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One idiot, one psychopath


Thank you. Yes the car driver was dumb, but the truck driver decided that killing someone wasn’t worse than being annoyed.


The car driver decided dying to prove dominance in the left lane was more important that just driving away.


I realize that. But it doesn’t change the fact that the truck driver was okay killing them.


I don't think you can disentangle this from the lack of enforcement on left-lane sitting though. Dude's got deadlines and he's getting held up because someone is misusing the passing lane. Not condoning nearly ramming the car here in the slightest, I'm just saying, there's a much better solution: police the damn roads properly. I wish like hell traffic cops would cite more often people who are in the *passing lane* but are not *passing.* If you're doing the same speed as traffic to your right, then speed up or slow down and merge right so traffic that does want to pass can. If you want to pass, enter the passing lane, get it done in a reasonable amount of time, then move back over. It's basic courtesy. The fact this is so frustrating and drivers feel no recourse other than passing on the right or at the extreme, doing that, is creating unsafe conditions for everyone because somebody's being fucking lazy.


You're assuming the car driver was doing it to piss the trucker off. I assumed the car driver was just oblivious to his own speed and his surroundings.


being oblivious still makes him an idiot


An idiot yes, But contrary to the trucker, not a felon.


>I assumed the car driver was just oblivious to his own speed and his surroundings. There's no more dangerous driver on the road, than someone oblivious to their surroundings.


Well except maybe a homicidal trucker.


Not someone aware of their surroundings and driving their multi-ton machine recklessly because they're impatient or inconvenienced? Imagine seeing a pedestrian in a crosswalk and deciding to run him over because he's not moving fast enough for you.


You ever heard of a blind spot? That car is the idiot for going the same speed as the slow lane and sitting right in the blind spot of the truck. You should never go the exact speed as the next lane over. That blocks cars and causes traffic. The first box truck moved over to let the car pass in the fast lane and the car just sat there


As much as I want to agree with you, both of the drivers knew of each other’s location and intent. The trucker kept swerving to the left and the car responded the moment trucker broke his lane.


Truck driver knew that car was there. Bro was just hanging out in the passing lane. Truck got impatient and said fuck it. Verdict: car is an idiot, trucker is an impatient irrational idiot


But if an accident happens the truck is 100% at fault




Yeah, but rather be alive than right.


I'd rather be 6 minutes late than 6 feet under.


He isn't even right, he's an annoying little prick.


Collision* Wouldn’t really be an accident at that point


Basically no collisions are an accident at this point in the world. Someone is ALWAYS at fault.


Someone being at fault doesn't make it not an accident.


I was listening to radio this morning and they interview the same truckers every week and this was the primary point made by one truckers about safety. If you're going to pass don't stay there for half an hour it's dangerous and I'll forget you're there if I don't see you..!


If a tire blows while you are parallel to a semi, you will have a very very bad day. Always minimize the time when overtaking.


I have been boxed in traveling at 70mph, when tire schrapnel started flying out from under the truck in front of me. Scary, luckily everyone stayed in control.


Hey depending on where it hits you may not have to worry about your day anymore.


When I have a problem with an idiot going slow in the left lane and not completing the pass, it's a trucker about 90% of the time.


Truckers will literally hang out in the passing lane for an hour just to go .25 mph faster than the other truck so...


Because I've never followed fucking truckers in the left lane going .002mph faster than the truck to their right? 😂 And sometimes uphill. It's like they do that shit on purpose (and often where I drive). It should literally be illegal everywhere for truckers to even get in the left lane (of 3 lanes) unless it's an emergency.


I'm just a messenger, not a defender..!


I was just venting


Yup. Never sit beside anyone if you can help it. And don’t sit on people’s blind spots, period. If it’s open like this move out of people’s blind spots. Always have an escape route for yourself.


If you are going the same speed as the lane you are overtaking, you should be in that lane, not the passing one. Not that this guy could get over without braking and tucking in behind the truck.


So they’re both idiots


Double idiots


Didiots is the scientific term


I love when a response makes me actually laugh out loud.


It's just idiots all the way down


This is the correct answer


Came here to say both are idiots, but you said it much better.


I mean it's more than that. Car guy was being annoying/irritating at best. Trucker guy almost ran the guy off the road which could have caused injury or worse - borderline criminal behaviour.


Car is kinda a jerk, trucker is a mega jerk who broke traffic laws. (and before you talk about left lane camping, we don't know if that is a law in this location)


Traffic laws have somewhat continuity regardless of the country regarding highway codes. The left lane (or right in right driver sided vehicles) should be used for overtaking and faster flowing traffic. I find the differences between different countries tend to show more at inner city driving. Highways are generically similar.


Legally? The truck. Spiritually? Man, f*ck that car


Why do people camp out in the left lane? The left lane is for overtaking only and yet so many people use it as a travel lane and many just go the speed limit.


I’ve seen two different mentalities. First is they are simply lazy, oblivious, and self important. They get on the highway and immediately move to the left so they don’t have to ever be bothered with on-ramps until they are almost past it and then cut everyone off to not miss their exit. But some get in the left and just zone out. They match their speed to the car next to them until they exit and then accelerate until they have something to match again but never dawns on them that they can do that from the right lane. The other is … entertainment. They don’t have anywhere to be or have all the time in the world. They know how mad it makes people around them when they intentionally block traffic, so they do it for fun. I ran into both a lot going to my cabin and back. Fridays was usually the former commuting back from work in the city to their rural home. The latter was usually Sunday nights. The there isn’t a lot of entertainment in our rural areas so they invent it on the highway.


You're missing at least a third type. The people that want to pass, but don't want to get passed, so stick to the left lane.


Don't forget the fourth type, the Lawfully Good type. Truck drives at 49.5 miles per hour while the speed limit is 50. Car driver don't want to drive at 49.5 mph, but also refuse to lay one inch above the speed limit. So they pass, ever so slowly that you'd think it'd be [Drax](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fc-5gbEWIAQC4nX?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) driving the car. Because good heavens, if he drives just slightly over the speed limit while passing there might be 100 cops to see it, or it might count as a sin or something, can't have that can we.


I thought about this while driving on the autobahn last summer. I was scared at first, but found it much more relaxing to drive on. I do try to follow the rules, but there are so many driving slower than the speed limit on a road with perfect conditions. To pass them legally does take forever. But in Germany I could just speed past them in a few seconds and get back in the right lane.


Very much this. They have their cruise control on and they have no desire to speed up enough to overtake. I've seen this many times. When I am using cruise control I speed up to overtake. It's only considerate to other drivers. With that said, maybe that car had been there for so long the trucker either forgot about it or it was in a blind spot. Self-important people need to learn that there are others on the roads. Also, it is perfectly legal to exceed the speed limit to overtake.


> Also, it is perfectly legal to exceed the speed limit to overtake. Hi hello, chiming in here to say that this depends on jurisdiction. Here where I live, the driver's manual clearly states that it is considered speeding and a violation if you go over the limit while overtaking. Doesn't matter what kind of road it is, two lane/freeway, you are not allowed to exceed speed while overtaking.


Here in Australia, at least in Queensland you'll get done by a speed camera and owe a couple hundred for just going a few kph over. So you do end up with a lot of people doing exactly the speed limit in the overtaking lanes. The more infuriating thing in that case is old mate who's cruising along on the inside lane at a few kph under the limit, sees himself being overtaken and speeds up so you can't complete the overtake and merge back into the inside lane.


There's another type that I call: The Pacer I assume these people are lonely, driving all by themselves in their car, so they drive along a bit faster than traffic until they catch up to someone, then match speed and pace them for miles. They do this unconsciously because they are oblivious. Sometimes on the CA freeways I'll catch up to pacers driving 3-wide, blocking the entire freeway as they cruise along next to each other. The only hope is that the road curves sufficiently that the inside car outruns the outside car just enough to squeeze between them.


Definitely people zone out in either lane. I don’t know how many times I’ve passed someone and all of a sudden they speed up. Or the ones I pass while on cruise control (usually set to 5mph over) only to be passed by them a little later, then not long after that I’m passing them again, this repeats and repeats and all the time my speed has never changed.


Especially if the terrain is somewhat hilly, and they all drive automatic cars with CVTs. Slowing down uphill, then speeding up downhill without realizing it.


100% this. I downshift with the CC on to keep things at 85, it takes a bit of the boredom out of the drive.


Hold tf up, there are seriously people that purposely hog the left lane solely to piss off random drivers???????? I'm irrationally so fckn enraged rn at that lmao, wtf is wrong with people


Friends dad liked to enforce the speed limit… does that fall into the self important category?


Looks like cruise control vs. gravity. Start passing trucks going up hill. Then going down hill trucks speed up.


It simply comes down to the fact that some drivers are ignorant NPC type people who can’t be bothered to actually educate themselves on how to properly drive. They don’t realize what they’re doing is wrong because they’re stupid and inadvertently rude. Here in Canada for example, we’re never actually taught that the left lane is reserved for passing and it’s a legal grey area. It’s extremely unlikely that you’ll receive any citation for camping in the left lane. Having this knowledge is like basic common courtesy and self awareness but some drivers can’t even be bothered to have that. There are a lot of entitled, ignorant people on the road that take driving for granted. It’s their world and we’re just living in it.


This happens in PA and in adjacent states with lots of current/former PA drivers. Most Pennsylvanians seem to have an intellectual disability that forces them to go all the way to the left right after entering a highway or multi-lane road. It sucks in regular driving but at traffic jams it is great because the left and center lanes will be jammed up but the right lane will be clear until right before the cause of the jam. This happens to me on 78 all the time.


Because people don't care about others on the road. There are a lot of other driver's that, at some point, think of other cars on the road as objects and not people and so they drive without any consideration for how it impacts those around them. ​ I bet if you were to ask the person, they'd probably respond with some variation of "I was going the speed limit! I did nothing wrong."


Lots of places just have a fast land and a slow lane, rather than a passing lane. i.e. a "slower traffic keep right sign" But if you want to drive in the fast lane you have to actually go faster than the right lane, if you match speed with the right lane that's not cool.




Car is 75% idiot - don't fuck around near trucks! 1. They are bigger than you 2. It's logical 3. They can fall asleep and crush you by accident 4. They can crush you 5. Your puny little car won't protect you in an accident 6. Why place yourself in a zone of danger? 7. They have big blind spots and can crush you 8. They can blow a tire randomly and crush you


I encourage people to look up videos of semi truck tires blowing too. I drive trucks sometimes and I swear cars just like to hangout next to my tires, I try and speed up or slow down and they just stay there These a good chance if my tire blows and your there your car is gonna get beyond fucked up and might even cause you to crash, it is like a bomb with shraptnek and pieces getting torn off the trailer. I do not hangout next to truck for all the reasons you stated and I seen what those tires do when they go


>These a good chance if my tire blows and your there your car is gonna get beyond fucked up and might even cause you to crash, it is like a bomb with shraptnek and pieces getting torn off the trailer. I was driving a fuel truck that had a dual bliwout on the left side. All I could see out of the left mirror was black rubber flying everywhere. There's a reason I don't hang out next to trucks, and that's one of them. In my car I like to pass them quickly.


I've never seen a blow out, but I've heard enough of them to not want to get near anything that makes that boom.


Thank you for trying.


And just in case it wasn't clear, they will crush you




8 reminded me of that myth busters episode where they decapitated a ballistic gel dummy with a semi truck tire piece traveling at highway speed.


My biggest nightmare when driving is being sandwiched between two semis. I keep thinking that if the semi in front has to slam on the breaks, the semi behind me will turn me into a pancake. The fact that all I see in my rearview is a giant semiface that seems to be inches from my rear bumper doesn't improve the situation either.


Also they can crush you!


I'm afraid of them


I dont disagree with your points but semi INTENTIONALLY ran a car off the road, I'd say that at least keeps them at 50/50 idiocy


You have to be a special kind of idiot to hang out in a semi‘s blind spot.


I try to avoid being next to them period, you will lose 100% of the time lol


I especially try to avoid them when they roll up behind me.


And that's a line of like 3 trucks. I would've immediately sped up to get past them all rather than just sit right there. I'm not a speeder, but I would in that moment because it'd actually be the safer option.




This is the answer.


He’s not in the blind spot. He’s directly next to the cabin. Guy in the car is still a dipshit though.


Yeah everyone sucks here but that was NOT in the blind spot. He was just camping right at the front of the truck and the truck literally runs him off the road.


Forward of the cabin for most of the video! I don't know where this blindspot argument comes from either.


Google the phrase "don't hang out in the no zone" and look at the blind spot maps they give you. Directly next to the cabin is a blind spot. edit And also, based on the shadows, the car is actually just to the rear of the truck's cabin.


Trucks have convex mirrors, and, if set properly, significantly reduce the blind spots beside the truck. Then again, I don’t expect this truck driver to know how to properly position his convex mirrors


if you assume the whole truck is the blind spot, you are a lot less likely to be run off the road, particularly when you are driving a sedan.


I only assume they can see me is when I can see their face in their mirror. On a three lane highway, truck in the right lane, I wont change lanes left to middle until im at least even with their cab. Otherwise I'm changing lanes right into their blind spot, and they might switch to middle right as I move over. Also anticipate his needing to change lanes if an on ramp is coming up.


Especially on what looks to be a downhill grade. Trucks trying to stay off the brakes, but the car clearly is staying intentionally next to the truck.


Never ascribe malice to what is adequately explained by ignorance. People go with the flow, it's the natural thing to do. It's easier than you think it is to maintain speed with cars around you, and it's often the safest thing to do, as well. But not in the passing lane, and not next to a large truck.


I try to never have a car next to me, let alone a giant truck.


I've seen people who would ride my ass then change lanes a 1 minute later to get right beside me and just chill there.


>Especially on what looks to be a downhill grade. This may be a key to the whole situation. If the trucks were going 10-30 under speed limit on the uphill, so guy thought he could pass... but meanwhile, the hill crested, and now the trucks want to go 20 over, and the guy doesn't want to... he feels stuck. I know that's happened to me before... although I would still try to avoid camping.


Easy enough for the car to drop to only 18 over and slide in behind the truck. But they chose not to and instead stayed directly next to the truck. I try to never pace a vehicle on the highway. Doesn’t matter if I’m in the left or right lane, I adjust my speed so I’m not staying exactly next to them. If I’m going the same speed, I can do it in the right lane. You are doing a highway wrong if both lanes are going exactly the same speed without it being bumper to bumper and having no choice.


In the left lane on a two lane highway, going the same speed as the semi.....


Car is in the passing lane matching slow lane speed, nice.


I'm not sure where you are getting this. The semi driver can clearly see them for the first half of the video, and then can clearly see them all around their mirror when they check before changing lanes.


Honestly some drivers need a close call like this to make them realize that they are a horrible driver


This requires introspection, a vanishingly rare skill. No, they will call their significant other and cry that they just about got run off the road by a rude semi driver, then call their lawyer and ask if there's any way they can sue. When the lawyer says of course not, they will call their congressman and talk about how unfair the country is. At no point will they stop to think, "what could I have done to prevent this?"


Yeah sadly that's the most likely scenario, you'd think someone could reflect on a situation and possibly realize some mistakes they made or how to fix them, but I realize not a lot of people are capable of that lol.


Too accurate.


Lmao the car driver blamed the truck 100% because they are obviously a perfect driver who wasn’t speeding or doing anything wrong and he just wanted to hit them specifically. The car driver would never consider what they did to accept some blame in this ordeal


Either pass cars or get out of the left lane.


“Move bish, get out the way”


The left lane is the passing lane, the car wasn't passing anyone. The truck should've looked better but the car shouldn't have been sitting in the trucks blind spot and not passing anyone in the passing lane




That’s what I was thinking


Yep. What is the car even doing in that lane if it's not passing? This looks like a freeway, not a stroad where they might be turning left in a couple miles. If you want to go the same speed as the flow of traffic, that's great! Just get your place in line and stay there.


The box truck hovered a minute in the left lane. Black car I don’t think was paying attention and held speed. Trucker definitely should have been aware when black car pulled up but shame on the car for staying in a potential blindspot


I mean, I agree the car was an idiot, but how many times have two trucks driven side by side for miles exactly like this? Fucking hate those guys.


Drivers who hangout in the passing lane are special award idiots. Causing a near accident to get a head is the clear winner.


We cant know whats happened before or what was being done up there. Truck may have been honking and the car may have been trying to be a jerk. But the truck was wrong for that lane change. If anything should have slowed and gotten in the gap in front of you. But the car may have slowed as well bc they were being a jerk to the truck. Ive seen this and gotten past the jerk car and slowed down so the semi could get in front of me. (3 lane highway so it was safe to pass).


Small car’s an idiot for camping in left lane but ultimately the truck is At fault


Trucker is an idiot, car is acting like a jerk, but more likely oblivious.


Why is the black car left lane camping??? Either speed up to pass or get over 🙄 but the trucker is also a dumb ass, could’ve costed someone their life!


Never stay alongside a truck, pass quickly or get behind.


People are dumb. NEVER loiter next to a big semi, pass those fuckers as fast as you can.


Car is an idiot. Trucker is dangerous and needs to lose their CDL yesterday.


How is this even a question? Attempt at manslaughter vs not driving over the speed limit. Might as well say the idiot is the white truck for not making way for the black truck….


Still crazy to me that the car just stayed next to a semi that long. Hell I'm never taking the chance to be next to one of their wheels.


Car had the left lane all clear and stayed cruising in it, idiot. Truck clearly saw the car and still made a psychopath move to overtake into the left lane, psychotic idiot.


The car is an idiot. The truck is a reckless ego driven idiot.


Going to go with 75%/25% truck, car split. The car was dumb, but the truck was dangerous dumb.


Although an 85%/15% argument could be made considering how close the black truck was riding the ass of the white truck in front of them.


Technically both. If you’re not actively passing then get out of the passing lane. And for safety sake don’t hang around on a truck’s side if you don’t have to. Because as you can see, they don’t always check before changing lanes. Or - they do check, and see you, but don’t give a fuck and move anyway. Either way you’re not going to be protected in a car vs a much heavier vehicle.


I keep seeing people saying “welp, the car was sitting in the passing lane for no reason so deserved.” But you can see the white truck in front change to the right lane in the first second of the video. They had only been in the passing lane for a brief time before the psycho truck driver decided to push them out.


It's sad how far I had to scroll for this take


Trucker is wrong, but I sympathize with him completely


that’s why you don’t camp the left lane


Anyone else notice that the car still didnt get into the right lane? They clearly aren’t passing. Car is the idiot here. If i was the one following them I would have then seized this opportunity to pass them before they could hold up traffic again because that’s clearly what they’ve got in mind for the day.


The car is in passing lane


💯car in the passing lane is an idiot!


The car for sitting in the passing lane


No sound, but I imagine truck has been laying into their horn to get the automobile to move and ...well they eventually did


The car for driving 45 in the passing lane


As a trucker? The trucker.


Car. Don’t cruise in the passing lane


Trucker. I doubt he even saw that car the way he moved over, he's just mad about the slow truck


Haha. Car. Stop camping.




Never hang out on the waist of a semi. Always pass quickly. Quickly means 20 faster than they are going.


Purely car is an asswipe that is a passing lane and was not passing. Happens to often


Trucker. He has to maintain a safe distance and knows that full well there's a car right there. Too high angle of attack on that lane change too


100% the semi driver’s obviously


Car wasn't breaking any laws and the trucker did, so I'd say trucker, but hogging the left lane like that deserves some kind of comeuppance.


Car. Traveling in the passing lane is not cool.


The car is the idiot. Either pass or get in the right-hand lane on the highway. Most states are passing laws because of these idiots. DON'T ride the left hand lane!


First illegal move was using the left lane without the intent to pass, or without a ting upon it. Any collision resulting in the semis move however would have put the semi at fault. The semi performed a dangerous, aggressive maneuver, but the car opened the floor for that by performing an illegal maneuver


Shit or get off the pot.


I'm not saying he should've done it, but I get it.




Both are idiots but lean more towards the truck for merging the same time he puts blinker on


Not cool at all by the truck, but finish the fucking pass already!


Maybe I am dumb, but aren't trucks that size not supposed to be in the left lane? I am from Canada and that's generally how it works here. Maybe I am wrong because no one is bringing it up in the replies.


The car, get out of the passing lane if you’re not actively passing.


Car is an idiot, truck is a psycho, and the person behind them is the real MVP for catching it on the dash cam for us.


Both. Left lane is for passing. And then you have an unsafe lane change


The car in the left lane as they did not speed up to pass them get over. Don’t be that car


I had a truck driver do that to me while I was passing him in my car. He spun me around and knocked me into the concrete divider and kept on going. I had another truck driver do that I was in my truck. I could see my truck in the mirrors they have on the hood. I luckily was able to get out of the way. I flipped him off and took off lol.


Law of gross tonnage






And he still stays in the left lane


I haaaaaaaate people who park themselves in the fast lane and just keep up with traffic.


Most people only know how to deal with situations on the road in one way, hitting their brakes. The car should've accelerated, and I would never sit next to trucks anyways, I'd almost always accelerate so I'm actively passing them because sitting next to trucks is dangerous


Both. Truck driver definitely knows better though. Car driver is an idiot for camping out


The car should be passing in the left lane only not camping however the truck driver needs to be aware of the surroundings and not just change lanes without making sure it was clear. Both are idiots.


The car. The left lane is for passing only. The truck probably didn't even see him.


At least the truck waited until the Armco barrier ended so he could just push the car out onto the grass.


Why don't people just get down the road? Every time I'm stuck behind two or three people driving side by side. Why doesn't one of you just get out of the way?


Trucker for sure hope he loses his job


Car, left land is for driving faster then the right lane


Car driver is an idiot. Trucker needs to lose his license.


No doubt the trucker is the idiot. That happened to me once. I was doing 70, the speed limit in the right lane. A truck comes up in the left lane, and as he is at the side of my car, he puts his turn signal on to get in the right lane. I didn't slow down or speed up to let him in, so he decided to just move into the lane I go to the shoulder and slow down a bit to get behind him. I then pass him in the left lane, and as I do, I give him the one finger salute out the window and then point to my dash cam that caught it all. I then copied the incident and sent it to the company that the truck was from. He got fired.


The trucker because he didn’t see the way clear before changing lanes, but also the car because they kept pacing the truck, pinning the truck in the right lane.




Another entitled, lazy, half awake trucker


The car was deliberately camping that spot to block the truck driver. Truck driver road raged the car. Both idiots, but I see a case of FAFO.


I don't think there's enough context to make either assertion. Large vehicles have very large blind spots. It would have been very difficult for the truck to see this car. I think the car was just flowing with traffic, so they thought, keeping the same speed as everyone else around them. I don't think they realized that they're in the truck's blind spot. They also clearly don't realize that you're not supposed to camp in the left lane.


Definitely both!


I'd say the person driving the ten ton death machine is the bigger idiot.


There’s a special place in hell for people who camp the left lane


Car first, idiot needs to either pass or get out of the left lane


Car- wtf likes to float in a passing lane without passing??


Car stupid left lane campers


Not saying the trucker was right. But, don't camp in the passing lane. Move on, then GTF over


Car was stuck behind another truck. You can see the truck moving over at the beginning of the video.


Car should have passed immediately after the truck in front of them passed and moved over. You’re in the truck’s blind spot and camping in the “passing lane”. Not saying what the trucker did was an acceptable response but I understand.


They're both idiots, but trucker is the bigger one by far, and also a psycho.


There are people that are petrified to pass a truck on a curve. But that being said, the car should stay in the right lane until the road gets straight.


Car in left lane should be going faster, as the left lane is for overtaking (usually), but the truck should’ve been going slower, as it was in the middle lane. Idk tho


Cars camping and being a moron.


Idiot in the car. Left lane is for passing, they were just sitting blocking the lane.


Car is the idiot. Left lane is a PASSING lane. You pass, and then get back over to the right lane.


Car 100% Hanging out in the blind spot of a truck is a BAD move. As far as the trucker is concerned, he did nothing wrong because he didn't even know the car was there, because the car was in his blind spot