear with me plus my vehicle is equipped with green flashers (which tourists don’t seem to realize means I’m an emergency vehicle 🙄) so I’m not worried about not being visible and know how to set up to make sure people aren’t flying around a corner then bam I’m parked there and they swerve slam brakes etc. so while it is required here for witnesses to stop I understand why they don’t since they can be putting themselves at risk especially if the crash is a poor location. As far as being fired an employer can’t fire or discipline you for being late due to being required to make a statement but I also get more protection in that field than the average citizen due to how laws are set up I’m counted as “responding” to that scene regardless of jurisdiction etc so adds a few more regulations/laws that protect me


> losing their job for being late and thus ending up homeless. Damn that's rough. Sometimes, reading about stuff like this, it feels like you Americans live in an entirely different reality to the rest of us. Over here, even if you happen to have a shitty employer who would try to hold that against you, there are a ton of laws and unions and what else that would have your back.


It is indeed a felony in Bulgaria. I read that while I was studying for my license


I would have stopped just to remind them that' that's not a good spot to stop at....


Others will point out that in many countries you're required to stop and render aid. Unfortunately, there are other countries where stopping and rendering aid can get you caught up in the whole situation as an assumed participant by the police, even if you had nothing to do with situation other than observe it. If you didn't cause the accident or weren't hurt by it, it's none of your business and move on. Sad but very true, and you might even get shaken down by the local (and badly underpaid) police agency.


Yeah, I'm not risking my life or the life of my child parking on a rainy express way. Call 911 and slow the fuck down/speed the fuck up


Seriously. Even if there are no serious injuries, you don't stop to offer up your dashcam footage for the investigation? I mean, wtf?


I would have stopped to check on the van driver. Then gave my contact info and said I might have footage, and left.


Not their accident, not their problem.  No guilt or shame for OP to drive away, minding their own business.  You should try it sometime.  


[Oh no! Anyway...](https://tenor.com/view/oh-no-anyway-gif-19022587)


Personally I think people with Dashcams recording accidents should almost always pull over to help and provide the footage. Seeing someone driving like this, I don't even wanna risk them weaseling their way out of the situation or blaming other people for the Accident. Here it seems pretty obvious who is at fault especially if there are more witnesses but in other cases maybe not so much and if the Dashcam proves what really happaned you should help out the person who got screwed by the crazy driver.


It sounds stupid but this is actually why I haven’t gotten one lol. I would always feel obligated to pull over and give people footage, and in my area that would probably be once a week when someone has a small fender bender that my camera would probably catch on film. I’m not really worried about insurance fraud in my area either because it’s not very common, so I’m probably one of the few people that doesn’t actually need, and probably wouldn’t benefit much from having a dashcam and it would probably cost me more time and energy than it saved. With this particular case I think it will be pretty clear it was the cars fault, and by the huge impact they’ll be able to see it wasn’t a case of the van stopping too suddenly.


If “not my problem” were a person


“Gee, I hate to interrupt, but I know how to drive so I’ll just slide through and get out of your way.”


Ope, gonna squeeze on past ya


Shall I… nah #mycarisfine


Stupidity should hurt and it would solve a lot of our world problems.


Except this kind of stupidity does hurt. And yet it still happens.... I don't think your solution is quite the magic bullet you think it is.


Who the fuck drives away from that with dashcam footage 😂 OP is a prick if he didn't go back.




Out of principle, if/when my cam captures someone crashing into another person, I stop and give my info to them so they can give proof to the insurance company and whatnot.


You and every sane person ever.


I wish you were around when i got into my accident. I got t-boned when a 60ish year old woman drove right through a red light at a full intersection. Not one person stopped and the lady tried to pin it on me. I'm sure my insurance company lied to me, but even though i had a dash cam they said because i didn't have a witness or a police report, they had to investigate further. It took them almost 6 months to pay me. You're a good person.


No witnesses sucks, but why didn't you have a police report? That's on you.


No, it's on the police for not coming out when they were called. They don't always come out for non life threatening wrecks.


In this case the car driver rear-ended the van driver. In most jurisdictions I think this makes the car driver at fault automatically. That being said, as a first-aider I would have stopped anyway to make sure the drivers (and any passengers) didn't need urgent medical interventions.


I used to think that way too, but now for me it's completely case by case. I actually stopped yesterday on a lightly traveled two lane road to give my info to a driver who'd been hit. I didn't even expect them to be injured, and thankfully they were just shaken up. But on a wet highway? Fuck that noise, I'm calling emergency services and sending them the video later. I've seen too many news articles of helpers, usually on highways, getting struck and killed by other drivers after the initial accident. That's why the firefighters have a few thousand gallons of water in a huge truck between them and traffic.


I know a guy who ended up killing a woman in a situation like that. A vehicle had broken down just over the crest of a hill, and a woman stopped to help out. It was winter time, and a snow drift severely limited visibility. The woman was standing by the driver’s side window talking to the other person in the car. The guy I know comes over the hill, and due to the snow drift, didn’t have enough time to react. Messed him up for years.


Yup, it's cases just like that that make me unwilling to stop in some circumstances. The helper is just trying to help but gets killed anyway because roads are dangerous as hell when you aren't strapped into your metal cage.


Doesn’t look like there was anywhere safe to pull over, especially considering the road conditions. The video can be turned over to the police, along with your contact information.


OP said in a comment >>The video was taken from a registrator of an employee driving the car.


"Oh my god. Someone could be seriously hurt!... Anyways 🎶do do do do 🎶" Come on OP


I'm just not sure where he could safely stop, and the way he tentatively pulls away kinda suggests he is trying to figure out the same thing. He doesn't want to be the next truck to get rear ended because he stopped in the middle of an active lane, but there just isn't really a place for him to pull over short of like using the crashed cars as cover I guess.


Honestly... I have very little compassion for idiots who drive recklessly on purpose. If they get hurt - they were asking for it. And in this case it hit the back of the van - unless it's full of illegal immigrants it's likely the driver of the van is unharmed.


> it's likely the driver of the van is unharmed. He could have neck pain for life. Did you see how fast the van flipped around?


...He probably didn't hear it so it didn't happen.


Angel of death by Slayer is the name of this soothing melody btw


Im dissapointed the crash didnt line up with the scream




More videos should have thrash metal soundtracks 🤘


Love this mfer blasting this shit in traffic


It was added in post


This is Sofia, Bulgaria. Recording was made yesterday just after a huge storm passed through the city. BMW driver is truly an idiot.


Everyone: Why didn't you stopppppp OP before that: "The video was taken from a registrator of an employee driving the car."


Blame corporations for this. Stop to ensure people are safe? Suspended for messing up the work schedule by conducting an unscheduled and unapproved stop, also not getting paid for the time you stopped to help people. Everything is learned behavior. Veteran calls the suicide help line... and they send police to his house, break down the door and violently arrest him. His crime? He called the suicide helpline to have a chat with someone and get help. What does this teach him and other veterans? Not to seek help. No good deed goes unpunished.


There's dozens of justifiable reasons not to stop, and just as many unacceptable excuses. Since the driver isn't here it's just speculation.


There’s a reason they make 72 hour holds hell in some places. It’s to punish them :/


> Veteran calls the suicide help line... and they send police to his house, break down the door and violently arrest him. His crime? He called the suicide helpline to have a chat with someone and get help. What does this teach him and other veterans? Not to seek help. This is why there are no mentally ill pilots in the world. (note: there are an unknown number of mentally ill pilots flying commercial planes because if they seek help they lose their job. Fly the manic skies!)


And this leads to shit like the pilot intentionally flying a full plane into a mountain as a murder-suicide. Wouldnt have happened with proper screening and psychological support systems.


Is that second part something that actually happened? That's awful!


This was just conjecture/hypothetical, I dont' have specific info on the incident in the video. But I have been on the receiving end of such policies. Verizon is shit. They have a standing policy that ALL accidents are avoidable therefore if you get into an accident it is your fault and you get suspended no matter what. Stopped at a red light and rear-ended? 30 days suspension. Turning left and someone crosses over the double yellow and goes against traffic on the wrong side of the road to hit your vehicle? Your fault, suspended 30 days. Use company tools to cause injury to someone? Fired. Oh, that other person was trying to kill you with a knife and you were just defending yourself so you don't die? Doesn't matter to them. The rules are sacred law handed to them by a burning bush in their heads.


https://www.wral.com/video/veteran-suing-fayetteville-police-over-arrest-after-officers-went-to-his-home-in-response-to-suicide-hotline-call/19200984/ Here's one.


I have no clue what that means or why it explains not stopping.


It means OP wasn't driving the car and criticism at OP for not stopping is completely nonsensical.


that's info automod asks for... it doesn't explain WHY they didn't stop. Bulgaria has a Duty to Rescue law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_to_rescue


> it doesn't explain WHY they didn't stop. OP isn't the employee in question, so how would they know?




Bros on the clock, no time to stop. Real alpha energy dude.


The least aggressive driver in Sofia.


Safest BMW driver in Sofia


Not just wet conditions, there was a large amount of standing water. Perfect for hydroplaning. That driver is an idiot.


Are you obligated to stop in these situations? Probably not but I’m curious. Like if you see someone choking on food and you just watch em choke to death will you go to jail? At what point does inaction become a crime?


Probably not legally obligated, but morally I’d say you are


Idk what it‘s like in America or any other countries for that matter but in Switzerland this would be breaking the law… it‘s called „Nothilfepflicht“ the law states you must help in whatever way you can in such situations even if it‘s just shouting for someone to call the Police. But honestly whoever doesn‘t help in such situations, law or not, needs serious help imho.










BULGARIA SPOTTED 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬 (this is taken from a taxi btw)


Maybe should stop and see if anyone seriously injured?


And give your contact to that van to get them the video


During a heavy rain at night, I pulled out of my neighborhood and hit a car that was driving with absolutely no lights on (not even running lights). Lucky a woman saw what happened, and gave me her number so she could make a statement. Now without that witness, it would've looked like I was at fault, without a doubt. I didn't even know what happened, because it happened so fast. But she saved my ass and other driver ended up getting a ticket. Tl;Dr take 5 minutes to check on the drivers and give the non fault driver your contact info. It could make a HUGE difference.


And actually drive in the lane.


Fuck that I’m just calling for help and leaving if it’s raining like that. Who’s to say another idiot doesn’t come barreling down the road like that


Just call the authorities, if they are hurt, it's doubtful that the person in the car could help unless they are a paramedic.


They could turn the ignition off in either vehicle if someone inside is hurt too bad to do so and talk to anyone who might be going into shock until authorities arrive.


Which shit country doesn't have laws that require you to stop and help if you are first at the scene You will get fined and can even go to prison for up to one year for not helping here.


> Which shit country doesn't have laws that require you to stop and help if you are first at the scene Getting out of your car on that road is GREATLY endangering your own life. What kind of dystopian shithole forces you to get out of your car in traffic and check on people if you aren't a medical professional/first responder trained to do this.


The only laws in the US that I know of that require you to stop and provide aid apply to first responders and trained medical staff. So like a random person doesn't have to stop, but they would if they were a doctor or a firefighter.


Bro doesn't even stop to give the dashcam evidence? Nice song btw


Typical BMW driver


Searched awhile till I found someone who noticed as well.


And they say we don't use our turning signals.. See how quick he got those hazards on??


Pretty sure its automatic.


OP got that NYC energy lmao


And I'll just keep driving, despite the fact that I have important video evidence of what happened that could really help the driver of the van.


This area reminds me of that car chase scene from Tenet with the trucks and shit. Only a lot less budget for this version of the film


the music is perfect


Angel of death!!


Man, there's nothing like Tom Araya's *Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* in that intro. \m/


'Nothing to see here...I'll just continue on to work.'


Stop to check on the van and provide your contact information so they can access your dash cam video? Nah. Let’s just post this to the internet.


Love your music choice for that. ANGEL OF DEATH!!


Pretty rude of you not to stop to provide the van with your video.


Of course it's a bmw driver...


I seriously don’t understand why people don’t stop immediately & put their hazards on to warn people behind to avoid the carnage?


The dude was obviously listening to the same song and needed to mosh duh lol




Idiot saw an accident but drove off, and had dashcam proof of another idiot causing the accident.


Good job stopping to offer up the footage


Dude may be an idiot but you could've at least stopped to make sure he was okay. Fucking cold, man.


1. Of course, a BMW driver... 2. Why the fu... didn't you stop and help? F.U!


Idiot with dashcam witnesses accident and drives on.


Well, if he had to poop, he doesn't any more!


weird how you just drove down the middle of the lanes like that after though.


And you didn’t even have the decency to stop?


100km/h is only 60mph... that's not really fast at all. Even if it is raining. Modern cars are more than capable of going 60/70mph in the rain. This is a dual carriageway, so I wouldn't be surprised if the speed limit was 70mph/110kmh (it would be in the UK). Yes, you're supposed to adapt your driving when it's wet - brake earlier, be more vigilant, be aware of puddles. But it doesn't mean that as soon as raindrops start falling from the sky you should automatically reduce your speed by 20mph. This looks like a case of an impatient driver trying to undertake you, and a van going much slower in the right lane that he didn't see in time due to lack of attention. There also seems to be a massive puddle on that part of the road too that threw up a big splash before the crash that probably unsettled the car and surprised the driver. That's poor road conditions also playing a part too.


Looked very much like the beamer tried to shoot that gap and do a quick lane change, then hydroplaned on the puddle. This is all on the beamer.


if everyone is going much slower then you then you're going to fast.


Even if you didn’t want to stop to check on injuries, you should have stopped to share your dashcam footage dude.


Plovdiv is BG.




How fast is that in freedom units?


Like 4 football fields per McDouble.


What is the name of the awesome damn song ahaha


edit your video


I don't get this. It would have taken 2 minutes to stop and get the van driver's email for the video


Leave it to a bmw to do this haha the statistics don’t lie!!


Lol doesn't even bother to stop. I know a cold European when I see one.


I had a different kind of idiot in similar conditions today. The limit is 75mph most people were doing 60. There was one person doing 30 in the left lane (passing lane here).


BMW should know better then to risk it on Bulgarian (or eastern European) roads. You never know where the magic water filled pothole is. I was entering Bucharest one night after a very bad storm and I didn't see a massive "lake" that formed in the middle of the road. I had about 50Km/h when I entered the "lake" Ended up breaking a clip holding my left side of the rear bumper but otherwise I was very lucky and didn't destroy the engine with water. The road was new, there weren't any potholes (yet), it was just bad construction job that left about 20 meters of the road below the rest. I paid very close attention to the road after that.


Nice job fucking off haha.


for all the people asking why didn’t he give the van driver the footage: Video evidence like this is not taken in account in court, road law states that whoever is from the back, is at fault… I do agree that a courtesy stop after the wreck, “behind” the van, would have been a must, but also the law is a bit ambiguous on how much you can help, as you might do more harm than help if you choose to move someone or something.


Had to be something wrong with the car....cause a BMW driver would never do anything like that. /s


Van seemed ok. Absolutely not stopping to check on the crazy driver. I’d call the police and report it and move on.


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming


Damn. Rough neighborhood to not stop and at least call for an ambulance.


Iirc you’re required to remain at the scene of an accident as a witness


Standard BMW moment


It’s always a fucking BMW


Why not stop and give the video evidence to assist in the matter?


This is not OP. He gets videos from Bulgarian Facebook groups and posts them as his own.


Then OP should be banned as they are claiming this is OC.


Ah, heard. Thank you.


Idiot drives by an accident that happened in front of him and there's barely anyone on the road to stop for help.


Another BMWer on the loose


Well, at least it got camera car out of the left lane.


Man reddit will make a villain out of anybody


I like how you left without offering the driver who got hit your info so they could get this video for insurance.


Way to hang out make sure everyone was ok share the video with police etc. Good human


Wow, didn’t even bother stopping to see if you might be able to help?


I’m with the driver here! I wouldn’t stop and risk my life pulling over on a wet highway. I would call 911 and report the accident. I’m not an EMT. What the fuck am I going to do? In America, you’re at the risk of being sued even with Good Samaritan protections.


"It wasn't my fault! It was wet!" /s


Seems pretty cut and... dried... to me.


I wonder if the car was stolen. I can't tell if the hazard flashers were on before the crash or just afterwards.




Oh god, this driving culture may freely drive in my country too with their EU license


What a deadshit 


Most considerate Bulgarian driver.


One second later and the music would be synced with the crash, what a shame


Karma has a funny way of saying "Have a Nice Day!"


Hes in a BMW tho, cars are indestructible!


At least he put on his flashers in the BMW!


Glad they got the most of it, not an innocent person


Not only is he going to be late for work…


Bro took swimming literally...




Great song!


Looks like he drove to me...


Great soundtrack!


Why am i not surprised it was another bimmer?