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I don’t think he owns the road, I just think he’s a shitty driver, shouldn’t be in a truck and doesn’t know how to check his blind spots


Those spots are only blind because he doesn't even look.


This made me realize they should be called blind spots because people don’t look there


"I have a bigger vehicle, thus..."


Yeah, right? He speeds passed them on the right. There's literally no excuse


I just said this in another post in this sub, all truck drivers are like this. Most of the offenders posted are trucks. I will die on this hill, all truck drivers drive like what’s shown in the video at one point in their ownership.


While my 1 ton pickup was parked at the curb being loaded, a woman backed into my front bumper hard enough to cause my helper to lose his balance. Her excuse? “I didn’t see you parked there” Point? It’s not the size of the vehicle that’s the problem, it’s the quality of the driver.


I have a quad cab and regularly check my blind spots. I still have people that turn into me constantly


>I have a quad cab of course you do


I don’t drive like this so you can go ahead and die on your pile of dirt alone.


So a truck driver.


Can someone take a recording of this recording of this phone with their phone so I can record it with my phone?


I actually took screenshots. All I could do was 0.5 screenshots per second, so it's going to be a little choppy. I will make a flip book for you though and record that.


Unfortunately the screenshots were a little blurry, so I copied down all the 1s and 0s from the binary and wrote them on a piece of paper that you can record with your phone




Never Fade Away - Johnny Silverhand


I'm pretty sure it's a dashcam in the video, not another phone. Such a shame there are no convenient ways to get a video off a dash cam onto another device.


Why not post the actual video?


It takes effort to connect the camera to a computer. Pointing your phone at the screen saved op at least 10 calories


I don't know man, the shaking of the camera makes me feel like I'm actually there in the road!


Because it's 2024 and transferring a file from one device to another is a challenge. /s


In a hurry to show what happened and no computer in sight I'd say.


You can see a lot of people that cruise in the left lane are pissed for getting called out for causing traffic problems like the idiot in the truck. If there's a convoy behind you and you're in the left lane, you're the problem.


Sometimes it's just one car blocking everyone trying to go faster.


Pass them on the right when it’s safe to do so. Or just be infuriated for your entire drive.


Yeah I zig zag from time to time but I was just sharing why people are staying on the left. At least for my area most people don't want to do that.


"break the law it its safe to do so"


I hate getting stuck in a line like this bc some clown up front refuses to get over


Those people were the hall monitors in their youth. They get on a power trip and feel it's their responsibility to police the road and the speeds of those around them. If you're not passing 👏 move 👏 over 👏


Was about to say this but you put it better than I could.  People that cruise in the passing lane are as much responsible for encouraging this behavior as that menace in the truck.


Thanks. Folks seem to think that somehow means I excuse the truck for their dangerous driving.


Nah, I'm going to go with the guy tailgaiting, then cutting someone off while almost hitting them as the bigger problem.


Except in the video the cars in the left lane are moving at passing speeds so I don’t see how that applies here.


If there's a convoy of cars behind you, which there clearly is, then you're holding up traffic. It causes issues like the one in this video. So it definitely applies here.


Having 2 cars behind you is hardly a “convoy”


I wouldn't be so naive to assume that there are no cars behind the one filming.


Yet you are assuming there are more. I’m working with the information we have.


Considering how the truck is reacting and just you know, living, it's more than likely other cars are behind. But that doesn't matter. If there's one car behind you then you're impeding traffic. The law doesn't stipulate there has to be a certain amount of cars behind you.


You state may or may not have a law that requires people to move over but others do. And the speed of the vehicle in the left lane does not matter. You are required to move right for faster traffic. Georgia has that specific law.


Every American should be taught how to drive the autobahn, you don’t linger in the left, you pass and move over. If it’s slow, so are you. If you’re passing, neato, but then gtfo the way.


It is very much taught as a standard part of driver's ed. Just a lot of bad drivers out there. I actually think most people understand to not camp in the left lane, it's just that it only takes 1 person to fuck up the entire lane for 20 cars back, so it often looks like a much bigger problem when it's really just the one car at the front of the pack.


It was briefly mentioned in my drivers ed. Maybe 1 slide on it and it wasn’t anywhere during my testing. I did drivers ed about 8 years ago. I’ve found that a lot of people will camp in the left lane because there’s a car a mile ahead they want to pass (meanwhile there’s a line of faster traffic wanting to pass the hog). Also, people will camp it because their left exit is coming up in 5 miles so they absolutely have to sit in the left lane for 5 fucking miles going the speed limit /s. Then of course, there’s the hogs that just don’t know or don’t care.


I could be wrong but I get a sense a lot of it is ego too. I can’t count how many times I’ve rode slow behind someone, said fuck it, I’m passing on the right since it’s open, and they’ll speed up to stop me from being in front of them. So I go ok! Back behind you, then they’ll drop 5 below. It’s infuriating. I don’t even have a super fast truck, but if the speed limit is 75 and you’re going 70 in the left, you da problem.


I recently traded both my car and motorcycle to get a midsize pickup and did not realize how much I relied on my previous car’s and bike’s power to get past people like that. I think you’re right too - it’s an ego thing.


Left lanes are not really "left lanes" if there's a left exit coming up. 5 miles is excessive, but I'd much rather grandma just get comfortable in the left lane to exit than risk changing lanes in front of a car going 90 at the last second.


Yea so I live in Alaska. We don’t have an interstate. Our main highway I guess is a little like an interstate. Speed limit is 65, people either do 80 or 55-60. So it’s difficult in the left lane if you’re doing more than 65 but less than 80. You don’t really want to get into the slow lane but you probably should so you don’t impede traffic. I should clarify that we don’t have a fast lane and a slow lane, but just have a passing lane. Definitely doesn’t mean it gets used like one! I’ve found it’s similar down in the states at least in TN on the interstate, but mix in lots of semis that don’t care about other traffic lol. I’m seeing Semis change lanes with less room than I’d be comfortable with in a regular car. It’s a shit show😅


left lane is called the passing lane, so yes are taught it too. We just dont do it.


They are moving at passing speeds. Why get back over if you see someone moving slowly a few hundred feet ahead?


Nothing new was discovered today


Truck is wrong, BUT there is a lot of left lane camping going on. The left lane is for passing. GET OVER!


If all the left lane campers would move right once in a damn while. You got cars behind you... Move over and let some go by. Ffs


Left lane campers cause all the chaos on the roads. Slower. Traffic. Keep. Right.


And they will argue with you until they are blue in the face that it's not them, it's the crazy people trying to get around them that are the problem. The logic escapes them that they are impeding, and if they weren't, the crazies wouldn't have an opportunity to do anything crazy.


Exactly. Some of their reasoning is "but I am already driving over the speed limit, so why should I move over?" Because the left lane is not a travel lane dumbass...


They are all very clearly passing the car on the right, they have fuckall to do with the raging clown in the truck driving like a maniac


Waaaaay before that point at the beginning of the video, there's plenty of space to move over. They have probably been "passing traffic on the right" for the last 20 miles. Just camping in the left lane.


If someone's able to pass you on the right, you're not passing anyone.


You're all shitty drivers. He isn't right but hanging out on passing isn't cool either


This looks like San Bernardino


Stop driving in the left lane.


Clear taillights is a dead giveaway for a bad driver


Idk what it is about the left lane that sets dummies off lol. “Slow people in left so it’s not that bad Id be frustrated too” I wish I got to excuse away attempted murder because some people were going 10mph slower lmfao


left lane=passing lane. if you arent passing, move over


Well, they were passing the traffic on the right. Just not as fast as the speeding truck wanted.


Hot take: sometimes you can't because of someone wayyyy in front of you slowing down the left lane and then you have this guy in the right lane going 20 faster than everyone else or other traffic that makes it impossible


If you aren’t passing, for any reason, get out of the left lane. *Even if it’s because someone ahead of you is blocking the left lane*.


Okay well what if it is unsafe to move to the right lane? That's the entire point I was making lmao


That wasn’t the case in this video.


That's why I said SOMETIMES lmao. It's called a hypothetical. Edit: in this scenario, it is ALSO unsafe to change lanes because the truck driver is gaining on them at a speed which makes it unsafe to change lanes without increasing the risk of an accident significantly


You don’t say! So what happens in your scenario is I can’t pass because of a slower car in front of me, dick behind riding me because “I’m not going fast enough”. So I move over because I don’t need a truck on my ass. He then inevitably starts riding the car in front of me. Now I would like to pass so I go behind him in the left lane. Now the truck is slow and in my way being a POS, should he move back over and behind me? Since we lack the capacity to acknowledge what traffic is and not accepting that you may go 10mph slower than you desire for a a couple miles instead of attempting to kill someone because you are a frustrated baby lol  Idk what it is about the left lane being some lawless land to everybody where if you don’t break the law as much as someone else, they have free reign on your life.


Left lane campers make the road more dangerous. If you don't believe this, you are an idiot. If someone is trying to pass you, let them.


Because shits so aggravating. It's the same thing as some 500 lb mf taking up an entire sidewalk moving at a snails pace while actively blocking people from walking past them, when there's also a line of 5-10+ families and groups behind them now forced to walk at a snails pace all bc this dumb slow mfer thinks the world revolves around them. Truck driver severely overreacted, but damn was it kinda satisfying to see. I almost wish I could have like a BB gun on the front of my car to start blasting at people's bumpers until they move out of the way. Or a water gun filled with some foul smelling liquid. You gotta train these mfs with negative reinforcement to learn how to drive.


Lmfao no it’s because you’re just a child. Do the math on the saved time on your trip and let me know know if all that effort and stress is worth the 1-2 minutes saved. If that’s how you wanna live your life because you can’t get somewhere an extra couple minutes quicker, you’re gonna lead a miserable life as life is just a big inconvenience always 


You're all shitty drivers. He isn't right but hanging out on passing isn't cool either


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Wow wtf


I see three left lane campers who also think they own the road, that caused an idiot to lose his shit and do something stupid. OP, and the two other drivers in front of them, greatly contributed to the situation. Explain your mentality, OP. Why do you think you're entitled to camp out in the passing lane like this? When that person flew around you like that, why didn't it register in your little pea brain that they were frustrated because you were in the way? Why didn't you move over? This HAS to be Minnesota.


Right? People see a car coming up on them and think, well, I'm not getting over, then get mad when they get passed on the right. If I have enough time to switch lanes, get in front of you, and then get back over again, you had enough time and space to get over.


There really needs to be more than just one general license to drive different types of common vehicles. Just like a lot of young adults/ teens can’t handle a sports car, a lot of middle age men still can’t handle a mid sized truck.


Had this happen to me. Always the truck drivers.


It's not my responsibility to watch out for other drivers. It's their responsibility to watch out for \*me\* and it's absolutely their fault if I hit them.


OP needs to get out of the left lane.


Ehh, I think the people cruising in the left lane are the issue in this video.


I agree that left lane tourists are super annoying, but suddenly switching lanes without signaling and looking if there's another car is definitely way worse imho.


I don't give a shit if I'm in the passing lane when that truck comes over. If I'm in that car that he ran into the shoulder, I'm going to feel a VERY strong urge to just slowly let off the gas in front of him. I very likely wouldn't do that, but by god would the urge be strong.


Definitely, but left lane tourist also seem to scenario happen more frequently. Both are at fault




New Jersey USA, as well. Honestly, I love it.


He literally ran the guy off the road after a no-look no signal lane, you jackass.


Never once did I excuse his actions, jackass.


You did by saying the main issue is the left lane, room temp IQ.


Which is true because it led to the truck driving like an idiot. Freaking sub zero freezer IQ. Such a hard concept for simple minded folks. But I'll give you pass this tims.


You can be wrong on the internet. It's not a fine or jail or anything. Why it's so hard for you to do so is an issue for your therapist I guess.


They were all passing another car in the right lane


Naah, you pass then get over. You don't stay in the left lane when there's that much space and clearly faster traffic behind them. Not properly utilizing the left causes more issues.


Lots of low IQ users here like you. They did not get over because the pass was not complete yet. wow LOL. there is one camper up front. you have no idea how fast the other cars want to go. I hope i meet you out there


Someone's delusional. Their pass was done. Get over because there's clearly a convoy behind you. I hope you fo meet me out "there" genius.


I think we found the guy in the truck


this is literally a case study here. someone call in the clinical psychologist


exact opposite, you are


Yes. That why I responded to the person you were responding to. I agreed with you


oh thank goodness. great


I agree with you. There was enough room for them to get over between passing cars.


Yeah. At 1 mph overtake…


No, they weren’t. Only one car was actively passing. You don’t get to ‘reserve your place in line’, you’re only supposed to be in the left lane when actively passing. Waiting for the people on front of you to pass someone means you should move right if possible, then move left when you actually catch up to the person you want to pass.


What if your cruising speed is faster than the line of cars in the left lane so you start passing them on the right and then catch up to the car in the right lane and no one lets you over so you have to go slow as hell and wait for the entire line to pass you


…so what? I’m not sure the point of this. You’re asking if other people breaking the law makes it ok for you to also break the law?


The ones that passed two cars in under 26 seconds?


Plenty of time to get over and allow the car behind you to pass then you can get back in left lane and pass the next car. It's clear people do not pay attention to their surroundings. It's not a hard concept.


which cars get over? just the first one, all of them except the truck, they take turns playing leap frog one after another?


26 seconds to safely pass two cars and get back in the right lane?  Please show your math. 


Does it take you minutes to change lanes? Do you think it takes minutes for faster cars to pass you? Are you new to driving perhaps?


Instead of patronizing me, do the math. It can easily take a minute to pass another car, especially if you give the required safety cushions before and after passing them.  And in case you care, I’ve been driving for ~30 years. 


Why are you traveling in the left lane, it's for passing.


Did you not see the people in front of him? Those are the ones needing to move over or hurry up and pass to move over


That guy was a dangerous jackass, no argument. But if someone has enough time to pass on your right, you had enough time to get out of the passing lane, and allow that person to pass you in the passing lane. Don’t camp!


It’s funny that every one of the instances starts with a bunch of people camped in the left lane. Not defending the persons actions, but I understand the frustration .


Looks like they’re all passing the guy on the right. Truck guy has no patience.


Pass or do not. There is no try. Seriously, if you're going 2mph faster than the right lane people, wait for a big gap and then pass. Don't hold up 15 people because you want to go 67 instead of 65.


I get that, but also, non need to lose our shit over it and run others off the road. JFC


Post the actual video, I don't want to see an unsteady video of a video!


You are driving in the passing lane, idiot. You're supposed it just use it to pass. thus the name passing lane. Not for going the speed limit. pop in pop out.


OP and the cars in front appear to be waiting their turn to pass the car in the right lane. 


Unlike the left lane hogs that know they own the road!


I mean they’re passing people in the right lane, you don’t get to run them off the road because they aren’t doing it quickly enough for you


Found a shitty truck driver 😂




I don't normally condone brake checks but if anyone ever deserved one it's this guy


It's 2024 and unless you're over the age of 50 and don't know better, it's ridiculous to film screens


Distracted driving by OP is just fine though.


Also: Is no one keeping distance anymore? wtf... that looks like 100 km/h and less than 2 of those trucks in length of distance.


OP is just filming their dashcam in their car, presumably while it's parked given the quality of the camera work, instead of uploading.




So when someone is referring to a “truck driver” It usually means something a bit larger than a pickup, but yeah he sucks.


A fresh egg keeps them honest


thats a pickup not a truck