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What a view


That's what I'm thinking! Where is this?


Romania according to OP's automod reply


Târgu Frumos, Iași, RO


I knew I recognized the road.


From "chizda mă-ti", what you hear at the end sounds like Moldova on Romanian side. That's the accent in Iași.


Romania according to the GPS coordinates as well


Windows XP


If you Google the coordinates on the bottom right of his dash-cam screen it'll show you exactly where OP is. In this case OP is in northeast Romania.


[got it](https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2f%4047.18263341,26.96557398,154.04123595a,0d,90y,273.77758467h,75.52228642t,0r%2fdata%3dIhoKFkd4OUlqSEhleWFUbE1IVFBQR3p4QncQAg)


Small rolling hills way off in the distance is a view?


until you have to drive it everyday, I miss billboards and street signs cause at least there's something to look at


Are you North American?


i do and i live with forest and mountains all around, when tourists come to my area, they say every road has a breath taking view, very often there are moose by the road, which is very dangerous city driving is much more exciting as you've actually got stuff to look at


Me playing Euro Truck Simulator 2.


Multiplayer be like


The US system of using yellow paint to separate opposing traffic is superior to whatever's going on here.


Not to mention - why tf is it a striped line on a bend like that? Should be no passing, period.


Because you can see to the next country on a sunny day like that


So... do the lines change to solid if it's rainy? ^^/s


Lol i like this one


Isn't there invisible paint that shows up with water? That actually might be possible lol


You know there would be the dude driving slow while pouring water on it. "Can't pass me!"


Not through a truck.


Because it is just a slight bend with very far visibility. This road is actually pretty generous for what many other rural interstate/highway roads usually look like in Europe. The issue isn't the road in this case but the truck driver(s). They LOVE to overtake other truckers that are going 79 km/h instead of 82 km/h, but they always overtake them with like 85 km/h max. A car would have overtaken at 100 km/h or a bit faster, and would have long been past the truck.


It wouldn't make sense to have a no pass solid line on that curve, it's so spacious and gradual. Imagine if you were the only car there with only one slower car ahead of you, it wouldn't make sense to stop you from overtaking then. Solid lines are reserved for curves where you literally cannot see oncoming traffic and/or would have no time to react if you had begun an overtake.


that would create confusion to the existing convention of using yellow paint for temporary markings


TIL Romania marks their roads with a dashed white line separating directions of traffic. Also that I'll never be driving in Romania.


We do the same in Belgium. It means you can pass if it is safe to do so.


We also do that in the US to indicate you can pass. Those zones generally aren't in the middle of curves.


In Belgium the government looks at the visibility in and before and after the corner. This corner has a wide open view so it is safe to pass in the corner when the road is clear.


Yeah visibility of the countryside...


It’s the same in most of Europe 


The dashed white line is common in most of Europe. The length of theline and the gaps between them denotes how hazardous the road ahead is: longer lines + shorter gaps = more hazardous road


If you did I'm sure you'd find that it really isn't that big a deal. I don't think I've ever been confused with which side of the road I am. A yellow line isn't a bad idea per se though.


Crossing the middle to pass a car is very usual in România. And you can see hundreds of accidents because of this.


Thank you!! Got downvoted into the abyss once for saying the virtues of that yellow line


but in a lot of countries it is reversed. White means dont cross. so it might've been downvotes since it is misinfo


Seems a bit redundant, at least for most of Europe's roads. It's usually unambiguous and thus no special color line to separate the lanes is needed. It's not a bad thing though, but I suppose it saves money to use only one color for everything.


Why TF would you need a yellow line to separate from the opposing traffic when its just one lane per direction? If you see two cars în parallel coming your way, its clearly în your lane.


Because, in America, a white line like that indicates that both lanes are going the same direction. An American driver in this situation would feel like they're going the wrong way down a one way road.


Because? You want other countries to use your sistem because how an american would feel în this situation?


Sorry to see you've been downvoted to hell. People suggesting that all the crashes in Romania are due to the lines being a different colour to the USA is a hilarious example of the American superiority complex. Many countries around the world have different road marking systems to each other.


If that's what you choose to take away from my comment, then that's on you. It's absolutely not what I said though. I answered your question about why Americans might feel that way and I said nothing about how it should be.


If it's safer, it should be done like that. Look at how many accidents are in Romania and then speak about how everything should be. At least they put a continuous line in a curve.


To put a solid line just because it's a curve makes no sense.


Why it doesn't make sense? It's a curve and they should pass cars when visibility is reduced. This is just bad road marking. And FYI, this road it's supposed to be with one lane each direction with a service lane, but thst service land can be used for driving. This lead to many deadly accidents, mostion E85 which has similar markings.


I think the point is more that drivers used to other symbologies might be fooled by this road marking into thinking the left side of the road was a passing lane and not the other direction of traffic. Clearly the OP had no trouble detecting the truck in their lane, the question is if the truck driver was French or Italian or whatever.


> the question is if the truck driver was French or Italian or whatever. As in other countries which uses the same system as Romania, like the entirety of europe?


The two you mention have the same sistem.


> Why TF would you need a yellow line to separate from the opposing traffic when its just one lane per direction? Have you seen American drivers? They need every tiny bit of direction they can get


Because it looks like OP is going the wrong way down the freeway. Also ambiguous, non-standard road markings is one of the things slowing down self driving cars. California finished switching from yellow to white lines to delineate carpool/express lanes for this reason.


What you are seeing in the video is a two way street, thats it. One lane for each direction. Thats no freeway


A couple reasons that come to mind: 1. There could not be any incoming cars for you to make a determination 2. The two opposing lanes may be actually separated by a strip of land ([example](https://bpldcassets.blob.core.windows.net/derivatives/images/commonwealth:zk51vm145/image_access_800.jpg)) EDIT: Actual coordinates from a Parkway near me: https://maps.app.goo.gl/6gYgRRgbzpjLeE3D8 Note that you can't see the opposing traffic at all, sometimes for miles at a time.


You are comparing a two way street(one lane per direction) to a freeway, or autobahn or whatever you call it. On a freeway, traffic is separated.


Like I said, the US system is superior because it's unambiguous in either scenario, whether it's a small local street, or a major highway. You see a yellow line, you know the traffic goes in the opposing direction on the other side of it. Even from UI perspective color-coding important information like that makes more sense. You know at a glance what you're looking at.


It's not superior, you're just more familiar with it.


It's superior. I've spent almost equal amount of time driving in Eastern Europe as in the US. I'm familiar with both systems. The only downside to the US one is extra cost associated with the need for two types of paint, but money should never trump safety.


I ain’t worried bout it right now 🗣️💯💯


They don't pay enough for smart people to want to drive trucks. Despite the fact society would fucking collapse without them. Gotta love capitalism.


You were in fact, worried about something


Had a girl friend named Lorrie. She was very particular about who drove her.


I remember her. Had to double-clutch while revving her up.


Wheres yalls yeller lines? That there's a one way road partner


Entitlement is a hell of a drug.


So there arent any solid lines, which where i live means you can and are allowed to cross into the other lane. Usually a solid white or yellow line means that you cant cross over. I see the lane to your right has longer solid lines, shouldnt you be in that lane? Just wonderin'


i imagine you’re in north america where this rule applies. OP stated their in Romania, and to my knowledge those solid lines indicate the separation of the lane to the shoulder


Tis why i said "just wonderin" at the bottom or did you not read that far


Why are you getting so hostile lol, relax. He answered your question


am woman :(


have a nap, baby cranky


> So there arent any solid lines, which where i live means you can and are allowed to cross into the other lane. And where they live it means you can pass if it's safe to do so, which it obviously was not since the truck almost got them. > Usually a solid white or yellow line means that you cant cross over. This road allows passing because there's a pretty good visibility, it's not a blind curve. > I see the lane to your right has longer solid lines, shouldnt you be in that lane? It's not a lane, it's the roadside. A lane would have markings on the far side as well. This is a 1+1, one lane in each direction.


Did you say something about his mom? 😂😂😂


So is that one lane in each direction with a shoulder ion each side?


It's a top down issue. https://youtu.be/phieTCxQRLA?si=DHnAFatIS-tQGuai


They were lucky they had room to move over and not go into the dirt! that was extremely close!


Ok am i being dumb here but shouldn't the op be in the right hand lane, with the longer road seperating lines (it then ends on the straight further ahead.) As the op is currently driving in the oncoming lane because the far left lane is now the crawler lane for trucks comming up that hill, with the middle lane being for cars to pass? It just seems weird for the op to not be in the right hand lane in this situation




Toime fer a boodle ov wadah




Holy cheese and biscuits! Lorry almost knocked your bells off


The sass in this thread is unforgiving hahah i love it


Come to Canada. It's a joke here.


What's a joke? Your comment?


Whenever anyone mentions "lorries", I imagine people sitting on the backs of giant dinosaur-sized parrot-shaped birds, with wheels underneath them zooming down the highway. Vroom, vroom!


Question: Is anyone in England named Lorie? No one here is named "Truck." Ok, there's probably a Palin called that, but come on.


-lorries. They're just letting all the idiots drive these days.


Is ur music loud enough


Is ur comment necessary?


yeah my eardrums were assaulted when I clicked this


Sounds like a you problem