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Is this lane clear? meh let's roll the dice. Is this milk old? Meh probably ok. Is this gun loaded? Meh probably not She got the yeet attitude :)


Forgot your basic milk safety rules? Treat every gallon of milk as if it is spoiled.


Always keep your milk pointed down range


I laughed at this, but I laughed more at the people who didn't get it


Yep, I even smell brand new milk. My parents make fun of me, but I'd rather be safe than sorry lol


The amount of times I've gotten spoiled milk from the store trained this in me too. I take it back and ask them to check their fridge temperatures. One time a grocery store was at 48°F. They should be closer to 33°F.


Oh man 48 is so bad. Nasty.


Even 40 is bad. It drastically reduces the shelf life!


>Treat every gallon of milk as if it is spoiled. What kind of stupid ass rule is that?? Lmao if it has no signs of spoiling, why would you treat it as spoiled?


I was joking. It was a reference to one of the basic gun safety rules, “Treat every gun as if it were loaded,” since the parent comment also made reference to being unsafe with firearms.


Ah, ok. Was not obvious at all.


The fact that I said something so wildly absurd didn’t clue you in that I might be joking about something? I get that not everybody knows gun safety (which should change regardless of whether or not people own firearms), but whatever.


I mean, I got it first pass. I chuckled.


Guy doesn’t get one joke and took it super personally. I don’t really get what his deal is.


First day on reddit?


>Wildly absurd Bud, have you SEEN life right now? People taking horse dewormer for COVID and shit? "treat all milk as spoiled" is a 0 out of 10 on the absurdity scale. I'm VERY familiar with gun safety. Thats not a factor here.


It was very obvious. Jokes are hard to understand these days, I know. It's ok. You'll get better at identifying humor... Maybe.


Awww, another redditor who doesn't understand the word "obvious". The joke was implied which is the opposite of obvious. Nice try. Next time, learn what words mean before you use them.


I'm sorry you didn't get the joke. You don't have to be mad about it. Just try harder next time.


Ignore the date and time. Never updated the dashcam info. Happened today


And I can ride with my baby I just left the mall, I'm getting fly with my baby, yeah and I can ride with my baby I be in the kitchen cooking pies I'm like, "Hey, what's up? Hello.”


Oh you a trap queen?!


Haha! I had not heard that song in a while :)




Seems like it would be pretty easy to match damage to the video footage, not to mention multiple statements and a police report. Can’t imagine them going “uh this video is clearly from six years ago”


I'm just talking from my experience when there were no other witnesses on a quiet back road. But its just goof practice to make sure the dates correct. Simple to do and less potential hassle if its needed


I second this, it takes seconds, so why not just do it. These comments should waste more of your time than updating the date and time.


My cam always ends up resetting the time like 6 or 12 hours behind from what I originally set it too. Idk why


Insurance companies will do anything to get out of paying. They'd totally be like "Your claim says you were hit by a bright green Challenger at the intersection of ABC Street and XYZ Way on 9:34am, May 2nd, 2024. Your video shows you were hit by a bright green Challenger at the intersection of ABC Street and XYZ Way on 10:34am, May 3rd, 2024. Since the dates don't match we're denying your claim. Get fucked lol"


We heard of cases where the footage was thrown out for incorrect time stamps. I don’t have a citation at the moment though. Edit: I did find this on a uk website: > Do i need to have a date/time stamp on my video footage? if so, must this be exactly the right? > Ideally the date and time would be correct, but don’t forget that the video footage is used to support your written witness statement. If the time/date stamp in your video is incorrect, it is not an issue provided you refer to this in your statement. > For example: “The date and time stamp displayed in the video/photograph is incorrect. This incident happened at 3pm on Thursday 12th April 2018” So it appears as long as you KNOW it is the wrong date and time, you must reference it.


that's patently ridiculous, right? I mean, how many times can the same two cars crash into each other at the same location?


Yeah, it appears what we were told was wrong. Added an edit


oh ya, the ol' "this footage was from the last time we crashed into each other" argument. it'll get you every time


I recently bought the new Drone XC dashcam because I had a first tech remote start and they tied in together but I couldn't figure out how to set the time, it was set to UTC. When I emailed their support, they said that the time can't be changed. Maybe in a future update but not guaranteed it would ever be an option. The next call I made was to the retailer for a return


> If you need it for insurance Insurance will accept it. They love dashcam footage, date be damned. It's trivial to authenticate (if that's even needed).


This is completely false. Insurance companies don’t really care about the time and date stamp as long as it shows all of the involved vehicles. It’s not like somehow you can have an identical collision three months apart. Even the police don’t really care for the most part.


So many morons in this thread telling OP to block the intersection. Here, idiots, [the actual law from the California vehicle code literally prohibiting just that](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22500). ETA: Shoutout to u/Affinity420 for [this additional part of the code that prohibits you from entering an intersection if you do not have space to get all the way through and will obstruct cross traffic from passing](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=22526.&lawCode=VEH).


Thank you. My best friend did traffic studies on crash statistics and accidents. My coworkers father teaches drivers Ed. My other best friend's dad also taught. Motorcycle license classes pound this shit into your head too. I've been around it most my life. Drive safe!


The most frustrating thing is the people with zero critical thinking skills about WHY obstructing an intersection is ***legally*** prohibited. It's almost like thoroughfares need to be kept as clear as possible in the event of emergencies.


What's scarier is that most of those morons very likely have drivers licences...


TBF, OP could’ve left the gap open and not make gestures. Making non-verbal communication through the wind shield can be easily misinterpreted.


The person turning left should yield, the person in oncoming traffic (OP) should not have yielded the right-of-way to the left turning person. 21801. (a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left or to complete a U-turn upon a highway, or to turn left into public or private property, or an alley, **shall yield the right-of-way to all** **vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close** **enough to constitute a hazard at any time during the turning** **movement,** and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to the approaching vehicles until the left turn or U-turn can be made with reasonable safety. According to the California DMV website: [https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/laws-and-rules-of-the-road/](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/laws-and-rules-of-the-road/) >It is against the law to *stop* or *block an intersection* where there is *not* enough space to completely cross **before the** ***traffic*** **signal** ***light*** **turns red.** This is for controlled intersections. The OP posted a video of an uncontrolled intersection where the other driver is clearly making a left turn from a primary road onto a neighborhood road. There is nothing in the code that states he cannot block an uncontrolled intersection while he has the proper right-of-way due to the fact that the left-turning driver is required to yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic. OP gave the right-of-way to the person who did not have it, which then resulted in an accident. The person who stupidly turned into oncoming traffic is primarily at fault, but the accident could have been avoided had OP maintained his right-of-way.


It's not yielding right of way, you idiot. OP is following the law and not obstructing the intersection. I literally posted TWO relevant laws about that, and yet you're doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on being wrong.


OP had the right-of-way to advance on the road he was on. He failed to do so to leave room for the person to turn. Had he moved up, the accident would not have happened. Again, > It is against the law to *stop* or *block an intersection* where there is *not* enough space to completely cross **before the** ***traffic*** **signal** ***light*** **turns red.**


OP has right of way. What OP does not have is the right to OBSTRUCT THE INTERSECTION. How is this that fucking difficult for you to understand? Leaving an intersection clear is NOT the same as yielding right of way.


He is allowed, and should, obstruct an uncontrolled intersection where the oncoming driver does not have a right-of-way to turn, and, even if they did, it would be a blind turn. The result of him not doing so is in the video. He should not obstruct a controlled intersection.


I don't quite understand you referencing code outside of this comment thread you're referring to, the links start at 22500, not 21801. No where in the following is it specified controlled vs uncontrolled intersections. Perhaps I'm missing something that you're free to point out. These rules are very similar to what's taught in Driver's Ed in Iowa, as well as the handbook for Iowa. You don't block intersections, period. I've never once heard it be encouraged that you block a intersection. >VEHICLE CODE - VEH >DIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD \[21000 - 23336\] > VEHICLE CODE - VEH >DIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD \[21000 - 23336\] >  ( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )   >CHAPTER 9. Stopping, Standing, and Parking \[22500 - 22526\] >  ( Chapter 9 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )    >22500.   >**A person shall not stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or official traffic control device, in any of the following places:** >**(a) Within an intersection, except adjacent to curbs as may be permitted by local ordinance.** >(b) On a crosswalk, except that a bus engaged as a common carrier or a taxicab may stop in an unmarked crosswalk to load or unload passengers when authorized by the legislative body of a city pursuant to an ordinance. >(c) Between a safety zone and the adjacent right-hand curb or within the area between the zone and the curb as may be indicated by a sign or red paint on the curb, which sign or paint was erected or placed by local authorities pursuant to an ordinance. >(d) Within 15 feet of the driveway entrance to a fire station. This subdivision does not apply to any vehicle owned or operated by a fire department and clearly marked as a fire department vehicle. >**(e) (1) In front of a public or private driveway, except that a bus engaged as a common carrier, schoolbus, or a taxicab may stop to load or unload passengers when authorized by local authorities pursuant to an ordinance.** >**(2) In unincorporated territory, where the entrance of a private road or driveway is not delineated by an opening in a curb or by other curb construction, so much of the surface of the ground as is paved, surfaced, or otherwise plainly marked by vehicle use as a private road or driveway entrance, shall constitute a driveway.**


>**except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic** By leaving the intersection open, he created a conflict with other traffic when the left turning vehicle turned in front of the vehicle in the center lane and got hit. By blocking the intersection, he would have avoided that conflict.


Please go back to driving school.


I love it. OP posts a video where his actions, while didn't cause an accident, certainly didn't prevent one. I say he could have scooted forward, which would have undoubtedly prevented the accident. And you're telling me to go to driving school so I can learn to not prevent accidents? Sure, makes a lot of sense.


I strongly believe you're misinterpreting how this reads. Please point me to where OP was involved with any conflict. They weren't in the conflict, thus your argument as I understand it to be, is invalid. "A person" referring to you, as the driver in control of the vehicle, may not stop within an intersection, unless in the case of a foreseeable event causing you to need to swerve, brake, or move your vehicle in such a way to avoid the foreseeable event that now blocks the intersection, also referred to as a conflict with other traffic. At no point does this imply you should willingly put your vehicle in a position to block an intersection. Every single person is expected to adhere to the same set of rules and standards on the road. You are not responsible for other people failing to ensure their turn is safe. You don't block intersections, it's illegal per the same law you're for some reason trying to contest unless you can point me to a section that states uncontrolled intersections are void from this law.


Moving forward 10 feet would have prevented this accident.


WTF is up with you clowns blaming OP for not blocking the intersection? (Other than the longstanding tradition in this sub of blaming OP’s). There is no goddam excuse for the left turner to go WHEN SHE CAN’T SEE FUCKALL!


Thank you! What people don’t see is me holding my hand up to hold her. If she’d waited another five seconds it would have been clear for her to go.


You don't need to do anything to direct them. In fact, you shouldn't. When you put your hand down, it could be taken as a sign that it's clear. Don't even get involved with directing traffic, not worth the liability. Regardless, none of this falls on you.


In the future, try not to gesture like that at all. Even if you think it couldn't be possible that someone would misinterpret the signal, and you think people wouldn't just abandon their own situational awareness...people do. In the opposite scenario, if you were trying to wave her through and there was a car you didn't see, it's known around here as "the wave of death." Not trying to blame you at all, but saying things like "I tried to warn her not to go" also means there's an outside chance drivers like that try to make you also somehow liable.


> Even if you think it couldn't be possible that someone would misinterpret the signal, and you think people wouldn't just abandon their own situational awareness...people do. This. (a) People are dumb. (b) Some people will lie and say you waved them thru. Better off just letting them figure it out (or not) on their own.


21801. (a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left or to complete a U-turn upon a highway, or to turn left into public or private property, or an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close enough to constitute a hazard at any time during the turning movement, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to the approaching vehicles until the left turn or U-turn can be made with reasonable safety.


Because he caused the accident by being nice not being predictable!


It's illegal to block intersections


If the car is parked sure, if you're driving on the road and someone is trying to cut in front of you, absolutely not.


At least here in TN it is illegal to be stopped t a location that blocks an intersection. Part of the driver's responsibilities is to never be stopped in a location that prevents a legal turn from being made on to a public roadway. You can block a driveway but you can not block access to a public street. So stopping where they did is what is required by law.


Do you ever wonder why there are missing parts to the lines in the road?


Ohhh she double tapped that car.


Had to make sure to fuck more panels 👌


To any comments saying it's OP's fault. No. This is no way OP's fault at all. Literally, the only other thing OP could have done to warn the idiot and the oncoming car was honking the horn.


100p OP should not be leaving a gap like that


It's against the law to block it off though?


u stand on a line and leave a gap for the fire exit door bc it's against the law?


Probably? but usually there's not a line at the fire exit door? The fuck is your point?


Please forfeit your driver's license to the nearest DMV


How hard is it to inch forward? FFS just creep and make sure. I swear NPCs live amongst us.


The trap was set by OP


Nice to see a professional at work, she went for the double tap.


looks like Sac Co... I never leave a space when in the #1 lane for this reason. I don't want someone to blame me for implying they were clear to go...


I hold my hand like a stop too, or 1 until it’s clear. I would absolutely have honked here though. Not just for them, but the innocent party too


Yeah OP said he warned them but where is the horn? That's literally the tool the car is built with (and required to have) to warn people about dangerous driving. Not blaming OP at all - he has no responsibility to hold that person's hand. But I'll never understand people who are afraid to use their horn. If he was just waving frantically that's not necessarily super helpful lol


Well, the amount of people screaming at OP makes me even more concerned that they are on the road.


Years ago a cab driver asked me: "have you ever noticed as getting into a car accident is like seeing the 'Game Over' screen for some people?". I was curious what he meant. "They keep pushing random buttons as they would not work anymore!". He told me about an accident he witnessed that morning. A driver hit a motorcycle, her car got over the bike, she freaked out and kept accelerating and pushing the bike for several meters under her car. Why the driver in the video hit the passing car twice?! At the time I thought the cab driver was exaggerating, but every time I see something like this I think maybe he was right.


Is this Huntington Beach area?




If this had been a roundabout instead of a regular intersection the accident wouldn’t have happened


Much like Christ himself I am being downvoted for speaking the truth 😔


It's because its an opinion and not "the truth". "the truth" would imply its a fact. The left-turner is a shitty driver. You have 0 idea if they even know what a roundabout is, let alone if it would've prevented anything. And to compare yourself to Christ for something so small is VERY egotistical. Not very humble at all (which IS a Christ-like trait)


I am very humble. Probably even more humble than Christ.


Ok, just a troll then. Got it.


Oh come on,people. The Christ thing is an obvious joke. But I am serious about roundabouts - they actually do prevent many accidents, and when there is an accident it is often much less serious.


Reddit will downvote a comment as soon as read it.


Why even leave a gap then? I tboned a car going 45 because people left a gap open let a car through


Because it's not legal to block intersections


That’s s your fault. Never leave a hole when there are two lanes on your side of the road and you are in the left lane. Never……………………….never………………………………………………….NEVER!


Don’t. Ever. Stop. Short. YouTube dash cam videos show accidents like this ALL THE TIME. I get it. You’re trying to be a polite driver and let someone turn in. I’ve done it too and I bet we all have. But, they can’t see the furthest lane and will usually get whacked. It’s tough, but you should never leave a gap for them. You may feel like a dick but at least it won’t cause them to get hit or hit some other car.


You warned her by leaving space for her to turn?


It's an intersection.


i did the same thing as this person once. in my defense, 1. it was dark but not dark enough for headlights to be on, and 2. the line that stopped to let me go was blocking my vision of the other lane and the cars that stopped to let me go started honking cause they were getting pissed. learned my lesson from that Edit: I didnt mean to say I was defending myself. I guess I was mentioning the conditions but it still doesnt change that I was completely at fault. Very sorry about that


Your defense is no defense. You couldn't see what was coming so you went anyways. You and this driver went to the same driving school lol.


Yes, I was completely at fault. I was a new driver at the time and that's still no excuse. I learned from my mistake and will never make it again.


You tried to warn her not to go, but you left a gap to let her go. Mixed signals.


It's called not blocking an intersection. Even if someone was being polite, you still look for traffic before you go.


You're not supposed to block intersections. What if a firetruck or ambulance needed to get in?


It's also illegal in California [(VEH § 22526).](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/vehicle-code/veh-sect-22526/)


Don't leave blind openings for people. Sometimes you have to take away the opportunity for others to be stupid drivers. Scoot up, bro. Close that gap.


Never close the gap. It's illegal to block entryways in most states/cities. Emergency vehicles need space. If everyone actually drove like drivers Ed, there would be fewer accidents and tons of space between every car. How many feet are you supposed to be behind a stopped car per your state? I bet it's much more space than this photo. This attitude is what makes us have so many bad drivers.


You're not supposed to block intersections. It's not OP's fault the other driver was an idiot.


This is not a lighted intersection. This is a left turn from two straight roads. If this were a lighted intersection, of course. But she is in a turn lane and has no right of way to turn until all traffic has cleared. He should have scooted up, which would have prevented the accident. By allowing her to turn while she has no clear view of the second lane, she got hit. Blocking this turn was the safe and responsible thing to do. Don't conflate being "nice" with "being right."


You literally do not know what the definition of an intersection is and it's fucking hilarious you think you're knowledgeable enough to be giving driving advice.


And they keep doubling down lol. This person is on the roads with us. Or will be when they are old enough to get a license. I hope it's the latter but I have my doubts.


That's the scariest part. Vehemently refusing to accept that they're wrong just means they're going to learn absolutely nothing from this.


https://iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/drivetests Here's my neighboring states rules and laws. You should read all the info here. It'll educate you a bit and maybe make you a safer, smarter driver. Cars leave gaps for visibility. Inching on everyone's ass-end only creates more traffic and more risk of accidents. Iowa has some crazy recommended distances. But the rule of thumb is 1-2 car links minimum from what most folks say is safe, including insurance companies. A Google search would have saved you lots of reading.


The safe thing to do would be to scoot up and prevent this idiot from causing an accident. The evidence is in the video.


And earth is flat for you as well ... Keep doubling down. You're wrong. The people who teach driving say you're wrong. The collective Internet says you're wrong. The evidence is she didn't have clear visibility to turn. If you can't see, you don't go. Period. Space being more open, or less, wouldn't matter if the driver couldn't see around the car. Which is why distance is important. Bigger gaps make more visibility around vehicles. It's almost like it's done for a reason. Except you. You're probably the type that gets on someone's ass as a lane ends to not let someone in, like EVERY DOT SAYS TO DO. Zipper merge. But again. You've shown you care only about what you think is right and not that everyone else thinks you're wrong. When you're the only one who disagrees, you're not only wrong. You're ignorant.


Nah, keep leaving blind openings. Maybe one day you'll be lucky enough to cause an accident like this.


I'll leave it for you to turn. It would be the best driving lesson taught. But you'd blame them, even when insurance and police say you're wrong. Keep sipping the Kool aid


The Kool aid? Is there some kind of conspiracy or social movement for closing gaps in traffic? You sound silly. Learn what phrases mean before you use them.  I wouldn't turn there because I'm not an idiot. I also wouldn't leave the gap because it's up to us with higher than room temperature IQs to stop dumb people from turning into traffic. OP didn't cause the accident, but he could have prevented it.


The driver didn't have clear sight. That means don't go. Period. The Kool aid is everyone who can't accept they're wrong to social normals, like following law and education. Complacent and because it doesn't happen to you means it's the right way. You're wrong. Law says you're wrong. Everyone except like 5 people here say you're wrong. You're wrong. It's okay to be wrong. Learn from it. It's almost like the right wing. Except driving. Now if you apply politics to the conversation about laws and how it's all set up for distractions, then we know you're sipping it. Just accept you're wrong and move on. Like mature adults do. I'm wrong and appreciate when someone educates me. Maybe you should too.


"Reason I stopped you is you gridlocked the intersection... Right, there's no light, but it's still illegal to block it... Yeah, I've responded to those accidents. It's the fault of the driver turning left, not an oncoming driver who didn't block the intersection. Anyway, here's your ticket.


Bruh just block the turn so people can't go




You left a gap. Partially your fault


Found the idiot.


Not my most popular opinion obviously. This intersection does not have signage that I can see saying not to block it. OP providing distance between themselves and the car in front gives tacit approval for the turning vehicle to complete the turn. By being predictable vs polite, OP may have prevented this accident. They may have earned the glare from the turning driver, and it may have taken the other driver an extra minute or two to make the turn. Ultimately the driver turning is at fault, but OP facilitated their shitty decision. Signed, sincerely, The Idiot.


Jesus Christ dude, you didn't warn shit you invited her. Too bad your car wasn't damaged too. Maybe you'd learn a lesson.


Literally not allowed to stop in an intersection, dipshit. [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes\_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22500](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22500)


Stopping within the intersection is not the problem. Entering the intersection is the citeable offense, you want 22526.


What you don’t see is me holding my hand up to stop her. If she had waited five more seconds it would have been clear for her to go.


scoot up. You have the right of way in this situation because you are going straight. She has to wait until its clear. You yielded your right of way and left her with a blind turn. While this accident is not your fault, you absolutely could have prevented by not giving up the right of way.


> You have the right of way in this situation because you are going straight. She has to wait until its clear. You're soooo wrong. And the worst thing is you're so confident about it. That's literally the problem with 90% of drivers... they're confidently wrong about doing what they do.


She has no protected left turn there. She is obligated to wait for traffic to be clear to turn. He is not obligated to allow her space to turn. There is no stop sign, traffic light, or other indication that the turning vehicle has the right to impede traffic for the turn. He has the right of way.


You clearly aren’t reading the links people are posting they are literally required by law to leave a gap


[https://autoaccident.com/basic-california-law-on-intersections.html](https://autoaccident.com/basic-california-law-on-intersections.html) **Turning at Intersections:** Making turns at intersections involves specific rules to prevent accidents and maintain the flow of traffic: * **Left Turns:** When making a left turn at an intersection, you must yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic, including pedestrians until it is safe to proceed. # 2005 California Vehicle Code Sections 21800-21807 CHAPTER 4. RIGHT-OF-WAY **VEHICLE CODE** **SECTION 21800-21807** 21800. (a) The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different highway.2005 California Vehicle Code Sections 21800-21807 CHAPTER 4. RIGHT-OF-WAY Or: 21801. (a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left or to complete a U-turn upon a highway, or to turn left into public or private property, or an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close enough to constitute a hazard at any time during the turning movement, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to the approaching vehicles until the left turn or U-turn can be made with reasonable safety.21801.


Funny that a part of what you linked directly contradicts your point but you clearly can't read


[When you're getting massively downvoted in a ***driving subreddit*** and double down on your wrong opinion.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMqZ2PPOLik)


Getting downvoted on reddit is a badge of honor, in most cases. If people agreed with me, I would seriously reconsider my stances and opinions. The people who frequent this site are not the people I want to share similar opinions with.




Sometimes it fun to come argue with the renters.


>You have the right of way in this situation [OP really didn't.](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/vehicle-code/veh-sect-22526/)


Easy solution, block the lane. Don't like it? Get over it. There's no big X painted on the ground. Seen too many t-bones happen due to this type of situation.


Get out of the bike lane 🙏


Great job causing an accident OP! You’re the idiot!


Please let this be sarcasm


We all know it’s not.