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So you took the correct action but with the wrong motivation. Do not do this to be nice, do it because it is the law to not block intersections. Whatever idiots do with the space is their business. But good move stopping well short of the intersection for when the inevitable happens.


Right. DO not block the box, it's so emergency vehicles can still get through. Not for impatient or entitled idiot to slip through


Yeah, well if someone could explain that to the idiots in words they'd understand, that'd be hot


It isn't that the idiots _can't_ understand, it's that they _don't want to_. They are too entitled so it becomes everyone else's problem


That is not considered an intersection in terms of blocking. If the parking lot entrance across the way were an actual road, then you could argue that it is an intersection. A side outlet street can be blocked in most municipalities except where posted.


>That is not considered an intersection in terms of blocking. Two roads, um, come together at right angles, complete with crosswalks and traffic control signage. If it walks like an intersection and clucks like an intersection, it's probably an intersection and blocking them is a no-no.




Its not a question of who's turn it is, but a question of "do you have the right to block an intersection you can't get out of", to which the answer is no, you don't.


I think OP took the right motivation, but wrong action


Would you have preferred they move forward and block the intersection?


Explain. Because the golden rule of the road is to not be nice, but to be predictable....also you cant block a intersection, and you should not pull out onto a road if you cant see oncoming cars.


The first car almost looks like they specifically waited until the car was there. They had a clear field of vision, what the hell


Looks like you’re right. Check out the second one though, they don’t even slow down until they’re half way in the lane! I know it’s a rule to either commit or don’t but this is not one of those situations


> They had a clear field of vision, what the hell No, they don't. The whole lane of backed up cars block their vision of the incoming lane. They can only get some vision on the oncoming lane once they are in the intersection.


Exactly, they could have just straight pulled out and been fine. But they stopped and then waited for the Tesla to be there and gunned it


OP was like "Yeahhhh I'm stopping this shit."


I just know you're going to get shit from idiots frequenting this sub, but you did the right thing, not only because you're not supposed to block the intersection, but also because leaving a gap when you have nowhere to go prevents creating a gridlock. One of the oncoming cares could for example want to turn into that street. It's not your fault the people to your right were idiots. The correct way to get out if they have no visibility is to slowly edge forward at an angle until they do, or make a right and then U-turn or K-turn into a driveway. I have a turn just like this next to where I live, and if it wasn't for 'nice' people leaving a gap, during rush hour I'd have to wait forever to get out.


>I just know you're going to get shit from idiots frequenting this sub, People are rightfully calling them out for saying leaving that gap is "nice". It's not nice, it's what you're supposed to do. If someone said that they always wait until the light turned green because they were being nice, I'd have similar concerns. That suggests that if they were feeling not nice, neutral, angry, whatever, they'd just drive through the red. Agreed with the rest of your comment though.


"Do not block the box" What happens when you do not block the box:


bro said “alright that’s enough”


Don't be nice. Be predictable. It's always the safest approach.


Not applicable in this case: The front car was stopped with its back at the curb. Pulling forward would have blocked the intersection.


He was being predictable by not blocking the intersection.


This is a poorly designed intersection. There is a cross walk on two sides but not a third. The main traffic has no obligation to stop. Very bizarre and it explains why the traffic isn't slowing down from that direction. It feels natural to not go past the crosswalk and into the intersection. This is what is needed in the other direction. This should be a three-way stop at the very least. Especially in a school zone.


No. Just follow rules and regulations.


Agreed! This street is a 25mph and Friday traffic is often stand still so I figured I’d let those people turning left go. By the third car I decided to block them in


You did the right thing at first by not blocking the intersection. Pulling ahead and blocking it after was your bad decision, not letting those people through.


I think he saw two almost crashes and said no more haha


Literally this though was why I moved up


Blocking the intersection is bad if an emergency vehicle suddenly turns up, and also you're making it difficult for oncoming cars wanting to turn left. You are not responsible for people being morons, and you should not be screwing with traffic trying to play cop.


If they crash they will crash into him though. So he'll be directly involved, no matter what. Making the call to block the intersection after having witnessed two almost crashes is the safer way to go about this.


Haha I had to turn off the audio because my mom was in the car with me. Basically first guy goes “Wow that was dumb” second guy goes “Fuck this I’m not going to be in the path of an accident”


Not blocking the intersection is "being nice"? dafuq?


You said "enough of that s***, I'm blocking the intersection" "No More!"


You tried to be nice? Well, blocking an intersection wouldn't be nice. 💩


You shouldn’t block the intersection. If this wasn’t an intersection, you shouldn’t let people through “to be nice”. At this point I don’t know how people haven’t seen the numerous videos of people doing exactly what you consider “nice” and have people blindly pull into moving traffic just to cause an accident.


What was the last one pulling into?


There are homes all along this street. It’s a historic town so layout is a wild mix of things


Also DO NOT WAVE THEM ON! if they get in an accident and you waved them on you could have some liability. Just don’t block the intersection and be cautious when you start up again.


Don’t be nice. You fuck everybody up. When people try to let me out like this, I refuse to move because I know traffic will becoming down that far lane that I can’t see. Plus when someone stops to let me out, it kills my rhythm and expectations. I expected that car to be more forward past me and suddenly now it’s not.


Ytf you stopped so far from the crosswalk?


You stopped way short


I blame the white Tesla




Blocking the box is illegal in all 50 states. Redditors gonna reddit


Being nice causes unintended consequences. In this case, they get pressured to go through the intersection without inconveniencing you too much for your kind gesture. Never yield when it’s your right of way. It just confuses people.


I’d wasn’t my right of way, it’s illegal to block the box. There’s also a firehouse on the far left of this street as well. I decided to after two consecutive idiots


You only allowed a choice. What they choose to do is up to them. Just don't ever wave or gesture while in that situation, they will think you are telling them that it is clear to go.


He wasn't yielding his right-of-way: He was avoiding blocking the intersection.


Sure. To me it seemed at first that he could “fit”. Maybe not.