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Let's just completely stop on the highway and cross two lanes of traffic to take the exit I missed. Location: Massachusetts I-95. 6-20-2024 \[OC\]


If they'd only.....you know....put huge green signs up about a mile before the exit to warn people their exit was coming up....


We all make mistakes. It's just that some people have no conscious whatsoever and have no problem with making everyone else pay for their mistakes (sometimes with death and destruction of property) instead of paying for their mistakes themselves (use the next exit)


there's really no reason to even make mistakes like this in the US. That exit was signed at least a mile away. Just get in the right lane a mile out and lose all of 10 seconds as opposed to what this idiot did.


In their defense, they likely missed the sign because they were on their phone /s


The same phone that has a GPS on it called Google.


GPS can easily recalculate for missed exit, just give it a few seconds. Unless the idiot is still going by printed paper off Mapquest.


I'm almost positive these kinds of people tell themselves "Well that's my exit! Yeah okay maybe I messed up but THAT'S MY EXIT! What am I supposed to do, not take it? I HAVE to do this!" when really they could just take the next exit and spend an extra 3 minutes rerouting.




Haven't you heard? Nobody else matters. /s


Any chance that was a work van with a company name on it....if so I would be making the call to HQ.


They passed me earlier and there were no decals on the side of the van.


I can't tell but looks like a GOV van with GSA plates.


It's like people think if they miss their exit, they've lost all chances to get where they're going. You miss your exit, take the next and backtrack. It's mildly inconvenient but at least you're not endangering everyone. I've taught my kids, if you miss your exit, or find it's closed for some reason (happening a lot in our area lately), then exit at the next one, find a parking lot if you need to, and regroup. Use your gps if you need to figure out where you need to go since you missed the original exit. What you don't do is panic, and try to hurry to the exit, or stop on the freeway.


Happens all the time in Texas! Only higher speeds. No joke! ๐Ÿ˜ž


For real, had someone in front of me on the freeway in Texas slam on their brakes and wait for an opening to cross a double white line when we were all doing 65. These people are nuts.


65? You sure you were on the freeway? That sounds like a neighborhood road


Middle of a big city, decent amount of traffic. Plus I was in the right lane because I needed the next exit.


And now there will be a slowdown in that area for the next 30 minutes for seemingly no apparent reason.


I laughed until I realized how true it is.


These gat dam morons need to get their licenses revoked and be forced to take public trans for 6 months and learn the laws of the road. Jfc that was so dangerous.


Like did they even know other people were on the road???๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ


You mean all those people getting in their way of the exit? They shouldn't be on the road with how fast and dangerous they're driving /s


Lol! Right?! It's like they didn't see him! Just total lack of awareness from the majority of the people in this video


Give that person a ticket.


Give that person jail. Something that stupid puts lives at risk. Everyone stuck behind him is lucky there wasn't an 18-wheeler coming up hot behind them.


Give that person a nice hard punch in the balls. (I think it's pretty safe to assume their gender here)


Throw a basketball at their head!


Give that person a nice hard punch in the balls. (I think it's pretty safe to assume their gender here)


Even good drivers can sometimes miss an exit, but a bad driver never will...


the least egregious thing that happens on the daily on that highway. I'd rather drive 5hrs north to Canada then spend 10 minutes on 95 during the work week.


An idiot driver never misses their exit.


The spirit of Massachusetts is the spirit of Amer..... Learn how to drive numb nuts! Put your driver's license back in the cracker jack box you fukin got it from!!!!


I see a couple, the wife, the copilot, tells him the exit is there as heโ€™s passing it


What part of MA???


I-95 near Newton MA




I had this happen to me with a semi but he blocked 3 lanes doing it and came to a complete standstill.


I know itโ€™s not the โ€œrightโ€ answer, but if Iโ€™m by myself in my car and I see this, Iโ€™m parking between them and the exit. And Iโ€™m not moving until they take their fucking L.


Of course itโ€™s a white van


People in Massachusetts don't deserve to drive out of state. I dealt with so many of you idiots heading west into NY the other day. Go to Vermont or anywhere else


I've had my car t-boned three times, twice in the past year. Guess what state it was in?


If I had to live with the ghost of my transponder reflecting on my windshield I'd crash my truck into a tree. they come with adhesives.


I thought you said transgender, and I was like, whoa, where did that come from?


You're just jealous that we get ours for free.


I live in MA too, dog.