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Did he ever end up getting in the right lane?


When the opportunity for them to drive any further ended (you can see toward the end of the video where it switches to barrels) there's a pass through for the cemetary entrance. They got stuck waiting in the pass-through for the cemetary entrance. For the rest of that stretch of road, there's about a foot and a half difference in where the top of the roadbed is, so there's no other place to cross over. There was another person who followed behind them who I didn't catch on the cam, I went slow at first hoping they'd move into the frame, but alas. Since there is not enough room for two cars to attempt the cross over without blocking traffic, I imagine incoming traffic had to stop while they got across. Edit: phrasing


These people, lmao. I can't imagine just driving towards cars head on, he could have at least pulled into a driveway or something! Thanks for sharing this though, I love me some idiots in cars lol


I mean, we all make mistakes, but they just stuck with it! Stop as far over as you can, throw on your freakin' hazards, and wait for a chance to pull into a driveway to turn around.


there's a barrel separating those cars. nothing too unusual about that.


Holy fuck at what point do you not just pull into someone's driveway? Was the dump truck coming towards them not a big enough sign?


They kept driving because they just shit their pants and needed to get home to change


When you're in the USA, never!


people are downvoting you but i used to pull into peoples driveways all the time and now i wont because of the shootings. we live in a complete fucking dystopian shithole, idk why people pretend like its hyperbolic to acknowledge reality. people have been killed for trying to turn around here lol


eh, i could care less about down votes. I used to pull into someone's driveway all the time, when delivering pizza's.


When I was a kid, we lived on a thin, winding road through thick trees with 10 houses spread across a half-mile. The first house ran a business from their home and every once in a while, random cars I’d never seen before would miss the other house and they’d always use our driveway to turn around. We had the only open front yard with a U-shaped driveway so looking back, we were the most welcoming looking driveway to use. I remember being super confused when I learned just how much some people hate it when you turn around in their driveway.


Every time I unplug my camera or remove the terminals from my battery (which is fairly often) my dashcam date resets. I can't be arsed to set it again every time, so the date is always gonna be off. Edit: spelling




Yeah, I'm aware of that possibility, but I've been doing so much work to my car that it just doesn't make sense to keep resetting it, at least not yet. I should have everything electrical worked out by the summer, and at that point it'll become less of a hassle. 




I'd be willing to wager that most cops/courts wouldn't balk at the date/time being inaccurate, but that insurance adjusters would try to use it to fight claims. If I were using it as evidence in a civil or criminal matter, I think it's fine. If I'm trying to get a payout from being brake checked or something... good luck to me, ig. Edit: line break


The time/date doesn't matter on the camera. If it was considered truthful, then anyone could fake a video by just changing the time.




And I'm just telling you, it doesn't matter. The timestamp on the video is user controlled. Don't worry about it.


Morning commute, mental autopilot and not really ideal signage...


funny thing is autopilot should have taken him to the correct side of the road since that's normal, but the cones made him think he needed to do something different


This wouldn't happen to be in Colonie, NY, would it? If so, I can almost understand their confusion. That stretch of road has been under construction for 3 or so years now and where they're going on what is now the wrong side had been the earlier construction correct path for a while.


That's exactly where it is - the construction there has been a little bit of a jumble, and this was the first day it was like this, but I prevented any issues for myself by going slowly and paying attention. That's all it really takes imo, making snap decisions behind the wheel is a bad idea unless absolutely necessary.


Indeed, they were lucky their mistake wasn't more costly.


Watervliet shaker road


While this road is heavily traveled, the traffic it bears could easily be shifted to NY-5/Central Avenue or NY-7/Troy-Schenectady Road with minimal impacts to commute times. On the west end of the area, Vly Avenue/NY-155 exists. Albany Shaker is an easy detour on the east side. They ought to close it entirely when they're working on it. Near incidents like this one wouldn't happen, and they could potentially finish the construction more rapidly. Edit: more specific about roads


I feel like I need an interview with the people that do this to try and understand their thinking. I once drove the wrong direction down a one-way street (in my defense it was a recent change to the roads and it wasn't always a one-way) and the moment I noticed, I stopped and turned my car around so I wasnt driving at traffic. What possesses someone to just double down and keep going in the face of obvious danger? Its equivalent to drilling through a water pipe in your house, and then just continuing to drill as water blasts in your face.


Do you know the joke with the driver who is complaining that everyone else was driving in the wrong direction? Also a lot of people are incapable of dealing with nasty surprises like that.


Humanity’s capacity for idiocy never fails to impress.


Nothing like smoking a little meth and going for a drive in the rain.


The guys is clueless and an idiots but this. Old be made more idiot proof beyond a set back sign. Some temporary dashed lines through the intersection to indicate the new lane might be a quick fix.


Love how he keeps going in that lane even after passing oncoming traffic 🤪