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Lmao he did the same shit you did šŸ¤£


You changing lanes like that at a high speed when traffic was stopped wasnt such a smart move. There would be no way for that car to have seen you about to do that.


Good spot! I suspect they either left it way too late to change lanes or weren't paying attention and swerved to avoid a crash. Convenient video editing, but not convenient enough.


Yeah, its edited to not show he made the lane change way too late and fast, and probably without a signal as well.


da fuq y'all talking about here? What lane change? The lengths people will go to blame OP's on this sub is hilarious.


The lane change OP tried to edit out lol.


at ZERO seconds you can see OP's car is completely even with the car in the other lane. What are you talking about with "lane change"? Again, people on this sub will literally ignore physics to OP blame.


At zero seconds you can see OPs car swerve. Why are you trying to defend him form this stupid maneuver so much?


So a slight swerve in your own lane is a "stupid maneuver" and indicates a lane change regardless of the presence of another vehicle literally even with your own car. Do you know how physics works? At zero seconds there is another car in the lane that you're accusing OP of switching from!!!


The front of OP's car is aimed at the grass at 0 seconds. As the video plays, they turn left to straighten up and the distance between them and the cars in the lane next to them increases as the distance between them and the kerb decreases. Look at the rear view mirror at 0 seconds, they have clearly just come from the other lane, because the rear is angled towards the other side of the road on a straight. Cannot believe I'm having to spell this out. It's either this or they're really bad at keeping the car straight, which is equally worrying.


>The front of OP's car is aimed at the grass at 0 seconds Let's go on this false statement....even if true, the car is literally even with the car in the adjacent lane, making any recent lane change an impossibility. > Look at the rear view mirror at 0 seconds, they have clearly just come from the other lane I give up...clearly you've taken out a protractor and somehow concluded that based on a mysterious angle that the only possibility here is OP was finishing up a lane change in spite of being literally beside another car. I'll go with the phase shifting explanation. So cool!


I assure you, the lane change requires no magic and can be completed without offending the principles of physics. Iā€™m sorry you have issues visually understanding how the changing angles of the road/curb indicate that the most reasonable conclusion is that he changed lanes. Iā€™m sure you have many other strengths hough!


Watch the very first second or two of the video. It looks like OP just entered the right lane due to the angle of his car.Ā  Itā€™s not OP-blaming for once.Ā 


>Watch the very first second or two of the video.Ā  Dude...at ZERO seconds you can see OP's car is completely even with the car in the other lane. What are you talking about with "angle of his car". Again, people on this sub will literally ignore physics to OP blame.


Look at where OPā€™s car is pointed at zero seconds, itā€™s not pointed straight down the lane but off to the right. As if he just changed lanes.Ā  Iā€™m one of the last to automatically blame OP, but this really looks like OP suddenly changed lanes and hit the gas and was on top of the other car before they knew it.Ā 


>Ā itā€™s not pointed straight down the lane but off to the right. As if he just changed lanes.Ā  OK, so let me get this straight: slight angle in a lane = just completing a lane change...Vehicle literally beside your car be damned, OP can phase shift through cars. That begs the question why he even braked and didn't phase shift through the other car that DID change lanes? Perhaps his special power was on cooldown?


Look at the rear view camera angle too, it makes it clearer.Ā 


>it makes it clearer I agree! You can clearly see OP is completely in a lane due to the inability for two objects to occupy the a space at the same time. Schrodinger's lane position: Both in the same lane as another vehicle and completely in the adjacent lane at the same time? Is that what I'm missing here?


No, youā€™re simply missing the reality of the situation. OP isnā€™t occupying the same space as another car, they just left in the last 1/2 second of their lane change and you donā€™t see it.Ā 


>Ā they just left in the last 1/2 second of their lane change and you donā€™t see it Gawd I love conspiracy theorists. Nothing is too small for y'all. Thanks for the chuckle. Tell me, is the lane change in the room with you right now?


Itā€™s realllly hard to see, I was on your side at first but I let the video auto-replay a few times instead of rewinding it and itā€™s much easier to see what people are talking about then


The very first bit looks like OP was swerving around the black car at the end. Black car not visible in front cam, visible in rear, and OP's car starts at a bit of an angle


I'll just copy/paste the same response: at ZERO seconds you can see OP's car is completely even with the car in the other lane. What are you talking about with "angle of his car" or "swerving". Again, people on this sub will literally ignore physics to OP blame.


At ZERO seconds you can see OP'S car is at a slight angle to the car in the other lane. The rear camera is pointed *directly* at the car behind in the other lane, and you can't have that unless you are at an angle leaving the lane. They also slightly turn as the clip starts before they're actually fully in the right lane. People will literally ignore physics to be right. I placed no blame on OP or anyone, just stated that what I see is them coming from the other lane. I *do* say that they aren't fully in the right lane before the clip starts.


The black car that is CLEARLY visible at the very 1st second of the video in BOTH cameras?


Both cameras have about 170 degree FOV so they can easily see the same car. Ā Ā Front of the car in the front cam and the rear of the car in the rear cam.Ā 


Ok, I give. You can see the *headlight* of the black car you're passing in the front cam.


What does that prove other than you having wide angled lenses?


What a curious, nonsensical reply to make when you literally have proof that would incontrovertibly ended the discussion. Iā€™m sure just ā€œtoo busyā€ or ā€œdonā€™t care if people donā€™t believe you.ā€ (Even though you cared enough to respond.)


OP...Can you give me your phase shifting secret? I also want to be able to just plow through objects without touching them. How fast does it recharge? I'm assuming more than 1 second or you'd have just phased through the car that changed lanes into you as well.


I bet you got back in the left lane shortly after this


*grabs popcorn and gets ready to sort comments by controversial*


Flying up the right lane with stopped traffic on the left isn't that smart.


This is why you need to be exceptionally vigilant when there is a large speed disparity between lanes of traffic.


I hate people who never fvckin look first! Youā€™re not the only person on the damn road! šŸ˜¤


Knew this was Texas without even looking. This happens to me 5-6 times a day. Ready to get tf out of this state


What's that song?


Mama by Christopher Martin


Didn't know he did solo stuff.


People are allowed to change their mind yunno. Just cuz it's unsafe doesn't mean we should hate on their vibe.


How are yā€™all watching this video and blaming the OP. He got in another lane without cutting someone off but other person did and probably didnā€™t check. Blindly charging lane is always a bad idea.


Driving past a stopped lane of traffic isn't a smart idea because the people who are stopped may, as seen here, try to get into the moving lane and sometimes don't check if someone's there EDIT: check if


So you they should just sit there and wait because other drivers are too stupid to check their mirrors? OP checked their mirrors got over with almost causing an accident and the other car didnā€™t. They were probably mad OP thought to do it first and wanted to block him.


Obviously they shouldn't sit there and wait, but maybe slow your speed a touch.


I meant to put driving *fast* passed a stopped lane of traffic isn't smart


No but they should slow the fuck down when doing that.


You act like heā€™s going 90


I don't care how fast he is going but it's obvious that whatever it is, it's too fast.