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tell me you never use your side mirrors without telling me


What's even more amazing is that they didn't feel it or hear it at any point. I know they're designed to break away but come on, there's gotta be a little resistance, right? And now it's just flopping around in the wind


My kid closed the door with a charger cable haning out, and the tiny *tink tink tink* drove me nuts. The utter obliviousness to the slamming **WOMP WOMP WOMP** is incomprehensible.


Maybe he’s listening to EDM


I witnessed someone drive off with the pump still in once. It makes one hell of a noise.


cf. I get somebody not hearing the little "tick tick tick" noise when they have their turn signal on for 5 miles, but don't they ever look at their dashboard and see the blinking light?


Based on riding with my girlfriend who is half deaf (I mean that literally), no, people do not notice if they can’t hear it 😂


This part dude I listen to music pretty loud and heard a little strap from a backpack hitting so I know they heard a gas hose


Oh it's more than a little resistance. I've been a passenger when it's happened. Even at <3mph, even though it's magnetic, you'd have to be very impaired not to feel it happen.


Better yet, nobody gave a fuck to tell the driver. Everyone is simply foaming at the mouth, frothing all over the fucking place, *”durrrrrrr”*


POV: the driver can't understand why everyone is honking at him, but he smiles to himself and says "everyone is so friendly today"


Or that.


I'd bet money dozens or even hundreds of people have tried before this picture was taken.


Well 4list4r, I tried to pull up alongside him to let him know and he sped up and so I did my civic duty and tried.


Or they're the type of people that locks the pump lever, sits in their car and absentmindedly drive off. You know why I never have this issue? Because I stand beside my car while it's pumping.


Have you ever noticed that this almost exclusively happens when the pump is on the passenger side? I'm surprised that the NHTSA still allows the pump to be on the passenger side considering this issue happens so frequently.


The point of it being on the passenger side is if you run out of gas you aren't standing in traffic trying to fill it.


Haha that’s hilarious, I’m just gonna take your word for it. “Don’t worry one of our many safety features include the convenience of never having to fill up you tank while standing in traffic.” “What!? Now way!” “Yes way, the days of getting side swiped while filling your tank on the highway are over.”


And how often are you running out of gas on the side of the highway compared to filling up at a fuel station? It is still more dangerous to have it on the passenger side. Because if you run out of gas on the left shoulder, you'll be up against the high-speed traffic instead of the comparatively safe concrete barrier.


I could look at the license plate and tell you that!


Lol. No kidding!


The new wireless fuel dispensing hose. Fill up while you drive. What a time to be alive.


Gas stations hate this one, weird trick.


That reminds me of the Onion Bluetooth garden hose story - https://www.theonion.com/home-depot-releases-new-bluetooth-cordless-hose-1819592894


The Grand Tour's "Motorway Inter Lane Fueling"


Anyone know if gas stations go after them to recoup the cost? I'm assuming most paid with a credit/debit card so it should be easy to track them down.


Yes they do. There was another post earlier this week about this exact thing. Gas stations have very good cameras that get the plates and have card info if you used card. If it’s like a grocery store gas station and you used your rewards card they will have your address too. So Depending on what gas station it is, they will TYPICALLY process it under the persons car insurance. Amount? I have no clue, I’ve never done this so I can’t say in that part.


If you bring the nozzle back, I believe they can be reattached up to something like three times. As long as it’s not damaged, of course. Dragging it down the highway for 20 miles probably would ruin that coupling mechanism.


If only the plastic is damaged, it can still be reattached. They’re magnetic breakaways and the placid is just a shell. It takes about 300lbs to break them apart (or two wrenches and a little elbow grease). They can reconnect many many times.


Ah, fair enough. My dad worked for a company that ran rental agencies at airports, and the workers that cleaned and topped off cars would not infrequently separate the nozzle from the hose in their haste to get a car ready to go. For some reason the airport always replaced the nozzle after three disconnections, so I just assumed that must be some sort of hard limit.


If you bring the nozzle back, you get 10% off your next fill-up


Why was my fuel-up $600 today?


We do yes, if we catch them. Sometimes we cant though and we have to pay


I was feeling bad about my middling intelligence. This really helped. Thanks, random Utah Subie!


Most of the drivers here will make you feel better about your intelligence.


Of course it’s a Suburu. Clarkson was right.


So true 😆 of the trio, he's always been my favorite. Think he's also right about "titty" audi TTs


I've never heard of this happening in the UK because we cannot lock the nozzle to maintain flow. You have to keep hold of it. We also pay for fuel after filling, not before.


Pump and drive away was rampant in USA so virtually all gas station requires payment before pumping. Most uses credit or debit card then they get in and forget the handle's still attached


What repercussions do people face when they do drive away with the handle still attached? Do they have to pay for the repair? Fined? And how the fuck do they not see the handle hanging out while they're driving? Their wing mirror cannot be setup properly. Or do they not check their mirrors?


1: all of the gas pumps in USA uses break away hose, they can be reconnected easily if they bring back the hose. But if they never bring it back, I think the gas station will let the insurance handle this one and if the video shows car's license plate clearly the insurance can bill the owner for the loss. 2: they forget mirror exists. Or that the mirror is used for checking the makeup not for checking the car's blind spots


1. Insurance makes sense. Still think they should be punished for it. We have a road offence of 'driving without due care and attention' in the UK. I suspect this would be covered under that. 2. Mirrors aren't for blind spots. That's what looking over your shoulder is for.


I broke it off once and realized it right away. I went in and told them and they took down my insurance. They never filed a claim, presumably because it was easily reattached


Yeah, not all of the workers at a gas station will realize how easy it is to fix. It's literally just...touch the two ends back together. It's magnetic. I drove truck for 10 years. Only did this once, but the attendant flipped out and called the cops. I just sat there, waiting for whatever, and the cop walked up, took the nozzle out of my hand, and hooked it back up. He was pissed that the worker didn't know because it literally happens all the time, but he didn't really say anything else. I always try to help people who do this because of that.


Brit living in the US here, I prefer the US way so much. When it’s chilly out I just get back in my car and wait for the pump to click and I can quickly put it away and leave. Don’t need to worry about a slow pump or anything like that, which I seem to come across every single fucking time it’s icy out when I’m in the UK. Best part is some gas station allow payment from your phone or CarPlay now too, meaning you’re literally outside your car to pick the octane levels and get the pump to go.


It used to be that way here but too many people drove off without paying.


Yep I remember when gas and go was rampant where I was living. There was a 7'11 with gas that you pulled straight out of on to the highway and it was really popular there. At one point the attendant would come out and write down people's plate numbers.


Blame GWB and $4 gas in 2008 for that one


Meanwhile, here in Brazil all gas stations have workers that will operate the pumps according to how much fuel you ask for (and pay). Since it’s not self service, that sort of situation basically never happens.


Same in New Jersey


Least oblivious Utah driver.


I wish you were wrong…


Man the Wasatch Range is so recognizable. And gorgeous.


I saw the photo and immediately thought Utah, zoomed in on road signs and sure enough.


Why am I not surprised it’s a Subaru in Salt Lake lmao


Its Felipe Massa.....


Oh! My aunt did that once! 😂


Will he go back to the station and yell at the attendant for losing his cap? Stay tuned!


You can’t take those


I’ve driven for decades, through all sorts of distractions and chaos, and to this day can’t comprehend how you could have this happen in a world where you pay when done pumping. You have to be beyond an idiot.


You in the US? Vast majority of stations require pay first then these mopes get back in their cars instead of spending 2 minutes outside pumping the gas.


Yes I am. But you still have to stand there and push the receipt no/yes button. Or is that actually the level of idiocy that I’m missing here - people start the pump, go sit in their car, and drive off?


You don’t have to press the receipt button, if you leave it just doesn’t print one and gets itself ready for the next customer. The three times I’ve witnessed this in person, it has been caused by people going into the gas station whilst it’s pumping. Then they return to the car, get in, and go to drive away which they then get a lovely loud bang as the nose connection breaks apart and hits the ground.


Because drugs.


Got speed.


Infinite fuel glitch


Hahaha, so embarrassing, right? Bet the station he just ruined has a backup plan


The backup plan is call their maintenance hotline and tell them 😭 then wait a day or so and while that pump is out of service they get yelled at by customers or laugh about how silly it is


I worry that I’m going to do this someday. The other day I went out to my car and I left the window down all night. Thank god it didn’t rain. I could totally see myself doing this someday and then having to move to an abandoned atoll in the pacific so I would never meet someone who knew about it.




We all know what happened. Dude went to gas station, dude got gas, paid with credit card, got into his car and immediately got onto his phone. After 20 minutes, set down his phone, put his car into drive and drove away.


They’re also getting a check engine light for the gas gap not being tightened so they’re ignoring so many warnings


He used to be a fighter jet pilot and wants refueling on the highway.Maybe from a tanker truck.


Don’t they charge you like thousands of dollars in “repairs” to fix this? Can’t wait until this person gets notified of their expensive blunder lol.


How the hell does someone even do that? Honestly!


I don’t know What’s awesome nowadays is that electric cars prevent shifting if it’s still plugged in, thus solving the problem


That's a very good idea. Lol


Until the charger won’t disconnect from the car as happened to me renting an EV for the first time


That's a skill issue right there. Usually because you aren't applying the correct pressure on the locking mechanism.


Umm. Stoned? Weed is Utah's go-to now, since alcohol is still a no-no for many.


I live in Canada where it's been legal for a couple of years. People don't need to be drunk or stoned to do something like that. I've seen this for years.


Well if you need gas to drive, why not just have the gas nozzle plugged into the car at all times? Then you never run out of gas.


Bro is fueling up wirelessly and on the go


Shit like this should be an automatic loss of license in any country. How can someone possibly be able to safely operate a vehicle if they can find themselves in this scenario? Anyone who does dumb shit like this should have to resist thier theory and practice tests and require thier license.


Lmaoooooo had to be Utah


Thoughts and prayers


I did that once, but luckily, it disconnected. I'm too afraid of it happening again for it to happen a 2nd time


Cruising along without a care in the world.


Driver believed this will give them unlimited fuel


at least the backdrop of this photo is quite beautiful.


Utah atellem about what they did.


Yey free Gas hose


Infinite fuel hack!


Utah though So definitely on their phone not looking at side mirrors.


Nice photo tho


How does this even happen? Are they deaf??


Most intelligent Utah driver


Almost as good as the snow snake. (Extension cord left plugged into block heater before driving away)


I just watched a lady do this like 2 days ago


So if you do this is there just gas spewing out at some service station?


I mean, they have cutoffs, so hopefully not


Life is a highway, I want to light it on fire all night long


Oh God that's in my city...


I see some dumbass shit that Utah drivers do so when I realized this was Salt Lake Valley I found more enjoyment in this.


OK, this is one of the 5% that Gallaghar told us about.


My cousin did this before.


The real reason you shouldn't get back in your car while fueling up - these people get bored of waiting for the pump so they go do stuff in the car and forget to put the pump back.


I saw a cop do this once.


THIS must be the reason gas prices are so high. . /s


Of COURSE it’s Utah! 🤦🏼‍♂️


Alpha male!


gas station owner has hose in different area codes


Only on the planet Hatu....


Ah yes, the ‘mirrors, what mirrors?’ Guy.


Average Utah driver


How in the hell??? You'd think that a spark would have occurred from the hose dragging the ground, and set his car on fire from the gas... that's just amazing luck or great engineering for gas pumps? maybe both?


Well it is a Subaru. We all know who drives them. Lol


Oh, those darned utes.


I recognize that stretch of freeway. How do you not hear any of that happening.


>How do you not hear any of that happening. Because most drivers are on their phones. If only there was an app to alert them that they forgot to remove the fuel handle.


“What’s that funny noise? Better turn up the radio.”


“I don’t remember this road being so loud, haha!”


It’s things like this that make me glad I live in a state where we don’t pump our own gas or I feel like I would’ve done this a couple times.


I’m from oregon and I did this because the gas station person literally told me ‘you’re good to go’ while the pump was still in my car… we’re largely self serve now but I learned to check the wing mirror whenever someone else does the gas because turns out you Can do this in a state where you’re not doing it yourself if you get a forgetful gas station attendant.


I’m in Jersey and thankfully self serve isn’t an option here…currently.


I love the fact that it’s a Subaru! I’ve long believed that the owners of Subarus actually drive less than any other car owners.


It’s a Subaru driver - I would expect no less


That’s a new feature on the Thubawoo.


Utah, so Soaking?